Tumor in the rectum

When a man feels that his rectum is almost full, this is almost always a consequence of inflammation of the prostate gland . You are a man or a woman, but if you feel that you have not completely defecated and even if you are straining, you can almost certainly say that you have internal hemorrhoids . You can even feel them by inserting a finger into the anus. They are not necessarily painful. Hemorrhoidal nodes begin to ache only when blood clots form inside them.

There are other "things" that you can find in the rectum area (usually when you are rubbing):

  • Pieces of tissue from old "burned" hemorrhoidal nodes (painless);
  • An abscess (the infection, rather, will give you pain);
  • Venereal or genital warts , as a result of a contact viral infection that is painless and usually disappear without treatment.

In addition to all of the above, the sensation of a lump in the rectum may also mean an increase in this area of ​​a benign or malignant tumor . But never try to look for cancer yourself. This diagnosis should be made by your doctor at the examination after you tell him that your defecation has changed: bowel movements become ribbon-like, diarrhea alternates with constipation or blood sticks in the stool.

Symptom: swelling in the rectum

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Hemorrhoids. Ointments, candles, bandages, sessile tubs, injections, laser therapy, surgery.
Pieces of fabric. Harmless.
Abscess. Surgical drainage, antibiotics.
Venereal warts. Local treatment or laser therapy, if they do not disappear.
Tumor of the rectum. Operation.