Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "F"


Do you know how many violets I counted? Nineteen: a violet wool, a two-flowered violet, a violet branch, a short-violet violet, a violet short violet, a violet violet, a single-flowered violet, a violet-lowered violet, etc. Almost all of them are curative, but a three-color violet is among them - a beautiful annual plant with motley Tri-colored flowers.
With these annual plants, the trouble is straight. One summer he gasped, unable to keep his admiration: the whole vast glade was a bright carpet of violets alone. I never met her so much. Well, I think I'll visit you next summer. A hundred miles, a hundred miles, but what a harvest! Came for another year - not a single plant. As if he had never been here before. And only in three years on the next lawn has found out among other grasses a little bit violets. I had to pick it up, I just collected the basket. Such tricks can throw out annual grasses.
A three-colored violet is often requested. It is especially good in children's practice for colds, coughs, asthma, allergies. And adults need it - with rheumatism, arthrosis, gout, cystitis, kidney stones, atherosclerosis, bleeding, dermatitis, psoriasis. Most often goes to simple fees. Suppose a person has degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine. We prepare such a collection:
SPONDILEZ. With deforming spondylosis, even three-color violet grass, bean pods, corn stigmas, bearberry leaves, birch buds are taken evenly. 1 tablespoon mixture pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Take 2 3 tablespoons 2 3 times a day. Do not hurry, do not increase the dose. Treatment is designed for a long term (for the whole winter, for example). You can strengthen the tincture of the tincture on a teaspoon 3 times a day and lightly rubbing the angelica's tincture into the spine, the elderberry red, alternating between them after 3 4 weeks. In the reception of herbal infusion after 3 4 weeks, too, take a break for a week, and continue at this time to drink a saber.
Osteochondrosis. The treatment is exactly the same.
Glomerulonephritis. Also, the mixture is prepared: equally to take a violet, a grass of a drop letter and kidneys of a black poplar. 1 tablespoon of the collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, take 1/4 cup 4 times daily before meals. Treatment is long: after all, capillaries of the glomeruli of the renal tissue are affected, where blood is filtered and urine is formed. After a month of such treatment, you can change it for another month by another treatment, then again return to this collection. You also need to be patient with patience and endurance (carefully review the methods of treatment cited in the book and choose a suitable one that does not have contraindications).
Krauroz (itching of the vagina with vulvar atrophy, usually in older women). The collection is collected: 2 parts of violets, 2 parts of a string, 1 part of celandine grass, a leaf of a birch and a sheet of black currant. 2 tablespoons of the collection is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. A day will require 2 3 glasses of infusion. Of these, 100 ml is taken orally at night. The rest of the infusion in a warm form is used for syringing. It is advisable to syringe 2 times a day for 2 months. On this course of treatment usually ends.
Antiallergic agent is able to turn into an allergen, if used for a long time and with excess dosages. If there is an itchy rash and other skin allergic reactions, then the daily dose should be distributed for 3 4 days. If this also does not help, this type of treatment should be canceled. In a separate form, a three-color violet with glomerulonephritis is contraindicated, but in combination with a small letter and a bud of black poplar goes well.