Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "F"



The icteric leucoid, as well as other related species of gray, straight, icteric Marshall - contain cardiac glycosides, which, according to their action on the body, are similar to strophanthine, have strong biological activity. They are used at the most stringent dosage as an emergency aid for abrupt organic changes in the heart and vessels, acute myocarditis, endocarditis, cardiosclerosis, and severe atherosclerosis.
Dry the grass quickly, at a temperature of about 50 °, store no more than six months. It finds application not only in heart diseases.
DROPSY. 1 tablespoon dry herbs pour 100 ml of vodka, insist 1 week. Take 10 drops 3 times a day before meals, on a spoonful of water.
BREAST CANCER, PURULENT TUMORS. Outer - lotions from decoction of leaves or seeds of icteric leucoid. Simultaneously, 1 teaspoon of herbs brew 2, 5 cups of boiling water, insist 2 hours, take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
Contraindications to icteric can serve as glomerulonephritis and some other kidney diseases. The icteric is contraindicated in atrioventricular blockade, paroxysmal tachycardia, atrial arrest, and color vision impairment.



The plant is really high - up to 2 meters high with a brush of beautiful dense blue flowers - you can see from afar, but you rarely see it. Unfortunately, infrequently occurs.
In medicine - tablets, powders, ampoules - used for Parkinson's disease, postencephalitis parkinsonism, arachnoencephalitis, arachnoiditis, multiple sclerosis.
The plant is very poisonous. I include it in medical complexes only when absolutely necessary - the presence of malignant tumors in the bone, with sarcoma, osteomyelitis.
I did not begin to single out the abdomen as a separate glandular - it has much in common with a high-pitched abdomen.
That patients seeking relief in any way, do not do experiments on themselves, I consider it my duty to give an example of at least a few recipes, but I will remind you once again that the dosage should in no case be violated.
ONCOLOGICAL DISEASES (in case of chemotherapy). 1 tablespoon of dry grass greens high pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 1 hour, be sure to strain. Take half a cup of 4 5 times a day.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. 1 teaspoon herb veins meshchatelnoy pour 3 cups of boiling water, insist 8 hours in a warm place (of course, with the lid closed), drain. Take 1/3 1/2 cup 3 4 times a day, regardless of food.
Liveness high is contraindicated in myopathy, myasthenia gravis and other diseases with a decrease in muscle tone, severe violations of the liver and kidney function, with cardiac decompensation.



I hunt for this plant every year, literally hunt, as rifle hunters run dozens of kilometers, chasing after some beast or forest bird. The plant is nomadic, annual, and for years does not sit in one place, as many other herbs sit. As if heading to floodplain meadows to the mouth of Karmasan, I caught a glimpse of the blue lights of flowers in the endless field of rye. Of course, it could be chicory or other plants, but still decided to check the find and went from the road into the depths of the field. And I was not mistaken - the wildness of the field blossomed. Yes, and it was so much that one day not to collect. The next summer I went here and ... I did not find a single flower. Not only in this field, but in the entire district. Only accidentally found in another area, a hundred kilometers from here. Only then the soul calmed down. I was not used to leaving for the winter, not having a decent stock of field lust, which helped me cope with many diseases.
Infusion of herbs of this kind is used in people with inflammation of the lungs, pleurisy, headache, female diseases, stomach ulcer, sclerosis, nervous system disorders, glaucoma, epilepsy, most importantly - for all diseases of the genitourinary system (kidneys, bladder, urinary canals and t Etc.). When purulent inflammation of the eyes from the infusion make lotions, with toothache and diseases of the oropharynx rinse the mouth. The plant, like all the flicks, is poisonous, all the alkaloids contained in it have a curare-like effect, but the field is considered the least toxic, and therefore finds wider application.
Field acuteness is used for cancer and, which is valuable, for kidney cancer.
Zabira S. from the city of Sterlitamak in the Republican oncological dispensary did not even cure. And they did not offer any other treatment. They said directly: "You'd better be home. Live for a while, how much is destined. All relatives will be there. And in the hospital the last word there is no one to say. " They gave the first group of disability and, as expected, a certificate "for symptomatic treatment."
Directly from the dispensary, having learned in the editorial office address, Zabir and his wife came to me. Any help on hands, results of inspections. And there, in black and white, the stage and metastases are indicated. Even the size of the tumor of the right kidney spoke for itself: 136x86 mm. On the left kidney slightly smaller: 109x72 mm. Dense, motionless. We talked quietly, we decided: whatever comes. We will try at least to suspend the disease.
It is impossible to bring here all the medical complexes designed for him, they included a vast antitumoral arsenal of herbal infusions, infusions, juices, renal antitumor balsams. I want to note only that at first, the wildness of the field, the hemlock according to the scheme, the high wrestler on the lotions, the purple purse as infusions, and the alcohol tincture, the Siberian prince, the golden rod, the cockerel, the wintergreen, the bed, the flowers and the roots of the hops, the grass And budberry juice, two types of antitumor, antimetastatic balm, the roots of the egg capsule. A year later, when the time for a re-commission on disability came, the doctors looked at Zabir as an immigrant from the other world. And two, and three years later, were forced to leave him the first group of disability. The fact is that the tumors remained almost the same size, and healthy skin color, fatness, blush on the cheeks did not match the disease. Zabir was 43 years old when we started treatment, and here already to the jubilee fifty hands were given.
He told me: "I know that the disease is fatal. Just to let my daughter get married, then you can die. " It was still at the very beginning. Two years later, I married my daughter. Then, as the most intimate, he says: "Oh, to see my grandson or granddaughter - the greatest gift would be from the Almighty." The time has come, and with a happy smile he was lulling his granddaughter in the arms.
After a medical sentence, he lived for nine years. And he died of a heart attack - here I could not help.
Why am I telling this? In fact, I'm not talking about Zabir, but about our Bashkir grasses, admiring how they can sometimes make the impossible possible. I tell about the briskness of the field, which helped me to cure kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and other tumors in the pelvic area. When it is very successful, and sometimes at least for a little while facilitating the life of a doomed person. After all, to save a person from suffering, to restore him for at least a little taste for life, even to the extent possible, to soften his departure from life - this, while taking away your mental strength, but enriches the soul even more.
Therefore, in the book I try to give not on duty, but proven, beneficial recipes, at the same time I try to warn against possible troubles that can deliver the same medicinal plants to a person.
CANCER LIVER, KIDNEYS. 2 tablespoons dry herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water, put the dishes in a boiling water bath, soak for 15 minutes, allow to cool for an hour, drain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day for an hour before meals or an hour after eating.
PNEUMONIA. 1 teaspoon of herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 8 10 hours in a warm place, drain. Take 1/3 1/4 cup 4 times daily after meals.
PANCREATITIS. 1 tablespoon dried herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drain. Take 1/3 1/4 cup 3 4 times a day.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. 1 teaspoon of herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 8 hours in a warm place (but not in a thermos), drain. Take 1/3 cup 3 4 times a day.
When handling the liveliness of the field, it is important to keep the dosage. It is undesirable to apply fidelity in hypotension, with a weakening of the muscle tone, with myasthenia gravis. When asthma is checked individually, does dyspnea arise? As a poisonous plant, it is undesirable to apply the vivacity of the field during pregnancy.
116. The loser's witcher


Shrub from the family of buckthorn. As a tender laxative, dried fruits are used - black, similar to cherry.
In folk medicine, not only fruits are used, but also bark, roots, leaves, branches.
Bark tincture is used in obstetrical gynecological practice, as a laxative for hemorrhoids, rectal cracks, atonic and spastic constipation, in the postoperative and menopausal period.
Decoction and infusion of bark in people are used for edemas of cardiac and renal origin, Graves' disease, helminthiases, gout, climacteric disorders, especially with tachycardia, dizziness, depression, itching and migraine, with cholangitis, hepatitis.
Fruits can be eaten and fresh for 10 15 pieces in the morning on an empty stomach. It has been experimentally established that the seeds are active in leukemia.
Decoction of the bark, fruits are used for gastritis, ascites, skin rashes, furunculosis, pyoderma, anemia. Fruits are a quick-acting anthelmintic agent, used in fever. Fruits insist on vodka and rubbed with rheumatism. Decoction of the branches used for peptic ulcer disease, externally such a decoction is used as a compress on the wounds.
Zhoster laxative - an ancient Russian remedy against cancer, was used in the XVI century.
ARTHRITIS. 100 g of fruit pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 12 days. Rub the affected joints 2 times a day. No harm other than good.
GOUT. 1 tablespoon of fruit pour a glass of boiling water, boil for another 3 minutes, insist in a sealed container 2 hours, drain. Take half a cup for the night. Breaks to do on your own.
THE INTRODUCTION OF THE ANIMAL. 1 tablespoon of fruit, pour 300 ml of boiling water, insist 8 hours, take 1 tablespoon 3 4 times a day or once 1/2 cups a night before bedtime.
Metophysics. 10 grams of chopped fruit, pour 300 ml of water, boil 5 6 minutes, infuse for 2 hours. Take half a cup of 2 3 times a day.
Green immature fruit is poisonous. Receiving in large quantities even mature fruit can cause vomiting, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The zoster is generally contraindicated in the inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. You can not assign it to children.