Male impotence - female "coldness"

Nothing causes more concern than a symptom or symptom of a sexual problem, be it an inability to perform a sexual act, to enjoy it or to conceive a child. Since the human reproductive system and the pleasure of sexual intercourse depend on a complex of physical and psychological factors, it is not always easy to solve such problems. But the knowledge of how the system should work, and the recognition of symptoms that signal sexual disorders (many of which are successfully treated) will largely dispel unnecessary fears.

Male impotence

One of the most troubling problems, openly discussed now by patients with their doctors, is impotence, inability to implement and maintain an erection that allows penetration and pleasure. Impotence, however, should not be confused with male infertility. A man incapable of erection can be perfectly normal in everything else and is fully capable of becoming a father.

In addition to cases of trauma or sudden illness, impotence usually develops gradually. After a long and beautiful sex life, you begin to notice that your strength is decreasing. At first you do not panic. In the end, there are no perfect people. Periodic disruptions should be, is not it? Therefore, you dump a periodic lack of success for fatigue, too strong a drink, depression or trouble at work. You are absolutely sure that everything will be fine "next time". But when he comes, you again do not work. At some point you begin to worry, and as the situation worsens, you eventually understand that something is wrong. In this article, we'll look at what this might be in your particular case.

To understand the cause of your impotence, you must first of all evaluate all those complex signals from different parts of the body and to them that make erection possible. The main player is the brain, because there is a sexual desire, the real one - from the partner or the imaginary one - from reading, pornography or the influx of your own thoughts. To have an erection that you could use (as opposed to the morning one, which often occurs when the bladder is full), you need a sexual stimulus so that the brain interprets it as such. Once you have realized anything as erotic, a chain of events is included. It is less likely that a person in severe depression or in grief will respond to such an incentive, unlike a newly drunk young man. However, the ability of the brain to interpret the stimulus as erotic is not a state of mind, but something else. Some hormonal factors also matter. For example, a 25-year-old woman will not react like a man of the same age, when she sees an attractive beauty lifting her skirt to fix stockings, or lying on the beach in an overly economical bikini. To a man sexually aroused, he needs a sufficient amount of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Remove the testicles, the source of this hormone (as often done with far-advanced prostate cancer), or give him large doses of a female hormone , and nothing will excite him.

Hormonal imbalance is the reason why most alcoholics- men eventually become impotent. Male organism forms both male and female hormones; In the same way and female. The difference between the sexes is that in men a very significant amount of testosterone is formed and a tiny amount of estrogen, female hormones, while in women the opposite is true. The liver maintains this normal balance. In men who drank too much and too long, the liver is damaged by the toxic effects of alcohol, and many of its functions are violated. As alcohol abuse continues, and the liver increasingly collapses, it is no longer able to control the level of estrogen in the blood. Female hormones accumulate and eventually neutralize the action of testosterone. These men lose their male characteristics; They do not need to shave twice a day, but only once every two or three days; Their testicles are wrinkled, and the mammary glands are enlarged; Their sexual desire decreases, the same happens with their ability to erect.

But alcoholism and liver damage are not the only reason for the drop in testosterone levels. The pituitary brain in the brain produces a hormone that stimulates the formation of testosterone in the testicles. When the pituitary gland is poorly developed, as in some adolescents, or is affected, perhaps, by a tumor, it does not release enough of this hormone, and the man becomes impotent in sexual relations.

On the other hand, the pituitary gland can be in perfect order, but the disease is in the testicles themselves, and no stimulation of the pituitary gland will cause them to form a male hormone in amounts necessary for an erection.

But suppose that the brain is physically in order, all the hormones are properly allocated and you get sexual stimulation. Does this guarantee an erection? Not necessarily, because signals from the brain must be able to reach the penis, and this requires undamaged neural pathways . Any condition that affects them - spinal cord injury , alcoholism , prolonged diabetes , especially without treatment, can block the way the brain - the penis. This is the worst option, because, unlike alcoholics with too much estrogen and lack of sexual desire, such a person is sexually aroused in the head, but the penis team does not rise because it is not received in the proper place.

Let's go one step further. Suppose the nervous system is in order and the corresponding signal has reached a member, but there is still no erection. Why? There is one more, the last component is blood. The soft penis becomes firm only when it is filled with blood. This requires, among other things, healthy, unoccupied arteries. So the brain may be ready and wants, the pituitary gland in fine form, the testicles are working at full strength, producing testosterone, and the nerves are not damaged, but if the arteries supplying the penis are clogged with arteriosclerosis , all is in vain.

Here, therefore, are the five main components needed for an erection:

  • The corresponding emotional state.
  • A healthy brain, including a normally functioning pituitary.
  • Eggs that produce enough testosterone.
  • Unbearable nerve pathways.
  • Adequate blood supply to the penis.

In real life, despite the fact that we now recognize a large number of physical causes of impotence, there is no doubt that most of its cases are due to the inability to comply with claim No. 1 in the above list: a satisfactory emotional state. Under such circumstances, the brain, and not the penis, is the most important sexual organ. Psychogenic impotence is most often associated with fatigue, boredom, depression, anxiety, sadness, fear or some deep-seated, complex emotional problem .

One day a married couple came to see a doctor, the man had impotence, and the wife finally persuaded her husband to come to the doctor for a checkup. He had a heart attack several months ago, and since then his sexual activity left much to be desired. He was prescribed a usual hormonal, urological and vascular examination. The couple remained quite satisfied with the visit. However later the husband called and asked if he could come to the doctor another time - one, to report something personal. The next time he said, "I do not have any problems with an erection outside of my house." If you do not believe me, ask my friend in the waiting room. "

We do not encourage you to seek hobbies on the side and deceive the family, but reducing the desire for a long-term partner is a real phenomenon . Depression, anxiety and stress can have a similar effect. And fear . The panic regarding AIDS probably does not violate the sexual life of couples who are well informed about the epidemic and have not changed each other for years, but it embraces singles of both sexes.

There are other sources of fear. You can not even imagine what effect the angina pectoris or infarction can have on sexual activity. Male cores are horrified by the possibility of "death in the saddle . " If the patient is not constantly reminded of the cardiac anxiety from the very beginning, that sex can be safe and even desirable, he can become powerless until the end of his days. Women who have had a heart attack also experience such fear and may lose sexual desire if there is no proper psychological support.

But never assume that your impotence is psychological, until the following physical factors are excluded. Medicines are located at the very beginning of the list. The basic rule that you must remember when determining the symptoms of the disease, is suitable for impotence: when you think about the cause, first glance in your medicine chest . With the exception of antibiotics, almost any medicine can make a man impotent. There are at least 80 medicines that are usually prescribed by doctors who can cause impotence.

They include mood-altering drugs - stimulants, depressants, anxiety drugs, soothing, antidepressants, hypnotics; These are the main criminals. The next large group - drugs for the treatment of hypertension and heart disease . These include beta-blockers, diuretics, aldomethis and even digitalis. Today, in my experience, the only means for hypertension that do not give this side effect are inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme - caritipril and others. Medications that can cause impotence include anti-ulcer drugs such as tagamet and zantac.

The law should require that all possible side effects be indicated on the drug advertisement. But somehow it's not often done with impotence. Most men are too selfish to admit even to their doctor that they can not "more", or that they do not have enough knowledge to decipher the problem, or they believe that this medicine saves them from some life-threatening illness and they Do not want the doctor to deprive them of this protection. Therefore, ask the doctor about any effect on the potency of any drug you are prescribed, even if the chance is "infinitesimal".

If you ruled out medications, consider other physical or organic causes of impotence. Any obvious neurological problem, like Parkinson's , stroke or brain tumor , can make you powerless. Damage to the liver is not the only consequence of the destructive effects of alcohol; It can also damage the nerves ( alcohol neuropathy ). Since nicotine is a nerve poison, people who smoke heavily can suffer from sexual impotence. Diabetes is a common cause of impotence, which can be the first manifestation of this disease. Diabetes affects potency in two ways: it affects the nerves, so that signals sent from the brain to the penis do not reach the goal, and / or speeds up the process of arteriosclerosis , which in turn narrows the blood vessels and reduces the blood supply of the genital organ.

High blood pressure helps to tighten the arteries and thus favors impotence. Patients with hypertension are often blamed for the drugs they take, whereas in reality the criminal is the very increased pressure.

Does aging cause impotence? And if so, when? Patients at almost any age are inclined to say: "It has become this case not as in 20 years." Although it is possible that sexual activity decreases, as a man becomes older, but this is not the same as impotence. In normal healthy men, certain sexual activity can continue virtually indefinitely. Not years cause impotence, but certain, clear, often cured chronic diseases. Vital systems do not wear out in a person so easily.

If you are concerned about impotence, that's what can cause it in your particular case.

You are over 50, and, in general, you do not complain about your health. But in the last two weeks you have been feeling tired, the memory has weakened slightly, you are sluggish and do not work with sex. It all started when the doctor told you that your blood pressure went up and prescribed a beta-blocker. In five cases out of ten, your problem will be resolved if the medicine is replaced. The same applies to virtually any other drug.

You suffer from diabetes for five or ten years, and all this time you did not control blood sugar levels too carefully. Now you feel pain in calves, on both feet or one, with fast walking. The pain disappears when you stop. You also have problems with an erection. Both of these symptoms result from one problem - a decrease in blood flow to the legs and penis due to arteriosclerosis of local blood vessels.

You have been drinking all your life - some will say "hard", you prefer the definition of " decently ". You were always able to handle alcohol "like a man." But now you do not feel like a real man. First you shaved twice a day, now - in a day or two. But the worst thing is that your "masculine qualities" also decreased. Now you are not too interested in sex, and if you are excited, it's hard with an erection. The explanation: in your body too much of the female hormone and too little of the male, because the liver is damaged by excessive long drink.

You just recovered from a heart attack. You will never forget how it happened. You climbed the hill behind your house, a little wind blew when you suddenly felt that your chest was squeezed into a tight grip. It was awful - the pain, the howling siren of the ambulance, the intensive care unit, the fear on the face of the wife, which she could not hide, whenever she came to visit you in the hospital. Thank God, you have passed through this, and now you are at home and you feel fine. But you do not want this to happen again, you want everything to be easy. A few weeks after you come back from the hospital, the doctor asks if you have any sexual problems, is there anything that surprises and worries you, but what are you afraid of reporting because you are too shy or frightened. The doctor tells you that everything is all right - and nothing more. You are happy, but a little nervous. In the end, you decide to try your masculine powers, but deep down you are horrified by the thought of a possible repetition of this accursed heart attack. And you do not work, nothing "does not rise." The wife urges you to see a doctor, and he assures that none of the medicines you take can be the cause of these problems. Explanation: this is probably psychological - the fear that sexual arousal will provoke a second heart attack and even death.

You are divorced and would like to have a girlfriend. On a business trip to another city you meet a very attractive woman, with whom you decided to make a romance. At the decisive moment nothing happens. Most likely, you have "tension before going on stage," or fear of failure , or fear of contracting AIDS.

Regardless of the cause, impotence often has a profound effect on morale. It is usually more difficult to treat psychological causes than most physical ones. For example, impotence caused by drugs is easily reversible, and vascular disorders can sometimes be surgically eliminated; But when anxiety is associated with nerves, the prognosis is not very comforting. But even if impotence is in fact irreversible, for whatever reason, there is still hope. Currently, there are implants of the penis of various configurations, they will give a "masculine feeling" to almost anyone.

Premature ejaculation , when the orgasm comes too fast, is different from impotence. Men with this problem are able to erect and introduce a member, so there are not considered appropriate vascular, nervous or hormonal causes. In most cases, the causes of premature ejaculation are emotional or psychological . Although it is difficult to treat, this condition is more amenable to psychotherapy than impotence. Today, medics do not know of any medicine or disease responsible for premature ejaculation.

Female frigidity

Women with a lack of sexual desire and / or reaction to it, their partners are called frigid, "cold." In many cases, the causes are physical and are associated with the fact that sexual intercourse causes pain or discomfort . The article "On painful intercourse" details possible causes and various structural deviations of the vagina, as well as the most common types of gynecological infections and diseases that can disrupt sexual pleasure in women. But often enough "female sexual dysfunction" has a psychological origin . Anxiety, depression, feelings of guilt and shame often play a leading role here, as does the fear of becoming pregnant . Many women who never enjoy love and rarely, if ever, experience orgasm during intercourse, can nevertheless receive a strong satisfaction from masturbation. But as a man who has become impotent can miraculously restore his "masculinity", changing his partner, and a "cold" woman is able to change in the hands of a new lover. Although appropriate stimulation and emotional involvement play a key role in love in both sexes, these factors are usually more important for a woman.

Women's orgasm for centuries has been the subject of controversy. The question of orgasm through the clitoris or vagina and that more satisfactorily or "naturally" remains unresolved among the relevant specialists. Some women who enjoy sexual intercourse, need stimulation of the clitoris to get an orgasm, others do not. This is very individual.

Many people are interested in the question: "Is there a" G-place "and how can a real lover find it?" The name is given in honor of Dr. Graffenburg, a sex researcher and physiologist, who suggested the presence of a specific area in the vagina that is high and in a straight line from the clitoris. When stimulated during intercourse, she allegedly gives a discharge associated with orgasm.The researchers have different points of view about the existence of "G-place." But does it matter if the partners already give each other mutual pleasure in love.

Symptom: impotence

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Lack of hormones due to illness or injury. Substitution of hormones (testosterone).
Liver disease, usually as a result of alcoholism. Testosterone can help.
Damage to the brain (with involvement of the pituitary gland). Introduction of hormones.
Nerve damage. Prosthetic penis.
Vascular disease. The operation can help.
Depressed, stressed, tired. Loneliness, stress, fear of failure. Therapy, rest, imagination - often lead to success.
Deeply hidden psychological problems. Psychoanalysis (does not necessarily give effect). As a last resort - a prosthesis member.
Fear of getting infected. If in doubt, do not contact.
Fear of repeated heart attacks. Encouragement.
Drugs that change mood, and other drugs (almost all). It is better to replace, than to struggle with them.
Smoking. Stop it.
Other diseases (Parkinson's disease, diabetes, hypertension). Treatment of the cause.
Premature ejaculation. A psychiatrist can help.

Symptom: coldness (frigidity)

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Deeply hidden psychological problems. Psychoanalysis.
Fear of pain, infection or pregnancy. Psychiatric help; Training in birth control.
Local gynecological disease. Treat the cause.
Inept or rough partner. Psychological help.