Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "Ч"



Seldom does one of us manage without a daily tea drinking, so popular and entered into our life this delicious and wholesome drink. Everyone sets his own dosage for himself: somebody is limited to a weak infusion, and some like stronger tea.
Tea is characterized by an abundance of phytoncides, they contain more than thirty volatile aldehydes, and the protein content and nutritional value of tea leaf is not inferior to leguminous crops.
In tea, 17 amino acids were found, of which glutamic acid is the most valuable. Tea contains macronutrients: iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese and trace elements: copper, iodine, fluorine, gold. There are many vitamins and pantothenic acid. The tea tannin after oxidation is oxidized and loses its bitter taste, acquiring pleasant astringency. Tannin and Kakheti tea have the properties of vitamin R.
Tea contains up to 4% of caffeine - it would be enough for almost every one of us drinking tea to be poisoned by this alkaloid. In coffee, caffeine is less, but from it we feel with excess heart palpitations, other unpleasant vascular disorders. Why is that? - you ask. The fact is that in tea, caffeine is constantly in a bound state with tannin, and it enters the body together with theobromine and theophylline, so the caffeine of tea is absorbed slowly and quickly eliminated from the body.
It is established that the calorie content of tea is 25 times higher than that of bread (assuming the calculation of dry weight). Tea has a tonic, stimulating effect on the central nervous system, enhances excitation in the cerebral cortex, increases mental and physical performance. It's vain to argue: what tea is better - black or green? Both are equally useful, but in a therapeutic sense they perform different functions. For example, if green tea is useful for hypertensive patients, then, for hypotenics, on the contrary, it is undesirable.
Green tea positively affects the functional state of the adrenal cortex. Black tea in certain doses increases the tone of the vessels, strengthens the capillaries due to the large content of vitamins B, P, PP.
In recent years, there have been reports of the effectiveness of certain flavonoids and catechins contained in tea, including myricetrine, quercetin and rutin in certain types of tumors. Scientists in Japan and other countries have established that tea, especially green tea, has a certain anti-radiation effect, reducing the harmful effect of radioactive substances on the body.
Tea has a beneficial effect on the function of the kidneys and urinary tract. Ascorbic acid, iron and trace elements of tea are stimulants of hematopoiesis. Tea is useful for diseases such as hepatitis, rheumatic endocarditis, nephritis, and also for certain skin diseases.
Meanwhile, there are contraindications. Both tea, both green and black, are harmful for hypertension - an increased function of the thyroid gland.
Green tea is contraindicated in gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
The excessive intake of tea, especially green tea, causes severe sleep disorders, body exhaustion, palpitations, hand tremors and a number of other negative reactions. Green tea, especially its higher grades, is absolutely contraindicated in hypotension.



Avicenna introduced me to this plant. In his "Canon" for the first time I read about this mysterious plant, because I had not met him before. He began to look in the directories - nowhere about him a word. I reviewed the books of all our celebrities writing about herbs - either they do not want to write about the shepherd, or they do not know themselves. Only by chance I came across a short description in the determinant of plants of our republic - and the matter shifted from its place. It grows near the water (or directly in the water in a shallow place), a blossoming stem is erect, trihedral, leafless - only white flowers on top, with three petals. And the leaves in the basal rosette with long petioles, with strong longitudinal veins. Very similar to the leaves of plantain. The root is edible.
However, the plant in its fresh form is poisonous, but after drying, the toxicity disappears. It is used for chronic nephritis, edema of kidney origin, dropsy. Sometimes chastuha is used for hemorrhoids. But for me the most important thing was what Avicenna said: "It helps with kidney stones and crushes them." There are many herbs in kidney stone disease, but they, having a strong diuretic effect, simply drive them. And if the stone is the largest urinary duct and stuck in it? Then operations can not be avoided. A shepherd, plantain, before turning them out of the tubers, turns into powder.
That's what I needed. At one young lady, teaching at a prestigious institute, the kidneys were stuffed with stones, like Ukrainian sausage lard. And what kind of stones did not exist: oxalate, phosphate, urate, even coral. Therefore, the medicine needed a reliable one. And I believed Avicenna. The recipe is nowhere to be found, but I made the most common folk by its whip: 1 tablespoon of herb to a glass of boiling water, to insist for 2 hours and take a quarter cup 4 times a day. And soon the sand went. Occasionally there were pains-the sand would scrape the parenchyma, but in the first two weeks, several tea spoons of sand appeared. Then it became smaller and smaller, and the sand itself was almost indistinguishable, more like a dreg. Soon only a fairy tale will tell. And for us it took more than six months for the treatment, and even then two small pebbles continued to persist, huddling somewhere in an almost inaccessible depth. Later, they were coped with.
Remembering about this case, I decided to include in the book at least a few grateful words to the shepherd chasoda.
The chemical composition of the plant has not been studied, but I can say about some contraindications. It is undesirable to appoint chastuha for acute kidney diseases, glomerulonephritis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus. Not recommended for nursing mothers - dramatically reduces lactation.

There are several more kinds of chegery, of which the white and black cheater are also used in a similar way. All these plants are very poisonous.
Chemeritsa is usually applied externally in the form of alcohol rubbing in rheumatic pains, neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis. Tincture used for pediculosis - against lice. Decoction of the roots has a disastrous effect on the blood fluke, on the scabies mite. In the people chesteress treat lichens and eczema, insisting the root on the cream in a hot oven.
Inside the chester because of the high toxicity is not assigned. It is enough to take more than one gram to cause poisoning and death. Nevertheless, in the homeopathy, the chebrae is highly valued and widely used in paralysis, hand trembling, neuralgia and epilepsy, frequent fainting, as well as in emaciation, rapid fatigue, general weakness, urticaria, melancholia, hypochondria, violent irritation, flushes of blood to the head, Noise in the ears, toothache, drooling, loud eructations, abdominal pain, flatulence, cholera, hemorrhoids, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, heart diseases - of course, in the maximum permissible microdoses.
The main contraindication to the use of chegery - any attempts at self-treatment. Especially after the prescription for the treatment of certain oncological diseases, syringing with uterine cancer began to wander from hand to hand. The first signs of poisoning chesteritsie: burning sensation in the mouth, vomiting, intense sweating, intestinal colic, difficulty breathing, falling heart rate. There may come a stop of the heart.



If plants could be divided into classes, like people, then the turn would be considered the most common folk - it is so omnipresent, accessible, the soul is open, generous - take as much as you want. It seems to be one of the oldest medicinal herbs, but it remained for a century scrofulous grass. Even Avicenna and Amirdovlat did not give a line to her.
True, in Russia the popularity of the turn was quite large, harvested in 29 provinces, but the raw materials were used in the past centuries only within the country, since in the West the turn was not considered a medicinal plant.
In tsarist Russia, scrofula was a fairly common disease, and in the Self-Study of Rural Treatment (1866) it was said: "Not only the common people use the scrofula for scrofula, but many of the upper classes resort to it, often combining it for more action with herbs Ivan and Marya, mother and stepmother and roots of lupus and sarsaparelnym. Usually two good things are taken in a glass of boiled water, or one line, insisting: the poor - in a mahogany or pot on light fire, and the rich - in a kettle on a samovar; After a lapse of 1/4 hours, drain the liquid and give it to honey or sugar in the morning and evening on a tea cup or a glass. "
Often, the receptions of the broths of the turn were combined inward with the washing of the body parts affected by scrofula, - reminds "Self-teacher ...".
Demand for the turn has not decreased and now, on the contrary, has increased, especially in the countries of the West. After all, what is scrofula? Roughly speaking, nothing more than an allergy. One of the most fashionable diseases now.
Recently, the Japanese, along with the Chinese and Koreans, became interested in the turn.
In the people used primarily first of all for metabolic disorders, all kinds of skin diseases, gout, arthritis, liver and spleen diseases, various digestive disorders. Tea from the turn is drunk after eating with beriberi, ulcerative colitis. Experienced healers prepare a medicine for it from craniocerebral trauma, from concussion of the brain.
In the book "Overcome the Grass" I paid a lot of attention to the series with useful recommendations, right up to the treatment of psoriasis. I would not like to repeat it. But there was not a word about contraindications.
There was an opinion on the complete harmlessness of the sequence, of course, with full observance of the maximum permissible doses. And yet, prolonged, unreasonable application of the sequence can lead to the opposite results, especially in children's practice - to an increase in nervous excitability and irritability, to a violation of the stool, a drop in blood pressure, and severe weakness. With a glut of the body, especially in children, I met with complete intolerance of infusions and broths of succession. We must not forget that this is a poisonous plant, and when a child is brewed 2 3 spoons of grass for a glass of boiling water, my heart is compressed with pity for him (even 1 tablespoon for him is a fivefold excess of a reasonable therapeutic dose if taken inside).



The queen of spring is called this fragrant snow-white blooming beauty. She vies with the lilac, very often ahead of her in flowering. In former times, when I often went out for spring fishing, I always chose a place for rest under a luxurious cherry tree that had just blossomed. And nearby, on the same blossoming beauty, the nightingale furiously clicked.
Yes, the smell of cherry is slightly dizzy. This gives the cyanide acid lurking in the phytoncids. In intact leaves it is bound in the form of amygdalin glycoside. But try to damage the leaves! If a rat or mouse is placed under a hood with crushed leaves of a bird, they die in ten minutes from poisonous volatile vapors. Cyanic acid in the form of amygdaline is present in all parts of the cherry, not only in leaves and flowers, but also in fruits, especially in bones.
Now very few people know that about two hundred years ago, they began to destroy the cherry tree everywhere. They spoke her evil tongues. Rumor has it that she lures evil spirits to her, and along with them a mole, a tulp. She disappeared from the parks, from the landed estates, from the front gardens near the village huts. They also cut it in the forest, especially near the places of summer mowing. Only with the years, with great difficulty, it was rehabilitated by the most enlightened people and traditional healers.
In cherry, not only flowers and fruits are taken for preparation of medicines, but also leaves, bark. Decoction of fruits is drunk with diarrhea, gastritis, with success apply externally with fungal skin lesions. Fecundity of women syrintsuyutsya with trichomonad colpitis, whites. Infusion of flowers is drunk with pancreatic diseases, mild forms of diabetes, washed with infusion, sick eyes. Decoction of the bark is taken by tea spoons with fever, cold, cough, cystitis. Znakhari has long been successfully treated with cherry gout, rheumatism, pulmonary tuberculosis. Until now, one of the best treatments for furunculosis and purulent wounds are lotions from the flowers of cherry. Infusion from cheryomuhi is one of the most radical means of treatment of dental caries. The high content of vitamins E, P, C promotes the treatment of impotence, and diluted infusion of fruit for douching - treatment of chronic colpitis and whitec (this method has been tried for centuries). It's a pity now rarely use this tool.
CHRONIC COLP, BELI. 1 tablespoon of flowers or fruits brew in a thermos 2 cups of boiling water. To sustain 6 10 hours. Apply 3 4 times a day for syringing.
POLYARTHRITIS. 5 g of bark cherry on 1 glass of water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes, insist half an hour. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
CANCER OF INNER ORGANS. In enameled or glassware put 2 tablespoons of dried flowers of cherry and 2 tablespoons of dried bark from young branches. Pour 3 cups of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 6 8 hours before the color of the dark wine, drain, squeeze the raw materials. Keep in a cool place for no more than 2 days. To drink in a warm kind as tea on a half-glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meal.
Do not forget that the fruit contains amygdalin, which, decomposing in the digestive organs, forms a prussic acid - abuse can cause severe poisoning. It is not superfluous to recall that the cherry is contraindicated in case of constipation, hemorrhoids, cracks in the rectum. All preparations of the cherry are contraindicated in pregnancy.

In Russia, blueberries were called "the juvenile berry". They believed that it rejuvenates the body. Our ancestors knew the healing power of blueberries. Applied with stones in the kidneys, with gout, rheumatism, metabolic disorders. In acute and chronic digestion disorders with diarrhea, loss of weight, appetite, colitis and enterocolitis with fermenting and putrefactive processes in the intestine, first of all they turned to blueberry.
Many berries and berries are found in berries and leaves. Some forms of diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases are treated with leaves. A syrup of berries is given for dysbacteriosis. Blueberries have a beneficial effect on eyesight, especially with a heavy eye strain.
These substances, beneficial for eyesight, have not yet been fully deciphered, but their effect is confirmed. During the Second World War, English pilots were daily included in the ration of blueberry jam. Blueberries are included in the obligatory menu of cosmonauts.
Blueberries contain a lot of manganese, copper, boron, titanium, chromium, a lot of carotene. In addition to carotene, B vitamins C, P and B are also found in blueberries. The vitamin B content of riboflavin is especially high in it (probably, this improvement is associated with this vitamin). In the bilberry contains lemon, apple, succinic and quinic acid, cane sugar, many pectin substances. Bilberry has specific characteristics: it contains many tannins and glycosides. Their combination is attributed to the ability to reduce blood sugar. In this regard, the berries and decoction of the leaves of blueberries collected in July in August (the leaves contain all the same substances as in berries) are recommended for the treatment of certain forms of diabetes mellitus. Whole and diluted with water, the juice can have a bactericidal effect, including on the dysentery rod and the pathogens of typhoid fever.
In bilberry, oxycoumarin has been found, which has the ability to lower blood clotting, and this does not allow blood clots to form and promotes their absorption, and also prevents the occurrence of strokes and heart attacks.
The people are preparing a syrup of berries, useful for acute and chronic disease of the small and large intestine, with putrefaction (rumbling, bloating, flatulence, dysbiosis) in the bowels. Compresses or decoction from leaves (for enema) is a good remedy for hemorrhoids. The best means not to think up in the treatment of diarrhea, especially in children and the elderly.
Bilberry leaves contain arbutin, they treat kidney diseases, pyelonephritis.
French folk medicine, and now classical, uses blueberries to treat and prevent tumors in the internal organs of man.
Women used berries to stop uterine bleeding (copious menses or with menopause).
I applied blueberry leaves with acute leukemia in combination with other herbs: 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water, 2 3 hours to insist, drink one third of the glass with one of the individually prepared tinctures. (Here I do not have the opportunity to give a full breakdown of the complexes that changed every month and contained completely different components.)
But you can use a separate recipe, which will also benefit.
LEUKEMIA. 6 tablespoons of blueberry leaves pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 2 3 hours, drain. Drink 5 6 glasses a day at regular intervals during the month. Break for 10 days, then repeat. Allowed and with drug treatment.
STOMACH CANCER. 2 tablespoons of leaves pour a full glass of boiling water, insist 3 4 hours, drain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.
MONORRHIA (abnormally severe bleeding during menstruation). 1 tablespoon of leaves pour a glass of boiling water, soak in a water bath for 15 minutes, insist 1 hour. Strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.
HYPERTENSION. 4 teaspoons of berries pour a glass of water at room temperature, insist 8 hours (better set at night). Drink in divided portions throughout the day.
CONJUNCTIVITIS. Eat 1 tablespoon of fresh or dry blueberries daily.
ECZEMA. From fresh berries to prepare a thick broth and, not straining, a thick layer to impose on the amazed places and to tie gauze. The same broth treats rashes, pimples, necrotic ulcers and burned places.
Unfortunately, not everyone can use blueberries with impunity. You can not use it for gastritis with high acidity.
Bilberry is contraindicated with low blood coagulability. Needless to say, it will not bring bilberry benefits for atonic constipation, sluggish peristalsis of the intestine.
Special care should be given to allergic people. I had to watch how a handful of berries, eaten by two days, caused a strong allergic reaction in two women, with painful skin rashes and edema. Both suffered a few days, although all anti-allergic measures (taewegil, diphenhydramine) were taken. Interestingly, on red, highly itchy skin spots the only soothing remedy was the alcohol tincture of the shells of pine nuts - they proved to be salutary.
312. Chernogolovka Ordinary


Chernogolovka can often be found in meadows, open forest glades, near rivers and lakes, even near roads. It is used not only in Indian, Tibetan and Chinese medicine, but also in many other countries. Do not neglect it and homeopathy.
In folk medicine, decoction of herbs is used with great benefit for diphtheria, tuberculosis of the throat, angina, with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, the same broth rinse the throat with hyperthyroidism, and inside take with nodular goiter.
In some cases, herbal infusion is effective in epilepsy. In addition, the infusion of herbs are taken with diabetes, stomach pain, gastroenteritis, dysentery, various bleeding, heart disease, gynecological diseases. The plant has a strong antifungal activity. Assign Chernogolovka and cancerous tumors.
Think about the whole list. Someone, probably, will run his eyes in passing on these lines, without thinking - it's supposedly not about me, my "sores", fortunately, there is not. But after all every word is a disease, sometimes very serious. And then, maybe you'll see me or another herbalist squatting and a plant - a small, fragile, a few small leaves and a dark red flower, covered with a purple hat on top. Cut a few plants and after a few steps again go down on his haunches. And so the whole day, until you get how much it is in time - a lot still will not work. On the treatment of one person a few days must be collected. And you do not collect everywhere, where you have to, but in your pre-chosen places.
Here I would like to touch on one interesting side. Once I was stuck for a couple of weeks in the famous resort "Yangan tau". He helped the initiate with the opening of the phyto-bar. And at the same time I gathered grass in the vicinity. And here in one place, away from the resort, where dozens of years ago, before the opening of the resort, digging themselves pits and treated "savages", I saw in one hole and on its crest Chernogolovka, so so magnificent that it was four Five times the size of ordinary plants. He also walked around and collected everything. In one place even felt the warmth coming from the mountain - as if not all of it was burnt. Dried Chernogolovka. And when he applied it in treatment - she was several times stronger than the usual party of Chernogolovka. And now I try to take it there on occasion.
CANCER OF VARIOUS LOCALIZATION. Grind the plant, 1 teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 4 times daily before meals.
TUBERCULOSIS OF SKIN, HYPERTHERYOSIS, HYPERTENSION, DISEASE OF WOMEN SEXUAL ORGANS, EXODUSIVE DIETHESIS, RHEUMATIC POLYAPTHRITIS. Just 1 teaspoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.
ANGINE, STOMATITIS. Use the same infusion for rinses. Helps well and quickly.
There is nothing to be surprised at. The plant is still poisonous (but not worse than other slightly poisonous grasses). Apparently, has a great biological strength. And the chemical composition is still known, figuratively speaking, at the level of primary school.
When using Chernogolovka, it is necessary to take into account that her drugs can worsen the condition of a patient with low blood pressure or suffering from prolonged constipation. Contraindicated Chernogolovka with high blood coagulability, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis. Not recommended for use in pregnancy.

According to one of the most ancient legends, his appearance arose after Satan was overthrown from heaven. When he, expelled from paradise, first stepped on the ground, then the place of the left leg grew garlic, and the right - the bow. And they do not have a pleasant taste and smell, so Adam and Eve did not immediately perceive the value of the divine gift - not Satan brought them into the light.
In ancient Greece and Rome, garlic was used for sacrifices to the gods. Pythagoras called garlic "the king of all spices." The Egyptians garlic was deified - they so extolled this plant that it was forbidden to mere mortals to use it. In India, a small child was wrapped around his neck with garlic. Avicenna believed that garlic "treats all diseases, and old age says" wait ". And the quirks of nature can only be surprised: after all, an elegant tulip, a fragrant lily and garlic - representatives of one family - lily.
And yet, despite all the unenviable appearance and far from the fragrance of smell, garlic takes almost the first place in a vegetable home pharmacy. Behind it, you do not need to run to the pharmacy, especially if you go far into the distance-you'll find it in any mistress's house. Garlic has long been considered one of the best antiseptics. This is the first home remedy for colds, flu, viral infections. Inhalation of its fumes helps with coughing, sore throat, quickly cures a runny nose. Garlic treat bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, lung abscess, atherosclerosis, a number of gastrointestinal diseases, rheumatism, skin diseases, precancerous and cancerous tumors of various locations. Kashitza from garlic in a mixture with honey is used for varicose veins, obliterating endarteritis.
Garlic is popular in all countries. In China, they treat, as we do, diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, blood circulation, rheumatism, beriberi, skin diseases and disorders of the menstrual cycle. In Europe - tuberculosis and dysentery. In Japan, fresh and lightly salted garlic is treated with cancer, it is an essential part of all anti-cancer treatment activities. And in Russia, a tincture of garlic on vodka was used to treat kidneys and bladder, crushing (removing) stones from these organs.
I have no doubt that in every family there are recipes written down just in case with garlic. Therefore, I will touch only a few tips that will not prevent anyone.
DISBACTERIOSIS. The middle head of garlic should be cleaned, crushed, pour the resulting gruel 1 cup of unrefined sunflower oil and clean the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a day. Then take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Before use in a spoonful of oil, pour 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. The course is from 1 to 3 months. Break 1 month. Repeat if necessary. In addition, it relieves spasms of the vessels of the brain, cardiac muscle, dyspnea, favorably affects atherosclerosis.
LAMBLIOZ. Mix evenly the mush of garlic and horseradish. A quarter of a glass of mixture pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist 10 days, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 2 3 times a day for 20 minutes before a meal, washing down with water.
BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. Mix 100 g of garlic clot and 100 grams of horseradish, add 150 g of butter and 600 g of honey, warm in a water bath, stirring gently. Store in a refrigerator under a tight lid. Take 1 tablespoon 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months. Month break, then repeat until complete recovery.
VARICOUS EXTENSION OF VEINS, OBLITERATING ENDARTERITIS, HEART ISHEMIA. Mix in equal parts by weight garlic clove and honey, close tightly and insist in a dark place for a week, stirring occasionally. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 40 minutes before eating for 1 2 months.
For all this unquestionable utility, they often forget about the harmful side of garlic. They forget that fresh garlic is contraindicated in inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis.
Garlic is contraindicated in such kidney diseases as nephritis and nephrosis.
From the treatment of garlic, unwillingly refuse to with gastritis with high acidity, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, if you do not want to get aggravation of the disease.
Garlic will certainly harm and exacerbate hemorrhoids. Garlic is contraindicated in case of epilepsy, pregnancy. Do not show garlic preparations with excess weight, obesity.
He walks on his hands and there is no no, and the recipe for garlic spirit tincture, supposedly found in some ancient Tibetan monastery, will be flashed in print, taken on a drop scheme for cleaning vessels during atherosclerosis, ischemia, and many other diseases. For the time being, I did not take it seriously, but now I am extremely wary. I know of a few specific cases where such treatment resulted in extensive myocardial infarction with lethal outcomes. Perhaps it was a chain of fatal accidents. People who without this tincture, in my opinion, could have lived safely, left none of life, none of them had any serious prerequisites, they drank these drops for the sake of prevention, in order to feel even healthier to protect themselves for the future , But, apparently, there were some contraindications, and which ones - it remained a mystery to me.
Yes, the great Avicenna said that "garlic heals all diseases." However, he also found contraindications to it. It is appropriate to recall his words that "garlic weakens sight." Or was he wrong too? ..



For me this plant always seemed somewhat mysterious. Maybe because the people called it snake grass. But I have never seen a snake near him. And perhaps, as a reminder of the snake's head, a long inflorescence protruding from the total grass mass of crimson color. Only when you come closer, touch the soft leaves with a peculiar, not very pleasant smell, you see unerringly - forest cleanser.
He is mysterious because he rarely meets his description, he is overlooked, the chemical composition is poorly understood, and for herbalists for some reason you will hardly find it.
A long time ago, when I was treating a sarcoma from a young man, I used it externally on the lotions - most of the time the patient asked for this herb and only she went to it. The tumor on his right shoulder was the size of a soccer ball. The plaintiff removed pain, and he could sleep peacefully. For more than a year, the treatment lasted, but the patient could not be saved. His sister said with superstitious horror that after the death of her brother, the tumor suddenly fell off by itself, and there were no signs of any trace on her body (the patient lived in Nefteyugansk, I myself could not see it). Persistently talked about the death spell, supposedly even called the person who did this, but I knew that in the fourth stage such a disease is not treated, and only tried to ease the patient's existence.
But the forest cleanser did a good job as a maternity aid. If you drink it infusion on the eve of childbirth, they proceed painlessly, without pathology, without bleeding, the birth canal is ideally cleared of the afterbirth. By the way, such a property of the forest cleanser is confirmed by the physicians themselves, noting that the herb extract favorably affects the course of the postpartum period in women, even in pathology. Therefore, forest cleanser preparations are recommended in obstetrical gynecological practice in the postpartum period - with atony of the uterus and uterine bleeding. It has been established that purgative preparations possess a uterine action, like ergot preparations, increase the tone of the uterus and intensify its contractions, but the action of the purifier is somewhat weaker than the ergot and is close in effect to the alkaloid spherophysin.
In addition, it is worth noting that spirituous and alcoholic extracts of herb chist have a sedative effect on the central nervous system, reduce blood pressure.
In folk medicine, infusion of herbs is used for menstrual disorders, hysteria, fainting, epilepsy and various skin diseases.
Forest purifier refers to poisonous plants. Dosage here is not just strict, but practically the same for different diseases.
NON-REGULAR MENSTRUTIONS, BAD CIRCULATION, "CEREBRAL IMPACT", HISTORY, FALSE, EPILEPSIA. 1 teaspoon of herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
HAIR, INFLAMMATION OF VARIOUS GLANDS, Wounds, ulcers. To the wounds and ulcers apply crushed grass, and in the form of poultices use to "soften" the glands and the breast.
BRAIN TUMOR TUMOR. At night apply a compress of warm infusion (infusion: 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water). Do until the tumor dissolves. In summer, fresh grass is used. Change the bandage 1 time per day.
RODS. A few days before the onset of labor, start taking the herb infestation of the forest chist. I gave such a recipe: 1 teaspoon of grass without a heap, without a slide, pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 4 times a day (in rare cases, up to 1/5 cups per reception). After giving birth, continue taking the infusion again individually: an incomplete teaspoon of herbs for a glass of boiled water and drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, if everything goes well, and in difficult cases, if bleeding continues or complicates afterwards, increase the dose to 15 cups 2 4 times a day.
The main requirement: to observe dosages.
By the ability to reduce blood pressure, the forest cleft exceeds the motherwort, it can not be administered with hypotension. Pure is contraindicated in pregnancy, excluding only the most recent days of fetal wear. (Similar contraindications are related plants - swamp purgator, a clean straight.)


There are more than two hundred diseases in which the celandine is able to help the body. List them here is not possible, and there is no need - in each family there are recipes for its use, and in which case the information can be found in any clinic. A whole feat was performed by Lydia Kostikova, collecting all the information in the book "Treatment with celandine" (SDS, St. Petersburg, 2000). The reader will find there sections on the treatment of oncological diseases, liver, stomach, intestine, kidney and bladder diseases, skin diseases, up to psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, skin tuberculosis, gangrene, and female diseases from fibroids, fibromas, cysts, mastopathy Before the cancer of the uterus - do not rewrite me all this, although some of my recipes come into contact with her recommendations.
Judging by the special literature, the data on the effectiveness of the use of celandine for the treatment of cancer of internal organs are doubtful. According to some authoritative opinions, the improvement of the condition of cancer patients is explained by the narcotic and anesthetic properties of celiac, although it is not denied that celandine, if not cure, at any rate retards tumor growth. Others believe that celandine can be treated with cancer, but only if it proceeds without metastasis.
In the treatment of female diseases (cancer of the uterus), some healers are convinced that the alternation of tampons with celandine and garlic cures malignant diseases.
It is difficult for me to be an arbitrator in these disputes, because I do not conduct treatment with individual medications. And with the cure of the same cancer of the uterus, and there were a few dozen cases, I can not give preference to any grass or even a few herbs alone, since it is impossible to determine whether the root of the root, the field field, or the main burden on myself played a decisive role Took poisons - hemlock, a blue wrestler or a high fighter, and maybe a fly agaric. And if you throw off the counter antitumor balm or individually selected collection of 7 9 herbs for douching, and maybe a point over "and" put tampons with this or that herbal oil? Therefore, I always give a monosyllabic answer: he treats the complex.
As for the celandine, I do not doubt its antitumor abilities. Have such a rich chemical composition - and stay away from difficult tasks? After all, there are more than twenty alkaloids in it. Of these, alkaloids, holidin, homochelidonin, and metaxyche lidonin are mitotic poisons capable of delaying the growth of tumors. And in the whole amount of chemical composition, celandine has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antipruritic, analgesic, antihistamine, diuretic, choleretic, anticonvulsant and cauterizing action. They inhibit the growth of malignant tumors, have fungistatic and bacteriostatic properties in relation to tubercular microbacteria, significantly reduce and prevent the development of certain fungal diseases, have antiviral, antimicrobial and insecticidal action.
From my practice I will give an example. An elderly woman, a gynecologist, raised a whole polyp garden in her bladder (we joked so, although the situation is not serious at all).
POLYPOSE OF THE URINARY BUBBLE. Assignment was as follows: 1 teaspoon of dry May herb celandine pour a glass of boiling water, close the lid and insist 2 hours, drain. Take 1/4 cup 3 4 times a day, dropping from the pipette into each serving of 20 drops of canned celiac juice. The juice also prepared from May, just beginning to bloom grass and mixed in half with vodka. We conducted two four-week courses with a break for a month. The examination showed: the bladder is clean. Four months later the course was repeated - already prophylactically, with the application of the vivacity of the field, wintergreen, lesdes, blue wrestler (a year before, I had treated her for bladder cancer and preventive courses were needed at least once every six months). Over the past two years, there have been no more complaints.
Purity is a poisonous plant, but with all the rules of communication with him, only positive results are achieved. Of course, you need an accurate, individually adjusted dosage.
Large doses and prolonged use can give side effects: dizziness, heaviness in the head and stomach, thirst, even fainting, hallucinations. Treatment celandine should be discontinued or go to the minimum dose. And if you continue to use in excessive amounts - the oppression of the respiratory center, the drop in the pulse, the loss of consciousness, death will not be excluded.
Purity decreases blood pressure and is not prescribed for hypotension alone. Do not recommend its decoctions and tinctures with bradycardia.
Long-term (six months or more) use of celandine preparations, even in small doses, can cause intestinal dysbacteriosis, and in the presence of dysbiosis it is generally counter-indicative.
If there is a strong casting of bile in the stomach, treatment with celandine should be stopped.
Particular care should be exercised when using baths with decoction of celandine for skin diseases, and in children's practice it is better and completely to cancel such therapeutic baths, replacing them with a turn, carpet and other less toxic herbs with certain concomitant diseases. Specialists noted that celandine in galenic forms is contraindicated for external use by persons suffering from epilepsy, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, and a number of neurological diseases.