Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "P"



Popular in the people as an effective anthelmintic remedy - before him will not stand wide ribbons, bovine tapeworm, dwarf tsepene, other tapeworms and even a solitaire. In addition, the roots of the fern male are treated with rheumatism, calf convulsions, hemorrhoids, sciatica nerve inflammation, with drops take alcohol tincture with dry pleurisy.
ADNEXITH (inflammation of the ovaries). Fresh or dry leaf fern chop, 1 tablespoon pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes, drain. Drink a quarter of a glass 4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 3 weeks. It is advisable to repeat it in a month.
ONCOLOGY. Dredge the spring root, until the leaves have risen. Wash, chop, a third fill the glassware (do not get carried away, no more than a third!). Top up with a good cognac. To insist 21 days, immediately strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. For prevention, only 0.5 liters. If the treatment is continued, then repeat not earlier than a month.
PHLEBEURYSM. Cut the upper fresh part of the root, pound into a gruel. Mix 1 tablespoon gruel with a tablespoon of sour milk, apply on an enlarged vein and even on varicose ulcers a layer 1 cm thick, wrap 6-8 layers of gauze on top and leave for 5 6 hours.
Male fern preparations are very toxic. They are contraindicated in heart failure, liver and kidney disease, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with acute gastrointestinal and febrile illnesses, with pregnancy, severe exhaustion, anemia and active tuberculosis. In the presence of such serious contraindications it is best to turn to other remedies.


All parts of the plant are toxic. For therapeutic purposes, leaves, stems, flowers, fruits are used. And they find a fairly wide application for various diseases: angina, pertussis, influenza, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, otitis, exudative diathesis, scrofulosis, fungal skin lesions, psoriasis, dermatitis, jaundice, ascites, cystitis, kidney diseases, helminthiasis, nervous diseases , Epilepsy, diseases of the joints caused by metabolic disorders, rheumatism, gingivitis, stomatitis, erysipelas, wounds, ulcers, burns. That's what a long list turned out. And that is not all. I try not to spend this plant on uncomplicated diseases, where it is possible to do with other, even more effective means, but with malignant blood diseases, with leukemia it is sometimes difficult to do without a sweetly bitter nightshade. Powder from dried stems gives good results in the treatment of pancreatitis.
The plant is potent, so its dosages are appropriate.
INFLAMMATION OF THE MINDALIDED IRON, INFLAMMATION OF THE MIDDLE EAR. For 2 cups of boiling water, put a teaspoon of chopped stems with leaves and flowers. Infuse 4 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon of broth 3 4 times a day before meals. The same infusion is useful for influenza, pneumonia, neuralgia. Course - 2 weeks.
LEJECOUS, MALIGNANT DISEASES OF BLOOD. 1 teaspoon of the crushed plant is brewed with a glass of boiling water. On a water bath soar for 30 minutes, after 10-15 minutes drain. Take infusion of 1 teaspoonful 3 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 4 weeks, then make a break for a couple of weeks and repeat the procedure.
ASTHMA, INFLAMMATION OF BRONCHES, PAIN IN THE USES, AND ALSO YAILWICK, WATER, CHRONIC SKIN DISEASES. For 150 ml of water, put 1 teaspoon of powdered grass. Boil for 10 minutes. Drink 2 teaspoons a day for 10 days, after which take a break of 10 days. If necessary, continue treatment, keeping within the same deadlines.
PANCREATITIS. Dried stems rubbed into powder, take 3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating at the tip of the knife. If immediately after the reception in the mouth there is a sensation of sweetness, then the pancreas is inflamed strongly, and if the pancreatitis is weak, then the sweetness in the mouth of the patient will feel in 10-15 minutes.
Contraindications to its use can serve as severe cardiovascular diseases, diarrhea, pregnancy.


In the southern part of Ufa a steep path snaked along the bottom of the Cherkalikhinsky ravine, descending from the mountain to the Belaya River. On the slopes of the ravine in the weeds full was full of black nightshade. During the war, we boys, going down to the river to swim, always crawled along the slopes of the ravine to eat the ripe black berries "Bzniki", pereinachiv in his own way one of the folk names of the black nightshade "base" (in different localities he and the name is different - wolfberry berries, dog berries, sorrel berries, crow's berries, apparently, dogs and wolves, magpies and crows, too, were not averse to enjoying the watery, sweetish berries of the nightshade). Much later, already an adult, I learned a lot about this gift of nature. But in nature nothing happens by chance. She will feed the hungry and heal the sick. (It turns out that up to 1 630 mg% of ascorbic acid is contained in ripe fruits, but we did not touch the green or unripe berries, as if they knew with their children's flair that they contain the poisonous glycoalkaloids solanine and solassodin, which during the ripening of the berries are destroyed.)
As an adult, I learned that black is used in folk medicine in England, France, Portugal, Turkey, Venezuela and a number of other states on different continents. And in the folk medicine of our country, the plant is not used. But this is only the official version.
It has long been noted that black pansy reduces the increased sexual excitability in women, it is useful as a sedative in violent insanity, agitated state, epilepsy, convulsions, stomach cramps, bladder, diseases accompanied by itching. He adjusts the menstrual cycle, equally well acts with meager, delayed, irregular, and too abundant menstrual bleeding.
Another curious side. French herbalists believed that Paslean is especially useful to those who live or work in cold, damp areas. It was noticed that he acts better on blondes with a reddish tint of hair, with white freckled skin, on women of phlegmatic, meek disposition predisposed to colds. Folk healers recommend the mature fruits of the nightshade black to be eaten by patients with hypertension and atherosclerosis only for 5-6 berries per day - no more. I find this an echo of prejudice.
The juice of fresh leaves is injected 1 2 drops into each nostril 2 3 times a day, when the rhinitis takes on a chronic form.
Of the ripe fruits of the nightshade, black cooks a delicious jam - one kilogram of sugar per kilogram of berries. It is known that berries increase visual acuity, and jam is intended to improve vision in the elderly and senile.
Infusion from the leaves of black nightshade is used as an astringent for dysentery, as well as for hepatitis and gallstone disease, with headache, with rheumatism. Dried young shoots with leaves and flowers are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, colds, cystitis, gastritis. Outwardly, compresses from the leaves or berries infusion are prescribed for hemorrhoids, ulcers, abscesses, psoriasis, eczema, erysipelas, and infusions rinse the mouth with catarrhal sinitis, with stomatitis, gingivitis.
It is known from some sources that black is used for the treatment of epilepsy, migraine.
The plant acts selectively for various diseases with the same preparation. Here is one example.
Skin diseases, eczema, cough, asthma, bronchial asthma, pain in the ears, rheumatism, neurology, non-regular menstruation, hypertension, gastritis, cystitis. Dried grass with leaves and flowers rubbed into powder. A teaspoon of powder should be poured into a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, insist for 2 hours, drain. Drink 1 teaspoon (if possible and 1 tablespoon) 2 3 times a day. The broth can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 days. When mixed with a spoonful of boiling water to take the medicine in a warm form.
NEUROSES, HEAD AND GASTROINTESTINAL PAINS, DIETESIS, PODAGRA, SPASMATIC CURVE, BRONCHIAL ASTHMA, RHEUMATICS, VIOLATIONS OF THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE. To drink as tea from calculation 1 teaspoon of the crushed grass on a glass of boiled water (to make and use, having filtered, in 5 10 minutes).
INOPERIBLE CANCER. Half a glass of water put 1 tablespoon of herbs with green berries. Boil 10-15 minutes on low heat. After cooling, drain. Take 15 ml 3 4 times a day with inoperable cancer. (According to the prescription of MF Ignatenko, I never used it, but apparently the prescription has the right to exist, if we take into account the still unrevealed possibilities of black nightshade.) The alkaloid salosodyne, which enters the chemical composition of black nightshade, is the basis for the synthesis of the hormone cortisone. , The fight against malignant cells is also led by the alkaloid solanine.)
Paslen black, except for ripe berries, strongly poisonous. With caution it is necessary to use it for diseases of the liver, pancreas. Contraindicated in hypotension, vegetovascular dystonia. Its drugs should not be taken with gastrointestinal diseases with diarrhea, and the fruit - with meteorism. You should not prescribe paslyon during pregnancy.


Everyone knows this weed that settles, like a dandelion, in any open space and just as prolific: for the summer can give four generations. It is supposed to collect the grass during flowering, and the shepherd's bag, from spring to late autumn, carries on itself kidneys, flowers and fruits, similar to heart-shaped, tightly filled handbags with a seam in the middle.
Hemostatic effect of the shepherd's bag was known for a long time. Still Hippocrates used it for diseases of the uterus. And in the Middle Ages, this weed everywhere served to stop bleeding - this was its main purpose. But in those days, alchemists were more interested in the shepherd's bag than witch doctors. They processed a huge amount of this weed in their laboratories, trying to find a philosopher's stone with his help. The alchemists could not believe that the "bag" does not hide the main mystery of the universe.
In folk medicine a shepherd's bag - grass and juice from it - is used to stop pulmonary, gastric, intestinal bleeding. With uterine bleeding climacteric period, prolonged painful menstruation, and most importantly - with the breakdown of pregnancy shepherd's bag is irreplaceable. It is necessary to drink 2 3 months broth, so that there is no repeated breakdown of pregnancy. In addition, the shepherd's bag is used to stimulate (strengthen) the reproductive organs in women. When the diaphragm of the pelvis, ligament of the uterus or its muscles "loosened up" and loosened, tea or tincture from a shepherd's bag can help.
For those who intend to collect the grass of a shepherd's bag for the first time, or who harvested it, but did not know it, I will say that there are some subtleties here. The fact is that the plant is often covered with some kind of white fungus (or is it "powdery mildew"?) - so far no one has been interested and does not know what it is. The fact is that the fungus becomes visible at a late stage of its development, although it can already be present on the plant when it is not yet visible (unless through a strong magnifying glass you can see). It is clear that this fungus to some extent neutralizes the beneficial effect of substances contained in the shepherd's bag. Of course, no one will take a grass covered with a white "powder", but if this fungus has already appeared, although it is not visible to the eye? In this case, we must carefully consider the collected grass and for the prevention of the day two hang it in the sun. If the plant remains clean and green - you can safely hang in the shade, and then get the raw materials of high quality.
And to treat a shepherd's bag you can not only women's diseases. She cures beautifully kidney diseases, especially nephritis. It gives positive results in case of liver diseases. Apply it for hypertension. A good deal of benefit comes from a shepherd's bag with malignant ulcers and stomach cancer, tumors, cancer and uterine fibroids. Grass, infused with vodka, is drunk with a stomach ulcer.
DISEASES OF LIVER AND KIDNEYS. In summer, squeeze out the fresh herb juice and take 40 drops in half with water 3 times a day. For the winter, the juice can be preserved in half with vodka and take 30-40 drops with water. Or 40 50 g of dried herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain and take in a warm form for half a cup 3 4 times a day.
CLIMAX. With strong tides and bleeding, 1 tablespoon of herbs to brew in a glass of boiling water, to insist for 2 hours. Take 1 2 tablespoons 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.
URINARY INCONTINENCE. 3 tablespoons of herbs pour two cups of boiling water in a thermos, push 3 4 hours. Take half a cup 4 times daily before meals.
UTERINE BLEEDING. 2 3 tablespoons dried herbs for 1 cup of boiling water, close the lid and insist 2 hours. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Usually after a day, two bleeding stops, but we need two more drinks for a day or two at least once in the morning or at night.
STRESS. Poprinimat fresh juice of 40-50 drops with water 3 times a day.
HYPERTENSION. Prepare the tincture. To do this, fill the glass jar with two thirds, pour it over with vodka. After 2 weeks you can use it, but strain it and squeeze it out - in a month. Take 25-30 drops on a tablespoon of water 3 times daily before meals. You can use it for a long time.
The plant is non-poisonous, fresh leaves are used in salads, put in soup, from which a delicious filling for pies is obtained. But there are side manifestations of the shepherd's bag. With it you have to be careful with high blood clotting, it is necessary to monitor the content of prothrombin in the blood, especially with prolonged use. It is undesirable to take her medications with scanty menstruation. With hypotension, use no more than a few days. Do not use during pregnancy, even if you want to stop bleeding.



On the gravel and rubble slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau Mountains, Altai, Khakassia, southern Siberia and the foothills of Central Asia (Tien Shan District) you will not find valerian. But the holy place is not empty, so they say in the people. And nature has peopled those places with another plant - where you meet a patrician Siberian, in another place a patrician rocky, and closer to Semirechy - an average patrini (valerian stone). According to the soothing effect, all these types of patrini are 1.5 times stronger than valerians and are also used for insomnia, cardioneurosis, as a calming anxiety, choking, headache. The local population also uses some other diseases, like ancillary for tuberculosis, renal and hepatic colic, as an analgesic, with feverish conditions.
Used infusion of roots or alcohol tincture - as in ordinary valerian. Recipes are almost the same.
Patrini is contraindicated in hypotension, as it lowers blood pressure. You can not use it with condensed blood, thrombosis (its drugs increase blood clotting). It should not be used in diseases of the oral cavity (patrini rather irritates the mucous membranes). Overdose can cause headaches and bad dreams.



One of the first spring plants to which everyone treats with love and tenderness. Children pull out of the flower brush and suck out the sweet juice, adults tear off the young leaves on the salad - to taste, it is not much inferior to the vegetable salad, and on nutritional value far exceeds it. No plant contains as much ascorbic acid in the leaves as the primrose.
Herbalists prepare a primrose for medicinal purposes. With chronic bronchitis, this is one of the most gentle and trustworthy means. They use everything in the primrose: leaves, flowers, roots. Infusion or decoction of the roots is an effective expectorant. If once the best in this respect was considered imported Seneg, it turned out that the primroses for these qualities are five times stronger than the Senegy. Therefore, it often finds application in pneumonia, bronchial asthma.
Infusion of flowers is good for migraine, dizziness, inflammation of the bladder and as a mild laxative. By the way, infusion of flowers is considered useful in paralysis.
In the people of the leaves of the primrose, a "love drink" is prepared. The leaves are dried quickly in the oven, ground into a powder and put into a tightly closed dish, best in a bottle with a lid. On long winter evenings they drink tea, brewing half a teaspoon of powder in a glass of boiling water, insist, wrapped, 20-30 minutes and add 1 2 grains of salt. It is believed that such tea helps to maintain family happiness, unshakable love and peace in the house. The powder is well stored - even after a year the useful substances contained in it do not lose their activity.
I have long noticed that in many folk recipes for the application of the primrose, migraine is mentioned. Then he introduced into his practice and really got good results (when using several other herbs simultaneously). However, the primrose itself can cope with this disease.
MIGREN, LONG HEADACHE. Friable fill the glass jar with fresh flowers of primrose and pour dry grape wine. Insist 3 weeks. After filtering take 50 ml 3 times daily before meals - as a wonderful medicine.
MIGRANE, HEADLAMPS. A full tablespoon of crushed dried flowers should be poured into a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and drink warmly, like tea. Or brew a little more and take half a cup 3 times a day.
MIGREN, NEURASES, SLEEPNESS. Brew 2 3 tablespoons chopped dry grass in 0.5 liters of boiling water, preferably in a thermos - it's a daily dose.
DISEASES OF KIDNEYS, URINARY BUBBLE. Incomplete teaspoon of roots (without a high hill), pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. Take 1 2 tablespoons 3 4 times a day. It is useful and with general weakness, poor appetite, insomnia, constipation and as a diuretic.
PNEUMONIA, BRONCHITH. Pour a glass of raw water 1 tablespoon chopped roots, bring to a boil and boil on low heat for 3 4 minutes, then insist 2 hours, drain. Take 1 2 tablespoons 3 4 times a day.
DISEASES OF HEART, PARALICH, DISEASE OF KIDNEYS, SIMPLE. 3 teaspoons of dry crushed flowers pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drain. Take half a cup in a warm form slowly, sips, 3 times a day, regardless of food.
Harmless - it does not mean uncontrollably. Try to drink a decoction of roots not with tablespoons, but at once half a glass or all of the whole - at best you will feel discomfort, and most likely it will cause nausea and vomiting. It's not poisoning, but you get indigestion with all the inherent symptoms. Primrose can cause an allergic reaction. Do not use with anticoagulants. It is contraindicated in pregnancy, as it stimulates uterine contraction.

A very valuable medicinal plant that has a wide range of uses. They do not write much about him, they do not speak much. Really for the reason that it is highly toxic? But on the ear and in fashion, there are more poisonous plants. And almost nobody knows the crack. In our city, I saw him in several places in the private sector, where he was planted as a curling, covering almost the entire fence with a dense greenery ornamental plant. You will ask the owner - he does not know the name, they say, just convolvulus is somehow, we do not have many kinds of bindweeds.
Yes, the plant is southern, from the Caucasus, but it has also taken root in our country, in the central part of Russia. I sometimes saw him at dachas in the suburbs. But its medicinal properties were known even in ancient times. In the book "Unnecessary for the ignoramuses" Amirdovlat Amasiatsi referred the white counter to the anti-cancer drugs, especially useful for the treatment of the malignant tumor of the spleen.
Scientific medicine now also recognizes the antitumor activity of the transgression contained in it of various kinds of cucurbitacins, which possess cytotoxic properties in the experiment. Coumarins in the experiment also exhibit antitumor activity.
I do not use other people's tranquility, I grow it myself in a remote place from the city, I use the root in dried form and in alcoholic tinctures, I inject it into medical complexes with metastases to the liver, lungs and some other internal organs, with lymphogranulomatosis, and also with some other serious diseases , Which only a narrow circle of plants can master.
For a long time the transgression is used for epilepsy, paralysis, ascites, heart disease, joint diseases.
I prepare the tincture from the calculation of 2 tablespoons of dry roots per 0.5 liter of vodka. I insist, as usual, a month, periodically shaking.
CANCER, TABLES OF DIFFERENT ORIGIN, PAIN IN HEART, MIGRAINE, EPILEPSIA. Take 10 20 drops with water 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. After a week break, you can repeat.
Stomach Polyps. Half a teaspoon of chopped dry grass to a half cup of boiling water, close the lid and insist for 3 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day an hour after eating for 20-25 days.
PSORIASIS. 5 grams of chopped grass pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. The same infusion to use for lotions.
CANCER OF VARIOUS LOCALIZATION. Half a teaspoon of chopped roots or half a teaspoon of chopped shoots, pour 2 cups of boiling water over the leaves, close the dishes and insist for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals for 30 days, take a break for 5-7 days and repeat again for a month.
It has already been said that the white peroxide is highly poisonous, it must be strictly dose-dosed. Overdose can cause a serious kidney disease - nephritis.
When poisoning, blood pressure drops sharply, pains appear in the abdomen, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of consciousness.
In the treatment of rheumatic polyarthritis rubbing with fresh roots causes the appearance of blisters on the skin.
Whitehead is contraindicated in pregnancy, high blood coagulability, thrombosis. With caution is prescribed for hypotension. Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of an experienced physicianphytotherapist.



With this plant is not associated with exciting events. They did not use it in antiquity for the treatment of any disease, although archaeologists have determined that this is a very ancient plant and has been known since the beginning of the development of agriculture six thousand years before the new era. But you will not find the image of this vegetable on the walls of ancient temples, not to be described and applied by Hippocrates or other ancient doctors.
For the first time Europe learned about red pepper after the discovery of Columbus of America. It was a favorite spice of the peoples of South American countries. They did not salt meat, but peppered. Christopher Columbus laid a sack with pepper to the feet of the king and queen. Spices in those days were more valuable than diamonds and gold. Columbus granted the title of Admiral of All Seas and was sent to rule the open lands. And as it became known that the lands of the Indians are rich in gold, Columbus, slandered, in chains was taken back to Spain. In prison, dying, Columbus bequeathed to put these chains in a coffin.
In medicine, capsicum is very limited use: inside - for appetite, externally - as a distracting stimulus for neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia. Pepper bandage is widely known for its medical industry. And I'm grateful to him when he coped with sciatica pretty quickly, and there was no other means at hand. Familiar with him and those who have ever suffered from lumbosacral radiculitis. Words of gratitude deserve and the famous pepper, rescued at the first sign of a cold.
In people, pepper tincture is usually prepared and applied externally for arthritis, myositis, radiculitis, neuralgia, sciatica. Inside use drops in acute gastrointestinal diseases, to stimulate the appetite.
The national recipe against old age is interesting.
PREMATURE AGING. 1 teaspoon of red pepper mixed with 500 g of butter and 200 g of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 4 5 times a day until the portion runs out. The next course is at an interval of 3 months.
RADICULITIS. 2 pods of pepper and a half cup of ammonia. Insist 2 weeks. Use on grinding.
Pepper pepper is not recommended for stomach, pancreas, intestines, liver, kidney diseases.
When ingested in large quantities, the substance capsaicin contained in red pepper substance causes an acute gastrointestinal disorder, which in severe cases can lead to death.



With the efforts of man, a small, burning paprika of paprika turned into a large and sweet vegetable, having nothing in common with its progenitor. First, it is enriched by a large supply of carotene, which protects all entrances to the body, especially the vulnerable places where the skin passes into the mucosa, that is, all the openings that lead to the interior of the body. Vitamin A and its precursor - carotene - the body is stored primarily for these sites. If their reserves are depleted, then the resistance of the organism decreases. It is impossible to live fully without vitamin A, which is so much in pepper.
Only seventy years ago, Hungarian scientists isolated red sweet pepper from a substance that strengthened the vessels. It was called vitamin P - according to the first letter of the Hungarian word "paprika" (pepper). It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that vitamin P brings for the nutrition of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to vitamin C, pepper strengthens the central nervous system. Stressful situation, rage, anger, resentment in an instant can "burn" the entire supply of vitamin in the body. But when your heart is in danger, you can not do without this vitamin. In addition, sweet pepper has the ability to increase the body's absorption of iron. And besides iron, pepper contains other important trace elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine and silicon. So to increase the overall tone of the body, you need as much and more often to eat sweet pepper.
The juice of sweet pepper in half with carrots for medicinal purposes is necessary in violation of the growth of hair and nails, mucous ducts (youthful acne, pustules on the face skin, barley), and most importantly - normal skin color (pigmentation disappears), the condition of the large intestine (constipation is treated) . Juice should be taken on an empty stomach on a quarter of a glass 1 time a day. The course of treatment is to lasting improvement.
Insist sweet pepper on vegetable oil (arbitrary). The oil is rubbed in a circular motion with radiculitis, myositis.
Everyone likes sweet peppers, praise him, but that's just not suitable for everyone. On the side effects of peppers try not to think or do not know.
Sweet pepper is contraindicated in case of severe angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbance. Treatment with pepper or a passion for paprika will certainly feel the jump of hypertensive pressure. It is not suitable sweet pepper with ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity. From sweet peppers will have to give up if there is an exacerbation of chronic kidney and liver diseases, as well as colitis, chronic hemorrhoids. Aromatic substances of sweet pepper contribute to the release of the "happiness hormone" - endorphin, which gently affects the nervous system. Only after all, what a misfortune - sweet peppers are incompatible with increased excitability of the nervous system, with insomnia, and especially epilepsy. If you do not have listed diseases - treat the juice of sweet pepper, without limitation, include in the diet and eat for health. (I can be blamed for saying that I myself praised the dignity - and quite well deserved - of such a valuable and popular vegetable, but nevertheless, almost a triple fence erected around it. Alas, I do not prohibit, but only warn of undesirable for Health side manifestations, and having a lot of contraindications, no, no, I'm tempted by a couple of spoons of lecho or stuffed pepper, waving his hand: and, whatever happens, do not deprive yourself of pleasure. "Such is the psychology of man.



Here is another subject of temptation, though not always and not universally available (in terms of treatment, requiring daily intake for at least two three weeks). He does not need special recommendations. Who will refuse a juicy fragrant fruit with a gentle fluff on a ruddy peel ?! Try to use more peaches with low hemoglobin, anemia. According to the content of iron, they excel cherries, apples, apricots, pears, plums. Especially useful are peaches to those who have had surgery to remove tumors, radiation therapy. In general, the chemical composition of peaches increases resistance to the development of malignant neoplasms. Tocopherol, contained in peaches, inhibits the aging process.
Attention attracts one original recipe, associated with peaches, or rather, with seeds of peach bones.
DIATEZ, ALLERGY. Take the seeds of seeds, well fry them, grind, grind in a coffee grinder. The resulting flour lightly moistened with water and lubricate the rash on the body of the child.
Peaches are contraindicated in diabetes, with obesity. Peaches are undesirable in hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, since they interfere with the production of the hormone of the thyroid gland. Contraindicated for allergies.

229. Herring with a hedge


Parsley is a small pharmacy: it contains proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, provitamin A, vitamins B, B, PP, E, C, many phytoncides that inhibit putrefactive and fermenting Processes. With skilful use, almost all organs and systems can be treated.
The homeland of parsley is Greece. The ancient Greeks considered it a sacred plant and did not eat food, they were most often used for wreaths: sacrifices were given to the gods, guests were at dinner, they were given a wreath during separation from their beloved. Even the dead went to another world with a wreath of parsley on their heads. As a sign of sadness, they also wore a wreath.
He valued and praised parsley Avicenna. Here is what he wrote about her: "It opens the blockages of the veins, drives the sweat, soothes the pains, dissolves tumors at the beginning of their formation, helps with coughing, with chest tightness and difficulty in breathing, it is useful for the liver and spleen, it dissolves its dissolving property Stomach and intestines, and displays, dissolving, stones, but it is considered that it is contraindicated in epilepsy. Parsley chases urine and menses, it is harmful to pregnant women. All parts of parsley clean the bladder and uterus. Useful for poisoning with deadly poisons, enters. In the composition of complex antidotes. "
Maria Medici, being a virtuoso in the preparation of poisons, was panically afraid of being poisoned, and considered parsley as the best antidote. Her cook cooked hundreds of dishes, where the main ingredient was parsley.
The healers recommended ripping off parsley and digging the root in the new moon, and in order to "cause" menstruation, you must take parsley when the young month is above the horizon line. Dry and store for future use.
It is difficult to find anything better for the treatment of prostatitis.
PROSTATITIS. You can have fresh herbs, but it is best to take the root, wash, finely chop. Fill a half tablespoon of half a glass of boiling water, leave overnight (about 10 hours). In the morning, drain. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. If treatment is carried out in winter, then 4 teaspoons of dried root should be poured into half a cup of boiling water, insist in a thermos for at least 8 hours. Drink in the same way for 1 tablespoon for half an hour before meals.
MENSTRUACTS WEAK, WANGED, NON-REGULAR. It is necessary to make 4 teaspoons of seeds with a glass of boiled water, to stand on very small fire for 15 minutes. After cooling, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 5 6 times a day in between meals.
Pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardial sac). Grind two medium sized parsley root and cook over low heat in a sealed container in 1.5 liters of water, until there is 0.5 liters left. Strain, add the juice of two lemons and 100 g of honey, mix thoroughly. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals. Keep refrigerated.
WATER, HEART OF HEART ORIGIN. 1 tablespoon chopped roots pour 1 cup of boiling water, wrap, insist 10 12 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 5 times a day.
ALCOHOLISM. Take 30 g of parsley seeds and 50 g of fresh crushed leaves of cabbage and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist in the thermos for 15 minutes. Take 1 glass 3 times a day shortly before meals. Course - 2 weeks. Reduces craving for alcohol. From time to time, the treatment should be repeated.
ARTHRITIS. Pour a teaspoon of a mixture of dry greens and parsley roots with 2 glasses of hot water. Infuse 9 hours. Take 2 3 tablespoons before meals for 3 days. When joint disease reduces pain and inflammation.
CYSTITIS. Grind into powder 4 teaspoons parsley seeds, pour 1 cup boiling water and boil on low heat for 10 12 minutes. After cooling, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 6 times a day, regardless of food. To children, the broth is dosed by teaspoons.
CHICKENPOX. 1 tablespoon dried herb or 1 teaspoon of parsley roots pour 1 cup boiling water, insist, strain. Give the child 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Any sort of parsley is suitable. Infusion accelerates recovery.
MEASLES. Grind the roots of parsley, 1 teaspoon pour 1 cup of boiling water, close the lid and insist 6 8 hours (you can put it overnight). Strain. Give the child 1 teaspoon 3 4 times a day before meals.
OBESITY, OUTSTANDING WEIGHT. Drink a glass of fresh parsley every day. Brew 1 2 teaspoons of greens on a glass of boiling water. You can drink a day in a few tricks.
FLATULENCE. 4 teaspoons of dried or fresh parsley roots are put on 2 cups of boiling water, insist night (8-10 hours). Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. Use periodically with bloating and overcrowding with gases.
Do not think that parsley can settle in your menu without restrictions.
Preparations of parsley irritate the parenchyma of the kidneys, so it is contraindicated in nephritis.
Parsley is dangerous for women prone to frequent miscarriages. At pregnancy it is necessary to exclude it completely, as parsley stimulates the smooth musculature of the uterus and can lead to premature birth.


In ancient times, despite the summer heat, on exhausting July heat, peasants from distant villages for a few days of transportation by train brought to the Moscow metropolitan hail of fresh meat. How did they manage to do without our modern refrigerators? Very simple. They were close to Mother Nature, and she rescued them. In this case, I endowed them with wild ruffles - the so-called tansy. The dried flowers of tansy were pushed into the flour and thickly covered the carcass of the chopped cattle, so much so that no access to air was left. After a few days, wash off the carcass from the fuddy flour - and buy the people fresh, meat, as a pair and by smell, and to taste.
By the way, the cult of tansy flowers existed even in Ancient Egypt, as tansy was the main ingredient in the embalming of pharaohs.
As for the medicinal properties of tansy, this was also known in all countries where it grows. In Russia, folk healers and zemstvo doctors successfully treated tansy with nerve diseases, spasms, jaundice, female diseases. And now it is often used for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, female diseases, like anthelmintic.
When treating jaundice, tansy flowers have an interesting property. If her infusion is used by men, the disease passes quickly, proceeds milder, without consequences. But women in such situations tansy does not help at all.
JAUNDICE. A full tablespoon of inflorescences pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, strain. Drink on an empty stomach as much as you can drink with pleasure. And again in the afternoon no more than half a glass. Do not rush to use a whole liter of infusion for a day, this can be your norm for a few days.
CHOLECYSTITIS. 50 g of dried flowers pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 2 weeks. Take 25 drops (not an eye, and a pipette) 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. The average course of treatment is 3 weeks.
EPILEPSY. 100 g of dried flowers pour 400 ml of vodka, insist in the heat for 3 days, drain. Drink 30-40 drops 3 times daily before meals. (I know that in four cases out of five this remedy helped the sick, the fifth was a young man, to whom none of the means known to me did not work, bringing only temporary relief.)
BELIEV, WRONG NON-REGULAR MENSTRUATIONS, TERMINATION OF MENSTRUTIONS. Prepare a mixture of dried leaves and flowers. 1 tablespoon pour 2 cups of cool boiled water, insist 4 hours, drain. Drink half a glass 2 3 times a day before meals. To treat leucorrhea, Trichomonas colpitis - use an infusion for douching and tampons. Means effective, with good results.
SKIN CANCER. 5 tablespoons of dried flowers boil in 0.5 liters of boiling water over low heat for 10 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Do lotions, changing them from time to time.
DISLOCATION. 3 tablespoons of tansy flowers pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, drain. Make compresses on the site of the dislocation.
Tansy refers to poisonous plants, so the attitude to it must be appropriate, it is necessary to strictly comply with the dosage. Infusion of tansy during the treatment increases the pressure, which must take into account hypertensive patients. When an overdose can be observed indigestion, nausea, vomiting, even convulsions.
It is not recommended to use tansy for a long time, especially with gastritis with high acidity. You can not give tansy preparations to small children, exclude even enemas in case of helminthiasis. Contraindicated tansy during pregnancy.


As a curious fact it can be noted that the name of the flower was borrowed from a real person, the famous Greek physician - Peona. He treated warriors very well during the Trojan War, because of which his teacher, doctor Aesculapius, allegedly envied his disciple and decided to poison him. The ancient Greeks had beautiful legends for all occasions. According to one of these legends, the gods saved the talented Peon, turning it into a beautiful plant that continues to treat people in this form.
Of course, China has its own legends, where a peony with double flowers has been cultivated for more than 1,500 years and is still called "the most beautiful among flowers". He is a symbol of wealth, nobility, prosperity, is still used in all compositions, in drawings on cloth, paintings.
Avicenna wrote about the pion: "The one on honey water helps from nightmares, reduces black spots on the skin. Useful when falling, if only hang a root around your neck. " They say that even evil spirits disappear from the places where the peony grows. A necklace of root pieces, wrapped around the neck, protects from diabolical obsessions.
In great respect was the peony of the Armenians - they considered it a flower, driving away demons and healing the demoniacs (and were not far from the truth, given that peony is successfully used in the treatment of a number of severe neurological diseases). In Western Europe, the roots of the peony were applied to the heart so that there was no suffocation and gout. Wizards say that the root must be digged at night, looking for a plant by the smell. There is a belief, if you dig it out when it's light, then something bad can happen to your eyes - "the raven turns off your eyes."
Our native peonies can also be treated very well, but only those that have a smell (especially appreciated white peony). Dig out the root is recommended during flowering, otherwise you will not know if there is a scent in a handsome chap.
I'm not indifferent to this most beautiful flower, some of its varieties adorn the country plot, but I take medicinal purposes only for the wild peony evading - marjin root. It is extremely rare in nature, listed in the Red Book of Endangered Plants. Therefore, when digging I take only part of the root, and shoots with "eyes" of future stems are planted nearby - in a few years they form a new powerful bush.
Maryin root I used almost for all cancer. I remember a very long time when a pretty Bashkirka came to me, tiny, frail, quite a girl, with a choking patter - half the words had to be asked again. She said that doctors do not take her any more, they wrote her home to the village, and her husband left, in her arms a little baby, that the brother working in the north will help her with money, that for the sake of the child I must save her from cancer of the uterus. Everything says and speaks, I do not get the word to put in, I'm afraid, apparently, I will refuse. But she immediately recognized her name - Gulnas, twenty-two years old, her parents do not. Help from the hospital is stingy, even histology is not indicated, only "symptomatic treatment" is suggested. I started to help, but honestly, I did not believe in success. Of course, in the course went all the antitumor drugs: hemlock, gynecological balsam, marinin root almost without breaks; Purple purple, hop flowers, herbs alternating with field field, horsetail hibernating, alder black, black-bag, changing herbal formulations for douches, tampons with hunter's oil - I listed only part of what Gulnas was taking and what was used. She categorically refused to go to the doctors, but I insisted that she periodically undergo an examination in the oncology center. There they were surprised that the matter was on the amendment, even fussed - how is it that a person fights for life without their participation? Have appointed a chemotherapy. In the early nineties, when everything was collapsing around the country and the economy was in despair, there was a very meager choice of cytotoxic drugs in the oncology center. Gulnas was treated with cyclophosphamide. I immediately ordered an extract of the roots of Angelica. With combined therapy with angelica and cyclophosphamide, the effect of treatment is significantly increased. The toxic effect of the cytostatic is sharply reduced. Ten months later, Gulnas was declared fully healthy. I must say that her husband returned to her, live well, the boy finishes school. To a few more women, the marin root helped to cure cancer of the uterus and ovaries.
But not only in case of cancer, a peony evading is used. Thanks to him, in combination with some other plants, several people got rid of epilepsy. A recent case is curious. Seventeen-year-old Valentina had seizures two or three times a week. With epilepsy, I prescribe with drops of tincture of the petals of a peony flower. A few months later, Valya's attacks became rare, but this matter stalled. And then the daughter suggested to me: let's try the symptomatic method of treatment applied in the people. Take an odd number of seeds and, vdev on the harsh thread, make beads around the neck. By the way, the beads turned out to be very beautiful: round, slightly oblong peas of black shiny seeds, resemble beads from a precious black garnet. Valentine wore them with pleasure. They, as they say, were her face. And the most amazing thing is that the attacks stopped completely. The daughter made such beads to a few more girls, and so far only one patient has not produced the expected result. True, there was not much time left (or the seeds turned out to be lying, the year before last). After all, getting both petals of flowers and seeds is not an easy task. For them, only one way to go is two and a half hundred kilometers. Well, if you guess the time, and if the peony is not yet blossomed or the seeds do not have time to ripen - you go twice and thrice.
Buy peony roots evading other varieties now is not a problem - they are in pharmacies are available, and by correspondence you can purchase, learn the addresses on the Internet. But my daughter and I remain faithful to our principle: we work only with those herbs that we extract with our own hands only in known places.
Maryin root is widely used in many diseases. I will focus only on some.
STROKE. Root the ground, 10 g of powder (2 teaspoons) pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3 5 times a day, regardless of food (usually 20-30 minutes before meals, but you can and in between meals).
BRAIN COLLECTION. 50 g of dry root pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 2 weeks. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. This same tincture is useful for insomnia, neurasthenia, headache.
IMPOTENCE. 1 tablespoon dried roots pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 2 weeks. Take 25-30 drops, with water, 3 times a day.
BLEEDINGS. 50 grams of seeds pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 3 weeks. Take 15-20 drops 3 times a day before eating on water.
Maryin root refers to poisonous plants, so the dosage must be observed. Decoctions and tinctures of the roots increase the acidity of gastric juice, which must be taken into account by patients with hyperacid gastritis. Maryin root slightly lowers blood pressure - hypotensive patients need to take this into account and monitor the pressure, in which case taking the necessary measures. Peony evading is contraindicated in pregnancy, as it acts abortively.


In the arsenal of even seasoned herbalists, you will rarely meet him, you will hardly find information in the reference literature. Plakun, I think, simply fell out of sight and forgotten. In the old days it was remembered more often, using for nervous and pulmonary diseases, bloody urine, chronic enterocolitis and dysentery. Outwardly, broth was treated with varicose ulcers, they drank children in spasms - spasmophilia. They were used even for venereal diseases.
The plant is curious. Many saw and see it in damp places, along the banks of water bodies. Stems straight, up to a meter high, dressed in narrow long leaves, three in each whorl, and at the top of the stem thick intermittent brushes of medium-sized flowers of crimson color. Before the approach of the rain from the tips of the leaves, really very similar to the leaves of the willow, rare drops, like tears, flow down and fall down a few drops, although at this time the sun can still shine.
In the old days, apparently, the derbennik played a significant role, because not so many grasses, covered with superstition and traditions, are gathered. There is a special prayer for digging out its root. Witches and wizards took his root each for their own purposes - always at the dawn of Ivan's Day. It was not supposed to have any iron things with you-they dug a special boneblade.
According to the belief, this plant has an extraordinary magical power, it helps to search for treasures, protected by evil spirits towards people. When you have this grass with you, all spirits will submit to you. Only one plucker is able to drive out the grandfathers of the house, the kikimor.
Even the biblical legend did not bypass the derbennik, I quote Pechersky: "When ... Christ was crucified, his pure blood was spilled. Then the Blessed Virgin Mary shed tears on her mother's son with the tears ... And from those tears Plakun grass originated ... From Plakun herbs demons and sorcerers weep, she humbles the power of the enemy, destroys evil sorcery, drives away lessons and inflow from the person. "
And more: "There is a grass named Plakun, grows near rivers and lakes, high, in hemp, the color of criminals. That grass is good for good: keep clean with you and give the cattle that turns, or which the child does not sleep, and put in the head, then it will begin to sleep. And which man carries the cross on himself, he will be honest in people, and he will not be afraid of any dirty tricks, and he will not die with an evil death, and without that herb, no grass will be torn, because there will be no help from them. "
I'm not superstitious, but in moments of doubt, or when I really want to help a person, I put a small pinch, purely symbolically, of the mysterious power of the grass placoon in the package of a crib, a bedraiser or any herb.
By the way, tea from grass is effective with general weakness of the body and with a painful fever.
DISORDERS OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. A tablespoon of herbs pour two cups of boiling water, insist 4 hours, drain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 4 times daily before meals.
HEMORRHOIDS. 1 teaspoon crushed root of the derbennik on 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times daily before meals.
HEADACHE, DIARRHEA, GASTRALGIA (pain in the stomach). 1 tablespoon dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 2 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals.
With great care apply to gastrointestinal diseases with atonic, especially senile constipation. Contraindication can serve as a high coagulability of blood and a tendency to thrombosis. With hypertension, closely monitor the pressure, as the derbennik contributes to the narrowing of the vessels. The plant is not toxic.



Planown clavate


Plaun the Baranist

People of the older generation should remember those times when in each pharmacy it was possible to buy a bag of spores of the clown-like placid lycopodium, the most gentle and harmless baby powder. In hospitals, spores were used against bedsores.
Travniki for medicinal purposes use and spores, and grass of the planet - creeping lashes up to one and a half and two meters. They and when dried retain a bright green natural color - in the box lie elastic, as if alive. In no case can not pluck the placenta from the root - it grows from a dispute about thirty years.
An interesting feature: spores in the water do not sink, float on the surface and do not dissolve, no matter how much they boil. And the medicine from them turns out excellent. I treated the kidney spore a few times, pyelitis, pyelonephritis.
Infusion of herbs also finds application in the treatment of liver, gastritis, enterocolitis, cystitis, urinary bladder, kidney stone disease. Infusion is consumed with pain in the stomach, colic, spasms, as well as bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, diseases of the nervous system, bloody urine, dysentery. Outwardly the decoction of the herbs healed trophic ulcers, they bathed the children in cramps. They were used even for venereal diseases.
Tea from the grass is also drunk with liver diseases as an anti-inflammatory drug. There are recipes and using cold infusions.
HEPATITIS, CHOLECYSTITIS. 1 teaspoon of spores are poured into a glass of cold boiled water. It takes 8 hours to insist. Take a quarter cup four times a day, along with spores (you can in between meals).
ACUTE INTERT. 1 teaspoon dried milled grass for 1 glass of cold boiled water, insist 4 5 hours, drain. Take a quarter cup 4 times a day.
STONES IN KIDNEYS AND URINARY BUBBLE, ACUTE CYSTITIS. 2 tablespoons of the spore for 2 cups of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, insist 1 hour. Take 1 tablespoon with spores every hour. If necessary, repeat on the next day.
Spasms in the Stomach. 1 teaspoon of chopped sprigs pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 1 2 hours. Daily dose. You can take half a glass and more - most importantly, relieve spasms. After all, this is not long-term treatment.
INSUFFICIENT ulcers. In a quarter cup of lean oil pour 4 5 teaspoons of spores, put on fire and allow to pour for 5 10 minutes on low heat. Obtain the ointment applied to the ulcer for a long time, fixing with a bandage. Inside take broth: 1 tablespoon of spores or twigs to bring to a boil in a glass of milk, then insist half an hour. Take 1 tablespoon 3 4 times a day.
I do not know any contraindications to disputes. You need to be careful with the twigs, do not exceed the indicated dosages, otherwise you can get irritation of the renal parenchyma instead of treatment. Do not use for diseases that cause diabetes. With prolonged use, do blood test tests.


Including a small cellar, a late cellar - they are all used for the same therapeutic purposes: with headache, arrhythmia, jaundice, but mostly give an infusion of alcohol while also taking great precautions and very small doses, no more than five days in a row.
I specially paid attention to this little-known plant, because some people are very interested in it and understand why, and having obtained it from herbalists, they can get into trouble without knowing how to use it, and the cellar is quite toxic. Therefore I result the exact recipe.
ALCOHOLISM. For treatment, dried grass is used, only 1 teaspoon is brewed in 2 cups of boiling water. Insist half an hour, no more. Take on an empty stomach in the morning 1 glass, only once a day, and spend treatment for seven, at most, up to ten consecutive days, then a two-week break is necessary.
You can not use a vault in cardiac and pulmonary heart failure, chronic kidney disease - nephritis, glomerulonephritis, severe exhaustion and very low blood pressure. Do not exceed the dosage in any case. Guarantees cardinal cure for alcoholism this plant does not give, but an auxiliary tool can serve.


I will not hide: I am an enthusiastic admirer of this smelling summer and sweet honey plants with yellow sultans of small yellow flowers, which on a fairly elastic stem darkness and darkness, and each exudes an inimitable scent of summer. Bloomed chicory - summer comes into its own. The mattress starts to blossom - the very top of the summer, and all the grace of the magnificent summer blossom is concentrated in the cheerful, intoxicating smell of the mattress of yellow. It seems to crown the top of the violent motley grass, and as soon as it begins to blossom, the summer seems to be taken to glance away at the yet unseen, but already imminent autumn, when the strawberry has left, when the currant juice starts flowing, the early cherry.
Infusion of herbs with flowers is used in people with tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, angina, colds, coughs, liver diseases, dropsy, nausea, stopping menstruation and postpartum complications, endometritis, hemorrhoids, deafness, swelling, nephritis, urolithiasis, brucellosis , Colic and resi in the stomach, headache, with children's convulsions, epilepsy, as a sedative - with hysteria and neurasthenia.
With the first lady experiments were carried out and scientific medicine. It will be interesting to get acquainted with its results. Herbal infusion in the experiment shows moderate diuretic properties; The broth has a sedative and anticonvulsant effect, causes inhibition of the cortex of the subcortical and brain stem structures of the rat, is recommended for clinical trials with epilepsy with convulsive manifestations; In dogs, it slightly increases blood pressure; Water extract shows anticoagulant and antifibrinolytic properties, dry extract - spasmolytic activity; Herbal tincture inhibits the growth of lymphosarcoma Pliss by 82%, increases the concentration of glycogen in the liver and muscles of the rat, normalizes the glucose content in the blood serum, and also reduces the severity of leukocytosis, which developed in animal tumor carriers; In the experiments on dogs, choleretic, anti-inflammatory action of the drugs was revealed. Infusion of leaves, fruits in the experiment has a sedative effect and causes a slight decrease in the rhythm of the isolated frog heart. Water alcohol extract increases the survival and fecundity of caterpillars of the silkworm; The amount of biologically active substances promotes the excretion of stones.
I hope all this information is enough to have an idea of ​​the medicinal properties of the plant. I appreciate the bedstraw in the treatment of many cancers. In combination with other similar herbs it is sometimes irreplaceable. But this does not mean that other diseases remain on the sidelines - the bedrock is also necessary for diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, epilepsy, skin diseases. This can be judged from the proposed recipes.
CANCER OF VARIOUS LOCALIZATION. 1 tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 4 hours, drain. Take a quarter cup 3 - 4 times a day. (Depending on the location of the cancer and on the basis of histology, herbal infusions pour into each take-up portion of the litter.) For example, in case of cancer of the uterus, stomach, metastases to the liver, 30 drops or 1 teaspoon of tincture of peony roots.
CANCER LANGUAGE. Complete a teaspoon of fresh herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 15 20 minutes, strain and warm infusion for a long time to rinse your mouth, using 6-8 glasses per day. In each of them it is desirable to add 1 teaspoon of tincture of roots of a blood-groove, or tincture of water pepper, and after rinses to chew small, with a pea, a root lovage.
Cancer of the uterus, Erosion of the cervix uteri, Endometritis. 2 tablespoons of the roots of the underbrush, cook for 10 minutes in 3 glasses of water. After 20-30 minutes strain and use for syringing. Before this, pour into the broth 1 tablespoon of tincture of kidneys of black poplar or winter salmon.
SKIN CANCER. Squeeze juice out of the mattress and apply to the affected part lotion for 3 4 hours, changing a fresh lotion - it is good to alleviate the pain and it works antitumor.
SKIN DISEASES (eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, vasculitis, pruritus). For 1 cup of boiling water put 2 teaspoons of dried herb, insist 3 4 hours. Drink a third of the glass 3 times a day, while using external means - ointments, washing.
LEGS (of cardiac and renal origin). 1 tablespoon of herbs to brew in 2 cups of boiling water, insist 4 hours in the heat. Take half a cup 3 4 times a day before meals.
STENOCARDIA. A tablespoon of dried roots pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 8 hours. Take half a cup of 2 3 times a day. After 2 3 weeks of treatment, take a break, moving to this time to other herbal infusions.
EPILEPSY. 1 tablespoon dried flowers pour 2 cups of boiling water, cover and insist 4 5 hours. Take half a cup of 3 4 times a day.
With regard to contraindications, the ladybird is still little understood. Oncological patients with lowering of leukocytes less than 4 units, treatment with a mattress should be temporarily interrupted - until the general blood test is improved. Useful in the treatment of certain kidney diseases, the bedstraw should not be connected for prolonged treatment of glomerulonephritis. With prolonged use of the underbrush, pressure should be monitored - blood pressure jumps in hypertensive patients can be observed. The bedrock can help thicken the blood.


It was not for nothing that the people nicknamed him a lintel - in littered forests, in damp meadows, and, often in a poorly weeded garden, a long stem with narrow whorled leaves will stick to the leg or sleeves of the shirt - you can barely peel it off like a glue soiled and there is a crane. He, like the mother of the present, has almost identical leaves, 6-8 on the onion nodes of the stem. The flowers are white, small, collected in rare axillary semi-zonotics. According to the chemical composition, the bedstrawer is tenacious somewhat different from his handsome fellow. And it blossoms much longer - I took magnificent curtains - otherwise you will not call thick thickets - in September, in full bloom and freshness.
Traditional medicine uses a picket from the ancient antiquity as choleretic, antipyretic, hemostatic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor agent. Even in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the plant used snakes at the Bites.
The fresh juice of grass is valued - with epilepsy. Powdered dried grass is used in diseases of the liver, ascites, scarlet fever, female diseases, intestinal colic, rheumatism, malignant tumors. Locally - with skin diseases, rashes, dermatomycosis. Herbal tincture is used for postpartum complications, fractures, dislocations, hemorrhoids, with leprosy (leprosy), psoriasis, eczema, lupus. Grass is used for neoplasm of the stomach, endometriosis. Grass juice, hot infusion of herbs are taken orally and externally with furunculosis, skin rashes. Powdered grass sprinkled with wounds.
I assign a young lady to a malignant disease, but the herb is also in demand for women's diseases, cystitis, anuria (lack of urine formation by the kidneys), joint diseases.
ARTHRITIS. Fill a glass jar with grass, pour vodka to the top, insist 2 3 weeks. The joints should be rubbed 2 times 3 times a day. Usually with complex treatment. In the end, it is useful to take and infusion of herbs from the calculation of 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water, insist for several hours, drink a quarter cup (and make a tincture of rubbing).
ANURIYA, CYSTITI. Grind the grass in powder. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day, with water. The action is felt in a day or two.
MAMMARY CANCER. Brew in a glass of boiling water 4 teaspoons dried herb, insist 3 4 hours, strain. Take a small sip in half-hot form for 1/4 cup. If other infusions and tinctures are taken, so that there is no excess fluid, you can take and powder of grass for 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day, washed down with water or a prescribed herbal infusion.
Contraindications are similar to the contraindications of the present of the present. Use with caution when urinating incontinence. Monitor prothrombin content in the blood.



The plant is rare, listed in the Red Book. Very valuable. Preparations from bulbs and leaves give effective treatment of such diseases as myasthenia gravis, myopathy, polyneuritis, the consequences of the transferred poliomyelitis, acute disturbance of cerebral circulation.
Drugs of snowdrop Voronov are contraindicated in epilepsy, hyperkinesia, bronchial asthma, angina, bradycardia. With great care, we must treat some other related species of snowdrops.


Plantain, the eternal companion of man, who stepped along with him in the epoch of conquests to America, where he was nicknamed the "white man's footprint", growing on all continents, from time immemorial included in the medicinal treasury of the peoples of all countries, is now familiar even to a toddler who, The time of the game scratching first of all makes a plantain leaf.
There is no need to repeat the textbook truths and talk about how the plantain cures wounds, lung diseases, peptic ulcer, liver and kidneys. Ways of application can be found in any book on herbal medicine, for many decades, as if under a carbon copy, the same recipes are being rewritten. In my book "Overcome the Grass" I brought the most interesting recipes for the treatment of plantain with stomach cancer, lung cancer and other useful information. For a long time it was only when they were allowed to publish such books. But you can not tell about the plantain, and much, as they say, remains "overboard".
I and now will focus only on the most interesting moments. It would seem that our biochemists have found in the plantain all its constituent substances, which act on the human body healthily. It is silicic acid and carotenoids. But so far, in none, even the most equipped chemical laboratory, has been able to create chemically a compound akin to a simple, most common plantain.
Curious information I learned from the candidate of medical sciences SI Il'ina. She tells how in Zaporizhzhya Sich, when the ambassadors were sent to important talks, the infusion of the plantain was "dared" from the smoking pipes, so that the ambassadors "corresponded" to the tasks that faced them, the peculiarity of this recipe was that "... to collect the leaves of plantain After the rain, when they dried up, were weathered. Cut the petioles and dry them in the shade, then brew a big pinch in the clay pitcher. Drink a little, but often, during the day, until night comes. " Depending on the duration of drinking, the desire to smoke disappears (for one or another period).
And here are useful recipes.
DROPSY. First you need to eat a few crackers from any bread (gray, white, black) without any drink, then eat the leaves from 5 to 10 pieces per reception. Within an hour, refrain from drinking. Repeat the procedure 2 3 times. Heals dropsy of any (even tumor) etiology.
BRONCHIT, BRONCHITH OF AN ANNOUNCER, ASTM, CASHEL. Take 6 7 leaves or 2 tablespoons of dry raw material and pour a glass of boiling water. Cool down. Do not aim! Drink 1 tablespoon 6 7 times a day. For night and morning on an empty stomach to drink a quarter of a glass of infusion.
IMPOTENCE. If you can find the dry arrows of the plantain growing in the crevices of stones, collect them. From autumn days to April, brew together with the seeds 1 tablespoon per half a cup of boiling water. Infuse 10 15 minutes. Drink half a glass a day 3 4 times. Men after 35 years of age drink infusion not only for the sake of treatment, but also for the prevention of trouble with the prostate, malfunctions with potency.
In the old days it was strictly kept secret by Arab and Persian doctors. It remains a mystery how the monks from Solovetsky Islands learned about him. They collected from the clefts of the stones the arrow of the plantain, they sold them to pharmacies in Russia and other countries, while gaining big money.
CLIMAX. Abundant menstruation and bleeding, accompanied by pain, bad mood, depression, all this is regulated by decoction of plantain seeds. To do this, 1 tablespoon of seeds pour 1 cup of boiling water and on a water bath soar for no more than 5 minutes on the smallest fire. After cooling, drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. You can store the broth in the refrigerator for 2 3 days. Drink the broth warm, adding a little boiling water. Such a decoction is also suitable for menopausal menopause.
INFERTILITY. Decoction of psyllium seeds is effective in female infertility, if it is caused by an inflammatory process in the tubes. Cook the broth as in climacteric: 1 tablespoon of seeds for a glass of boiling water. In addition to it, I connected drops of boric uterus or wintergreen with drops. As a result of treatment, young women found a happy motherhood, and I became "grandfather" six or seven times.
The plantain, apparently, the most harmless plant, also has some contraindications. It must be abandoned if the patient has a tendency to thrombosis. It is noticed that the juice of plantain thickens especially the blood. It is also undesirable for gastritis with high acidity. Amirdovlat Amasiatsi believed that "plantain is harmful to the brain, especially seeds." He proposed to eliminate this harmful effect of violets.


In Europe, sunflower first blossomed in the botanical garden of Madrid. The Spaniards, after the discovery of America, brought it as a trophy flower. And for a long time no one knew what it was good at. At first the Germans from fried sunflower seeds tried to make coffee - no one began to drink it. The English began to boil the heads for vegetable dishes - there are none of them. From history it is known that in 1842 the landowner African Terentyev bought from the Count Sheremetiev suburb Alexeyevka in the Voronezh region, and one of his serfs tested the seeds on a churn. And he received such a golden, fragrant and delicious oil, which no one else had ever eaten. And then fashion went and husked seeds on the seating. For the Russian countryside, it was a means of boredom, and no one thought about the fact that magnesium in seeds is six times larger than in rye bread, and that there is a large amount of valuable vitamin E, and in the seed shell - some enzymes necessary for the body.
Then they were used for medicinal purposes: they drank alcoholic tincture of flowers from malaria and to improve appetite, and the baskets insisted on moonshine for grinding joints with rheumatism.
The further, the more sunflower is found in folk medicine. Some recipes are really very effective, but not everyone knows. Let's consider some of them.
ANKILOS (immobility of the joint due to the pathological fusion of articular surfaces). Take six flower baskets of milk ripeness, crush them and pour 1 liter of vodka. Insist in the sun for 40 days. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. Treatment is long. (I would recommend simultaneously rubbing the tincture of red elderberry berries.) The mobility of the joint will begin to recover in two to three months, but it will take another as long to fully restore its function.
VEGETABULARY DIAGNOSIS. The stem during flowering, is still soft, finely chopped, dried. Brew a pinch in a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Strain. To drink in 1 2 receptions - clears vessels, removes headaches and nervous disorders.
TROPHIC ulcers. Mix 1 tablespoon fresh unrefined sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon propolis tincture. The resulting mixture is applied to the ulcer, change the next day. Ointment is effective, the ulcer heals.
Nerve injury after falling. Prepare a mixture of sunflower oil with melted wax and wax, spread a long strip of cotton cloth, apply a patch along the entire spine - from the neck to the coccyx. Usually one time is enough, if the patch is kept all day, but if necessary, repeat the procedure three times.
ROTARY STONE DISEASE. Smooth the roots of the sunflower. 1 cup pour 3 liters of water and cook after boiling for 3 minutes. Strain, but do not throw away the roots. To drink all broth for three days (on liter in day). The same roots cook as well in 3 liters of water, but for 15 minutes. Strain, and throw away the roots. To drink a decoction for three days. Stones come out with urine as flakes.
If necessary, repeat treatment. Roots are cooked 2 times. When salt is deposited, the same procedure is used. Salts start to come out only after 2 3 weeks. First the urine will be rusty, but the treatment will not stop until it becomes transparent, like water. During cleansing, one can not eat sharp, sour and salty dishes.
CANCER OF STOMACH (option of one of the recipes). From the dried edge petals take 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of water, bring to a boil, but do not cook, infuse for 1 hour. Drink one third of a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before a meal in a hot form. (In other cases, the broth is prepared with natural milk, or vodka is prepared from leaves and marginal flowers, and small pockets are used.)
There are few contraindications. It is known that in no case can you re-fried sunflower oil to use in cooking - are harmful substances for the body.



The scientific name of wormwood is Artemisia. It was named after the goddess of the virgin Artemis. It is assumed that she was the first to discover the medicinal properties of Artemisia.
The Assyrians called wormwood - "the heart of the eagle", believing that if you drink wormwood infusion, then the person will become strong, not knowing fear. In the Romans, the winners of quadriga competitions on the Capitol Hill were given a cup with an infusion of wormwood - it was a victorious award, it gave strength and health to the next victory.
Very appreciated wormwood Avicenna, applying it for violations of digestion, increased acidity, gastritis, liver and gall bladder, jaundice, joint aches. Amirdovlat in the book "Unnecessary for the ignoramuses" stated: "If you mix the juice of bitter wormwood with honey and give a drink, then this drug will help with jaundice, stroke, reduce the severity in the head, will not allow a person to quickly get drunk. Improves acuity of hearing, treats inflammation of the bladder, hemorrhoids, liver, soothes the nervous system and carries with it melancholy, regulates the menstrual cycle. "
In olden times, and in different countries, there was a belief: if you wear wormwood in the form of a sash or hold it in your hand - do not tire yourself and have fun, and wash your feet with a wormwood broth to not feel fatigue while walking.
Widely used healers wormwood for the treatment of many female diseases. Until now, one of the radical remedies for the treatment of uterine cancer in folk medicine remains sagebrush. It is believed that if you weld it in grape wine and take in small doses, you can prevent miscarriage. Ukrainian healers with infusion of wormwood and thyme treated all stages of alcoholism. In the years of Soviet power, when every witchcraft was punished by criminal prosecution, the recipe was lost, and now attempts are being made to restore it. Here is one example.
ALCOHOLISM. Mix 1 part of wormwood and 4 parts of thyme. 3 teaspoons of the mixture take a half cup of water, boil on low heat for 20 minutes, insist half an hour. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Treatment is 2 3 months. I can not say anything about the effectiveness of this medicine, because I did not really experience it.
THROMBOFLEIBIT. And this is really a tried-and-true tool, at least from other people's words: a handful of fresh wormwood mixed with flowers mixed with 0.5 liters of curdled milk, put the mixture on gauze and attach to the legs, where the veins are greatly expanded. Raise the legs on the pillow and cover with a plastic film for 30 minutes.
PARALYSIS. When paralysis, mix equally wormwood, nettle and plantain. Brew in a porcelain kettle from the calculation of 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water, drink 1 cup 2 times a day. For hypotension, use in small doses - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day (as a tonic).
STROKE. Mix in equal parts by volume juice from the herb wormwood and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 4 5 times a day.
Pain in the small pelvis. Put 3 tablespoons of dry shredded herb wormwood and 3 tablespoons willow bark in 1 liter of white grape wine. Cook for 5 minutes. After cooling, take 150 ml 3 times daily before meals. Before going to bed, lie down for 30 minutes with a heating pad (if there is no oncology).
Wormwood has bitter side effects. It is desirable to use it for not more than a month, after which it is necessary to take a break for at least two weeks, or better for a month, otherwise you can earn a nervous system disorder, and with excessive doses even convulsions, convulsions, hallucinations on the verge of insanity, especially when some ill-conceived recipes recommend The juice of May wormwood in large quantities. Even Avicenna, who expressed many praiseworthy words to the bitter wormwood, noted that "bitter wormwood drains his head and her squeezed juice causes a headache."
Wormwood bitter is undesirable to use with anemia, although there are such recommendations. It should be avoided with enterocolitis. Contraindicated bitter wormwood with gastric ulcer and gastritis with low acidity - it will lower it even more. It is contraindicated with bleeding, sometimes it can provoke them. Quite often an allergy to wormwood is manifested, and it can occur unexpectedly - never before appeared and suddenly - tears, runny nose, choking, and so on, with just one smell.
Contraindicated bitter wormwood during pregnancy and breast-feeding infants.



Artemisia vulgaris is an unassuming child of weeds, willingly populates wastelands, vegetable gardens, forest belts between arable land, forest edges, banks of ponds, rivers and rivers where a man usually settles. She, like nettles, keeps close to people. Nature, apparently, ordered that it was always at hand. A man has caught a cold, fever has risen, he has bronchitis or pneumonia, but God forbid, tuberculosis or asthma - a bespoke beside him. Or you have nervous exhaustion, depression or anemia - wormwood will help. The bladder has inflamed - the cyst is here like with cystitis, urethritis, and women will adjust the menstrual cycle, will serve as abortifacient and at the same time - with threatening abortion, toxicosis of pregnancy; If necessary, decoction of rhizomes can serve to excite generic attempts.
There were more serious illnesses in the person - convulsions, convulsions, epilepsy, paralysis, inflammation and dropsy of the brain - and in these cases, do not neglect the chernobylnik. And with cancer, even more so. He helped me a long time in a hard struggle against cancer of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, rectum, pancreas, with cancer of the uterus. I use it and with different types of sarcoma.
In the book "Overcome the Grass" I paid much attention to the Chernobylnik and gave my methods of treating the grass and the roots of the cancer of different organs, but some recipes, I hope, will not be superfluous here. And not only on oncology. I was sometimes embarrassed by middle-aged men, wondering if there were any herbal remedies that strengthened men's strength. There is nothing shameful about this. Of course, now there are all sorts of sex shops, Viagra and other special medicines, but not every man will go to these special shops, it is not easy to overcome his pride and great is the inertia in the people, generating distrust of incomprehensible "Western tricks". And the people from time immemorial had their own proven means. Yes, the same chernobylnik gave good results with persistent impotence.
IMPOTENCE. In autumn, collect the seeds of Artemisia vulgaris, dry it. 1 teaspoon of seeds pour a glass of steep boiling water, close the lid and insist 10 minutes, drain. To drink in several receptions during the day. (I was told that it is best to take a quarter of a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and at lunch, and half a glass - two hours before bedtime.)
EPILEPSY. Brewed 1 tablespoon chopped herbs in a half cup of boiling water. Infuse in warm, wrapped, 4 hours. Take a quarter cup 3 4 times a day. (In my opinion, the remedy is more suitable for epizondroma, not released forms of epilepsy, but with hereditary only it will bring some relief.)
PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. Pour 50 g of dry root of the chernobylnik 2 liters of white dry wine, cook in a closed dish for 10 minutes, add a glass of honey to the boiling broth. Cool, drain. Take a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. Or on a tablespoon 3 times a day for half an hour before a meal - choose an individual form of reception.
Do this: 100 g of dried roots pour 2 liters of wine, insist 15 days, add after filtering 100 g of honey. Take 1 teaspoon every hour.
AMENORRHEA. At a stop and poor menstruation, 1 tablespoon chopped roots, pour two cups of boiling water, insist in a closed dish for 4 hours, strain. Take half a cup 2 times a day before meals. Chernobylnik is considered one of the best herbs in the treatment of female diseases. It is interesting that plants with green stems stop profuse menstruation, and red-stem cells - on the contrary, cause them with delay. When collecting the chernobylnik, pay attention to the color of the stems, if necessary, you can collect them separately. If this could not be done, then it is better to use the leaves: 1 tablespoon pour a half cup of boiling water, insist 4 hours, drink a quarter cup 3 4 times a day for half an hour before meals, with amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
RISK OF MISCARRIAGE. 1 tablespoon roots for 0.5 liters of red dry wine, bring to a boil, cook for 15-20 minutes, insist 2 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
STRENGTHENING OF THE PORCELAIN EMBROIDERIES. Dried the tops of grass grind into powder. 1 tablespoon of powder pour a glass of boiling water overnight, drain in the morning. Take half a cup 3 times daily before meals.
UTERINE CANCER. 3 teaspoons of dry powdered grass to infuse 4 hours in a sealed container, drain. Drink a quarter cup 3 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Or: 1 tablespoon of roots to insist 4 hours in two glasses of boiling water. Drink half a cup 2 times a day, preferably before meals. Simultaneously do syringing. To do this, 2 tablespoons chopped root pour 1 cup of cool boiled water, insist in a tightly closed container 10 hours, then boil on low heat for 10 minutes, insist in a warm place for 2 hours, drain. Pour in this broth of warm boiled water, bringing the volume to 1 liter. To use on one procedure of syringing.
Cancer of the esophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum, sarcoma. The indicated broth (from 2 tablespoons of wormwood to a glass of water) take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for half an hour before meals as a common antitumor agent.
All parts of the plant, according to my many years of observations, had no side effects. Probably because the chernobylnik does not like prolonged use: in a month it is necessary to take a break for the same period. If necessary, the treatment was extended for two months. It is important not to exceed the dosage and be careful during pregnancy.


He came to us from Central America before potatoes, corn and tobacco. In France, he was planted around gazebos as a decoration. In Germany, where the climate is more severe, they were planted in pots on the windowsill as a flower. In England and Russia it was already an exotic greenhouse plant. When two hundred years later he was taken back from Europe to Europe, he was not recognized there, and was also considered to be the strongest poison. When in 1776, at the height of the war of the North American colonies for freedom, the commander-in-chief George Washington was served with a spicy, appetizingly smelling roast, abundantly flavored with tomatoes, he did not suspect that he was going to be poisoned. The chef's betrayer had no doubt that the treacherous plan was successful, and even sent the British a report on the death of Washington. By pure chance, the message did not hit the addressee, for over forty years it lay hidden in a hiding place until the mystery was revealed. And the future first president of America since then has grown fond of tomatoes.
More recently, in 1811, in the German botanical dictionary it was written: "Although tomatoes are considered poisonous plants, in Portugal and Bohemia they are made from sauces, which are characterized by an extremely pleasant, sourish taste."
Poisonous were not fruits, but stems - they are considered the best vegetable poison for many garden pests, and as for the fruits - now there are about two thousand varieties of tomatoes, and a rare table does without salads with tomatoes, sauces, various spices or tomato juice.
In this case, we are not interested in gastronomic, but in the medicinal qualities of tomatoes. Naturally, they were closely studied and found a large amount of potassium, carotene, a large group of vitamins, ascorbic acid, pectic substances, purines, fiber, magnesium, iron, iodine, nitrogenous substances, alkaloids, citric and malic acid, nicotine, lycopodium and other chemical ingredients , More interesting for scientists than for a sick person. Of course, it is interesting to the inquisitive person to know that with anemia an important role is played not only by the well-assimilated salts of iron, but also by folic acid, which also contributes to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism.
Due to the presence of vitamins and potassium salts, tomatoes are necessary for patients with metabolic disorders, with diseases of the cardiovascular system. A significant amount of pectin substances contributes to lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood. Tomatoes and tomato juice have antihypertensive effect (reducing blood pressure) and, possibly, in this regard, facilitate the condition with glaucoma.
In folk medicine, fresh tomatoes and tomato juice are used to treat beriberi, metabolic disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, to strengthen the activity of the gonads, liver diseases. Fresh juice is an effective remedy for the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum ...
While there are no specially developed recipes, therefore, in the above diseases, it is recommended:
- Fresh tomatoes. Eat 200 300 g per day, dividing by 2 3 times.
- Fresh juice from tomatoes, mixed with honey. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
- Pulp of tomatoes. Use in the form of a mask for 10-15 minutes.
Contraindications to tomatoes also exist abound. They are not recommended to take a great interest in cholelithiasis (as strong choleretic, they can chase stones that, God forbid, get stuck in the bile duct - then there is no way to do it, another danger is if the stones are phosphate or oxalate in nature, growth).
Canned, salted and pickled tomatoes are not recommended for kidney and cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. Not only canned, but also boiled tomatoes, especially in combination with sugars and starches (in soups, salads, with potatoes, etc.) contribute to the formation of kidney stones and the bladder. Not for one night grow stones - they grow in months and years, and then we wonder - where did they come from? I'm writing about contraindications for those who are serious about their health. Food, in the long run, is also a medicine. A contemptuous attitude to contraindications - er, nonsense all this, I eat what I want and as I want, and with me nothing will be - will necessarily lead after a while to a doctor with gastritis, pancreatitis or anything else more serious. This applies to self-treatment of "harmless" herbs, not only for tomatoes or other vegetables, fruits.
Those who monitor their health, you must remember that tomatoes are incompatible with eggs, meat and fish. And what is very important: you have to forget about bread for the whole "tomato" period. I do not call for a refusal of bread - eat for health, but not together with tomatoes - do a break between them for at least a few hours. As for tomato juice - it is desirable to drink half an hour after eating.
There was an opinion about the adverse effect of tomatoes on the body with oxalate diathesis, but this was not confirmed (for example, in oxalic acid tomatoes 64 times less than in spinach, and 8 times - than in beetroot). So that the sickly gout tomatoes do not threaten. Of course, if you use them moderately.



About this garden plant, you need at least a little talk, if only because Hippocrates was sure that the portolac cleanses the body and strongly advised his elderly people, those who suffered serious diseases, and to cleanse the body of all harmful effects.
In scientific medicine, seeds and grass are used as anthelmintic. Infusion of herbs can also be used as a substitute for adrenaline. Scientifically proved that the plant intensifies cardiac activity and raises blood pressure with a significant narrowing of the vessels - a good tool for hypotension.
In folk medicine, fresh juice is used to treat eye diseases. Portulac is used for trichomonas colpitis, syphilitic arthritis, liver disease, kidney disease, paralysis of infectious origin.
Portulac is valued as a spicy and vitamin plant. Has a curative effect in the mild form of diabetes mellitus. It is a natural natural insulin. Diabetics use it for food, and in winter drink infusion of leaves and stems.
In the past centuries in the Russian army, in closed boarding houses, in man's monasteries and monasteries, the seagull was grown since early spring in greenhouses and vegetable gardens and incredibly widely used greens in salads, made stuffing for pies, cooked compotes. Secretprost: portolac prevents sexual arousal. And the Chinese medicine and to this day uses portolac for the treatment of gonorrhea. The decoction of seeds is used for stomach upsetting, as a blood cleanser and for psoriasis.
Recipes are traditional: juice is drunk on a tablespoon 3 times a day with kidney, liver and bladder disease. Grass, fresh in summer, and dry in winter, brewed in a glass of boiling water, insisted for two hours, the daily rate. Seeds - a teaspoon on a glass, pobyatit 2 3 minutes, a third cup 3 times a day - with an upset stomach, as an antipyretic and with pyoderma - skin diseases. Rubbing the seeds into powder, mixed with fat, vaseline - for rubbing with psoriasis, in the treatment of external tumors (with the intake of decoction of seeds inside).
I did not begin to divide the recipes, as, I repeat, they are traditional, I would even specify - approximate, since there are many variations.
From the text itself we can conclude that portolac is contraindicated in hypertension. Do not use it for bradycardia - low heart rate. Contraindicated portulak with a strong nervous tension, a tendency to convulsions, diencephalic paroxysms.



Kidney tea is widely used in many countries of the world for acute and chronic kidney diseases, accompanied by edema, albuminuria (the presence of whey proteins in the urine), azotemia (uremia) and the formation of kidney stones; With cystitis, pyelocystitis, urethritis, atherosclerosis of the brain with impaired renal and hepatic function. We do not grow, you can only buy in pharmacies or by correspondence.
It is not recommended for hyperacid gastritis and gastric ulcer with high acidity, as well as hypotension.
245. The Proletariat of the North


At first there was a correspondence acquaintance. Somewhere I read about the unusual plant used by the northerners and Siberians all the way to the Far East and Kamchatka. You will take the proper amount of this plant's infusion and almost a year you can not use any contraceptives. Such an infusion of women was stronger. The result is one hundred percent. How so? Why do not I know such grass? So many rare and exotic plants I met on the expanses of native Bashkiria, and the breaker did not come across. Perhaps, and came across, but passed by without noticing, although almost by heart knew his description.
And yet the meeting took place. When they showed him to me, almost poked my nose, remembered for a lifetime elongated, collected in a rosette, leaves closely pressed to the ground, and several stems with umbrellas of small white flowers. It was on a stony mountainside, abruptly cutting off to the river Ufimka. I did not need a breaker, I did not collect it, but I was delighted with this small area on the mountainside where under the fir trees and pine trees there were quite rare for our sites, the northern liner, the crow sparrow, the red-crowned crow, the wintergreen, the clown-shaped plains, the prince of Siberia. Again and again I admired the rich and generous world of the vegetation of our republic.
As for the northern breakthrough, his infusion or broth is drunk with pains in the heart, nervous disorders, kidney stone disease, aching joints, gastralgia, goiter, fever, like an anticonvulsant in epilepsy, rinse throat with sore throat, douche with whites in women. The contraceptive effect after the withdrawal of the infusion in the future does not in the least interfere with the onset of pregnancy.
EPILEPSY. Brew 1 tablespoon dried herb of the northern patrol in a glass of boiling water, insist for 1 hour and after filtering drink a third cup 3 times a day, preferably before meals.
Prophylactic northern is contraindicated in pregnancy, because it acts abortively.

246. The Roundaway Scepter


This weed plant must be familiar to many. Not only because sometimes a green carpet spreads somewhere in the wasteland, that in the city, that in the countryside, often settling in gardens and orchards, or on lawns. And it is usually familiar from childhood. We, boys and girls, not knowing the medicinal properties of the mall and its Latin name, always knew where it grows, and in their own way they called themselves "kalachikami". Fading, the marshmallow forms round flat seeds resembling tiny green kalachi, and fresh, just "baked", they are peculiarly tasty and nutritious. Maybe because from spring to autumn we ate all sorts of wild-growing edible herbs, rarely sick in the harsh war years. In fact at the same time received not only additional food, but also medicines together with vitamins.
In the fruit of the mallow there is ascorbic acid, carotene, carbohydrates, up to 18% fatty oil, much useful for the stomach mucus.
In folk medicine, the decoction of the whole plant is drunk with cough and tuberculosis. Decoction of seeds - emollient with bronchitis, cough, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, ulceration of the bladder, sometimes with hemorrhoids. Women drink decoction of herbs in violation of the menstrual cycle. In ancient times, the swinebird was used for gonorrhea. Strong infusion of leaves rinse the mouth and throat with inflammatory diseases. Decoction of leaves in milk is a fairly effective remedy with difficulty urinating. Infusion of leaves with flowers in the people was considered a good antidote and at the same time laxative.
Just in case, if there are lovers of a baccato, I give a couple of recommendations.
COUGH. 1 tablespoon of leaves with flowers pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, drain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
VOICE OF VOICE. 1 teaspoon of the seeds boil in a glass of water for 5 minutes on low heat. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.



Curiosity took, no, just for the living hurt: he flipped through two dozen quite large, large editions published popular hospitals - there is not a word about prose in them. As if it is not therapeutic at all. It's time to turn to some kind of cookbook, but then they'll just write about the porridge. And not a word about the fact that millet can treat hypertension, pancreatitis, diabetes, liver, bladder, hemorrhoids and even night blindness, not to mention some other diseases.
Yes, millet is an ancient culture, although it is far behind wheat, rye, rice, buckwheat, oats and other cereals. Without much enthusiasm, Avicenna writes casually about him: "Millet knits and dries a little without drying. Millet is a good poultice for soothing pain, but if it is not cooked properly, it produces bad blood. It is less nutritious than other cereals, from which bread is made. Millet nutrition is low: it is viscous and somewhat diluting, as some doctors say, but if boiled in milk or in water with wheat bran, its nutritional value is excellent, especially if it is eaten with melted butter or almond oil. Millet, whether its substance or bread from it, is slowly digested in the stomach. Of millet, poultices are made with gums in the guts. It drives urine. "
If it comes to that, the protein in it is not less than in semolina, starch millet will not yield much to rice; Potassium - 4 times, and magnesium - 5 times more than in rice. Only the amino acid composition millet is inferior to the proteins of buckwheat. But there is a lot of nicotinic acid in it, there is copper and manganese in it. Therefore, millet has the ability to stimulate blood formation. And magnesium promotes the expansion of coronary vessels. It seems that the initial information about the undeservedly forgotten pshen is quite sufficient.
A valuable property of millet is to remove from the body residual antibiotics and the products of their decomposition (when taking antibiotics, one must eat a mashed potato daily). The peculiarity of millet has been revealed to reduce the growth of tumors. Its diuretic action helps in the treatment of dropsy. It can also be added that the millet fuses the broken and strengthens the damaged bones, heals the wounds and promotes the connection of soft tissues, strengthens the muscular system.
As they say, the goal is fiction. With some diseases, when all means seem to have been tried, someone remembered about the prose. I tried to heal with it - you see, it helped. I told my relative or neighbor my acquaintance, and then I went for a walk from mouth to mouth while I was not acquainted with anyone, a new recipe that had not been worn for different clinics.
HYPERTENSION. Now do not establish who first thought of taking 3 tablespoons of cereals, rinsing, drying, pounding in a mortar and eating it for a day, without washing down with water. And in a few days to bring the working pressure to normal, although until recently it reached (systolic) to 200. Over three four weeks of treatment, it was possible to "calm" the blood pressure for a long time.
Flour should not be cooked for future use - it loses its quality. However, with hypertension, you can brew grain like tea - it has a similar effect.
DIABETES. It is useful to take 1 tablespoon of ground flour once a week. Use this tool for a long time.
PANCREATITIS. 1 cup of millet pour in a saucepan (enameled, without chips) 2 liters of water and cook until the whole grain is boiled. Separately grate the grate next to a glass of pumpkin, add to the pan with millet and cook for another 20 minutes. Lightly salt, pour 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil and eat for dinner. The duration of the treatment course is 3 weeks. After 10 days, repeat the healing dinner - the inflammatory process in the tissues of the pancreas is reduced.
CHICKEN BLIND. It is noticed that the dishes made of millet give the eyes vigilance in the twilight and in the night darkness. Cooking is the same as with pancreatitis.
CASTING IN THE LIVER AND THE GOLD BUBBLE. To eliminate such clogs and cleanse them, the croup of impurities that has been removed from the impurities is poured with water and boiled, not making it ready. The dishes are wrapped and pressed for several hours. All this brew should be eaten within a day (a total of 3 4 small portions should be obtained, it is not recommended to salt it). Preheating is not allowed - repeated heat treatment reduces the therapeutic effect. If necessary, you can repeat it in a week.
Protein in urine. Rinse the millet, then pour it with boiling water and stir until clouding. Let stand a little and pour into a glass. Take an infusion of equal parts several times a day - the amount of drunk does not matter. Continue treatment until the results, and they will not slow to wait for themselves, in the near future tests will show that the protein is normal.
CONJUNCTIVITIS. 1 tablespoon of cereals rinse, pour 1 glass of water, cook for 10-15 minutes, 2 hours to insist. Broth wash your eyes before and after sleep. The treatment is also suitable for children.
HEMORRHOIDS. Prepare 6 8 kg of unearned grain per course. In a three-liter glass jar pour a third of the washed grain, pour the top with boiled water, put it in a dark, cool place for 4 days - all the medicinal compounds will go into the water. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. While there is treatment (it takes about four days), in another bank to prepare a fresh infusion, so as not to be interrupted. Course 20 30 days without interruption. Nodules gradually resolve, bleeding stops. If necessary, to fully consolidate the results, after a week, repeat the course.
CYSTITIS. Half a glass of millet washed with slow movements to just clear of dust and rubbish. Drain the water, and put the millet in a liter jar and pour a glass of water, moist or boiled - no matter if it was only room temperature. And shake it vigorously with your hand, knead your fingers. The water becomes whitish - it's necessary to drink everything. A day to drink as much as possible - no restrictions. Pain in the urinary canal and bladder cease almost instantly. Frequent urges also stop worrying. To completely get rid of cystitis, you should drink at least two weeks, and from the used millet you can cook porridge - it will only benefit.
LICHEN. It is smeared with foam, which is formed when cooking millet. It helps, especially if it's done daily.
The millet is often blamed for bitterness. The fact is that the fats contained in the wheat are oxidized fairly quickly, and the croup becomes bitter in taste. So when buying, demand not lying, but fresh grain. When colitis, especially in the elderly, millet can cause constipation - this must be taken into account and take the necessary measures. With gastritis with high acidity, heartburn is often observed.



In the forest, snow still lays in the forest, and on the thawed patches and the sun-warmed places among the lively grass, there are furry purple bells-small, still without leaves-they will grow later. They are associated with different beliefs, collecting flowers with different spells and rites. It is believed that the entire demonic force, led by Satan himself, is afraid of that grass and runs from it to 12 versts. Eliminates the sleep of grass from the evil eye, from spoilage and all demonic obsession. To some extent, he serves as a prophetess. To do this, take the flower on the morning dew, tucked up skirts or rolled high trousers. A torn flower should be immediately put in cold water, where it lies before the full moon. Bent in the stalk, it starts to stir, and then for the night to take it out of the water, hide it under the pillow. Only the prophetic dreams are dreamed. If you are expected to have happiness, good luck, then a young girl (or a young man) will dream, but if I'm in a grief, you'll see death in a dream.
I did not study fortune-telling, but I like to collect the grass till now, observing the wise people's councils: in the forest for a dream, grass should go only with light thoughts, not wishing anyone evil; Tearing off the flower, guessing what most cares and worries.
Dream grass in folk medicine is considered a soothing and hypnotic - hence the name of the grass.
In folk medicine, a decoction of the whole herb is consumed in small doses for pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, for diseases caused by weight lifting - nausea, as well as neuralgia, migraine, gout, rheumatism. Decoction of the herb is given to women during labor to reduce pain and accelerate childbirth, as well as for diseases of female genital organs. Successfully apply the potion from the herb for the treatment of spasmophilia ("infant"). In folk healers this is one of the oldest means of treating impotence.
IMPOTENCE. Flowers must be torn in the bud. Do not drag them with you, but immediately put in a jar of water. At half a liter of water - 10 flowers. At home bring to a boil, as cool - drain. Drink 30 ml daily. You can prepare the medicine for future use: at home to get buds from the jar, how many can squeeze the juice into 0.5 liters of vodka, place the flowers in the same place. Insist 7 days, drain. Drink as in 30 ml once a day.
MIGRAINE. Grind 2 teaspoons of herbs for 1 glass of cold boiled water, insist 24 hours, drain. Take infusion during the day with sips, fractions (and at this time the next serving should be infused).
INSOMNIA. 5 flowers pour 1 glass of hot water, leave for 20 minutes, drain. Take a tablespoon in the evening hours (determine individually the number of receptions, but no more than three times).
EPILEPSIA, PARALICH. 1 teaspoon of herbs lumbar uncovered pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day, regardless of food.
ACCELERATION OF GENUS AND CONCERN OF PAIN. 2 3 fill a glass of boiled water. Insist before cooling. Drink a tablespoon every 2 hours.
GLAUCOMA. Freshly squeezed juice mixed with honey and drink 5 ml per reception, washed down with water.
The plant is poisonous. When drying, the toxicity disappears. "Dream grass" is contraindicated in neuritis, gastritis - irritates the gastric mucosa, in pregnancy - abortive. It is undesirable to use the herb in liver diseases.


I admit, at first I did not want to include this plant in the book - so only its name, as they say, was stuck in my teeth. Even some people who have never touched the problems of herbal medicine, on the occasion with the appearance of a connoisseur, authoritatively recommend: "Do you have high blood pressure? Be sure to drink a tincture of motherwort, everything will be removed by hand. " Not knowing at the same time that it can help only at the initial stage of hypertension. "Oh, you have a heart of shame? So you need a motherwort. And no doctors will not need! ".
Как часто даже очень хорошо знакомые люди вдруг открываются с неожиданной стороны. Что уж тут говорить о растениях…
Да, настой, настойку, экстракт пустырника часто используют при неврозах, гипертонической болезни, стенокардии, миокардите, пороках сердца, контузиях головного мозга, лёгких формах базедовой болезни, вегетососудистой дистонии и пр. Но то, что пустырник применяется при холодовой аллергии — в какой то момент это для меня явилось новостью. Открылся пустырник для меня при различных нарушениях полового цикла у женщин, при фибромиомах матки. К сведению я принял и то, что экстракт травы увеличивает при эпилепсии интервалы между припадками, это подтверждено клиническими испытаниями. Помогает пустырник при опухолях и гангренозных ранах. Использовал я пустырник при успешном излечении эндометрита (правда, в сочетании с другими травами). Пустырник непременно входит в составы для спринцеваний — начиная с дисфункции яичников и вплоть до рака матки.
И всё же на рецептах я решил не останавливаться, так как большей частью они однотипны и в любой аптеке можно получить исчерпывающую консультацию. При целом ворохе разных болезней практически одно и то же. К примеру; сок травы смешивают пополам с водкой и принимают по 1 чайной ложке 3 раза в день до еды при сердцебиениях, сердечно сосудистых неврозах, повышенной нервной возбудимости, начальных стадиях гипертонии, кардиосклерозе, миокардите, пороках сердца, сердечной слабости после гриппа и других инфекционных болезней, при головной боли, малокровии, одышке,желудочно кишечных коликах, бронхиальной астме, при болезненных менструациях и их задержке, при бессоннице, при ангиодистонических синдромах конечностей, нейроциркуляторной дистонии, ишемической болезни мозга.
Пустырник серьёзных противопоказаний не имеет, разве что не стоит пользоваться им при гипотонии. Случается редко, но при длительном применении может вызвать аллергическую реакцию вплоть до полной непереносимости — это мне приходилось наблюдать у нескольких больных, лечившихся от гипертонии и заболеваний сердца.



Грешно было бы обойти её стороной. Ведь это хлеб наш насущный, который и кормит, и лечит.
Самые простые способы лечения — отвар мякиша хлеба при поносах; мякиш, намоченный в горячем молоке, рассасывает нарывы и опухоли. И, конечно же, отруби. Отвар пшеничных отрубей с мёдом пьют при заболевании дыхательных путей. Отруби в натуральном виде назначают при гипертонии и атеросклерозе, атонии кишечника. Их, — где по чайной, где по столовой ложке — запивают водой. И ещё популярно лечение проросшим зерном пшеницы. Но мало кому известны другие рецепты. Кому то они, может быть, пригодятся.
LEUKEMIA. Заварить 3 столовые ложки пшеничных отрубей в стакане кипятка, настоять 2 часа. Принимать по 1 столовой ложке 3 4 раза в день за полчаса до еды. Этот же рецепт хорошо помогает и при АНЕМИИ.
ЯЗВА МОЧЕВОГО ПУЗЫРЯ. Взять 200 г отрубей на 1 л кипящей воды. Варить 1 час. Дважды процедить. Пить по полстакана (вплоть до 1 стакана) 3 4 раза в день. Курс лечения — 1 месяц.
ПСОРИАЗ. Полтора килограмма отрубей залить горячей водой и настоять 4 часа. Процедить в ванну. Принимать её не более 15 минут. Не вытираться, обсохнуть, надеть мягкое домашнее бельё. Ванны принимать ежедневно на протяжении 10 дней. Для ножной ванны используют 250 г отрубей, готовить так же при лечении не только псориаза, но и кожной сыпи, экземы.
АТЕРОСКЛЕРОЗ. Столовую ложку отрубей заливают стаканом кипятка и настаивают полчаса. Затем добавить к настою ещё стакан кипятка и ещё настоять 10 минут. Strain. Разделить на три порции. Принимать 3 раза в день после еды.
СНИЖЕННЫЙ ИММУНИТЕТ. Промыть 100 г зёрен, вымочить в небольшом количестве воды 2 3 часа, затем подсушить салфеткой, смолоть на мясорубке. Добавить по 1 столовой ложке мёда и сметаны (можно сливки или молоко). Принимать полученную смесь утром натощак. Лечение провести в течение месяца. Заодно это нормализует работу кишечника.
РОЖА. Бывает, болезнь настолько упорна, что никакому лечению не поддаётся, причиняя муки. Попробуйте взять 3 пшеничных колоска во время цветения и обвести ими больное месте 3 раза. На другой день ещё 3 колоска и повторить процедуру. Поражённые места побледнеют. На третий день сделать то же самое. Три дня — и пройдёт. Это старинное знахарское средство.
При лечении пшеницей одним из противопоказаний считается диабет. Тяжело ложится на больной желудок и кишечник выпекаемый нашими пекарнями продукт, называемый пшеничным хлебом. В первый день, пока он свежий, вызывает изжогу и тяжесть в животе, быстро черствеет и уже через сутки может покрыться едва приметной плёночкой плесени. Не торопитесь срезать поражённый участок — лучше сразу выбросить этот опасный продукт, потому что плесень уже успела выработать одну из разновидностей афлатоксина, грозного биологического фактора, ведущего постепенно разрушительную работу в организме, вызывая впоследствии тяжёлые болезни, вплоть до рака. Разве таким бывает настоящий пшеничный хлеб? Настоящий пока можно встретить в деревнях, поставленный на добротной опаре, испечённый в русской печи на поду. Я брал такой хлеб в дальние походы, и он даже через неделю оставался свежим и не крошился, не терял первоначального вкуса. Увы, сейчас о таком хлебе остаётся только мечтать.



Являясь одним из злейших и трудноискоренимых сорняков, он как бы утверждает свою необходимость всему живому на земле. Пыреем лечатся дикие животные. Его свежие молодые листочки жадно поедают заболевшие кошки, собаки. И для человека он ценен прежде всего тем, что восстанавливает нарушенный обмен веществ, особенно при различных кожных заболеваниях. Настой и отвар корневищ употребляют при водянке, отёках различного происхождения, при нефрите, цистите, недержании мочи, камнях в почках и в жёлчном пузыре, желтухе, туберкулёзе лёгких, хроническом бронхите с обильной мокротой, кашле, а также при гастрите, энтерите, колитах, как болеутоляющее средство при подагре, ревматизме, люмбаго, различных артритах. Сок или отвар свежего растения, принимаемый в течение всего лета, хорошо помогает при частичной потере зрения.
Некоторые специалисты рекомендуют пырей при рассеянном склерозе, при гипотоламическом синдроме, ишемии мозга, предастме, сахарном диабете, слабости сфинктеров мочевого пузыря в пожилом возрасте, остеохондрозе и деформирующем спондиллезе с корешковыми болями.
Копать корни пырея рекомендуют ранней весной или осенью, но, в отличие от других растений, брать его можно в течение всего лета, если для получения сока — то вместе с травой, хорошенько отмыть в холодной воде и сразу прокрутить в мясорубке, отжать через несколько слоёв марли, но лучше всего воспользоваться прессом.
ЗРЕНИЕ. Ещё более тысячи лет назад Авиценна советовал выжатый сок пырея смешать с мёдом или вином (все берётся в равном по весу количестве) и сварить на слабом огне, помешивая ложкой, до получения однородной смеси — 3 5 минут. Процедить и принимать по столовой ложке 3 раза в день с весны до осени. На практике подтверждено: зрение улучшалось на полторы две диоптрии (иногда до трёх диоптрий). Да, но этим надо заниматься непрерывно шесть месяцев, отпущенных на весь период вегетации пырея. Разумеется, брать его нужно только в чистых местах, не только вдали от города, но и подальше от транспортных артерий.
ОСТЕОХОНДРОЗ. 3 4 столовые ложки корней (свежих или сухих) залить 1 л воды, довести до кипения ипотихоньку упарить наполовину. Принимать по 100 мл — полстакана — 3 раза в день. Это поможет и при болезнях с нарушением солевого обмена.
ДИСФУНКЦИЯ ЯИЧНИКОВ. 1 столовую ложку корней пырея варить в стакане молока на слабом огне 10 минут. Принимать по 1 столовой ложке 2 3 раза в день до выздоровления.
ТУБЕРКУЛЁЗ ЛЁГКИХ. Столовую ложку свежих или 2 столовые ложки сухих корней варить в стакане молока 5 минут. Принимать по 1 стакану 3 раза в день. Это помогает и при других трудноизлечимых заболеваниях.
DIAGNOSIS is exudative. Столовую ложку корней пырея залить 0,5 л кипятка, на малом огне кипятить 15 минут, настоять в тепле 2 часа, процедить. Принимать по полстакана 3 4 раза в день до еды.
НЕДЕРЖАНИЕ МОЧИ (особенно у пожилых людей). Полную столовую ложку измельчённых корней пырея залить стаканом кипятка, полчаса парить в горячей водяной бане, после остывания процедить. Пить по одной трети стакана 3 раза в день. Если не полениться и продолжать лечение 2 3 месяца, то можно избавиться от хронического цистита и укрепить сфинктер мочевого пузыря.
САХАРНЫЙ ДИАБЕТ, ГИПЕРТОНИЯ, НЕФРИТ, ПНЕВМОНИЯ, ЦИСТИТ, РЕВМАТИЗМ, КОЛИТЫ, ЖЕЛ— ЧНО КАМЕННАЯ БОЛЕЗНЬ, ФУРУНКУЛЁЗ. Возможно и некоторые другие болезни, связанные с обменными процессами, воспалениями внутренних органов (пырей обладает противовоспалительным и кровоочистительным действием). Взять 25 г корней на 250 мл воды и на малом огне кипятить 10 минут, настоять 1 час, процедить. Принимать по 1 столовой ложке 3 раза в день перед едой.
У пырея почти нет противопоказаний. Во всяком случае, нет никаких упоминаний о них. Лишь по своим соображениям я не стал бы назначать пырей для длительного приёма при гипотонии, остром панкреатите с диареей, при обострении язвенной болезни желудка.