Starch is a reserve plant polysaccharide

Starch is a reserve polysaccharide of plants, deposited in tubers, roots, grain grains in the form of grains. This is an important food carbohydrate, with complete cleavage of which in the presence of enzymes in the body, glucose is formed. In the oral cavity under the action of the enzyme saliva - amylase - begins digestion (hydrolysis) of starch.

In the stomach, the action of the enzyme stops, in the duodenum, the amylase of the pancreatic juice completes the transformation of starch into maltose, which is rapidly hydrolyzed by maltose enzyme into two glucose molecules, the latter is absorbed by the action of the hormone of the pancreas. Starch is abundant in wheat and rye flour (60-68%), cereals (60-70), legumes (40-48), potatoes (15-18%). When you use a sufficient amount of starch with plant products, you can exclude sugar from the diet to prevent diabetes mellitus.