Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "M"



Raspberry has long enjoyed the good reputation of "home healer". Nothing helped colds like hot tea with dried raspberries or raspberry jam. The therapeutic effect of raspberries as an antipyretic and sudorific remedy is recognized and modern official medicine.
One of the main properties of raspberries is the ability to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system. First of all, it is strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
For those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke, no matter what - macro or micro, and also for those who have the disease in their genus, I strongly advise you to use the season when berries ripen. I recommend that you eat it so much that "your eyes do not look at it anymore." By the way, this juicy berry can reduce high blood pressure figures. The results of the reduction are persistent and prolonged.
Traditional medicine has long and well used two properties of raspberries. The first is anti-inflammatory. Inflammation of the eyelids, eyes, rashes on the skin in the form of acne should be rinsed face crimson water - to insist the berries in the water. The second property, known for centuries, is to drink raspberry water against hop and lingering drunkenness. One and a half liter of raspberry infusion will remove the hangover.
In berries are many pectin substances, vitamins, and also trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper. Raspberry is characterized by a high content of purines, especially in dried berries. Purines are usually contraindicated in gout, urine acid diathesis, in other words, people with impaired uric acid metabolism. However, special studies have shown that a slice of liver sausage or a piece of liver gives purines several times more than a kilogram of raspberries.
For medicinal purposes, not only berries, but also flowers, leaves, roots of raspberries are used.
ALLERGY. 1 tablespoon of dried raspberry flowers pour 100 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour. Strain before use, taking 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
OTIT PURIFIED. Autumn roots of raspberries finely chopped. Pour 2 3 tablespoons 1 liter of water at room temperature and infuse for 12 hours. Drink half a glass 2 times a day for a month. During this time, even old wounds in the eardrums are cicatrized.
BLEEDING HEMORROIDAL, BOW. 1 tablespoon of roots take on a glass of water. Boil 10 minutes, infuse for 1 hour. Before use, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times daily after meals.
ASTHMA. 1 tablespoon of roots of forest raspberry pour 250 ml of water, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, insist until cooling. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day in between meals. A proven remedy.
WARNING EQUIPMENT. 4 teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves brew in 2 cups of boiling water, insist and drink half a glass 3 4 times a day. The same infusion is useful for nausea of ​​pregnant women, removes postpartum pain, increases lactation in nursing mothers, and also has a positive effect in premenstrual syndrome. ***

You should not use raspberries in jade, glomerulonephritis and oxaluria, kidney stone disease with the formation of oxalate stones. Do not recommend raspberries with exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. You can not use raspberries in amyloidosis (liver, kidney, spleen and other organs caused by starch-like substance - amyloid). Do not recommend raspberries for gout, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis.
Some people show an individual intolerance: the skin starts to itch, dizziness arises. Avicenna spoke about raspberries as follows: "Abuse of fruits causes a headache".



There are many types of cuffs, but in appearance they often hardly differ and have practically the same therapeutic effect.
The cuff is considered "female" grass, as it contains the phytohormones necessary for the weaker sex. Grasses I often included in therapeutic complexes in the treatment of diseases of the uterus, ovaries, appendages, mastopathy. In nursing mothers, the cuff increases the production of milk.
Traditional medicine successfully uses a cuff during bronchitis with difficultly separated sputum, with bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Experienced herbalists use it for diseases of the spinal cord.
Grass cuffs are useful for indigestion, swelling of the intestine and its lethargic peristalsis. I was able to get good results in the treatment of the pancreas. Cuff is effective when there are no forms of diabetes mellitus. Sometimes it is possible to use it to save the patient from hydrocephalitis beltaascita.
Infusion of herbs is effective in the treatment of internal bleeding, with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with inflammation of the small and large intestines. Cuff is effective in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the urinary, gallbladder, and bile ducts of the liver.
In European folk medicine, the cuff is used in feverish conditions, with gout and rheumatism, as well as with epilepsy, obesity, skin diseases - it is besides what was listed above.
Juice grass and infusion of leaves used externally for tumors, wounds, eye diseases.
BELI, DISORDER OF MENSTRUATIONS WITH STRONG BLEEDING, PAIN IN THE FIELD OF A SMALL TANG, MATERNITY. 2 teaspoons of dried herbs pour a glass of steep boiling water, insist 4 hours, drain. Take a quarter cup 2 4 times daily before meals. With whites, use as a hot douching.
WOMEN'S INFERTILITY. Mix in equal parts the dry crushed grass of cuff and mountaineer pepper - water pepper. To 2 tablespoons of the mixture add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon bark and 3 peas of black pepper. Pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for 5 minutes. Drink instead of water.
ERGOTISM. Leaves cuffs are extremely valuable in the treatment of ergotism (poisoning, resulting from the use of rye bread, infected with fungus ergot: there is gangrene of fingers and feet, nausea, vomiting, severe headache). Treats tincture: 50 g of dry leaves pour 0.7 liters of red dry wine, insist 2 weeks, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
TUBERCULOSIS - HEALING OF CAVERS. It should be 100 g of dry grass pour 1 liter of wine type "Cahors," insist in a dark place for 3 weeks, drain. Take 50 ml 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
DISBACTERIOSIS. 2 tablespoons of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 4 hours, drain. Drink 3 4 times before meals, adults - 1/4 1/2 cup, children - 1 2 tablespoons. Course 1 2 months.
THE PERSECUTE. One can believe it or not, but the people are firmly convinced that the cuff is a love plant. If the husband "forgets" about his duties or if a rival has appeared, then one must immediately pick up young leaves of the cuff, for a minute, pass them with hot water, chill and crumble, adding salads, vegetable dishes, and vinaigrette. ***

Serious contraindications to the cuff have not been revealed, except that when a liquid stool appears, cuff treatment should be stopped.


About this plant, you should say at least a few commendable words. Its root is famous for its effective action in cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. Extract of the root of the madder is a part of the complex drug cystenal. But patients often try to use the root itself. The greatest effect is manifested with stones consisting of phosphoric acid salts of magnesium and calcium. Marena loosens and destroys these phosphate and oxalate stones of the kidneys and bladder. Increases the reduction of renal pelvis and ureters, which contributes to the painless excretion of stone and sand.
Gallstone, Mochecal Disease. 6 g of ground root pour 250 ml of water, boil 5 7 minutes, insist 30 minutes, strain. Take a quarter cup 3 times daily before meals (until this month, two to drink decoction of the roots of dog rose). Urine under the influence of madder is painted red, but after a day the usual color is restored. Do this: take root powder 1 g 3 times a day, drinking 50 100 ml of water.
DISMARINE (painful menstruation). Take root powder 1 5 g 3 times a day, washing down with a small amount of water.
Marena dye is contraindicated in glomerulonephritis, severe renal failure. It can not be used for peptic ulcer. With increased acidity of gastric juice is contraindicated, as it increases acidity. It is best to take her medication 40-50 minutes after eating, so as not to irritate the intestines.

184. Mother and the Maid.


No, probably, a more popular plant than mother and stepmother, with respiratory diseases: they are treated for cold cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Mother and stepmother treat bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, lung abscess and even gangrene of the lungs. In addition, it is used for gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, liver, kidney and bladder diseases, diathesis in children. Kashitsa of fresh leaves is effective in mastiff, inflammation of veins, erysipelas. Mother imachecheha I healed deep purulent wounds, threatening with gangrene, as well as trophic ulcers.
Not so long ago, the opinion was expressed that the use of mother and stepmother is contraindicated in cancer. No conclusive evidence was provided, while numerous concrete examples indicate the positive effects of drugs from fresh leaves in lung and stomach cancer.
TUBERCULOSIS. Mix the juice from the leaves with sugar powder from the calculation of 2 cups of juice and a glass of sugar. Store in a cool dark place. Take 1 tablespoon 4 5 times a day. It is desirable to treat the treatment in conjunction with other means.
SHINGLES. A great relief is brought by compresses from the leaves gruel. Keep, warming, 20 30 minutes, do 2 3 times a day.
IMMUNITY. To increase immunity, drink leaf juice 1 2 tablespoons up to 4 6 times a day for 7-10 days for several seasons in a row (best in June).
INFLAMMATION OF SURGERY. Mix evenly chopped leaves of mother and stepmother and sweet clover yellow. 1 tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water. Give to puff for 1 2 minutes. 1 hour to insist. Strain. Take 3 4 tablespoons 5 times a day. Course 2 3 weeks. For this period, abstinence from sexual activity is recommended.
ROSE. Apply fresh leaf to the inflamed area. Even better dry leaves powder into powder and sprinkle the affected areas, and inside take infusion: 10 grams of leaves per glass of boiling water, insist to cool down and drink a teaspoon 3 4 times a day before meals.
Side effects of mother and stepmother are notable: fever, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Suddenly, jaundice may occur.
Preparations mother and stepmother do not advise taking long. Do not give children younger than 2 years. Among contraindications there are also such: for any diseases, even as an expectorant, do not take pregnant and lactating mothers, and people suffering from alcoholism and liver diseases.


In folk medicine, a lungwort is considered one of the best remedies for pediatric tuberculosis. Medynitsa treats bronchitis, pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, inflammation of the kidneys, hemorrhoids, inflammatory women's diseases, as well as drink infusion of herbs for eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, red flat lichen, furunculosis, viral skin diseases, collagenoses, vasculitis.
Medunitsa stimulates the function of endocrine glands, normalizes immunity, increases the protective properties of the body. The herb contains the richest complex of microelements, which increase the formation of blood.
Here I do not give, as usual, recipes from various diseases, since the way of cooking infusion is practically reduced to one: a tablespoon of grass for a glass of boiling water. But I advise you to eat freshly harvested grass in the form of salads, especially with hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland. Dried grass, I respect and use it in winter if necessary, but I think the juice of the lungwort is the most valuable. We have to alcohol it one to one with vodka, protecting from sour, but it is juice that helps people who turn to me for help with oncological diseases, leukemia, thyroid diseases, anemia, some pulmonary and other inflammatory diseases.
Contraindications have almost no, although it can cause nausea, if you take a strong infusion on an empty stomach. When atony guts with persistent constipation, you should not use the medlina for a long time.


Preparations from melissa leaves are primarily appreciated as an effective sedative. With heart disease, dyspnea disappears, tachycardia attacks cease, pain in the heart area disappears. Melissa is especially useful for elderly patients. In people it is used for depression, migraine, atherosclerosis, dizziness, with noise in the ears, insomnia, vegetative neuroses, tachycardia, with spasms in the stomach and intestines, digestive disorders, poor appetite, chronic constipation and flatulence, with gynecological diseases, painful menstruation, With increased sexual excitability.
ASTHMA. 4 tablespoons of leaves and flowers of lemon balm to pour 2 cups of boiling water, to insist 4 hours. Drink half a cup 3 times daily before meals. Take it until it gets boring. Then replace the medication by other means and return to the balm in a half and two months.
STENOCARDIA. A teaspoon of herbs to brew in a glass of boiling water, insist for 1.5 hours. Take half a cup twice a day in the form of support is not in the most acute periods of the disease.
Emphysema of the lungs. 50 g of melissa herb and 20 g of dry inflorescence of meadow silt (can be purchased from herbalists) per 1 liter of dry white wine. Infuse the day. Drink half a glass 2 times a day, as well as with attacks.
There are few side effects in melissa. Excessive passion for it can cause burning with urination, headache. The melissa is not shown at very low blood pressure. You should not take melissa infusion with bradycardia, when the pulse rate is less than sixty beats per minute.



Juniper berries are widely used in diseases of the liver, stomach, chronic inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as well as chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and other lung diseases with abundant purulent sputum. Juniper is useful with a high content of protein in the urine, with the formation of stones in the liver, with cardiac swelling, with bloating. Essential oil, obtained from fruits, rubs into numb places at a paralysis, in joints at a gout, a rheumatism, polyarthritis. Decoction of needles of a juniper is sprinkled at a trichomonias colpitis, and broth of a bark drink at sexual impotence. Broth of branches is sometimes used in the fight against dropsy.
INFLAMMATION OF SURGERY. With inflammation, people's pain is advised to chew fresh juniper berries, starting from 4 berries a day, increasing their reception for a berry to 1/3 tee, then reducing back to 4 x. This is the most effective method of treatment. If necessary, a decoction is prepared with a decoction of juniper berries (based on 1 tablespoon of berries per 0.5 liters of water).
CANCER OF THE STOMACH, INTELLIGENCE. 1 tablespoon of berries for 1 glass of cold boiled water, to insist 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Take 1 tablespoon 3 4 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals.
URINE BUBBLE (chronic inflammation, excretion in the urine of protein). DROPSY. A tablespoon of berries pour 1 cup of boiling water, put in a boiling water bath, soak for 30 minutes. Cool down. Take 1 tablespoon 3 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.
PSORIASIS. 2 teaspoons of crushed berries pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist to cool down, strain, add sugar and boil in a boiling water to the state of syrup. And take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day. (I think this can be considered as an integral part of complex treatment.)
HERPES. Grind 2 tablespoons of dry berries in a coffee grinder, pour a small amount of vodka at the powder level, and insist for 2 weeks. At the first signs of brewing herpes, lubricate it 2 3 times a day.
DERMATITIS. With a skin disease, grind 200 g of branches, pour cold water for 2 hours, then boil on low heat for 20 minutes, strain and pour into a bath. Take 20 minutes every other day for 10 days.
ARTHRALGIES, MALAGIES. 15 g of berries to insist in 100 ml of vodka a couple of weeks and use for grinding. (When diseases of a rheumatoid nature.)
ASTHENIUM, DERIVATIVES, DIETSEPHAL PAROXISMS, ISCHEMIA OF THE BRAIN. 1 tablespoon of berries pour 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature, insist 8 10 hours, take 1 tablespoon 3 4 times a day for 1.5 2 months.
HEART PAIN. To relieve pain in the heart, eat well chewed, 10 berries - and after 15-20 minutes the pain passes.
When collecting sprouts of juniper, in no case should you tolerate the admixture of juniper berries Cossack - they are very poisonous and not inside are assigned.
It is found out by practice that the fruits of juniper with prolonged use and in unbearable doses irritate the renal parenchyma, can cause hematuria - bleeding. Contraindicated juniper with acute glomerulonephritis, acute nephritis, nephro-nephritis. It is not recommended for ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum, acute gastritis and colitis. Contraindicated juniper during pregnancy. Not recommended for dropsy. Can not be appointed for a long period of time - over 1.5 2 months.



That's the bridge across the river Demu. Further the road leads to the village of Kara Yakupovo, which is barely visible in the distance, and from there to the village of Chishma not far away, but just after the bridge along a barely noticeable dirt road the car moves to the vast meadows of flooded Chishmin meadows. In summer there is expanse, but now, in October, the withered meadows are not very attractive, it wails with sorrow of withering. There is not a soul around. However, it is here that the object of my lust is. I look around and still from a distance I can see bunches of strongly branched stems of reddish-blue color, already naked, with flying leaves. This is what he is, the spur of the swamp. The plant is quite rare. Even in Soviet times, the spur of the marsh was included in the list of rare endangered plant species in the northwest of the European part of Russia.
Today I came to take his root. The tincture of the dried roots of the milkweed is used externally for inflammatory diseases of the brain, various tumors, including malignant tumors, with encephalopathy, myopathy and a number of other intractable diseases. About fifteen years ago it was thanks to this that I managed to cure a girl from Uzbekistan from tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. Eight years have passed since he treated a teenager from Penza for cancer of the cerebellum worm - in that case, too, it was useful to swamp the marsh.
The root insists on vodka, has a strong burning. Before lubricating the tincture, the skin is treated with vegetable oil, which is infused with fresh Veronica officinalis flowers or St. John's wort flowers, in order to avoid a burn. I used a decoction of dried root: only 2 grams per glass of water or 1 g of powder 3 times a day after meals, washed down with water. I do not give other recipes, as the spurge is swampy and poisonous. The chemical composition has not been studied. Many herbalists try not to deal with it - there is not enough knowledge. In general, with any milkweed, one must be very careful.

Its main habitat is Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China. It is possible that you can meet it in other places. I do not exclude our Bashkortostan. After all, how many other inhabitants of Siberia and the Far East you meet unexpectedly, even singly, in our mountains, taiga forests, steppes and in the forest-steppe. Sometimes, straining to dig out the roots of the milkweed swamp, thick with the hand, the thought involuntarily creeps in: is it not Pallas's spurge it? And the height, and the thickness of the stems, and powerful branchy roots, and leaves like two drops like! I'm not a botanist, not a florist, I can mix up very similar plants. Especially in this case, and the application is almost the same.
The nickname of Pallas's milkweed is "peasant root". Indeed, no other milkweed has such a mighty root. Seven sweats will come down, as long as you turn it out of the ground.
Siberian healers treat it with the root of stomach cancer and malignant tumors. In it, indeed, lactones with antibacterial and antitumor activity have been discovered. Tibetan medicine believes that the spurge of Pallas is effective in treating abscesses, tumors, anthrax. In Chinese medicine, roots are used to treat tuberculosis of lymph nodes, tuberculosis of bones and joints. Concentrated broth in the form of an oil liquid is used for rubbing in the treatment of skin tuberculosis.
Euphorbia of Pallas is toxic. In case of cancer of different localization, make a decoction: 5 g of root per 0.5 l of water, boil for 15 minutes, insist 2 hours, drink on a tablespoon 2 3 times daily before meals. Or take the powder to 0,025 g 2 times a day (according to the recipe of the Siberian healer VV Telyatiev).


During flowering, it is peculiarly beautiful: imagine a tall stem with a rosette of spiky leaves underneath, and almost naked and on the vertex a lilac blue ball, large, slightly bristly from tightly pressed together tubular flowers. But in September the mordant loses its beauty and attractiveness. Especially among the weeds stands gray, gray. Take in hand an even more bristly faded ball, and he immediately falls into the palms of dozens of individual achenes, similar to the grain of oats.
Information about the mordovnik very meager. Of the chemical composition, only the alkaloid echinopsin is mentioned. And the plant, in my opinion, is very valuable in such diseases as peripheral paralysis, paresis, plexitis, radiculitis in the inflamed nerve, poliomyelitis. Apply it in the treatment of chronic radiation exposure. I also observed the positive effect of the seeds of the hibernator with myasthenia gravis, encephalopathy, muscular atrophy, multiple sclerosis.
Even at the very beginning of work with the mordovnik I cleaned the achenes from the husks - this is when I was preparing a special tincture from hypotension and myasthenia gravis. Now I use seed in uncleaned form, increasing only their quantity: I fill half of the can with seeds and fill it up with vodka. I insist not less month. Assign drops of 10 to 20 25 on a spoonful of water 2 3 times a day - depending on the disease.
Several years ago a fairly young man from an encephalopathy was cured. His eyes closed involuntarily, he could not keep them open for more than 15-20 seconds. It took several months of treatment (along with concomitant diseases). With multiple sclerosis it is necessary to take drops not only inwards, but also lubricate the whole spine daily - up to the coccyx.
In small doses tincture of a mordant increases, and in large doses reduces arterial pressure. Personally, I prefer not to appoint a pimple in hypertension, since large doses can cause seizures.
Contraindicated pimple during pregnancy.



During the war years, when I was in the country in the summer, I used to hunt for edible herbs with the boys, especially behind the locust - lily curly with sweet juicy tubers, did not pass by wild carrots. From afar you will see her umbrella, run, pull out of the earth, wipe off the grass and chew, swallowing a tart, sweetly burning carrot juice. All the meadows in the district will be obbezhish. You look, the feeling of hunger and dullness.
Now I know that the juice of wild carrots is used inside and outwardly with cancer. Now I already know that the whole plant is boiled and drunk with infusion in liver diseases, jaundice, fainting, root vegetables are eaten with gastritis, the juice of grass is drunk from constipation, the thymus gland is covered with tumors. With jaundice and cholecystitis, a decoction of seeds successfully operates.
Crayfish. Fresh crushed leaves of wild carrots constantly apply to a rotting cancer ulcer that breaks up. It is useful to wash these ulcers with juice and decoction from the leaves.
SKIN CANCER. Do as often as possible soap from the juice of wild carrots. Simultaneously take this juice inside by 1 teaspoonful 3 4 times a day.
ROTARY STONE DISEASE. 1 tablespoon of seeds pour a glass of boiling water. Insist all night. In the morning, preheat and drink hot for 1 glass 3 times a day. The stones will dissolve and come out with sand.
When pyelonephritis preparations from the seeds of carrots are contraindicated, since they can cause an exacerbation of the disease.



Carrots in therapeutic nutrition and in general for medicinal purposes plays a huge role.
In Russia, carrots have always been used "when it hits the head" (depression of high blood pressure) and "blood improvement in case of weakness in general and especially in women" (anemia, climacteric bleeding). Grandmothers in the villages prepared a "medical drink" for women who had lost interest in intimate life, and for men when they experienced "glitches". Juice of carrots, beets, radishes in equal parts merged into a dark quad (not round) bottle, rolled it into a dough and languished in the oven for several hours. Today we know that carrots are extremely rich in carotene and vitamin A formed from it. Thanks to carotene, carrots promote a good growth of children. The high content of carotene in carrots is due to the state of our vision. However, carrots are not just a "piggy bank" of carotene. It contains almost the entire vitamin alphabet, pantholic and nicotinic acids, various microelements play a significant role. Pectins and cellulose carrots stimulate the stomach and stomach, absorb many unwanted or even poisonous substances, "catch" and bile acids, thereby reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, improving the blood vessels and heart.
I will not engage in propaganda of all the beneficial properties of carrots, many know this without me. I will only recall some of the recipes that may come in handy.
Myocardial infarction. Immediately after the disease, take 2 times a day for half a cup of freshly made juice with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. A little later to drink instead of tea slightly concentrated infusion of hawthorn fruit.
STENOCARDIA. 1 tablespoon of carrot seeds per 1 cup of water, bring to a boil and allow to lightly puff for 1 minute. Insist 2 hours. Take 3 tablespoons 3 times a day.
PHLEBEURYSM. 2 tablespoons dry tops of carrots pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, close the lid and insist 8 10 hours. Drink in a warm form for a third of the glass 4 5 times a day for 20 minutes before eating for 1 2 months.
THRUSH. With thrush in children often grease the mouth with a mixture of carrot juice and honey.
BRONCHITH, LARINGIT. In a glass of fresh juice stir 2 3 teaspoons of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 4 5 times a day.
CANCER OF THE STOMACH, GORTANY. Drink at least half a cup of 4 5 times a day a mixture of carrot juice with milk and honey. This is not just an additional tool that supports the strength of the body, but also an effective medicine.
MAMMARY CANCER. I have already written about this: for breast cancer, if for some reason it was not possible to perform the operation, first of all, apply freshly chopped carrots to the tumor and do it daily, changing more often, until carrots start to "eat out" the products of tumor disintegration. And that I can save a person, I can now speak confidently.
There were several such cases, but the most vivid example with Julia O. When in October 2002 my husband brought her to me with the last stage of left breast cancer in the degree of tumor disintegration and with metastases, I was horrified: how come, why did not the operation take time ? Frivolity of youth? But the woman is already 41 years old (although she looked ten years younger, was fresh and charming). And she turned to the oncologic dispensary just three months ago. There she was removed by the ovaries, conducted one course of chemotherapy, did not hide the seriousness of the situation. In the extract it is noted: "Against the background of purulent necrotic masses the complexes of cells of glandular solid cancer". Of the concomitant diseases - neurocirculatory dystonia. Of course, after first visiting the hospital and having seen enough of everything, Julia, as an intelligent woman, realized that her chances are zero, it's better to give up on everything and try to cope with the disease with your own strength, with the help of traditional medicine. About me she was heard (it turns out, about two years ago with my help cured of ovarian cancer, her friend). And completely trusted me, although I did not promise her anything definite. He ordered right now to begin to cover the breast with carrots, he composed the medical complex for the first month.
Clearly, there is no way to describe in detail the whole cycle of treatment - complex and tedious. Interestingly, the scraped carrot gradually pulled the entire tumor out, opened it, forming a deep ulcer, from which a month later a large, foul-smelling degradation product fell out. Julia immediately called me, and I advised to rinse the wound with a strong decoction of the root of the blood-groove, pour a couple of spoons of water pepper into it, then insert a tampon with herbal oil (a mixture of oils from St. John's wort, yarrow, marigold) into the formed "hole". By spring the wound had completely healed. And in July, along with her husband and close friends, Julia, an inveterate tourist, went to the headwaters of the river Agidel. And to my memory they brought a color photograph of Muinak tasha, legendary in those protected areas.
Summarizing the narrative, I will say: without carrots, I could not cure Julia.
Nevertheless, even this seemingly harmless vegetable has a number of contraindications.
Fresh carrots and juice from it can not be used with stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, with gastritis high acidity of gastric juice, with colitis, diarrhea, kidney stone disease - phosphate and carbonate variants.
Carrots will have to be abandoned in case of severe diabetes mellitus. At children at excessive enthusiasm for carrots temperature increase, vomiting, a sweating, rashes on a skin and even a yellowing of a skin can be observed.
By the way, with thyroid and liver diseases carotene carrots are not digested. Carrots can harm with reduced thyroid function. From carrot juice, as a remedy, it is necessary to refuse with liver diseases.



For therapeutic purposes, three types of hellebore are used: hellebore caucasian, hellebore blushing, hellebore black. All three species belong to very poisonous plants. Roots and rhizomes are used.
The frostbitten is used for circulatory disorders, cardiovascular insufficiency of 2nd, 3rd degrees. The bark, taken from the roots, is sometimes used for oncological diseases. Decoctions of roots find application - locally! - with some skin diseases. However, even local action is so strong, irritating to the skin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
The hellebore preparations are used for chronic heart failure - it acts on it regulatingly, on the central nervous system - soothing, with kidney diseases - a diuretic. The hellebore root oil is used to treat epilepsy. The juice of the plant is useful for relieving pain in the legs and lower back, with diseases of the bladder.
According to the healers, the boiled root, put on the neck, soothes seizures and expels the spoilage.
The danger of using the hellebore is that the cardiac glycosides contained in it are cumulative, that is, they are able to accumulate in the body, and this, if used awkwardly, can cause irreparable harm.



I collected mushrooms in the forest. Already half the basket has collected. I'm going, I'm happy with luck. The places are deserted, the nearest dwelling is a forest cordon with a dozen peasant huts. And suddenly a young couple comes to me on the way, at once it is visible - the townspeople. We arrived, apparently, here on a visit. And they also gather mushrooms, not hiding their delight - beautiful baskets are full of their baskets, they have already begun to be put in a plastic bag. Curiously they looked into my basket and were horrified. "Grandpa, throw it out right now! - Excitedly tells me a girl with a fright on her face. "These are very poisonous mushrooms!" We must collect such as we have. " I answer them jokingly: "I really love these. I do not need any others. " And I myself look at them - they are very young, do not understand anything. I had to tell you what would be the benefit of my mushrooms, how many serious diseases can be cured by them. These are nerve and mental disorders, functional disorders of the spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, joint diseases, sciatica, osteochondrosis. Ointment, prepared from fly agarics, is a highly effective remedy for radiation damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Improvement is already in 6 10 procedures. Amanita treats eczema and other skin lesions. And the main thing is that the fly agaric helps with cancer.
For the sixth year Elena Ivanovna has been living, which the doctors did not give for two months - the cancer of the Pancreas cancer. She knows about her illness. When in the oncologic dispensary nothing was done to her - neither radiation, nor chemistry, but they wrote out "for symptomatic treatment at the place of residence" and gave the first group of disability, she came to me with her husband, did not cry, did not gasp, just calmly asked: , So that I will not suffer from pain for a long time. We removed the pain in a couple of weeks, and she still drinks herbs to this day. For five years she did not miss a single lecture - she teaches at the institute, accepts winter and summer exams. Only now I decided to retire - not by disability, but by age. One bad thing is metastasis in the bone. Moreover, she slipped on the ice and got a broken leg. The bone has grown together, but you have to walk with a cane.
Looking through all the courses of treatment over the years, I involuntarily drew attention to the fact that among dozens of different prescriptions the tincture of mushroom was most often found, the infusion of leaves of black alder (one of the best remedies for pancreatic cancer).
Amanita, according to my observations, played a positive role in brain cancer, but it is used for tumors of different locations, leukemia. I insist on the hats of the young ("house") mushrooms alone. I let them lie on the balcony for a couple of days, then I put them in a glass jar on my shoulders and fill it with vodka.
Amanita is used not only for tumors.
FISSERS. Take 5 drops of tincture in a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and at night. Not long.
WANGED MENSTRUTIONS. Take 4 5 drops in the morning on an empty stomach in a glass of water. When the positive result is achieved, reduce the intake to 1 time, a week, then up to 1 time per month. (This also applies to convulsions.)
DIABETES: UNSAHARE. Preparing tincture from the calculation of 1 part hats mushrooms and 5 parts of vodka. Insist 2 3 weeks. Take in the beginning 5 drops on water, after 2 3 weeks - 10 drops. Or to choose a dosage individually 7 or 8 drops. Three times a day.
ISHIAS, RADIKULIT. Rinse with tincture of mushroom sore spots.
Always observe the dosage. Poisoning can be obtained from overestimated doses, so listen to yourself and remember: poisoning manifests itself in a strong nervous excitement and hallucinations, in more severe cases, the whole body feels cold, a decline in heart activity, sweating, nausea, thirst, severe abdominal pain, Dizziness, confusion, temporary memory loss, suffocation, convulsions. The fungus is poisonous, but cases of death from poisoning are rare. Absolutely a lethal dose of poison is contained in 3 5 fly agarics.



"Tatar soap" was called it in the old days - the roots were used instead of soap for washing. But they did not forget to collect medicinal purposes.
In folk medicine, infusion of roots and leaves is considered effective in cases of severe coughing, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, and soap has the ability to thin and strengthen expectoration of sputum. Therefore, it finds application in laryngitis, pharyngitis, angina. Often used for jaundice, liver and spleen diseases, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal diseases, constipation, as well as gout, rheumatism, various polyarthritis, furunculosis, scabies, psoriasis, eczema, and lichen.
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. 1 teaspoon of roots on a glass of cool boiled water. Glass put in a boiling water bath and boil for 15 minutes. After cooling, drain. Bring the volume of boiled water to the original. Take 4 glasses a day for 2 weeks, take a break for 10 days and repeat the course. Take 3 courses of treatment.
OBESITY. Yes, this is one of the special, specific recipes that give visible results. Preparing the medicine from the calculation of 1 teaspoon per glass of water. Bring to a boil and on low heat, with the slightest boil, cook for 15 minutes. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day after meals (do not drink on an empty stomach!). Course 15 days. Then, for 10 days, take a break and repeat again - another 2 3 such courses.
HERPES, LINGERING. 2 tablespoons of roots pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, still slightly poveshatit 5 minutes, insist 1 hour, drain. Use for washing of herpes rashes and for compresses.
FURUNCULOSIS. 1 teaspoon crushed roots pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 4 hours. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day after meals.
Inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis. 1 teaspoon of roots pour a glass of cold boiled water. Insist 8 hours, strain. Infusion does not require the removal of foam. Take a quarter cup 3 4 times a day after meals.
Decoctions of roots of a soap dish can not be prescribed with a weak stomach. Overestimated doses cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Do not take it on an empty stomach - only after eating!



There are two varieties of peppermint: white with green stems, black - with dark red stems. Peppermint is grown only in culture. Cultivate it in special farms. I, like many gardeners, plant it in my garden plot. You could, of course, buy it from the pharmacy, but it's often half-dead, God knows where and what was stored. It is very important that the essential oils do not evaporate from the leaves, otherwise it will not be of any use.
Very highly appreciated the healing properties of mint Hippocrates, Avicenna, Paracelsus and other doctors of antiquity and treated her with headaches, jaundice, gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases. Pliny the Elder recommended for his pupils to wear a wreath of mint for successful perception of sciences. Receiving guests, dealing with students, Pliny ordered to rub the table with mint leaves to create a good mood and successful teaching.
Let's go back two hundred and three hundred years, when the famous English mint sauce was served at the table with Russian tsars only at the most solemn receptions. The presence of this sauce on the table eloquently spoke of the rank of ambassadors and the honor given to them. (Do you want to give the secret of cooking this sauce? It's very simple: cut 3 tablespoons of mint leaves finely, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 3 4 tablespoons of water, let it brew for 2 hours.The sauce is served with meat and fish You can surprise the guests.)
Mint pepper is widely used in folk medicine. Herb infusion is hot as a soothing, anticonvulsant, for the excitation of appetite, as well as for nervous disorders, heart diseases, lungs, especially after bleeding from the lung, with gastritis with high acidity, which strengthens with exhaustion and decay, rheumatism. Preparations of mint are taken with hypertension, insomnia, liver diseases, with spasms in the stomach, intestines, with flatulence, with migraine. Infusion of leaves helps with angina pectoris, nausea, with excessive and painful menstruation.
I had several patients who needed coronary bypass surgery, but various serious contraindications prevented this. And then one of the important elements of their treatment was mint, it would seem, in the simplest execution.
A HEART. A teaspoon of chopped dried leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 20 minutes. To drink in small sips hot infusion for 30 40 minutes before breakfast. Drink daily, not missing a single day, for 1 2 years. It's like a treble clef in the notes, setting the patient to cure. And in general, this effective tool can be taken by anyone with a weak heart, with interruptions in his work, fading, spasms and other disturbing manifestations.
STRESS. All of us are advised not to expose the nervous and cardiovascular system to any stressful situations, especially prolonged ones. And here the peppermint with a mattress will really help: mix them evenly, brew 2 tablespoons in 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 2 hours. Take half a cup once a day for 5-7 days.
MIGRAINE. 2 3 teaspoons of peppermint pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 40 minutes, strain. Drink in equal portions throughout the day. (To this, it would be nice to add 20 25 drops of marjorame tincture 2 3 times a day.) This gives persistent positive results.)
LYMPHADENITE. Several times a day make lotion from mashed leaves. In winter, steam the dried leaves and apply to a sore spot.
PANCREATITIS. Mix 3 teaspoons of mint and 1 teaspoon of ground dandelion root, pour a glass of water and simmer on low heat for 5-7 minutes, insist 30 minutes, strain. Drink a quarter cup 3 4 times before meals for at least 5 weeks. Rest for 10 days and another 2 weeks treatment.
UTERINE BLEEDING. If you do not have other herbs mentioned in this book under your hands, take a full tablespoon of mint and pour two cups of boiling water. Infuse 2 hours, drain. Drink half a glass of infusion 3 4 times before meals.
Both varieties of peppermint - white and black, including mint water - all of them are undesirable at a reduced secretion of gastric juice. Do not use it with severe arterial hypotension, that is, low blood pressure. Sometimes there is an allergy to mint - then it must be immediately canceled.
With mint inhalation, large doses can cause bronchial spasm, respiratory distress until it stops. Perhaps the appearance of pain in the heart from receiving strong infusions.
Long-term use of peppermint can cause infertility, namely it is most often found in moist meadows, in marshy forests, even in fields and weedy places - it is collected without mint and applied for the same purposes, but infertility to peppermint not applicable.
In nursing mothers, mint reduces the production of milk. Accepting mint in large quantities (and such amateurs came across to me) - worsens sleep, causing anxiety and bad dreams.
Amirdovlat Amasiatsi claimed that mint is harmful to the kidneys, and it should be balanced with licorice juice. He also says: "Mint causes burning in the throat. Its harmful effect is eliminated by wormwood. " For sure, here we are talking not about peppery, but field or little-flowered mint.
It should be remembered that reducing the tone of the vessels, mint can trigger, for example, varicose veins.