When the "tumor" is not a neoplasm

Another example of a "knoll" in the abdomen, which resembles a cancer, is the urinary bladder filled with urine. Remember that the bubble stores it? When a certain amount of urine accumulates, you get a signal that the bubble should be emptied. Emptying is carried out through the urethra, which in men passes next to the prostate. If this gland increases, which often occurs in older men, it blocks the urethra, so that the urine returns back and accumulates in the bladder. Over time, the bladder stretches and at the same time its walls thicken to be able to hold this abnormally large amount of urine.

Here, for example, is a case from life, which brought a lot of excitement. At one patient, have found the big, firm, painless "tumor" in the middle of a bottom of a stomach. The first assumption was cancer and he was hospitalized for examination. But to the greatest happiness were found nothing but a thickened, large bladder, as a result of prolonged enlargement of the prostate gland. The prostate was removed, the obstruction to the outflow of urine was eliminated, the "cancer" disappeared!

A similar alternation of plugging, accumulation and swelling is observed in veins and arteries . When a large clot forms in the varicose vein, wherever it occurs, the blood flow in the vessel is hampered, and the accumulating blood gives a swelling. If it's a testicle vein, then it will look like a varicocele; In the rectum it will give hemorrhoids; On the legs, varicose veins will make the foot swell.

Most tumors and swells are benign, some are cancer, others are caused by infection, inflammation, or difficulty in the flow of blood or other body fluids. We will analyze in more detail some tumors and swelling, but for now remember this rule: if the swelling appears suddenly and hurts , it rather reflects a trauma or an infection. If it develops gradually and without pain , it can be cancer . And remember, the "rule of seven" - any tumor that lasts up to 7 days, is, rather, an inflammation; Up to 7 months - with cancer; Up to 7 years - something with which you were born. What of the congenital? A cyst anywhere in the body. How do you recognize a cyst? It is consistently increasing and decreasing as its contents are cyclically ejected and re-accumulated.

Symptom: swelling or swelling

(Whatever you think about the tumor, always check it.)

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Exostoses (rigid bony outgrowths on the skull). They are harmless.
Lipomas (fat accumulations under the skin). For cosmetic reasons, can be removed.
Fibroma (smooth outgrowths under the skin). Benign.
Cancer under the skin. Appropriate treatment.
Incorrect coloration of the nodes under the skin after taking blood or trauma. Harmless, will pass.
Increased internal organ as a result of bleeding. Diagnosis and treatment.
Abscess. Antibiotics and drainage.
Enlarged lymph glands (infection or cancer). If infection, antibiotics. If malignant growth, appropriate treatment.
Migrating organs. Leave them alone.
Blockage of the duct leading from the secreting organ, such as salivary glands or gallbladder. You may need surgery.
Blockage of the urethra, causing urine accumulation. Treatment of an enlarged prostate, causes plugging.
Occlusion of veins or arteries, causing a delay in blood. Drugs or surgery.