Eye bulging

Slightly projecting eyes are usually just a personal or family feature of the face. But sometimes you notice that your friend looks "different" because his eyes become more bulging. The most common cause of bulging eyes (both, not one) is the increased function of the thyroid gland . People with eyes often do not blink and have a steadfast gaze; You can see their proteins above and below the cornea and at the sides. Eyes can be so strongly bulging that the eyelids are no longer able to cover them.

If only one eye bulges out, it is not an increase in the function of the thyroid gland or only an initial stage. You should then think about the presence of some kind of education in the eye socket, behind the eyeball that pushes it out. A common cause is a swelling or bleeding in the orbit due to a vascular disorder.

Symptom: bulging eyes

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Increased thyroid function (if both eyes). Medicines, radioactive iodine, operation.
Disturbances in the orbit (swelling, hemorrhage). Diagnosis and treatment of the cause.