Marital status and its role

Neither the doctors nor the patients, evaluating some of the symptoms, pay enough attention to the marital status. Unsuccessful marriage, divorce, loneliness or widowhood - all have a serious impact on health. If you have recently become a widower or just divorced, be very careful during the next 12 months of your life, because at this time you are especially vulnerable. For example, elderly people who suffered a similar tragedy die six times more often from pneumonia than those whose family life is not violated.

Within a year after the divorce, the likelihood of any serious illness increases by about 30%. Divorced are particularly prone to headaches, genitourinary disorders and skin diseases. Divorced are more likely to have syphilis, probably because of greater commitment to risky sexual intercourse. Divorced people are also six times more likely to visit a psychiatrist.

Mortality among 55 - 65-year-old widowers is 60% more than among married men of the same age. They are more likely to suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, hypertension, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis. But if they remarry within a year, they not only avoid all these consequences, but also live longer, feel better than men whose family life has not been violated.

Single men have weaker health compared to those whose marriage was happy, but they have more promising prospects than unsuccessfully married or widowed.

Some doctors explain this statistics by interaction in critical situations between the brain (the source of all emotions), the nervous system (transmits information from the brain to the rest of the organs and regulates the release of hormones) and the immune system that determines the level of resistance of the body. When we are under stress, angry, depressed or embarrassed - by divorce, separation or loss, the number of immune cells that protect against cancer and infection decreases over the next 14 months. A study was conducted comparing 38 happy married men to the same number of men whose marriage collapsed in the preceding 12 months. As a result, a 30% decrease in the number of immune cells in divorced and single men was found. The more attachment to the family and longing for her loss, the more pronounced this decline.

From all this, important conclusions follow. The first marriage can be the greatest luck in your life - but, of course, provided that he is happy. In all respects lonely is better than living in a bad union; So do not get married quickly and frivolously. And the last: if you are lonely and you have any unclear symptom, do not assume in advance that it is of a psychological nature. Symptoms, in fact, can have a very real physical cause that requires treatment.