Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "G"



In the people this plant enjoys great popularity in the treatment of diabetes - gigola really reduces the sugar content in the blood, reduces dependence on insulin. A water infusion of leaves is drunk with a cold as a diaphoretic. They use the gallel for helminthic invasion. Women breastfeeding are given goat's preparations as a milk remedy.
Galle is considered to be a poisonous plant, so the dosage is strictly limited. Its use is immediately canceled if there is a violation of the intestinal functions. Galega can cause an increase in blood pressure, so it is contraindicated in hypertension. Long-term treatment with drugs of the galeg can worsen the well-being of hypotensive patients.
According to some reports, gazga is contraindicated in pregnancy, it acts abortively.

It grows in the southern strip of Russia in dry steppes, on stony slopes, cattle grazed pastures. Weed forming extensive thickets. People use leaves, stems, flowers. Baths from grass are considered a good tool in the treatment of rheumatism and skin diseases. Healers and seeds of this plant are medicinal. The grass juice dissolves cataract in the initial stage of the disease. The value of harmaly is that it helps with trembling paralysis, parkinsonism, myopathy, myasthenia gravis.
Myopathy, disability. 1 tablespoon of herbs pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 2 tablespoons to 50 ml, regardless of food 3 times a day. Start with smaller doses.
RHEUMATISM. Very useful bath. 2 3 full of handfuls of dried herbs to soak in 3 liters of boiling water, insist half an hour and strain into a cooked bath. Take a bath for 20 minutes. It is advisable to conduct 10 15 procedures, if necessary, in a day. These baths also help with scabies.
Helminthiasis. Eat 10 15 pieces of seeds 2 3 times a day, washing down with water. The worms begin to come out on the third day of the fourth day.
Garmala refers to poisonous plants. It should not be used with hypotension. It is contraindicated in hyperkinesis caused by overexcitation of the motor centers of the cerebral cortex. Preparations garmaly act abortively and are excluded during pregnancy.



A similar therapeutic effect has other types: carnation herb, carnation lush, carnation multi-colored. All of them are good for internal and hemorrhoidal hemorrhages. They are used for atony of the uterus, pain in the abdomen and heart, kidney and bladder diseases, as well as nervous diseases, seizures in children, epilepsy, and headache.
Carnation herb in combination with astragalus woollyflower and goritsvetom spring I successfully used with severe heart failure.
MATKA (atony), WRONG MENURATIONS, METRORRIAG. 1 tablespoon dried herb with flowers pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, regardless of food.
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES. Mix evenly the grass of Astragalus woollyflower, goritzvet and clove grass. 1 teaspoon of collection pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, drain. Take a quarter cup 3 4 times a day with heart failure with increased blood pressure.
Infusion of herb cloves lowers the pressure, so that separately, without balancing other plants, should not be prescribed to hypotension. Carnations of a woman with amenorrhea - long delay and absence of menstruation should be taken care of. Contraindicated in all types of carnations during pregnancy.


Almost the same medicinal properties have geranium forest, geranium blood red, geranium marsh. They all have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, analgesic, hemostatic action. With therapeutic purpose, grass, flowers, roots are used. They are treated with malignant neoplasms, bone fractures, gastritis, enteritis, upper respiratory tract diseases, food poisoning, dysentery, insomnia, epilepsy, rheumatism and gout, angina and tachycardia, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, angina, anal and genital fistulas, pustular Skin lesions. Decoction of grass washes the head from alopecia - strong hair loss. I have more than once convinced myself of the ability of geraniums to dissolve stones in the kidneys and bladder.
SCHIZOPHRENIA. 2 teaspoons geranium blood-red for 2 cups of boiled water. Insist 8 10 hours (put on the night). Take 1 tablespoon every 2 3 hours (has the ability to correct the energy field of the patient, normalizing sleep, removing irritability).
POLIARTRITH, RHEUMATICS, PODAGRA, OSTEOCHONDROSIS. This same infusion helps in a complex with other means to unload the slagged salts of the body. Course - to improve. Infusion at the same time it is desirable to make lotions to the sick joints. By the way, lotions with such infusion of geranium bloody red or meadow quickly join the broken bones.
ROTARY STONE DISEASE. 10 g (2 teaspoons) of dry crushed roots pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 7-8 minutes, insist 1 hour, add the boiled water to the original volume. Take 2 tablespoons 4 5 times a day before meals. The value is that this tool does not push out, but dissolves stones.
STENOCARDIA. 5 tablespoons of dry grass geranium meadow pour 300 ml of boiling water, insist 2 3 hours, drain. Take 1 2 tablespoons 4 5 times a day before meals.
BLOODHARKANIE PULMONARY, MASULINE AND HEMORROIDAL BLEEDING. To quickly stop them, you need to take 20 30 drops of juice from fresh grass every 2 3 hours. NOSE BLEEDING - insert a cotton fleece moistened with juice in the nostril. In the absence of fresh herbs, prepare a strong broth from the roots (1 2 tablespoons for a glass of water, boil for 5-7 minutes). Insist to cool down, take 1 2 tablespoons every 2 3 hours before stopping bleeding.
ONCOLOGY. For all types of tumors, cold infusion of herbs is consumed instead of water: 1 tablespoon per 2 cups of cold boiled water, to insist 8 hours, to drink during the day.
RECTAL CANCER. Mix evenly the grass of geranium meadow, water pepper, Kalina flowers. Take from the collection 1 tablespoon, pour 100 ml of boiling water, insist to a warm state, drain. Pour into the infusion 1 teaspoon of tincture of the root of the blood-groove and insert a small baby pear into the anus. Do after the main cleansing of the intestine, preferably 2 3 times a day, but at least once a night is necessary (changing after a while for other microclysters).
In the existing literature there are no established contraindications to geraniums, but I would not recommend using it with increased blood viscosity, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, as well as intestinal atony and senile constipation, gastritis with high acidity.


In the people he is better known as the serpentine, the cervical cervix. Preparations from the roots of the coil are harmless. Usually find application in dental practice, in the form of rinses with stomatitis, gingivitis, other inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa and gums. Strong astringent, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect of the roots is used for ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the intestine, chronic diarrhea, gastric, intestinal and uterine bleeding. In combination with other plants, I used a serpentine in stomach cancer, in the form of microclysters in colorectal cancer.
In the roots of the mountaineer snake contains a lot of tannins, so it is not recommended to use them for chronic constipation. The same applies to the preparations from the rhizome of the mountaineer meat red. Sometimes a serpentine is prescribed for kidney stones and a gallbladder, but you can do much harm yourself if you do not follow a diet that completely excludes fatty, spicy and smoked food. Serpentine is contraindicated in spastic colitis with constipation. Abuse of serpentine preparations, in my opinion, is unacceptable with certain liver diseases (angiocholites) and pancreatitis. Highlander snake is contraindicated with weakened filtering function of renal glomeruli and the appearance in the urine of a large number of mineral salts, especially oxalic acid.


It is considered a poisonous plant, that is, it requires compliance with the rules of application. Unlike the mountaineer snake is a gentle laxative, which is important in the treatment of hemorrhoids. In earlier times, hemorrhoids were called pochechuem, hence the name went: pochechuyaya grass. Treat it and other diseases. Decoction of herbs are used for baths in allergic dermatoses, including eczema and psoriasis. Do poultices with edemas, as well as with flux, rheumatism. Powdered grass or fresh juice heals purulent wounds.
Water infusion and extracts of highlander pochecuyna increase the coagulability of blood, enhance the tone of the uterus, contraindicated in pregnancy, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. Highlander pochechuynym can not be used for acute inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. It should be remembered that it narrows the blood vessels and is not recommended for long-term use in hypertension, ischemic heart disease.



In the people, spores are very popular and worthy of high praise in the treatment of gastric ulcer, calculous cholecystitis and hepatocholecystitis, tuberculosis and respiratory tract, renal stone disease, rheumatism, obesity, with nervous exhaustion and weakness after severe illnesses. Helps sporish for prostate adenoma. It is used as an antitumor agent.
The sporyche developed a relationship as the most innocuous medicinal herb, which has no side effects. Yes, they treat kidneys with a sponge, they drive sand and pebbles out of them, but you should know that it is absolutely contraindicated in acute kidney and bladder disease. Do not combine with onions and garlic. Sporich strengthens the contraction of the uterus and in no case can it be used during pregnancy. Do not administer with excess phlegm. It is necessary to treat it with care with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. In patients with angina and hypertension, a thrombus can form. Even with the condition that the spores do not reduce the pressure sharply, moderately, all the same, when hypotension is not indicated. Can cause a rush of blood to the face, diarrhea and indigestion. In general, this plant requires a critical evaluation in each case.



Bitterness, contained in the roots of the plant, irritating the nerve endings in the mouth and reflexively affecting the secretion of the glands of the stomach, stimulate appetite and improve digestion, eliminate persistent heartburn, which is important in the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
BILIARY DYSKINESIA. 1 tablespoon roots pour 2 cups of cold boiled water, infuse 8-10 hours (put on overnight), drain. Take half a cup for 30 minutes before eating 2 times a day.
DIAGNOSIS is exudative. Take 5 g of gentian roots, roots of elecampane and yarrow grass, pour 2 glasses of water, after boiling boil for 10 minutes on low heat, then insist half an hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day in a warm form before eating.
LOSS OF APPETITE. A tablespoon of roots pour a glass of water, soak in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, insist 1 hour, drain. Drink 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals.
Contraindication here can serve as a tendency to excessive fatness and obesity. With caution should be taken to gentian with exacerbation of pancreatitis. Extremely strong bitterness, characteristic of all types of gentian, can cause some people to have an allergic reaction.



Having high nutritional value due to a rich complex of vitamins, mineral salts, microelements, peas are also interesting as a medicinal plant. Still Hippocrates advised to treat pea diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, goiter, obesity. Decoction of the herb has a strong diuretic effect, which is important for cardiac and renal edema, it has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland. Pea flour, if you eat a day a teaspoon, adjust digestion, help with chronic constipation, and women will eliminate yellow spots on the face and make the skin clean, velvet.
HEADACHE. With frequent headaches, pea flour is ingested 2 teaspoons 3 times daily before meals.
EKZEMA, PURACY Wounds, Fog, Ugri, Acute Inflammation of the Skin. Apply to these places gruel from immature (green) seeds in pure form or in a mixture with egg white. As the drying dries. You can use it for a long time.
FUNKUNKLES, KARBUNKULES, SOLID INFLAMMATORY INFILTRATES. Pea flour scalded with boiling water and make poultices - promotes rapid resorption.
Dermatitis, root. Enameled pot (without chipping) to fill with grass and peel of pea fruits, pour boiling water, let it brew. Make lotions on skin rashes, when drying, change. Well removes the inflammatory process, the skin after a few days begins to clear.
Peas in people who are not accustomed to it causes bloating and rumbling of the intestines. This can be avoided by adding fennel to it. Peas are not recommended to include the elderly in the menu. It is undesirable to use it for cholecystitis. With diseases of gout, peas are contraindicated. You can not use it in case of circulatory failure. Contraindicated peas in acute nephritis, exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.



Its chemical composition has not been studied. Scientific medicine left him out of sight, although we should pay attention to the fact that poultices from the grass soften and dissolve benign tumors. In several cases I have seen positive results with repeated application of mouse peas to swollen lymph nodes. By the way, the poultices of the grass are good for the prolapse of the rectum, inflamed hemorrhoids. Decoction of the roots is drunk in viral hepatitis. Infusion and decoction of herbs are used as a diuretic in ascites.
VIRAL HEPATITIS. 1 teaspoon of dried roots of mouse peas pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 6 minutes. Insist 2 hours, strain. Take a quarter or a third of the glass 3 times a day.
ASTSIT, LEGS. 2 tablespoons chopped herbs for 1 glass of water, bring to a boil and allow to lightly simmer for 5-7 minutes. To insist 1 hour. Strain. Take 2 tablespoons 1 3 times a day.
BLEEDING, CASH. In that case and another 3 tablespoons of dry herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. Take half a cup 3 times a day. Infusion can be used on lotions as wound healing.
You can not prescribe a mouse pea in diseases associated with a violation of salt metabolism, dehydration of the body (in particular, with diarrhea, dysentery). Its drugs are contraindicated in atherosclerosis, a tendency to obesity.


The seed powder of all kinds of mustard is used, basically, as a seasoning dressing, enhancing the secretion of gastric juice, and in the form of all known mustard plasters. For the time being, it was believed that mustard opens clots in the latticed bones, helps with impotence and is useful in "strangling the uterus." There was an opinion that if you drink mustard on an empty stomach, it increases agility. Ostensibly mustard helps poison poison, clear vision. Undoubtedly, there is a certain amount of truth in this.
MIGRAINE. In water with a temperature of 50 ° add a handful of mustard, stir, cool to 38 39 ° and hold in this mustard water hands.
HURT. Powder mustard mixed with vinegar in gruel, spread on the first third of the tongue. It will be hard to burn, but a little must be patient. After 2 minutes rinse with warm water. Will remove any pesky hiccups.
LOSS OF APPETITE. Eat daily 20-30 seeds of fresh mustard. The course is 20 days.
CANCER OF STOMACH, ANAGINAL GASTRITIS, COLITIS. A quarter teaspoon of mustard (or seeds) should be mixed in 1/4 cup of boiled water or milk. Take 1 time a day.
Inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis. The same recipe - 1/4 teaspoon of mustard or seeds per quarter of a glass of water or milk.
Few people know that the use of mustard for foot baths is contraindicated in varicose veins, as well as in cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, kidney disease. You can not use mustard for medicinal purposes for pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammation of the kidneys, gastritis with increased secretion, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Mustard plasters can not be used for pustular skin diseases, neurodermatitis, moccasive eczema, psoriasis, for pulmonary hemorrhage, malignant neoplasms, for asthma, hemorrhagic strokes.



Both types of gravel are highly appreciated by folk medicine in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, kidney and bladder, as well as a number of other diseases, when it is required to raise the general tone of the body. Decoctions of the roots are good for coughing with plentiful sputum, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, exhausting night sweat. Flowers have antiviral, and roots - antibacterial activity. For gravel, they recognize the antitumor effect. In several cases, I observed positive results when root tincture was included in the complex treatment of stomach cancer.
CHOLECYSTITIS. 2 teaspoons of herbs or rhizomes pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. Take half a cup 2 3 times daily before meals.
STOMACH CANCER. 5 tablespoons of gravel root, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist for at least 15 days, take 20-30 drops (in some cases, up to 1 teaspoonful) 3 times a day, one hour after a meal.
Gravel is practically harmless, its young leaflets are tasty in soups and salads. However, even here one has to take into account that when applied alone, gravel is contraindicated when the patient has very low blood pressure values ​​when he is persecuted by obstinate constipation. It is undesirable to resort to the help of gravel at thrombophlebitis and thrombosis of vessels.


The history of herbal medicine brought to us curious information about the grenade. From ancient Greek mythology, we learn that Proserpine did not leave Pluto simply because he had begged her to share the fruit of a pomegranate with him. Hence the belief that a pomegranate should always be shared with a loved one. Astrologers believe that where the medicine is powerless, the pomegranate juice will help those born under the sign of Aries. Hippocrates prescribes pomegranate juice for pains in the stomach, the fruit crust is a visceral and for the healing of wounds. Doctors of Ancient Rome, India, Armenia, decoctions of roots and bark expelled ribbon worms. The Arabs used grenades for gastrointestinal disorders and headaches. White bridges between the grains were dried and added to tea with nervous excitement, anxiety, insomnia.
For medicinal purposes, the tree bark and its roots, flowers, fruit crust, and grape juice are used today.
Considering serious contraindications, self-medication is undesirable. When treating a pomegranate, one should not forget that the fruits are contraindicated for patients with chronic constipation, with cracks in the rectum and hemorrhoids. Constipation caused by a grenade, with attempts and emptying often causes bleeding. When the dosage is exceeded, gastrointestinal bleeding and drugs from the pomegranate cortex can provoke. The bark contains alkaloids, which can cause complete blindness. Decoctions of the bark and roots, used to drive tape worms and bone fractures, are contraindicated in hypertension, since they greatly increase the pressure. Even in a person with normal or low blood pressure such decoctions in case of an overdose can cause dizziness, general weakness, vomiting, convulsions, weakening of vision. Pomegranate is contraindicated in hepatitis and acute nephritis. It is undesirable to combine juice with other medicines, especially with antihistamines.



Experts say that pulp and grapefruit juice have high dietary and medicinal qualities: they improve digestion, normalize liver function, reduce blood pressure, help restore strength and vigor in those who are weakened from a long and debilitating illness. Fruits and grapefruit juice are useful in cardiovascular diseases, depletion of the nervous system, kidney diseases. Strengthening the action of insulin, grapefruit improves the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus.
However, grapefruit has contraindications for high acidity of gastric juice, with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, colitis and enteritis. Treatment of grapefruit can not be performed with severe hypotension. Grapefruit is contraindicated in hepatitis and acute nephritis.



The ancient Greeks called it "a holiday for the brains" and even "the food of the gods." High valued walnut Avicenna, referring to Hippocrates: "Useful for indigestion, strengthens the dominant organs: the brain, heart, liver; Exacerbates feelings, especially when combined with figs and raisins; Healing for the elderly. " Saraswati in "yoga therapy" observed: "Nuts contain five times more nutrients than eggs; More fat than oil; More protein than meat; But for digestion they require much more gastric juices. " For better digestion, he advises to soak the nuts in the water.
At the walnut medicinal raw materials are everything: bark and roots, leaves, pericarp, both green and mature nuts, even intra-partitions and shells.
INFLAMMATION OF LYMPHICAL NODES. 1 tablespoon of leaves or green pericarp pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, regardless of food. Children - 1 teaspoon, too, 3 times a day.
POLIKISTOSE. 2 tablespoons of walnut partitions pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, boil 20 minutes, insist 1 hour. Drink half a cup 3 times a day for a month. Check. If necessary, repeat after 2 weeks.
OVARIAN CYST. Shells from 15 20 nuts pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 10 days. Treatment once a day: pour 1 tablespoon into half a cup of water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. In a month - check. Shells do not filter.
ADENOIDS. 1 tablespoon pericarp per 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and insist until it cools. To drip into each nostril for 6 8 drops 3 4 times a day.
HYPERTENSION. Eat 100 grams of nuts daily (can be with honey) for 45 days.
GASTRINE WITH HIGH ACID. Eat 7-10 walnuts daily.
DIABETES. 1 tablespoon of dry crushed leaves boil in 2 cups of water for 15-20 minutes. Take the infusion in 3-4 times during the day.
HEATING SYNP FULL CHARACTER. Mix equal parts of walnut leaves, elecampane root and three-color violet grass. 2 tablespoons mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, still boil for 5 minutes, insist until cooled, strain. Drink half a glass 4 times a day, regardless of food.
Too great is the list of diseases in which this precious gift of nature benefits and heals. In this case, it is not my task to explain in detail how and with what diseases it is applied. But contraindications must be remembered.
Walnut is not recommended for eating with chronic colitis and enterocolitis. High protein content in the nuclei sometimes provokes allergic reactions - urticaria, rashes - up to the swelling of Quincke, and can cause allergic stomatitis, diathesis. On many examples I was convinced that walnuts are contraindicated in patients suffering from eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and some other skin diseases. The intake of even a small amount of nuts contributes to the aggravation of these diseases.



The huge field of white pink blooming buckwheat wavers, as if waves roll under a light breeze. From her ripples in her eyes, her head turns spinning either from these wave surges, or from the finest floral fragrance. The daughter, who helped to collect medicine, did not keep on baking, went to rest in the shadow of birches growing along the edge of the field. I do not give up yet, I continue to tear off the flowering tops, filling the basket, thinking in my mind: this is for Raya, this is for Alina, it's still in the stock of someone else.
Paradise and Alina I treated for acute leukemia. Started with Rai. The girl is five years old. Hematologists in the hospital waved their hands in despair. The girl did not bear chemotherapy. Bone marrow transplantation and speech can not be - very expensive. When the girl's mom turned to me, the spirit was not enough to refuse a hopeless case. He began to make up therapeutic complexes taking into account all the parameters of the blood, hematopoietic system, spleen, liver, blasts. It is not possible to describe each complex, there were at least thirty of them, but more often they consisted of buckwheat flowers, blooming strawberry grass, blueberry leaves, a herb of flowering yarrow (helps with thrombocytopenia), herb and tincture of sapelnik roots, tincture of pine nuts, sophora fruit , Pine honey with pine flowers, specially formulated for her antitumor balsam. And dozens of other plants.
It was a long time ago. Alina is growing up. Ends the school of Paradise - the heart rejoices when I see it or I receive letters from the far north eastern region of Bashkortostan. Both girls are healthy - how not to rejoice.
Buckwheat helps with a variety of other diseases. It is used to prevent hemorrhage in the brain, the retina of the eyes (with hemorrhagic diathesis), in the treatment of scarlet fever, measles, rheumatism, sclerosis.
DISEASES OF THE THYROID GLAND. Take 1 glass of buckwheat and peeled walnuts. Grind the groats, nuts chop and mix it all with a glass of buckwheat honey. During the day, in a divided portion, eat this mixture. You can drink water, tea, but nothing else on this day is not. The course is 1 day a week for 2 months.
ASTMA, BRONCHITE. 2 3 tablespoons of buckwheat flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for half an hour, drain. Infusion take in a hot sip of a glass a quarter of a glass 4 6 times a day. At attacks of an asthma - through every hour.
ANEMIA. To chew buckwheat in a frying pan, so as not to burn. Skip through the coffee grinder. Pour 2 tablespoons into a glass of warm boiled milk. Drink a glass 3 times a day. Within a month the hemoglobin will grow to normal. Boiled croup is not good.
Sclerosis (with hypertension). Brew in boiling water 1 tablespoon of buckwheat flowers, insist 10 15 minutes in warmth and drink like tea without restriction.
Fresh grass and buckwheat flowers are slightly poisonous. When dried, their toxicity disappears. During treatment with buckwheat flowers, one always has to take into account that it is impossible to use them with high blood coagulability. At a hypotension it is necessary to counterbalance buckwheat with the plants raising pressure.



Pears have long served not only food, but also helped fight some diseases. Broth pears are still used in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and cooked and baked fruits - with a strong cough, choking, pulmonary tuberculosis. A thick broth is used for applying with a strong headache. Decoction of pears used and with renal stone disease. Juice and decoctions are given with diabetes, and as a remedy for strengthening capillaries.
PROSTATITIS. 1 cup of dry crushed pears boil until soft in 0.5 liters of water, insist 4 hours, take 1/4 1/2 cup 3 4 times a day. The effect is striking, comes in a few days, and long-term use of pear compote leads to a complete cure.
Fungal diseases, dermatitis. A unique property of a pear - it is a natural antibiotic. Young leaves, fresh or dry, boil - a glass of leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist on low heat for 2 3 minutes, allow to cool and apply lotions to the sore spots.
All varieties of pears and any of their varieties have an astringent effect, they dub the walls of the stomach. They must be excluded from therapeutic nutrition in gastrointestinal diseases, accompanied by constipation.
It is not recommended to eat pears on an empty stomach - best after half an hour after eating.
After pears you can not drink raw water, there is dense, heavy food.
By the way, the medicinal properties are possessed only by that pear, which has a characteristic pear flavor; The rest, if they are odorless, eat for pleasure, but neither fresh, nor cooked, nor baked, they will not help with diabetes, or with lung diseases or other diseases.



All kinds of Pears are among the plants to which I treat with special tenderness. In our coniferous forests, these two species are common, differing little from each other.
Growing just above the matchbox, rosette of small round three four leaves. You get tired while you collect, but the soul is calm, especially when you have to treat chronic kidney and bladder diseases, heart disease with swelling. The greatest value is represented by wintergreen in the treatment of some female diseases, in particular, inflammatory processes in the tubes, up to breast cancer, and in men - with prostatitis, prostate adenoma. Grushanka is certainly included in my specially developed complex for treatment of prostate cancer. There were several dozens of cases, and, ugh, all ended well. Perhaps, this is the only type of cancer, without loss.
About ten years ago there was a hard case when the nurse, living in our house, persuaded me to take up the treatment of my father. From the medical history: Mukhametshin G., 1934. Blastoma of the prostate, stage 4. The gland is enlarged, heterogeneous, contains dense inclusions (adenocarcinoma highly differentiated). Concomitant: cardiosclerosis, pneumosclerosis, chronic bronchitis, hypertension.
In the first complex, I included the drops of a high wrestler (according to the scheme), before eating 2 teaspoons of Budra grass for a glass of boiling water, in each serving 1 tsp. Juice of tincture of aspen buds. This drink antitumor balsam. Half an hour after eating, boil the roots of burdock: 1 tablespoon per glass, cook for 5 minutes, insist 8 hours, drink 1/3 cup. In each serving, pour 1 tsp. Tincture of wintergreen. After a while, drink the juice of hawthorn flowers (1 tsp 3 times). 2 hours after the meal infusion of herbs zimolyubki (1 table, a spoonful of herbs for a glass of boiling water, to insist for 2 hours, drink in 3 receptions, pour 1 tsp of elecampane into each serving).
The second complex, in addition to the permanent wrestler, included an infusion of herb grass with tincture of the aspen buds, then a decoction of the herb of the basilisk with cockleberry juice, hawthorn juice, herb infusions purgative purgative with tincture of pine flowers, plus half a glass of decoction of hoof roots during the day. In the third year included infusion of herbs, tinctures of winter-lovers, infusion of leaves of hazel, tincture of buds of black poplar, juice of cocklebur, hawthorn (drunk 3 months). And so the patient took 15 different complexes with a whole range of new herbs and juices, but the cocklebur and wintergreen were repeated often. Oncological labeling after eight courses has decreased almost to zero.
Grushanku in the people continue to be used in carcinoma, various solid tumors, lip tumors, mammary gland. Clinicians noted cases of cured breast cancer.
Useful wintergreen and with other diseases: nephritis, cystitis, urethritis, with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, bronchitis, abundant sputum.
MAMMARY CANCER. 2 teaspoons chopped herb grass pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times daily before meals from 1 to 3 months.
TUBERCULOSIS OF CHICKEN. 4 tablespoons of herbs pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 1 month, strain. Take 30-35 drops 3 times a day. This same tincture is taken with inflammation of the prostate gland.
The chemical composition of wintergreen has not been studied. In scientific medicine is not applied. There is no information relating to contraindications. Grushanka, according to my observations, slightly lowers the pressure. With caution, in combination with other herbs, you have to appoint for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, increased blood viscosity.


Other varieties of hernia are used: fragrant, hairy, polygamous. All of them have a strong diuretic effect and are used for dropsy, kidney and bladder diseases, especially when the urine contains a lot of protein, gonorrheal inflammation of the urinary tract, involuntary urination. All this refers to the main specific features of the hernia. But already by the name of the plant it can be judged that it finds application in the treatment of a hernia. Some healers use a hernia in the treatment of arthritis, gout. It is believed that the dried plant loses its healing power.
The herngea is somewhat toxic and does not like free treatment. Herb infusion is able to influence the blood formula, increasing the number of leukocytes in it. Despite the fact that the hernia is used to form stones in the genitourinary system, I would not advise applying it in kidney stone disease with large calculi: there was a case when the stone expelled from the kidney was stuck in the ureter. Gryazhnik is contraindicated in pregnancy.



The plant is a weed that often occurs in human habitats, but for some reason, people rarely turn to him for help. But it is recommended for diseases of respiratory organs, especially for pulmonary tuberculosis, hoarseness of the voice. It is useful for elderly people suffering from colds. The seeds of the walker have a laxative effect with atonic constipation, while tea from the herb is useful for diarrhea and dysentery. The plant has a diuretic effect on edema and dropsy. Infusion of seeds is drunk in heart diseases, nausea. A similar curative action is possessed by a streamer, a streamer - descurineia of Sofia. Methods of treatment are prescribed by the phytotherapeutist.
The decoction of the seeds of the gulyas is contraindicated in hypertension.