Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3


Subscribe Improvement! The first release of the "Improvement" mailing list



If you subscribed to this newsletter, then you understand that everything that you can really achieve in your intellectual life is ahead of you. These are not beautiful words or the desire to support you or to flatter you. IT'S TRUE.

You, of course, heard or read that our brain is only involved 3-5% of its "power". This does not mean that the brain is lazy and does not want to do anything else. He can do and do much more, another thing is that we must somehow help him in this and learn how to derive maximum benefit from what he can. Let us prove this.

First, let's do a simple test. Read, remember, and then without looking at the screen, play the following list of words. The exercise takes 3-5 minutes.

1.       A pen

2.       Boot

3.       Pie

4.       Cassette

5.       Zhirinovsky

6.       Suitcase

7.       Owl

8.       Shark

9.       rose flower

10.   Record player

eleven.   Pouch

12.   Primus

13.   Book

14.   Cat

15.   Score

16.   Currant

17.   Chair

18.   Phone

19.   Disk

20.   Lamp

What are the results? If you remember from 5 to 9 words, then you have a normal memory state, that is, usually. If 10-12 is good memory, if 13-15 is excellent, if more than 15, then this kind of course you have already passed or you have a phenomenal memory.

Now the second test. Remember today's morning in detail. We allocate for this 2 minutes.

Remembered? I assure you that here everyone remembered everything to the maximum - who at what time rose, what he ate for breakfast, what newspaper he read, what he watched on TV, how he got to work, etc.

QUESTION - where more information - in the description of the morning or in unhappy 20 words? Of course, that in the description of the morning. Nevertheless, you remembered the morning, but you suffered from the test.

And how to change the situation? Just need to do brain training. He, like muscles, is fading without training.

The most important thing is that simple and accessible methods and exercises will help you to increase the productivity of your mental work so much that you yourself will not believe in a month or two.

The most important role is played by the intellectual environment that you created. You form the environment, the environment forms you. Even in everyday life, you can change a lot with a huge benefit to the brain, and, therefore, for yourself, while not changing the way of life.

Do you know that the memory of an idiot differs from the memory of a genius only twice? And what is the distance between them! Well, of course, that you do not belong to the first category. But they did not reach the second one yet. It's okay, the distance is completely surmountable.

It is important only to take care of yourself. True, there is one significant complexity in this. The most terrible and the greatest. This really should be dealt with. Use all methods and methods. And a new organization of mental activity, and training, and exercises, and vitamins, and drugs, and a slightly modified style of food (no one will be asked to give up meat and cakes).

That is, we will be like sportsmen. Regular exercise and proper nutrition.

There is one more point that, it seems to me, will help along the way. I intrigue and leave it for the next mailing. It will be released soon. The first you have been waiting for, thank you. Now there will be no delays.


Perfection! Issue 2

Subscribe Improvement! The second issue of the "Improvement"



Well, how are the test results? I suspect that 20 out of 20 few did, yes it does not matter. Anxiety is necessary, if less than 5 words. If more is normal memory state.

The newsletter is called PERFECT. It is named so because those qualities, about the development of which will be discussed, are to some extent present at all. Another thing is that often their condition, let's say, is not quite satisfactory. And the most offensive, that in order to develop them, you need nothing at all. Just take it and do it.

There are methods and techniques that give absolutely fantastic results. But I have seen few of these results, because it is a rarity - a person who will engage, say, only the development of attention a few hours a day.

I will try to emphasize exercises and methods that do not take a lot of time, which can be done without any special violations of the usual rhythm of life. But the benefit is guaranteed colossal!

So, on what sections will "Improve!".

1.       Attention, concentration.

2.       Meditation, relaxation.

3.       Observation.

4.       Memory as a function of the body.

5.       Development of channels.

6.       Imagination.

7.       Activation of thinking.

8.       The discovery of his own genius.

9.       MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is not without reason that I distinguished my motivation so. In order to improve, you need a motive. Serious.

What does not count:

·          For general development;

·          I need this;

·          I want to become better and smarter;

·          I want to reveal my potential.

So, it's all vague and can not be the motive. It usually happens like this. A week at the best of classes, then fluid jams. The newsletter stops reading, exercises are forgotten and, at best, replenish the intellectual baggage. You can even advise someone to do them.

What is considered:

·          I want to become an example for a child;

·          I want promotion (not just an increase, but a specific post);

·          I want to remember 300 words in a row and all the phones;

·          I want to remember all the people I met;

·          I want to graduate with a brilliance and to defend my thesis.

That is, the motive must be specific. Example. Several people came to my seminar on methods of accelerated learning of foreign languages. Success in mastering the material is the same for all. But…

Lyudmila Sergeevna, 48 years old. After two months to leave for Norway, and for a long time. Without a basic knowledge of the language, everything can fly away. The result - 100 words a day is easy, the phrasebook mastered for a week by heart.

Peter, 35 years old. The motive is to read Baudelaire in the script. And it was evident that the motive is momentary. The result - at the seminar he learned everything, got the "tool" and carefully put it on the shelf. In principle, too bad. There will be a motive - everything will go like clockwork. But if there is a motive.

Therefore, the first lesson will be devoted to motivation. Actually, every lesson will begin with motivation. And now do this.

1.       Set up or come up with a specific goal. Even the most fantastic.

2.       On a piece of paper, write down what you need to do to achieve it intellectually. Learn it.

3.       How funny it would not look, but at home on A4 sheets write a goal and hang it in a prominent place. To remind.

4.       Make small plans for a week. Let's say, for a week to do such and such an exercise for such a time. Write down the planer and after a week ask yourself about what's done.

And you know, while composing this issue, I came up with a brilliant, I think, idea.

1.       I myself compose a calendar plan for maintaining this newsletter. I'll write and hang on the master on the computer.

2.       I will compile a development plan for you (according to the proposed program) and send it out in the next mailing list.

3.       I'll ask everyone to do the same, that is, bring it out on paper and place it in a prominent place.

4.       Each next issue will begin with questions about the implementation of the plan.

So, according to plan, the next mailing is on October 14, Tuesday. I reserve the right to early execution.

While saying goodbye and go to implement the idea.

Good luck!

Be sober! The third issue

Subscribe Improvement! Third edition of the mailing Improve!

Perfection - 3


I understand that it was already the 15th of October, but it was promised to make the release of the 14th. But there is one small detail - for me as yet 14th, that is while I'm sitting at the computer, the working day continues.

So, to the issue of MOTIVATION. I'll try to suggest a motive that, perhaps, will interest you. Let it even sound a bit vague, but you will make it by yourself.

Set a goal for yourself - to achieve in three months:

·          If you are a student - become the best on the course and try on this basis to get some scholarship;

·          If you work, become the best worker in your field;

·          If you are a businessman - to improve the current of affairs and turnover in 2 times;

·          If you are a schoolboy - get rid of tutors, save your parents and yourself money, successfully prepare for any exam.

Fill these goals with specific content, taking into account the particulars of the place of work or study.

In order to achieve them, you must achieve:

·          Increase attention and concentration at least three times;

·          Be able to achieve a state of complete relaxation (why this is needed - let's say further);

·          To see in any subject of characteristic features and features not less than 20;

·          Memorize 30 words, five phone numbers in a row;

·          Activate your thinking and include channels in full force.

Write the indicators you need to reach and hang the sheet in a prominent place.

Let's go gradually and start with ATTENTION and CONCENTRATION .

Without well-developed attention and concentration, success is impossible in any type of activity. A person who has attention unknown, where the concentration is weak, loses a lot, if not more.

Attention and concentration are the parents of intuition. We will not take into consideration mystical insights, prophetic dreams, suggestive voices, etc. While this probably all takes place, we are talking about something else.

Our brain is at work all the time. All events that we see, hear, touch, etc. Inevitably leave their mark in our memory. But one thing is when these traces go into latent, that is, hidden memory, the other - when the brain not only fixes traces, but processes them and creates an information picture. Even if this work happens outwardly unnoticed, but the information does not disappear and at the right time helps to make the right decision, which a person can not always explain. This is intuition - skillful perception of incoming information and decision-making on its basis.

Although, frankly speaking, if you get a bit stiff, you can explain both the reasoning and the reasons for the decision. Natalia Petrovna Behterova in her studies has proved that the brain is capable of turning an avalanche of information in literally seconds. She came to this conclusion when she examined the "rescued drowned", who told her that in the moments before them passed their whole life. And not some bright episodes, but the whole life in the smallest details. The brain gave the command to look for a situation that would prompt a way out of the situation. This is the potential of our brain!

So we just do not always have time to realize why we took this or that decision, why something was remembered better, and something worse.

And the first step towards discovering this potential is the development of attention and concentration.

And now take a break, take a free pose and think for a few minutes about kangaroos, imagine it and think only of it.

And after these very few minutes to yourself answer the question: "What am I thinking now?".

I'm sure that we thought of something else. Example: "Kangaroos live in Australia, these are animals with bags." Yesterday I saw a good bag in GUM, I should buy it, but only while it's not very good with money. "At the firm something is still not working, they are holding up their wages. Idiot Sidorov, who ... "And so on. This, of course, is exaggerated, but the picture is described correctly.

Attention has the property of dissipating, jumping from one to another. And if we do something, then we can hold it in place for a maximum of 30 minutes. But it is necessary that attention be active. This is what you need to train.

By the way, the example with kangaroos is quite a good exercise. Only you need to do it like this. Let's say, before going to sleep, start thinking about something. After a while, when you catch yourself thinking that attention has already gone far, try to make a return journey, that is, to return to the starting point of reflection. Very useful exercise.

One more exercise. If there is a clock with an arrow, then look at the second hand for three minutes. Do not be distracted by anything. This is only at first glance easy, in fact, to learn three minutes to see only a second hand is quite difficult. And we are talking about the fact that it is the arrow that is seen, and it sometimes happens that the look is frozen on it, but before the inner eye there are absolutely different pictures.

So, attention should be included constantly. You can say that you must be constantly concentrated. And you need to do this without effort on yourself, efforts will not bring anything, sooner or later you'll tire of fighting with yourself.

Several exercises to develop attention and concentration.

The third exercise . During a conversation on the phone, draw a pair of tic-tac-toe with a chain one after the other. And do not lose the thread of conversation. Make sure that the picture turned out beautiful, but did not creep in all directions.

The fourth exercise . Standing in line or while driving in public transport, count from 200 to 1 in three. That is, 200-197-194 and so on. Lost - immediately start again. And so on, until the failures stop.

You ask about the first two? So we have already given them to you ("kangaroo" and "clock with an arrow").

Because of insufficient attention and weak concentration, a person loses very much. For example, you are persuaded in some way, and you are mentally elsewhere. Yes you can rope from this time! How many times have you been persuaded of some nonsense? And if you are careful and concentrated - this would not happen.

And to the next output of the mailing (October 19-20) try to achieve:

·          The arrow you see 3 minutes;

·          From 200 to 1 consider it easy;

·          At least five minutes really think of kangaroos;

·          Clearly write tic-tac-toe in the continuation of the telephone conversation for about three minutes.

And then we will continue!


Ivan Poloneychik,

Mailto: [email protected]

[email protected]

Perfection! Fourth issue

Subscribe Improvement!

Good day to all!

Alas, there were objective reasons for the release of the mailing. But, nevertheless, we are together again.

As always, let's start with motivation. It must be constantly fed, like a fire. Otherwise, as often happens, the primary enthusiasm gradually fades into the vanity of ordinary affairs. And you should always remember that you have a goal - to become the best. Not better, but better. And think about those benefits that may well follow this.

I do not want to regale you with a rubbish like the myth of the non-existent Anastasia or the School of my case. The phenomenon of popularity of these phenomena is associated with the usual laziness of the soul and with the fact that many do not believe in God. Faith in God is the work of the soul, and the work is rather tense, but, ultimately, it gives great joy.

And to believe in the ray of Anastasia or the fact that the word "work" is correctly spelled "Rabot" - the usual laziness of the soul and the hope for a miracle, the belief in a sorcerer and a psychic who will do everything for us. Or we will make small efforts without any responsibility, how, we were so convincingly advised and we were so convincingly sent!

Therefore, you have a motivation - only then the Lord will help you when you are worthy of it, that is, you will improve. In all senses.

Let's recall the previous lesson. So, who was able to perform the recommended exercises? I hope that they did not cause any difficulties, but you began to feel the benefit. In one of the following mailings, we will necessarily publish reviews of those who regularly do exercises and achieved decent results. For you, this too can serve as a good motive.

Let's continue on the attention and concentration. I will not again convince you of their immense importance, especially since you yourself understand this perfectly.

Just get used to being constantly focused and keep your attention on. Just do not think that this will wear you out, that you will resemble a spy or scout, constantly in suspense and always looking for enemies. No, it's easier. It's just that at some stage you will, without much effort, process much more information. And it does not require special work, you will not get tired, but intuition will be included much more often.

Today is not just an exercise, but, let me put it this way, the concept of attention and concentration.

1.       Set yourself a specific task - learn 70 new words of a foreign language, put things in order in the closet, disassemble the papers. And concentrate only on this task. You will always have something to distract, thoughts go somewhere. You should pay all attention only to the task. It seems that everything is simple. But you can see for yourself how difficult this is at first. Therefore, you can first set yourself a time specification with half an hour. Then this interval can be increased. When you learn to concentrate on one task and discard the disturbing factors, you will feel how much more you have become and do.

Do not grin, they say, I can already. Try it!

2.       Every day on the way to work or study carefully look at the route of movement. Be sure to try to find at least 20 differences every day compared to yesterday. Increase the number of differences gradually.

3.       You for certain every day (or almost everyone) see the friends. Also, try to note all the differences that you see in them in comparison with the previous meeting. And do not think that if you know a person well, then this is a very simple exercise. The ability to see and discover new features, characteristics, changes in seemingly ordinary, will give you a lot.

From these exercises you will get the effect in two or three weeks. Which one? You will see and appreciate yourself. Next time, let's talk about meditation and relaxation.

Good luck!

Ivan Poloneychik,

Mailto: [email protected]

[email protected]

Perfection! Issue 5

Subscribe Improvement! Fifth edition of the mailing PERFECTION!


Again, one has to apologize, but what to do - invitations to hold seminars on the development of memory and the rapid study of foreign languages ​​began to be vigorously received. What to do is my bread and my hobby, so the break was caused by objective reasons. But a lot of useful information was accumulated, including observations at seminars.

First, the development of a set of exercises that can be carried out without detaching from normal affairs, but which will allow to make a significant step forward, is coming to an end. In total, these are 17 simple tasks, but people benefit from them.

By the way, in this sense I want to quote a letter from Svetlana Khodakova (of course, with her kind consent).

Ivan Ivanovich, hello again! I received your "Improve-4" newsletter and decided to share my achievements: 1. I became less tired at work (!!!) - and this is at 8-10, and even 12 hours a day. I can go along the corridor (for example, to another department for advice), meet a colleague, talk, and continue on my way, without trying to remember hard: "And where did I go?". Whatever I do, I can calmly and objectively talk on the phone on a different topic, and continue my work, again without wrinkling my forehead from tension. In general, it became easier to live. The exercises I used: an invoice in reverse order with a change Multiplier (through 3, through 4, through 6); Clock hand; Tic-tac-toe with a telephone conversation. Another time thanks to you mnogo.S respect, Khodakova Svetlana

I am very pleased to read such letters. And it's not even that it's flattering, but that what I write and propose, finds a response and benefits. So, the work goes right.

Today is the last introductory lesson for attention and concentration. We will periodically return to this topic.

I somehow caught in the soul of a phrase of Sherlock Holmes that people are watching, but do not see. I must say that Mr. Holmes motivated himself to be healthy - to become the best detective on the planet. What he did as a result. If someone is going to re-read Conan Doyle, in addition to the plot, pay attention to the details, the course of the thought process, the ability to see what others are missing.

Today, one exercise. You need to do it from time to time, under the mood, you do not have to do it every day. It just seemed like 15 minutes, so we used a pause. And we will call him "Andrei Tarkovsky."

Imagine yourself as a great director, shooting a film at home. You immediately and the movie camera, and tape recorder, and ... I do not even know how to name the fixation of sensations.

So, you sit quietly and relaxed in an armchair or on a sofa. According to the plot of the film you are shooting an entourage scene called "Apartment".

First you are a movie camera. You carefully consider what is in front of you. You looked at this wall many times, on these subjects. And now consider everything carefully, as if the operator is slowly driving the camera lens. Consider all the details. How many new things will you see!

Now you are a tape recorder. Carefully catch all the noise. When a person does something, he hears very selectively, only that which he pays attention as necessary. And now you hear all the noise. Noise outside the window, ticking of the clock, buzzing of the fan, steps behind the wall. When you realize that you have heard all the noise and that you do not usually hear all this, fix the sensations.

Feel the warmth from the clothes, the softness of the chair, the hardness of the floor, how the collar touches the neck ...

It's enough. Believe me, this is a short exercise, but it gives a lot. You will gradually make the state "I see everything, I hear everything, I feel everything" with my normal state.

Recently, at a seminar, a girl started talking about intuition. She was on the train, she thought about which way she would go home. By comfortable and long, or uncomfortable and short. And suddenly she felt, she knew, that if she goes along a good road, then about one building will meet a type that she is very unpleasant and with whom she would not like to meet at all.

She decided to check herself and went along the good road. And I must have met this unpleasant person! Naturally, she immediately attributed everything to a certain revelation, magic, since in the usual situation the probability of meeting him at this place was not very high.

I had to disappoint a man. Careful analysis showed that simply the brain has processed a huge amount of information and issued a solution - at this time, this person will be in this place. But this work went unnoticed for the girl. She only felt the end result of this work.

But this does not always happen. So, the exercise "Andrei Tarkovsky" will allow such revelations and manifestations of intuition to be discovered more often. As well as the recommended exercises.

By the way, this exercise is also a great opportunity to relax.

In the next mailing list, I will start issuing this set of exercises, of which I have already mentioned.

I hope to see new meetings soon!

Ivan Poloneychik,

Mailto: [email protected]

[email protected]

Perfection! Issue 6

Subscribe Improvement! Sixth newsletter


We start, as always, with MOTIVATION. One of the options is letters from readers who do not just read the newsletter, but try to apply the recommendations and carry out the given exercises. Here is what Victor writes.

"I really liked the article and especially the exercise" Andrei Tarkovsky. "Indeed, after the first two weeks I noticed that attention is increasing.
But, unfortunately, I do not have newsletters with previous issues. I will be very grateful if you send them to me. Sincerely, Victor".

Immediately respond to all requests for expulsion of previous issues. Literally at the end of this or the beginning of the next week we will have a decent site with a normal name. That is short. There we will lay out all the archives and you can easily download them.

And here is an additional MOTIVE, which very often works. If you are engaged in the proposed exercises, then within a month or two, you will go so far ahead in your own development that you will be difficult to know (do not be afraid, there will not be plastic surgery).

But your friends and relatives will appreciate it to a lesser degree than those with whom you do not see very often. Changes every day are insignificant and their scale can be estimated only after the passage of time, and provided that the "summands" remain behind the scenes, and only the result can be seen. But the result will be impressive.

So, think about whoever you want to surprise. For example, the one you have always set as an example, so much so that this "example" is already taken in order. Or you came to get a job, and you were told to come in a month or two. It is clear that this is a polite form of refusal, but you still stop by. In general, think of something you can.

And now the question is - why did the great people keep diaries? At the seminars I was given a variety of answers. The most typical - in order to then published, and for a fee.

Alas, not everything is prosaic. Talented and brilliant people often intuitively found methods to develop their best qualities. We have already said that intuition is often the result of a huge amount of brain work, and the process of this work sometimes we do not notice. We "catch" only the result. The desire to keep a diary from the same opera.

But first the essence of the recommendation about the diary:

If you want to find ABSOLUTE MEMORY and DEVELOP IMAGINATION , you do not have to go to psychics. You need only perseverance.

Every day, in the morning and in the evening, you need to scroll through the mind of all the events of the past day, remembering them to the most details and the smallest details. In addition, we should evaluate our own actions committed for this day, asking ourselves the following questions: "What have I done today? What did not do what? What actions deserve condemnation and require repentance? How should one rejoice? "

Having mastered the one-day technique of the examination of consciousness, start gradually sinking into the past, remembering what was yesterday, the day before yesterday, etc.

There are a few subtle points here.

First. For implementation, we recommend that you keep a diary. It disciplines and facilitates the process.

The second. Many of those who started to do this exercise, then asked: "Why can not see any real shifts? I've been writing for three weeks already!" The most important thing is remembering in the morning, and many were limited only to evening memories.

So, the technology is as follows. In the evening they recorded in a diary. Not necessarily it should be a detailed report, enough, as practice shows, half a page, well, the maximum page, if not laziness. Of course, the more, the better. The main thing is that you will remember and ask questions about yourself, as discussed above.

And an obligatory repetition in the morning. Of course, you do not have to write about it. You can even peek in the diary at first.

When you manage with one day, go to two. Then for three days. And that's up to a week.

And now imagine, what will be the state of your memory, if you can safely, without stress, be able to remember all week?

That's the answer to the question of why great people kept diaries. Understood that this is developing. So you can try. Please note that this method of development will give fruit only if it is used regularly.

Many people ask whether it is necessary to keep a diary in a written, so to speak, form. If you can - you can just limit yourself to remembering (not memories, but remembering, these are different things). But then it is more difficult to tune in to the working mood and regular execution.

Clear schedule "after how long to move on to the next stage" is also not. Focus yourself. As soon as the ease of doing "three days" came, go to "four days".

Ivan Poloneychik,

Mailto: [email protected]

[email protected]

Perfection! Issue. 7th

Subscribe Improvement! Release of the seventh.


The next issue will start with the news. Or rather, with the news. Our Center for Intellectual Technologies has finally earned a normal website - .

On it you will find the archives of all our mailings, the catalog of our products, something in the library and much more. We hope that the site turned out to be interesting. So we invite!

And now to perfection. I hope that many of you do those exercises, which were discussed in previous releases of the mailing list. Moreover, we dare to hope that they have benefited. Especially exercises for attention and concentration.

A small lyrical digression. When in seminars I hear complaints about the deteriorated memory, reaction, wit, I very easily manage to prove that it's all about attention. If you do not train it, then problems begin to develop, which is quite natural.

And very often it is possible to normalize the situation in a complaining person with simple exercises. For example, those that you already know.

But today an additional exercise. Remember, I promised that the whole proposed system of improvement will not require you to change the habitual way of life? After all, in its framework it is possible to find opportunities for improvement.

So, the exercises.

1.       Write numbers from 1 to 50 and at the same time count (preferably aloud) from 50 to 1. Achieve ease in doing the exercise, and you yourself will notice how much more productive you began to work.

2.       Reading the newspaper, looking at the city landscape on a train in public transport, find words longer than 7 letters and mentally read them on the contrary. In the beginning it will be difficult to do this. Gradually the skill will come. When you can again do this without stress, then consider that the next round of your cultivation has come. Naturally, provided that it is not the same set of words that you learn simply automatically.

As it seems to us, these exercises will not require you to make significant efforts and time. But they will develop attention, and this is important.

So, start right now, do not put it off. Let's sum up the lessons for attention and concentration. In your arsenal:

1.       Mental retention of attention on the subject of reflection and, in the event of a departure of attention, returning it "in place" in the same way as it went. It is advisable to perform before bedtime.

2.       Hold the watch hands in the attention field for three minutes. You can do it in public transport, at a meeting, in a queue, etc.

3.       Drawing crosses and toes on a sheet of paper during a telephone conversation. At the same time it is advisable not to look at the paper, but to make sure that the tic-tac-toe is neat.

4.       A mental account of 200 to 1 in three. Again performed in public transport, in the queue, etc. When this exercise will be easy to get, start counting through 3 and 5 in turn, that is, complicate it.

5.       And two of today's exercises.

Only these exercises are enough for you to grow noticeably above yourself.

In the next issue we will finish with attention and move on to other topics. But it is in the next issue that we will talk about the methods of working with Schulte tables (there are such). Correct analysis of the results of work with them will allow you to clearly identify both your type of attention, and optimize the work schedule.

We continue to enroll in correspondence courses in the development of memory and intellect. We remind you that this is 14 lessons for self-study with audio applications. The system does not require again a significant time, but it gives a pretty decent result.

In this regard, write to us at [email protected] , [email protected] .

Good luck!

Perfection! Issue. 8

Subscribe Improvement! Eighth issue. Congratulations! But do not forget about the case and apply the Schulte table.

Greetings to all before the New Year and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

It is clear that this year is the last issue of the mailing. Therefore, first of all, accept the warmest and warmest congratulations from our Center for Intellectual Technologies on the upcoming holidays. All the most beautiful, bright, joyful!

And now back to the questions of perfection. Holidays - it's fun, and a lot of days off, and even more can be given time to yourself.

Last time I promised to talk about working with Schulte tables. First of all, about what it is. With all the external simplicity - the most powerful simulator on the development of attention.

You can easily make them. So, draw a grid of 25 squares on the sheet of paper, that is 5x5. Then, in random order, number them in figures from 1 to 25. Such tables need 5.

Draw them and forget about them for a couple of days. Then, choosing a time when no one disturbs you, do such an exercise.

Mentally search for each table of all the numbers in turn in ascending order. And try to track the time you spend on each table. Normal is considered, if you meet somewhere in 35-40 seconds on the table.

Having five values, you can easily determine the peak of your attention in time. Variants can be very different. Some peak the attention on the first table. The others in the middle or on the last table.

And adjust your schedule to this data. Have tasks that solve, according to complexity according to your schedule of work of attention.

If you have children, help them build an optimal schedule for their homework. If you are a student, consider the schedule in preparation for the session. If you, say, hold meetings, put the most difficult questions at the peak of your attention.

I guarantee that those who do these experiments with the Schulte tables and take into account the results obtained in their activities will be able to raise the efficiency of their work by at least three times.

And do not forget to sometimes do those exercises that were described in the previous issue.

Before the New Year I will not upload you too much. Let's leave it all for next year. I hope, with the help, including this mailing, it will be more fruitful for you.

And for those who want to seriously engage in the development of their abilities and intelligence, we invite you to our "Correspondence Course in the Development of Memory and Intellect."

14 pamphlets-lessons, audio applications with interesting lecture material, exercises and, most importantly, motivation for classes - the basis of the course. Additions you will receive by e-mail. In the add-ons - various interesting pieces, novelties, the latest technological developments.

Those who have already completed the course (more than 150 people) note that indeed they have discovered new reserves in themselves and were able to make a qualitative leap in their development.

The main advantage of the course is that it is maximally adapted to the current of everyday life and easily fits into the usual way.

Congratulations to all, all, all!


Perfection! Issue. 9

Subscribe Improvement! The ninth edition. We continue the conversation about concentration and memory improvement.


The first newsletter in the New Year. Thank you to everyone who continues to stay with us. And we will now continue the theme "Improve yourself!", Which began last year.

But first a small message. We began to spread the long-promised complex of "mental aerobics" in the mailing list "Stimulators of brain work". We decided not to scatter it on the newsletters, but to concentrate it in one. To subscribe to the newsletter "Stimulators of brain work", please visit our website . There, by the way, you will find the archives of all our mailings.

So, last year we started the topic of working with Schulte tables. And received the first reviews and questions. First, those who made themselves tables, found the activity interesting and instructive. But many noted a wide range of results, the dependence, for example, on the time of day, on the state, etc.

Here we can say the following. First, to improve statistics, try the tables 7x7, that is, 49 digits. And still "solve" five tables in a row. Secondly, plot the dependence of the average result of the decision of the tables on the time of day. And analyze the results. Thus, you can easily determine your optimal working schedule. Naturally, the "working peak" falls on those moments when the speed of solving tables is maximum, that is, the time spent is minimal.

Another method of developing attention and mental warm-up sent by our subscriber, who advised at random to throw on the table matches and look at their count. At random in the sense of quantity.

We tried. Really helps to get ready before work, tune, so to speak, to the right wave.

Continue to work with the Schulte tables and perform those exercises on the development of attention and concentration, which we advised in previous releases of the mailing. The result will be.

Today, let's talk about motivation. We promised to return periodically to this topic, because only an effective motive can force a person to overcome laziness and fluidity and force them to improve.

As a motive, it can not only be a specific goal. Sometimes such an uncomplicated way helps, which, in particular, helped me in due time. The essence of it is that you would be constantly reminded to do something, do some exercise or training. Who will remind you? A4 sheets, on which the names of exercises are written and hung around the whole apartment . You know, it worked!

And the second moment. Very hard can help ordinary beads. For example, when I considered scattered matches, I at one hand went through the rosary. And found that this helps to make this exercise faster. That is, the rosary helped to concentrate.

In one class we conducted an experiment. The students who went out to answer the board were allowed to use the beads when they answered. In the sense of touching them. I must say that the quality of answers at the board increased, the teachers clearly noticed this. The students became more concentrated, the monotonous movement of the rote counts calmed and helped to remember or solve problems. And this was noted by the students themselves.

Remember, we talked about the moment of meditation and relaxation? How to do this with the rosary, and in any situation, I'll tell you next time. And I do these exercises in public transport. I felt the result. Now, without beads in your pocket, it's even somehow uncomfortable. The thing is inexpensive, but the one who once invented them is a genius.

The release was a little relieved. But, I hope, caused your interest. And this is the main thing.

The Center of Intellectual Technologies continues the recruitment to the correspondence course of the Development of Memory and Intellect , which will help:

- students and schoolchildren - to study effectively without tiring cramming, quickly prepare for exams;

·          Business people - to find the key to the operational conduct of business, to stay ahead of competitors in the speed of assimilation and use of commercial information; -

·          Employees - move up the career ladder or find a highly paid job.

The seminars and courses are based on the most modern methods and techniques that completely exclude any impact on the subconscious, are easily assimilated, have no age limits and do not cause any negative health effects.

You yourself will be surprised at how much you will remember!

Perfection! Issue. 10

Subscribe Improvement! The 10th issue. Recommendations on the Schulte tables and on an interesting improvement tool.


Let's start today with messages. I recommend subscribing, if you have not already done so, to our two mailings:

1.       "Stimulators of the brain." In it, we began to lay out a complex of "mental aerobics."

2.       "Music and intellect." It publishes our report on research on the influence of music on the intellect, and not only on it.

You can subscribe at .

And we will continue the theme of perfection. Last time we stopped at work with the Schulte tables and on the rosary as a development tool.

Our reader from Vladivostok has sent two links to the sites where there are programs that generate Schulte tables. Here they are:




We looked, like everything is fine, and, most importantly, do not draw the table itself. Click the mouse and the table in front of you. Improve yourself. Thank you, Roma!

And now about the beads. You can not imagine how useful a thing is! It seems nothing special - a thread with strings of beads on it, and the benefit in cultivation can bring a huge! Let's go through the points, and this is only what we "discovered". And how many more can there be!

1.       Often come letters with complaints about "How to make yourself do the exercises? How to force yourself not to be lazy?" So, one of the ways is to perform all the exercises with the rosary in hand. One step of the exercise is one precise. For example, an account of 200 to 1 in three. The rosettes in this case play the role of such a mobilizing factor.

2.       If you work with beads (whenever possible), listen to the lecture, answer the exam, talk with the chef, rhythmic finger movements to touch the beads allow you to concentrate and calm down. We checked ourselves - it works.

3.       Suppose you are a religious person and want to read prayers from time to time. Rosary will help to do this.

4.       Exercises to develop attention and concentration with rosaries are carried out easily and the effect of their execution appears much sooner.

5.       And most importantly, the application that we found for ourselves - affirmations. What is affirmation? This is a brief formula for positive self-programming. I want to say this. A lot depends on the mood of a person, whether he believes in himself or not, whether he believes in success or not, etc. If a negative attitude toward a case has settled in the soul, then count, it's gone - what you think about, you'll break into something. And once I read about such an affirmation. It was recommended to say 50 times every morning and evening the same phrase (remember it!):


The book said that even if you do not believe in all these moments, this exercise will still benefit. It is important only to do it. If you repeat the same thing over and over again, sooner or later, you will believe in success, but it will not slow down.

Filled with some skepticism, I began to do it. Without beads, I was forced to count how many times I uttered the phrase. Of course, it turned out tedious and generally not so hot.

But when I began to do this with the beads, I was convinced that this exercise is done easily and at ease. Moreover, I began to read the affirmations at any opportunity. And not twice a day, but seven times. And this did not take time.

And what do you think? In his heart, optimism began to settle. The most interesting thing is that things have gone better.

It will be a little offensive if someone takes it lightly. After all, in fact, it's just about very serious things. The source of trouble for ourselves is ourselves. Alas, in this I had the happiness to be sure. A lot depends on what is going on inside of us.

And the rosary help to "put things in order" in their souls. And it's worth a lot!

I have only one thing - to wish you success and try the magic instrument on yourself!

In one of the following dispatches I will talk about the use of brushes in the matter of intellectual development, relying on some basic psychological principles. And, to put it concretely, including "on improving the quality of learning and the assimilation of information, the development of memory and concentration using the methods of Academician Sytin."

There are questions about our correspondence course in Memory and Intellect. And sometimes they ask about the specific benefits of this course, and even in digital terms. Therefore such information.

1.       It is normal that, after completing the seventh lesson, the test for memorizing 250 words is easy and without stress. No doubt, you have the right to ask about the need to remember so many words. We will answer that this is just a test, but which very well characterizes the degree of memory development.

2.       It is normal that, after mastering the eighth and tenth lessons, the speed of memorizing foreign words reaches 150 words per day with strong memorization and maneuver reproduction. True, some are limited to thirty words a day, but it is to whom as it should.

3.       Although this goal is not put directly, but the speed of reading should increase two to three times.

4.       Productivity with text is increased several times.

This is so, in brief. In fact, the opportunities that will open up to you, much more and not always intellectual development can be expressed in numbers. Although I want to.

We continue to receive the course. Send the application to the address [email protected] and [email protected] .

Good luck and success to all!

Perfection! Issue. eleven

Subscribe Improvement! Issue 11. Pleasant and developing management in bed before going to bed.


First - a message that will go in all the next issues of all newsletters. We receive a lot of letters asking to send out the previous issues of mailings. We, of course, do not deny anyone, but, to be honest, it's quite routine. Therefore, we immediately appeal to everyone - on our website there is an ARCHIVE page, on which there are all issues of all our eight mailings. If there is not any issue - go and download.

We really hope that you do, or at least try to do exercises to develop attention and concentration. I will quote today another argument in favor of such studies.

All probably heard about such teaching methods as the 25th frame, training in a dream, learning through penetration into the subconscious, pilot signals, etc., etc. How you sometimes want something so wonderful, magical! Faith and hope for a miracle are based on two things - the realization that the person has a huge potential, and ordinary laziness.

With the first we will not argue - indeed, the potential inherent in us is the Most High, is huge. With the second, alas, also do not argue, I know by myself. Therefore, the "magic wands" are also very popular.

Meanwhile, psychologists have long known that in order to remember something and to comprehend, it is necessary to pay attention to this ATTENTION. And what attention is in the 25th frame or in training in a dream?

Previously, more, now less appeared "new methods based on the phenomenon of X, which were used in special services." And the most interesting thing is that all these "miracles" in fact had nothing to do with the special services. Here development of attention, concentration is another matter. A joke with the subconscious can end badly. The subconscious mind is a subtle thing, there are few psychologists who can and do have the right to work with it. And then, if they are asked about it, not at their discretion. But to tell a person how to find contact with your subconscious mind is entirely acceptable.

By the way, the program of our Correspondence Course of Development of Memory and Intellect almost completely coincides with the program of one set of educational institutions preparing foreign intelligence specialists. However, in this institution the program is much wider - there the chair of psychology is very powerful and gives also many other, specific knowledge. So, I dare to assure you, there are no "zombies, coding and 25 frames" there. Just a powerful development of attention, concentration, memory, intelligence. But let's leave these arguments for the mailing "Secrets of Intelligence Development in Special Services."

By the way, exactly what institution was meant - I do not inform. Not out of a desire to fog up and out of great secrecy. Just the guys showed a lot, shared the materials, well, I do not want to substitute them - is not it enough? And who owns the question - it's quite possible to calculate this institution, there are not so many of them.

In general, I just wanted to once again promote your self-improvement. And in this sense I will once again say about vanity and routine. They are the main enemies of perfection. The fluid leaks, the person enters a certain rhythm that has become habitual. You know, against which the psyche and the body will rebel the most? Against change. Cardinally change the way of life for improvement encounters a powerful barrier. And even a constant stay in a stressful situation as a result can be "native" and familiar.

Therefore, we suggest that the psyche be "deceived". All those exercises, which were discussed, fully fit into the habitual way of life. And for the proof, let's take a period of time, like going to sleep. We use it to train attention and concentration.

As always, the exercise is simple, but extremely effective. So…

You have gone to sleep. Before you fall asleep, start thinking about something, for example, about an umbrella. And try to think only of him. Let's describe an approximate situation, as it happens.

"... An umbrella, an umbrella, an umbrella ... Everything is melting ... Spring is coming ... shoes are soaked ... We should have dried them, but it did not work out ... Tomorrow I'll do ... Yes, it's a hard day tomorrow, so much to do ..."

Say STOP! We described this approximately as the course of reasoning, exaggerated. But you try and with surprise or without it you will find that the attempt to keep the thought on the subject does not do without the departure of attention aside, and very far. But still you will remember: "Oh yes, we had to think about the umbrella." And at this point you just need to take and mentally go all the way back to the starting point.

It is proved that this exercise is extremely useful for the development of concentration and memory. It was used by many great people and famous mnemonists. And I was told by one very famous person. Surname, too, I will not mention, he asked not to do so. From the reluctance to dispel my secret and legend. The motive is a little incomprehensible, but nevertheless ...

So go bainki and improve with it!

Good luck!

Perfection! Issue. 12

Subscribe Improvement! Issue. 12. Begin to engage in the imagination or the Yogan Weiss outplayed the abwehr on the imagination (but not in the imagination!)


In previous issues, we wrote a lot about attention and concentration. It is possible that many of you have done any of these exercises and have achieved some success. At least, we are told that thanks to the exercises they became less tired, more time to do, better to learn, etc.

Well, we are very pleased. Probably, we will ask permission to publish such letters. I think that they will become a good incentive for many to regular exercise.

But we will start gradually moving on to the next topic. IMAGINATION.

In ancient Rome, one of the treatises on the development of human intelligence was said: "Our memory is our imagination." And really, we can remember, learn, understand only what we can see.

"But what about abstract concepts?" - you ask. It's simple - even the most abstract things we see on our internal screen in the form of some specific images. For example, one of the seminars asked about remembering and understanding formulas. And on a concrete example it was proved that figurative perception, imagination allow not only to remember, but also better understand that it is much more effective than simple "memorizing" and "zablubvaniya."

Again, one of the seminars had to deal with a rather difficult case. The man could not raise the level of memorization in excess of his already low level. The group went ahead with leaps and bounds, the guy was stamping on the spot. With difficulty, but managed to prove to him that the whole thing is only in an extremely undeveloped imagination. He could not see any bright picture on his inner screen. Frankly, he began to engage in the development of the imagination, not so much under the weight of evidence, as under the pressure of our authority. He believed in all this only when he began to get. But I had to mess around.

What is the imagination? Stream of images. As a rule, this flow is controlled by us with varying degrees of success. There is never a situation where nothing happens in our brain. Most of the time we spend in any daydreaming, even if, for example, we talk to someone about something very specific. All the same, in parallel, the brain generates a variety of images, directly, so to speak, irrelevant. And not always we see them quite clearly.

And very often, when we want to see something very brightly and in every detail, our internal screen remains in such a clouded state. Something we see better, something worse. Sometimes you can see a clear image, sometimes not. If more often than not, than yes, then the above case is obtained.

But to develop the ability to control the flow of images, to develop the imagination can be using quite simple methods. Doing this will not take you too much time and will not require you to significantly change the existing rhythm of life.

Let's just say, we will try for ourselves to organize such an intellectual environment that allows us to develop many of our qualities. Well, and some exercises.

... Einstein relatively first imagined his theory, sunbathing on the beach, and only then mathematically described it. The ingenious inventors could so vividly imagine the future invention in a working form, that it practically, so to speak, did not differ from the drawings made later.

Imagination is also understanding. The great physicist Enrico Fermi said that if a theoretical physicist can not explain his most complex theory on his fingers to a primary school student, then he does not understand it himself. And to explain on fingers, means, to be able to imagine it very clearly. In the form of very bright images.

That's why the next few issues of the mailing will be devoted to the development of the imagination. First, answer yourself to the question: "How often do you remember in detail the dreams you have seen?".

Surely not often. But dreams are nothing but a flow of images. So we will pay considerable attention to the technique of working with dreams.

And let's start developing the imagination and the ability to control the flow of images in the next release of the newsletter. Why not right away? It's just that you have to think a little about this, realize the importance of this process, tune in to it.

In the end, evaluate for yourself how much developed or undeveloped you have imagination.

We dare say that even with a good level of development of the imagination to improve this quality does not hurt, and even oh, as it will not hurt.

By the way, Herr Landsdorf (the character of the magnificent novel by V.Kozhevnikov "The Shield and the Sword") predicted a great future for Yogan Weiss because of the imagination and artistry of Weiss. And he was not mistaken. I did not know only the veteran of German intelligence that Johann Weiss was a Soviet intelligence agent Alexander Belov ...

And, at the end of this issue, an announcement, the essence of which many already know. Nevertheless…

Our Center of Intellectual Technologies conducts a reception at the Correspondence Course in the Development of Memory and Intellect. We came up with two options for the course the other day, so that anyone could choose a suitable option for themselves.

Let's remind that the Course is 14 brochures-methodic with audio applications. The program of the course in many respects coincides with the program of a similar course of one of the educational institutions still of the Soviet KGB. What the program gives:

·          Development of attention, concentration and imagination ;

·          Development of memory as a function of the brain;

·          Compiling your own memorization system;

·          The ability to memorize any kinds of information - digital, visual, verbal;

·          The ability to easily memorize foreign words and forcefully study languages;

·          The ability to remember people, their names and surnames, basic characteristics;

·          The ability to work fruitfully with texts of any complexity.

By e-mail constantly updated and various new items. In addition, you can consult and ask questions. At the end of the course you will receive a souvenir (we will say so, very useful), which we are preparing with one interesting specialist who, by the way, kindly agreed to take part in the conduct of this newsletter.

Applications are accepted by e-mail [email protected] .

Good luck!

Perfection! Issue. 13

Subscribe Improvement! Issue 13. Developing the imagination!


In the previous issue, we started the topic "Development of the imagination." The relevance of the topic became evident after a number of seminars on the development of memory in general and on the study of foreign languages ​​in particular.

Many listeners found it easy enough to "bring back" the attention and, if I may say so, "return the imagination." By "returning the imagination," one should understand the approach of the adult's imagination level to the level of the same person's imagination in childhood or, at least, early youth.

You know, many of this was quite enough to drastically advance in school and work. And the memory systems began to be given immediately, work with literature became much more productive.

A striking example - a young man of 27 years of age decided to go to a prestigious university. He complained that he had not studied at school at all, the course of physics and mathematics seemed impassable to him. He came to the course in the hope that the situation would change and he would correct the situation due to improved purely mechanical memorization.

In the beginning, he had to prove that at the heart of the so-called purely mechanical memorization, one way or another lies imagination, attention and association.

At first, he agreed about attention and associations, but about the imagination ... The argument was one: "Imagination is for children and writers!". After he began to perform tests, and at first not quite successfully, he still realized that imagination plays a key role.

He tackled this question. And a month later I felt the strength to start studying the course of physics and mathematics. Needless to say, he learned everything quickly, mastered and passed the exams brilliantly?

Imagination will be developed in three directions, so to speak:

·          exercises;

·          Control over the flow of images;

·          music.

Let's start with exercises.

Generally speaking, many readers of this mailing list are certainly subscribed to other mailings from our Center for Intelligent Technologies. And the first exercise is familiar to many. But if we are talking about the imagination, then we can not say no more about it, since it is the main one. Another argument for telling again about him, is that we do not doubt that very few people actually did it, despite the seeming simplicity.

You already understood that this is an exercise " SCREENING IMAGE ". Recall it.

1.       To perform the exercise, you need a computer or VCR with a TV.

2.       We take a Soviet or Russian film. And shot initially to film and only then translated into video. Now many films, especially serials, are shot directly on the video. The difference is noticeable to the naked eye.

3.       Do not fit cartoons, titrated, dubbed movies. Movies with parallel translation also do not fit.

4.       From the film we select a fragment of length of 10 minutes. By the way, for this purpose, the issues of "Yeralash" or "Wick" are suitable.

5.       10 days, we look at the same passage or story in such a sequence: first only sound, then sound and video, then only video . We emphasize that for 10 days we are looking, or rather, perceiving, the same passage .

6.       The next 10 days in the combination "sound - sound plus video - video" we watch every day a new episode or plot.

7.       No special action to perform is not necessary like reading through the lips, guessing the plot, etc. You just need to perceive the signal. The brain itself "will do whatever it takes."

So, only twenty days ... Total for half an hour a day ...

The result, as a rule, is impressive. Improves memorization. Improved understanding of complex educational material. Any information is perceived much sharper and more interesting. Memorization becomes more permanent.

Included are many, so to speak, dozing resources so far.

"Only" after completing the exercise, pictures that you see with your inner eyes while remembering, studying the material, etc. Become brighter and more distinct. The images become more contrasting and vivid.

And the brighter the image - the more neural connections appear in the brain. Although the processes are interrelated and influencing each other.

Sometimes the question is asked: "Will not there be a porridge of images in my head?". We answer that we can store an almost infinite number of images in our memory.

Memory works roughly like holography. After all, roughly speaking, we do not represent a photo album or a library. All information is stored in much the same way as an image on a holographic plate - in the form of fixed waves or electrical signals. And the more waves we recorded on the plate, the better the hologram.

Developing the imagination, we allow our "memory hologram" to accommodate more waves.

Let us quote Quintillion again: "Our memory is our imagination." Said in ancient Rome. Actually it will always be.

Our Center for Intellectual Technologies continues the admission to the correspondence course of Development of Memory and Intellect. The course is 14 pamphlets with audio applications. The program of the course in many respects coincides with the program of a similar course of one of the educational institutions still of the Soviet KGB. What the program gives:

·          Development of attention and concentration, imagination;

·          Development of memory as a function of the brain;

·          Compiling your own memorization system;

·          The ability to memorize any kinds of information - digital, visual, verbal;

·          The ability to easily memorize foreign words and forcefully study languages;

·          The ability to remember people, their names and surnames, basic characteristics;

·          The ability to work fruitfully with texts of any complexity.

By e-mail constantly updated and various new items. In addition, you can consult and ask questions. At the end of the course you will receive a souvenir (we will say so, very useful). There are two options for registering the course, so you will not incur noticeable financial turmoil.

A benefit is guaranteed.

Applications are accepted by e-mail [email protected] .

Good luck!

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3