Tumor under the armpit

You will almost certainly find a tumor under your arm if you are a woman and have a laudable habit of examining your mammary glands. A good breast self-examination should always include the armpit, because the cancer can increase lymph nodes there , even when the breast itself seems perfectly healthy. Remember that lymph glands are filters that capture malignant cells or infectious organisms. When they do this, they increase in size and are easily probed. This is why when a cancer is removed from any part of the body, the surgeon always checks the "involvement" of the glands in this area. They are usually the first port of destination for traveling cancer cells.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you find a swelling under your arm, do not panic, perhaps it is the result of an infection somewhere in your hand, the drainage of which is carried by the glands of the armpit. In this case, the tumor appears suddenly, it is painful or sensitive, unlike the large, hard and painless glands afflicted with cancer.

If you find an enlarged gland in one armpit, always check the second, and also lymphatic glands in the groin and on the neck. Viral infections, such as measles, chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis and many others, often cause a glandular enlargement of the body. Unfortunately, the same is done by some malignant tumors, like Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis) and other serious lymphomas.

A general allergic reaction to sulfamides, iodine, penicillin and many other drugs will also give swelling of the glands.

Sometimes what seems like a tumor under the arm is not the lymph gland at all. It can be absolutely normal tissue of the breast , which is "lost" and was under the arm. Such a nodule can also be a benign cyst or a harmless adipose ( lipoma ).

You should not try to diagnose a tumor or tumors under your arm, unless the cause is obvious, for example, you cut yourself, shaving your hair, or have a clear infection. Evaluation of the value of any swollen gland is fraught with dangerous traps. Even your doctor may have difficulty with individual glands after a thorough external examination and appropriate blood tests. Very often the only way to understand is to make a biopsy. She will confirm the diagnosis.

Symptom: tumor (tumor) under the mouse

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Infected iron (painful). Treatment of the corresponding infection.
Malignant disease (especially of the breast) is dense, painless. Antitumor treatment.
Common viral infection. Will pass itself without treatment.
Allergic reaction. Will pass if the provoking agent is eliminated.
Developed not in its place normal breast tissue. No treatment is needed.
Cyst. Treatment is not required, unless it disturbs you or becomes infected.
Lipoma. It is harmless, has it increased too much, and this causes discomfort.
The reason is not clear? Make a biopsy.