Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "H"


Along the edge of the forest, collecting flowers, walked a young woman with a girl about five-six. They already had a decent bouquet - lush, bright, flowery. They decorated a bouquet and camomiles, and a yarrow, and a bright pink spray, and sky blue chicory, red clover heads and even - in the center - a few tall stems of blue cyanosis.
"Mom, I found the bell," cried the girl. "Only it's not blue, but why is it yellow." Mother? "Mother responded:" Rwi! We have little in the middle of the yellow. "
I collected a medicinal letter in the vicinity. And I saw the girl munching the stalk of foxglove of large-flowered. To break the silenok was not enough, and she pulled the plant from the root, ran to her mother, trying to chew the stem at the base of the lower leaves - not with the root to put it in the bouquet. "Are not you afraid that your child will get poisoned?" - I asked an inexperienced mother. "And what? - She woke up. "The flower is beautiful."
I briefly explained that the flower is really beautiful, and even healing, but very poisonous. You can even poison yourself by chewing on his flowers or stalk. And if you stand in a bouquet, especially in the bedroom, by morning it will cause a headache.
The woman, frightened like a snake, threw the flower away into the bushes. And already with suspicion she looked all over the bouquet, asked: "And there are no more poisonous ones?" I calmed her down. We started a small conversation about herbs - who refuses to communicate, let the short-term, with a charming young woman? Especially since she opens her mouth and listens enthusiastically ...
A lot of adventures fell to the lot of digitalis. It should be noted that in the writings of ancient doctors there is no mention of digitalis. This medicinal plant, apparently, was not known to them. Interest in digitalis appeared only in medieval doctors, and even then as a means of vomiting and diuretic. And they used it literally in horse doses - up to 10 grams of dried leaves of digitalis purple. Prescribed for epilepsy, tuberculosis and many other diseases. Someone, apparently, helped, but numerous cases of poisoning and death forced the doctors to abandon the dangerous plant. Only in the XVIII - early XIX century. One of the Irish doctors, after analyzing the family recipe of a well-healed healer, came to the conclusion that the digitalis should be given in very small doses.
Digitalis purple does not grow in us, and imports stopped during the First World War. Then they turned their gaze to a wild species, a large-flowered foxglove that grows in abundance in the mountains of the Middle and Southern Urals. The medicine drew attention to the miracle effect of foxglove in neglected, sometimes hopeless cases of severe cardiac decompensation, and the well-known clinician, SP Botkin, called the digitalis one of the most precious remedies that therapy has ...
When the young mother and daughter left - they were resting in a nearby sanatorium, I took out thimble out of the bushes, cut off the leaves I needed, and at the same time found some more flowering plants to put them to dry today - they will be useful in winter. Drying should be done quickly, so that they do not lay for a long time, but necessarily in a dark place - sunlight, even indoor, immediately affects the quality of the grass.
There are, of course, dozens of types of medicines prepared on the basis of digitalis glycosides - so in Latin they are called digitalis, but the powder from dried leaves, in my opinion, is preferable - does not strike the kidneys and liver. In any case, my sister, an experienced doctor, who myself repeatedly wrote out the recipes to the cores, chose to accept the powders I had prepared, if necessary. On accurate scales I measured on 0,05 g - single dose and packed them into small paper bags. And, if necessary, included digitalis in small doses in cardiac fees.
Both types of foxglove - large-flowered and purple - have high biological activity, are poisonous. From the body are slowly removed, gradually accumulate in the tissues. Long-term use or overdose can lead to a sharp drop in the pulse, a delay in urine with edema, a violation of the rhythm of the heart activity. With worsening of the general condition, increased shortness of breath, anxiety, sleep disturbance and unpleasant sensations in the heart, treatment with digitalis should be immediately canceled.
Digitalis is contraindicated in bradycardia. It is necessary to exclude it for infectious diseases.



A hard-working horse rubbed his harness with a harness. At first the skin simply inflamed and there was an unbearable itch, then the wound opened, turning into an unhealthy ulcer. The owner than only did not treat - and smeared with tar and the ointment that heals ulcers in people, he cooked. Veterinarians at that time did not exist, because it has long been. Desperate, the poor fellow yanked out a tall, never before grown plant with a stiff four-sided stem, with leaves in a half-palm and a tiny little-minted flower, and sticking out on thin stems with dark pea-boxes of seeds. A root - tuberiformly thickened. Heart, apparently, prompted the peasant - he washed the root of the ground, cut into flat pieces and shoved the cattle directly into the depths of the ulcer, lapped it up so that they did not fall out. The horse stood still, even, as it seemed, thankfully shook her head. The next morning the owner checked the Noritsu - the so-called ulcer on the horse's scruff - it was after all healed! No longer does the oozing oozing, the edges of the edge become pink. "Here you and noritsa!" - exclaimed the owner - without a horse, he was completely bored, because the only nurse in the family. I rushed to search for the same grass. Hardly found behind the village, on the forest edge. That's how he began to treat the horse. From the grass, even made a decoction - a healing wound to wash. And in a couple of weeks the horse was completely healthy. No one in the village knew how that herb was called. So they began to talk about her: norica, norichnik.
And the roots of the botanical name of the plant really came from the word "noritsa". I do not understand why the nickname was clipped to the nickname "knotty".
God is with him, not that important. Noricnik began to apply not only for healing ulcers on the nape, but also to heal and leg diseases in horses. And later, more valuable properties of the plant were discovered - they began to treat various diseases and people. Yes, even what!
Decoction of rhizomes (inside and outside) is used for itching dermatoses, scrofula, goiter, lymphadenitis, furunculosis and hemorrhoids. In cut or chopped form - as wound healing for suppuration, tumors, snake bites.
Juice, decoction of rhizomes independently and in collections are used for cancer, infiltrates, ulcers. Tincture of rhizomes is used for lipomas (wen), malaria, otitis and arthritis.
Leaves also find their application. Juice leaves, decoction, tinctures, poultices in the composition of ointments, as well as in fresh and dry form (ground) are used for scabies, fungal diseases of the skin, condylomata. Decoction, infusion (externally and inward) is used for diseases of the thyroid gland, infectious diseases, tumors and infiltrates. Decoction and fresh herb are used for erysipelas, scrofula, allergic dermatoses, eczema, pyoderma, pemphigus, rashes on the vaginal mucosa. Fresh juice - with tuberculosis of the lungs.
Infusion of herbs drink with kidney disease, with nervous diseases, headache and as a tonic.
MALIGNANT TUMORS. Infusion of herbs and decoction of rhizomes - from the calculation of 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water - used externally for compresses, poultices, washings. Finely ground leaves and powder from them reduce pain, clean wounds from pus and promote rapid healing.
LEUKEMIA. Half a teaspoon of dry rhizomes pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Warm infusion should be sipped, throughout the day, but not more than half a glass a day.
CANCER OF VARIOUS LOCALIZATION. Preparation and application of rhizomes is the same. The course is not more than 2 months. After a month's break, you can repeat.
Inflammation of lymph nodes, neovascularization, joint arthritis, skin diseases, Furunkulosis. 1 teaspoon of rhizomes pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and drink on the throat during the day.
GOITER. 1 teaspoon of rhizomes pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
Dosages, as you can see, are very small, because the roots of the noryk are very poisonous. The grass after drying partially loses its toxicity, but it must also be handled with care, carefully.
The nurse is primarily contraindicated in pregnancy. Do not use when exacerbating pancreatitis, with colitis and diarrhea. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to conduct an individual test. When there is nausea and vomiting, reduce the dosage by half or completely abandon the use of the nory.