Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "R"


Of the two dozen types of rhubarb in medicine, mainly, the Tangut rhubarb is used. In small doses, it has a fixing action, and large doses cause loosening of the stool. Preparations from the roots of rhubarb are prescribed for some gastrointestinal diseases, cracks in the rectum, with anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, with jaundice as choleretic, with sclerosis. According to some phyto-therapeutists, rhubarb is indispensable in the menopause for both men and women, especially if the menopause occurs with neuroses, anxious mood, if tearfulness, easy vulnerability, hypochondria disappears, the desire to work, love, live disappears. From rhubarb prepare soups, salads, compotes, jams, jam. And all the same with him, too, must be careful.
You can not take medicine from rhubarb with a sick hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. In these patients, usually 10-15 minutes after admission, stomach pains occur, especially if it is dangerous for gastric bleeding. When the rhubarb is taken for a long time, it becomes accustomed to it and the laxative effect decreases. Rhubarb is able to increase the calcium deficiency in the body, which is unacceptable for osteoporosis, to disrupt the process of blood clotting. Long-term use of rhubarb is not recommended for hyperfunction of parathyroid glands. Rhubarb is contraindicated in appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, hemorrhoids. Negative action has a rhubarb in patients with gout, rheumatism. Amirdovlat Amasiatsi noted that rhubarb is harmful in acute liver diseases, and this harmful action is eliminated by chicory.



In my youth, especially in the spring, when there are still not many fresh vegetables, I could wash and eat a full plate of radish without any seasonings. I love him to this day, but, alas, with caution and caution. Yes, radish contains a lot of vitamins and mineral salts, especially potassium salts, so necessary for the sick heart. Radish is not inferior to many vegetables and fruits with a wealth of pectin substances, and in fact they absorb cholesterol, poisons, carcinogens, pathogens from the intestines and excrete them.
However, we also have to remember that radish is contraindicated in case of gastric ulcer, gastritis, enterocolitis, constipation, liver disease, pancreatitis, and also in vegetative dystonia. Radish reduces the production of thyroid hormones and is undesirable in hypothyroidism. Radish promotes the formation of thrombi, blockage of blood vessels, so it should be excluded from medical nutrition in case of stroke, after a heart attack. Even a healthy person should not eat radish for the night - otherwise the intestines will bubble, sleep will be restless, with disturbing and gloomy dreams.



A lot of folk recipes are associated with this popular vegetable. Colds with chills - in the course is a radish. With bronchitis and tuberculosis of the lungs - a radish. There were pebbles in the kidneys or in the gallbladder - again the sick grab at the radish. Fresh juice is rubbed with rheumatism, gout, myositis, neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia. The grated radish is applied to purulent wounds, ulcers. Radish juice is treated with trichomoniasis of the vagina. Apply radish for jaundice and liver cirrhosis, as a diuretic with extensive edema, bladder inflammation, diabetes mellitus.
If there are no serious contraindications to radish, it can help with many diseases. Here are just some of them.
Schizophrenia (with any clinical syndrome). Especially with asthenic conditions with diseases of the liver, kidneys, biliary tract and the presence of stones. Drink juice for 1 2 tablespoons 15-20 minutes before eating. To a tablespoon of juice, it is desirable to add a tablespoon of honey. The course of treatment is up to 1 month.
CANCER OF VARIOUS LOCALIZATION. 1 kilogram of black radish is not cleaned, just wash, finely chopped and pour 1 liter of vodka. Insist 2 weeks, drain. Take a quarter cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Course 15 20 days. After 10 days, repeat.
LANGUAGE LANGUAGE. Chew pieces of radish, then spit them out.
SINUSITIS. With pain in the nose, ears and head, dig in the nostrils juice or insert a tampon with juice.
ACCOUNTING MENSTRUTIONS. 1 teaspoon of radish juice mixed with half a tablespoon of carrot juice. Drink in small sips 3 times a day for 10 minutes before meals. Dose gradually increase, bringing to 10 teaspoons, mixed with half a glass of carrot juice.
IMPROVING THE VIEW. Radish juice mixed in half with honey, take 1 teaspoonful, bring to 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.
OBESITY. Take 10 kg of radish, wash, do not remove the peel, just cut out the affected places. Finely chop and squeeze through the juicer. Take half a cup 3 times a day an hour after eating. Do not eat meat, fatty foods, starchy foods, eggs, buns.
TROPHIC TREATMENTS. Do the applications of juice and radish radish on the ulcer, bandage. It is a powerful bactericide that contains lysozyme (an antimicrobial agent).
DIETSEPHAL CRISES (with a trauma). Radish juice mixed in half with sugar and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals for 2 5 weeks. This mixture can be used as choleretic, diluting 1: 3 with water and taken half an hour before meals. Juice should always be fresh. If there is a smell of hydrogen sulfide or a taste of sulfur, then it is not suitable for treatment.
However, there are plenty of contraindications. Pulp and radish juice should be excluded in case of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, enteritis and colitis, gastritis with high acidity, with exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Contraindicated radish with glomerulonephritis. Do not recommend to use radish in severe heart diseases, toxic goiter, pregnancy, intestinal swelling, gout, hepatitis and nephritis due to the high content of purines and essential oils. It is believed that the radish is harmful to the head, teeth. It is recommended not before eating, but after.


Turnip has a solid experience of serving a man. True, different peoples and the attitude to it was different. In ancient times, the Greeks, bringing a sacrifice to the god Apollo, carried beets to the temple on a silver platter, and turnips - on a tin. The ancient Persians considered the turnip to be the food of slaves and the poor. The Egyptians fed turnips to the builders of the pyramids. But in no country in the world turnips did not have such a spread as in Russia. It was the main vegetable, until the potato came to replace it. And gave good yields on any soil. Could grow even beyond the Arctic Circle. On any peasant table, the main meal was a "little boy" - they hovered a turnip in pots in a Russian stove. Tasty and nutritious. Do not disdain rap and nobles.
At the same time they were treated with turnips. In thick fleshy roots, sugar alone was 9%, in addition, a lot of mineral salts, fiber, a significant amount of vitamins and carotene. In one of the ancient medical institutions it was said: "Juice from fresh turnips, on grated grated, squeezed and cooked with sugar, is the right remedy for scurvy. Swollen with the swollen ones and the blood of exhaling gums heal them in two days. " To this day, there lives a saying: "Cheaper than a parrot turnip." Now there is hardly any use for this proverb.
The healing of turnip begins already with its nutritional properties: it stimulates appetite, strengthens the secretion of gastric juice, improves digestion, protects against gastric diseases (has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing, antiseptic diuretic effect). Boiled turnips and boiled juice were treated with acute laryngitis with a sharp cough and hoarseness of voice, used for bronchial asthma, used as a remedy for sleep and soothing a strong heartbeat. A warm broth rinsed the mouth with toothache. Diluted boiled turnip was applied with a gout to reduce pain. A glass of freshly prepared juice, diluted by a quarter or a third with water, is a wonderful cholagogue. At the person serious disagreements with heart. And here turnips help with such recipes.
ARRHYTHMIA. A good effect for reducing heart beat gives a decoction of turnips: 2 tablespoons of the ground root, pour a full glass of water, cook on low heat for 15 minutes, after 20-30 minutes drain. Drink half a glass 4 times a day. To do this in the afternoon, weld another glass.
Myocardial infarction. Drink turnip juice with honey in a third or half a cup 3 4 times a day. There is a turnip in any form. Recovery is twice as fast.
FLU. Grate 2 teaspoons of gruel on a fine grater, pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take a quarter cup 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Visibly relieves the condition, especially since the second day. Protects against complications of bronchi and lungs.
LARINGIT, VOICE OF VOICE. Grind 2 tablespoons of turnips, pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes at the lowest heat. Take in a warm form for a quarter cup 4 times a day. The last dose on the fire does not warm up, but only splash in the broth a little bit of boiling water.
In all respects, turnip is good and there is almost no harm from it, only in its raw form it can not be used with ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. You can not use it for acute gastritis, enterocolitis. Turnip is contraindicated in goiter - for a sick Shchitovidke forget about it.



Without this plant, I, like an herbalist, would be like a hunter without a gun.
First of all, I have rests in case of tumorous diseases (along with wormwood, chernobylnik, mariny root, black alder, hop flowers and some primary plants). Necessarily enters into complexes for cancer of the oral cavity and throat - both inside and for rinsing.
Without a crawfish, malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, liver cancer and metastases to the liver, cancer of the rectum - and inside, and microclysters can not be avoided.
Perfectly showed himself crap under polyps in the stomach and intestines. Repeshok I refer to venotonic drugs, and not so much with varicose veins, how many in the treatment of neglected hemorrhoids.
In a few cases, the crap helped me in the fight against cirrhosis of the liver (in one bundle with a golden hair folio and tincture of horseradish leaves).
Me and myself repeatedly had to benefit from a scallop with inflammation of the vocal cords, hoarseness and even loss of voice - the so-called "agrimon rinse" saved - a decoction of a tablespoon of grass in a glass of boiling water. You will boil 3 5 minutes, you will strain, you will add a teaspoon of honey and a warm broth you rinse your throat to 5 6 times a day.
There is nothing surprising in that the old casket has been loved by the people for ever. And the second name gave him - a love spell. Apparently, there were some secret, now forgotten and lost records related to a magical or other magical power.
I will not analyze the chemical composition of the cake (it has not been fully studied yet), but it can be noted in it a large number of trace elements: copper, zinc, iron, vanadium, nickel, chrome, titanium, manganese, strontium, zirconium, silver. It's not just an enumeration. Copper is necessary for us first of all, so that iron is better absorbed. A deficiency of iron causes a variety of consequences - from hair loss to heart attack. By the way, without copper, the activity of certain enzymes that reduce the oxidation of the body is impossible, copper prevents the appearance of malignant tumors. Chromium from organic compounds (plants) is necessary for the full absorption of glucose - then there will be no diabetes. Manganese (along with iron and copper) is necessary to maintain the process of hematopoiesis. I just want to say this, how important is the set of "living" trace elements, and the more the plant is richer in them, the more its value grows.
Therefore, folk medicine, knowing nothing of this, only on its centuries-old experience gives its assessment to those or other plants, and is not mistaken. As it was not mistaken in the cake, applying it also in diseases of the heart, nervous system, stomach, gall and bladder diseases, with various skin diseases and diseases of the joints.
I will not list all the diseases, just advise you to pay attention to some popular recommendations.
CANCER OF INNER ORGANS. Try to dig up the roots of the scrap in autumn. And prepare yourself a decoction: 1 tablespoon chopped roots pour a glass of boiling water, put for 30 minutes in a boiling water bath, after 10 minutes drain. And take a third of a glass of Zraza a day half an hour before meals. If you do not have time to prepare the broth, then you can use the powder of roots - 1 gram (one-third of a teaspoon) is taken 3 times a day for half an hour before meals, washed down with water.
CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER. 1 teaspoon of herbs boil 2 3 minutes in a glass of water, insist 2 3 hours, strain and take a third cup 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals. According to another recipe: 1 tablespoon of herbs for a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, strain. Drink 0.3 cup 3 times a day after meals.
POLYPES IN THE INTESTINE. 2 tablespoons of herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it simmer on low heat for 5-8 minutes, drain after half an hour. Take a third cup 3 times daily before meals. With polyps in the rectum - use part of this broth for microclysters in the night.
Neurocirculatory dystonia (with headaches and sympathetic adrenal crises). In a thermos pour 2 3 tablespoons of herbs, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 2 hours - a daily dose, that is, drink for 3 4 receptions.
PANCREATITIS. Brew 1 tablespoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water, after an hour drain. Take 1/4 1/3 cup 3 4 times daily before meals.
ENURESIS. Two handfuls of seeds pour 0.5 liters of red grape wine, insist 1/4 days, drain. Take 30-40 ml 3 times a day. Last portion - at night.
Osteochondrosis. Even with neglected forms of osteochondrosis, one of the best means is crap - it promotes the complete dissolution of salt deposits: 1 2 tablespoons of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 4 hours, drain. Add honey to taste and drink a quarter of a glass or half a glass of infusion 3- 4 times a day. Treatment is long.
ACITET. 1 tablespoon dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours, take 1/4 1/3 cup 3 4 times a day.
During the period of using the turnip, there were no contraindications. Sometimes, some patients, literally ones, complained of pains that occur in the stomach, constipation, or, on the contrary, to relax the stool. Most likely, it was caused either by food, or taken in parallel by medication. With a little stretch, you can make a warning to those who have condensed blood and there is a threat of blood clots.



In Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan, stands on the hill Funaoko sacred stone. Nearby two stone, motleyly painted foxes, guard this peculiar sacrificial altar. On his steps are bowls of rice and cups of water and salt. The Japanese come here to ask the Deity for rice help. To do this, we must go around the sacred stone a hundred times, repeating our most cherished desire. And then it will come true. In Japan, newlyweds bring rice cakes as a symbol of well-being, abundance, longevity.
And longevity of Japanese people differ from many peoples of the world. And one of the mysteries of this phenomenon can be explained ... yes, yes, by daily consumption of rice. For them, it is not only food, but also a medicine given by their Deity. The fact is that nature has not yet been able to come up with the best cleaning for the organism.
We know that rice is different. We try to buy higher grades, so that the grains are smooth and shiny, polished, without thinking that after complete cleaning, there is almost no protein in it. In extreme cases, we take polished, cooked from it dishes are also aesthetic (but it also removes the fruit shell, and the embryo remains only partially). Brown or brown rice is unattractive, does not cause sympathy (but it is cleaned only from the outer shell, the embryo is stored in it completely). Still there is rice with a shell - shala. In comparison with the known cereals in rice, not so much protein is contained, but this protein is of the highest quality.
Oriental peoples, who eat rice all year round, prefer unclean, rounded rice, and such food only benefits.
For treatment it is necessary to take a round, unpolished rice.
OSTEOCHONDROSIS, ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATICS, PODAGRA, CHRONIC ZAPOR. For the entire course of treatment you need to take as many table spoons of rice as you are full years on the day of the beginning of treatment. Do not forget, the long rice for treatment does not suit. Pour rice into the jar, pour cold boiled water and put in the refrigerator. Every morning, you need to drain all the water from the can, then take a full spoonful of rice with the "top" for your first breakfast. Boil in boiled water until cooked, nothing but water is added to the porridge. It is ideal to cook and eat the porridge until 7 am, but if it is difficult, the obligatory condition is rice porridge in a warm form on an empty stomach, and after eating the porridge for 2 hours nothing to eat and drink (because rice can take salt from the water). The rest of the rice again pour cold boiled water and put into the refrigerator. And do this until you eat all the rice (changing the water daily in the jar, otherwise the rice will ferment and the treatment will stop).
If you want to become healthy, younger not only the body, but also the soul, from November to April, eat rice porridge for the first breakfast according to the proposed method. Do not be afraid of constipation - rice will help get rid of this trouble.
The proposed method of treatment of osteochondrosis is one of the most effective.
Rice is harmful in colic (harmful effect is neutralized by sugar). Do not eat rice with obesity. Rice diet can cause complications in the kidneys, so it is necessary to combine the treatment with day and evening with the intake of infusion or decoction of cowberry leaf.



In the quiet hills of the old towns, along the bogs and even in a small, non-drying bouncer, as a kind of decoration, one can see the tall stalks of the cattail with an oblong, smooth cob on the top of the head - it is made of soft brown velvet. He is often taken for decoration, although willy-nilly need to climb into the water. But the collectors of medicinal herbs are accustomed to this, in advance they store rubber boots, and if necessary, the oilcloth apron will be put on if it is necessary to take not only leaves and stems with cobs, but also a root. By the way, the rhizomes are edible and quite tasty, if necessary, they are grinded into flour and baked cakes.
But we are interested not in the culinary, but in the healing qualities of the plant. At the cattail, everything goes to the medicine: both rhizomes, leaves, and cobs with pollen. For example, the fuzz of cobs with melted butter is an excellent remedy for frostbite and burns. Pollen pollen in eastern medicine is used to stop severe bleeding, as well as bone tuberculosis, necrosis of tissues, with the breast. Decoction of leaves is useful in diabetes mellitus. Decoction of the rhizomes are taken internally with gastritis, enteritis, simple and bloody diarrhea, dysentery, gonorrhea, fever. The crushed leaves of the cattail are applied to wounds, burns, cuts, abrasions, which we often used in campaigns in youth, and during the usual attacks on nature.
DIABETES. Dried leaves of cattail milled, 1 teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water, allow to puff for 1 2 minutes, cool. After filtering take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. When the sugar in the blood is normalized, continue supporting treatment, taking the broth for at least a week and a half a month, reducing the dose to a quarter of the glass for the reception.
COLITIS. A tablespoon of chopped roots for 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 5 times a day.
Rogoz is practically harmless. Broth of rhizomes it is undesirable to take with varicose veins, with hepatosis, gout. May cause constipation.


I would very much like to write about another subspecies of this valuable plant - the Rodiola of Iremel, which was one of the main plant resources of the Bashkir mountain Iremel, but about ten years ago it was not like something, but a landing of poachers landed on the helicopter, which barbarously destroyed the main thickets, and Followed by well-worked singles collectors, not herbalists, namely collectors for sale, and I was shocked when one of these collectors offered me a whole backpack of freshly dug roots - a demobilized, nowhere working young man thus decided to make a living. I chastised him, but what's the use! Is he the only one? Now in Iremeli only by chance you will see the characteristic leaves or flowers of an almost disappeared plant. There remains one hope that in 10-15 years some part of the Rhodiola of Iremel will be revived, if not too disturbing. I apologize for this lyrical digression, but, understand, the soul is still hurting for predatory barbarism, leading to the impoverishment of nature.
Experts have long noticed that rhodiola rosea preparations have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, improve brain energy supply, promote the normalization of metabolic processes, improve mental and physical performance. Thanks to the golden root, the person becomes more resistant to various extreme situations, he does not deplete the adrenal glands under stress. Rhodiola prevents the involution of the thymus gland.
In folk medicine, the golden root is especially appreciated in the case of senile decay, impotence, as well as anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, liver diseases, diabetes, women's diseases (amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, menorrhagia).
As a rule, people use root tincture on vodka. It is usually accepted to insist 50 g of crushed root in 0.5 liters of vodka for 2 3 weeks. Take it for all these diseases from 10 12 to 20 25 drops and drink for a short while, ten ten fifteen. I prepare the tincture, without weighing the root, by one eye: a third of the bottle of the root, I fill it up with vodka and insist for at least a month. When I myself had to use the medicine, I took an incomplete teaspoon in the morning and in the afternoon-twice a day, not more than ten days. I repeat: the dosage is selected individually, it can not be taken for a long time - on average 2 3 weeks. Overdose can lead to the opposite effect.
Rhodiola rosea is contraindicated in cases of severe symptoms of nervous diseases and exhaustibility of cortical cells of the brain. The drugs have high biological activity. With severe organic diseases, tincture is not advisable. Even at the lowest doses, Rhodiola pink tincture provoked rejection of post-infectious encephalitis. Of course, it is contraindicated in hypertension.



An inhabitant of subalpine and alpine meadows, an evergreen shrub with creeping branches and juicy leathery leaves, a handsome man with large bell-shaped flowers at the ends of branches - all sunny, cheerful - one of those who in the mountains closest to the sky. It is regrettable that he chose the Eastern Arctic, Siberia and the Far East as a place to live.
Irkutsk scientists have established that preparations of golden rhododendron are beneficial to the heart. With cardiovascular insufficiency, reduce venous pressure, increase diuresis, increase blood flow velocity, reduce swelling, reduce shortness of breath, and normalize heart function.
In folk medicine has long been used for rheumatism, hydrocephalus, gout, headaches, epilepsy, insomnia, irritability, tuberculosis, fever, female diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, chronic colitis, dysentery, as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and tonic. It has a strong bactericidal action against streptococci, staphylococci, pathogenic intestinal flora. Water extract of leaves is harmful to the flu.
For the locals, the golden rhododendron is a whole pharmacy. Use leaves and flowers. Leaves can be collected all summer, but best during flowering. Nowadays it's too expensive to go to the Altai and the Far East, but by correspondence, after learning the addresses on the Internet or in popular healing journals, you can get the necessary amount of raw materials by mail. Trade in herbs is now very common because for many living in the wilderness, these are the only living money or an addition to a meager pension. At the same time they will teach you how and from what to use. My book does not draw on a comprehensive reference book, but nevertheless a couple of recipes are an example.
TUBERCULOSIS. 1 teaspoon of chopped leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, warmly wrapped, then drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day in a warm form. Here, a strong bactericidal action of rhododendron golden occurs.
RADICULITIS. In this case, prepare tincture: 3 tablespoons of leaves pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 2 weeks. Take 20 30 drops 2 3 times a day after meals in a glass of water.
Doses of broths and tinctures are given very small, since rhododendron is a golden poisonous. Toxic even honey, obtained from its flowers. Possessing strong biological activity, plant preparations are cumulative and not subject to long-term use. Rhododendron is contraindicated in pyelitis, pyelonephritis, other kidney diseases, as it irritates the urinary tract. When an overdose occurs, all signs of poisoning with pain in the stomach, oppression of the heart activity, pressure drop, suffocating.


Since time immemorial, the rose is considered a queen of flowers, and no one in the head has come to challenge this opinion. In Ancient India, the most charming woman in the world - the goddess Lakshmi emerged from the rosebud. Lakshmi became the goddess of beauty, and her cradle - a rose - a symbol of divine mystery. According to ancient Indian law, a man who brought a rose to the king could ask for anything he wanted.
According to Muslim legend, all the plants of the Earth turned to Allah to give them a new master instead of a sleepy, important Lotus. Allah listened to the request and created a wonderful flower - the Rose.
In Persia, a rose was so much venerated that the country itself was called Gulistan - the Country of Roses.
The Greeks have a rose - a symbol of short life, which is just as fleeting as the beauty of a fragrant flower. They even have a proverb: "If you passed a rose, then do not look for it anymore."
In ancient Rome, the cult of the rose has surpassed all the limits of the possible. The patricians showered their favorite matrons with roses. Girls fumigated themselves with incense from roses, bewitching loved ones. Gladiators masqueraded the body with rose oil to be invincible in violent games.
Rosa served as a symbol of silence for a time, so it was dedicated to Garkpot, the god of silence, portrayed as a handsome young man with a finger to his lips. At the time of the demise of Rome, it was very dangerous to publicly express one's thoughts. Therefore, during feasts or business meetings on the ceiling of the hall hung a large artificial rose, as if warning those present about the need to restrain their emotions. Then the Latin expression appeared: "Said under the Rose" (under the secret).
In Russia, the rose was in the sixteenth century and for a long time was only a court flower. However, our healers quickly found her medical use, initially associated with magic. However, infusion or syrup from petals of pink or white roses, having a delicate aroma, have found real confirmation in the treatment of infertility. The fact that these roses - the richest source of vitamin E, and this vitamin of youth, high sexual activity and ability, an excellent stimulant for the ovaries in women, improving spermatogenesis in men. Syrup from a pink or white rose makes it easier to conceive if the "culprit" of infertility is a woman, and a man should take for treatment only a red or dark rose rose. They say that if a pregnant woman puts a half-blown rose in the water before giving birth, and the flower is completely dissolved there, the birth will pass safely. You can check.
Now with a healing purpose they use the petals of the Crimean rose. They are collected early in the morning, because in the middle of the day the content of essential oils decreases in them. In the people used for diseases of the lungs, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, jaundice and even with cholera. Petals, infused with wine, in case of stomach disorders and gynecological diseases; Fresh petals - externally with erysipelas; Petals mixed with honey - with gum disease, and in combination with water - as an antipyretic.
Along with the Crimean rose, a damask rose is used, the rose is white. For example, red rose petals are used for diseases of the liver, and white - for heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis.
I have listed not all diseases in which rose petals, rose water and rose oil are used. And the recipes did not give, because I did not use and can not vouch for them. It is more important to warn about undesirable consequences of treatment with roses. The fact is that rose water and rosanol suppress gastric secretion, which means that patients with anatomic and hypo-anacid gastritis are best off refraining from using roses.


Southern evergreen shrubs with a peculiar smell, young shoots resemble a spruce twig with small gently purple flowers. The synonym for rosemary is sea water. His homeland is the Mediterranean.
Devoted this tender plant to the goddess Venus. Greeks and Romans adorned their homes, especially where the gods sent dreams. It was believed: give a loved one a twig of rosemary, and he will be happy, happy, his unkind words will not touch.
Particularly respected rosemary in the French and Italian royal courts. In Germany, on the day of the wedding or other celebration, a bouquet of rosemary adorned the breast of each guest. Rosemary enjoyed great popularity in Russia during the reign of Elizabeth.
The famous doctor Kneipp was admiring the rosemary. He believed that the plant heals all diseases of the stomach, has a beneficial effect on digestion, treats almost all diseases of the heart, "chases the heart water," and especially treats pericarditis. Has a good diuretic effect.
Rosemary in love with gynecologists for the treatment of menopause, with irregular and heavy bleeding, which are accompanied by headaches, depression, insomnia, weakness. Rosemary works great for impotence. Relieves spasms of the biliary and urinary tract.
Its energy properties: it gives clarity to the mind, revives its own energy, improves memory.
DEPRESSION. Equally mix the leaves of rosemary, St. John's wort, melissa and blueberries. 1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water, insist and drink like tea.
HYPOTENSION. Equally mix the leaves of rosemary, blueberries and lemon balm. 1 tablespoon mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist until cooled. Take 1 tablespoon 2 3 times a day.
CLIMAX. 3 tablespoons of leaves pour a glass of alcohol, insist 3 days, drain. Take 25 drops 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Normalizes the frustrated nervous system during the menopause.
To whom is contraindicated alcohol, you can make a decoction: 1 tablespoon of leaves pour a glass of boiling water, cook on low heat for 15 minutes, cool. Take half a teaspoon of half an hour before meals.
* * *
Rosemary is contraindicated in pregnancy, hypertension, propensity to convulsions.



For a long time confuses and does not give me peace riddle. We all know that for the first time we brought to Columbus a sunflower from New Mexico. Then where did the touching ancient Greek legend of the nymph of Clement, hopelessly in love with the effulgent God of Apollo? He mercilessly rejected her love, promptly making a career career: first he was a simple god healer, at the same time performing the functions of the god of the soothsayer, then grew up in the god of wisdom, taking over the functions of patron of the Arts, and the top of his career was identification with the sun god, and he received the nickname Phoebus. What did he care about the unfortunate nymph who, from unrequited love, grew into the ground, turning into a sunflower, always turning his head toward his lover?
Another mystery: the birthplace of chamomile - North America. There, the chemist's daisy is a common weed. She was brought to us from there much later than Columbus. But how did Pliny the Elder recommend a decoction of camomile flowers from jaundice, and eczema treated with chamomile, boiled in olive oil? Galen argued that "chamomile by the tenderness of action is close to a rose. Only it is hot and its warmth is pleasant, like the warmth of olive oil. " A few centuries later, they wrote about the camomile Avicenna, Amirdovlat Amasiatsi. The Arabs called the daisy gently "the apple of the earth." So where did the chamomile come from the ancient Greeks?
And at the same time, until 1913, chamomile was imported to pharmacies from America. And Russian leading centuries ago knew that the daisy heals the heart. It is written in the ancient herbalist: "Whoever has a pain in his chest, take a glass of skim milk, a glass of water, one chisel of chamomile, lime-colored, elderberry, mix. Boil. Strain through a rag. Cool as fresh milk. Drinking instead of tea, will help from the chest "toad." So in fact this treatment of angina pectoris!
Okay, let's leave the riddles aside. Let us dwell on the fact that chamomile is the oldest and one of the best medicinal plants. It is used in the form of infusions for digestive system diseases, spastic chronic colitis accompanied by fermentation in the intestines, with gastritis, to stimulate the separation of bile, with convulsions, hot flushes. There are many recipes, especially in gatherings with other plants. I will focus on those that are little known. As a rule, the chamomile treats several diseases at once, and there is nothing to be surprised at: chamazulene, the most useful anti-inflammatory substance, works in the chamomile, which is not present in other non-medicinal types of chamomile, nor in other plants (remember that chamazulene is destroyed by boiling and do not trust the recipes, Where the chamomile must be boiled).
PIELONEPHRIT AND CYSTITIS CHRONIC. 1 tablespoon of flowers pour a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
POLIPES IN BOW. Chamomile juice mixed in half with celandine juice and a few drops into each nostril or injected mixture on turundochkah.
MIGRAINE. You can use three methods. 1. Take 3 times a day for 2 grams of powdered flowers 2 3 hours after eating. 2. Brew 1 2 teaspoons in a glass of boiling water, insist half an hour. Drink hot in 1/3 cup 3 4 times a day. 3. 2 tablespoons of flowers to insist in a glass of vodka for 2 weeks. Take 30 drops 3 4 times a day.
PATIENTS IN THE BONE, PAIN IN THE STOMACH, SPASMAS, CINEMA, DELAY OF MANSTRUTIONS. Fresh flowers fill the jar, pour with vegetable oil, insist 40 days in the sun in a tightly closed bowl, then insist on a boiling water bath for 1 hour, strain, wring out. Take 1 teaspoonful 2 3 times a day.
ACUTE VAGINITIS. 3 tablespoons chamomile flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 4 hours, drain. Apply 1 2 times a day with a simple acute vaginitis in the form of syringes.
For all the seeming harmless, chamomile can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes. Overdosing threatens with a headache, can cause hoarseness, cough. At high doses, depression of the central nervous system and a decrease in muscle tone may occur.
Do not use chamomile in schizophrenia, with mental disorders. It is contraindicated in cases of heavy painful menstruation, during pregnancy. If you listen to the opinion of Amirdovlat Amasiatsi, "chamomile is harmful to the kidneys and bladder."



A small grayish green shrub, but the leaves are pinkish green. The plant has a strong, peculiar smell, so ruta is odorous. However, this smell is not pleasant. But when dried leaves get a different smell, reminiscent of the fragrance of a rose. Such a curious plant growing in the Crimea, Ukraine, southern regions of Russia.
Scientific medicine does not indulge in a scented aroma, but it is very popular among the people. Decoction of herbs is drunk with heart diseases, nervous system disorders, dizziness and headaches associated with vasospasm, with exhaustion of the body, spasms in the abdomen, poor digestion (in the stomach), convulsions, epilepsy, epileptiform convulsions in children, uterine bleeding , Rheumatism.
Diluted juice of grass or broth is used as a lotion to suppurating eyes. The same decoction with honey or juice is applied to wounds and bruises with bruises.
The famous German healer Kneipp said about the Route: "If we could understand her language, we would help with all incurable diseases."
In the people there is a universal medicine from the rue, if not for everyone, but still under the extensive list of different diseases, which helps in all specific cases.
Paralysis, epilepsy, Headache catarrhal ORIGIN, dizziness, palpitations, blood rushing to the head, tinnitus, edema of the abdomen, thrombophlebitis, COOL waist and kidney, loss of appetite, bloating, hemorrhoids, anthelmintic, delays, and painful menstruation, nosebleeds, cough , CONSERVATIVE FOR NERVOUS IRRITATION. 100 g of dry grass pour 2 liters of dry white wine, insist 3 weeks, drain. Take 25-30 ml 4 times daily before meals. The timing of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. However, after finishing taking these 2 l tinctures, you should take a break for 1 2 weeks and repeat the course of treatment, if necessary several times.
CLIMAX. 1 teaspoon of dried leaves to insist 8 hours in 2 cups of cooled boiled water, drain. Take half a cup 4 times a day before meals with menopausal disorders.
Ruta, with all her wonderful qualities, is far from safe. The plant is poisonous, the dosages are minimal. Overdose can cause severe poisoning.
Do not use rue in gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, with low blood pressure. Ruta is contraindicated in pregnancy.



Do not find a person who did not admire her and did not know about her useful properties.
In Central Russia, rowan was used in wedding ceremonies: the leaves were stitched in the shoes of the newlyweds, and the fruits were hidden in. Pockets of their clothes - for protection from sorcerers and witches, and later, already in our times - from evil eye and spoilage. In the Middle Ages, the sick were put under rowan in Russia, believing that "the spirit of mountain ash removes diseases". Plant phytoncides, apparently, played a role. Folk medicine uses fruits, flowers, leaves, sometimes bark.
Rowan chases bile, prevents the formation of kidney stones and urinary tracts through diuretic action, strengthens capillaries, supplies the body with vitamins and a rich set of trace elements, lowers blood pressure, increases blood clotting, lowers fat in the liver and cholesterol in the blood. Ashberries in the berries increase the resistance of the body to oxygen starvation. When the victim is burnt, the berries of the mountain ash are allowed to chew. Rowan is also used for chronic constipation caused by biliary tract disease. Laxative effect manifests itself in the first three hours after taking. Infusion and decoction of fruits of mountain ash is useful in malignant tumors of different localization.
In the second half of June, at the time when dawn is coming together, it's time to collect ashberry flowers. Wizards in these "rowan" dawns gather a white fragrant color and know: it is the most curative and will help from all ills. And if you count from the middle of summer (this will indicate the first reddened mountain ash) ninety days and pick berries - they will have the strongest therapeutic effect. Do all these preparations for the winter - you will not regret.
The bark of mountain ash, collected during sap flow, I included in the complex of treatment for multiple sclerosis. By the way, this is an excellent tool for conventional sclerosis.
SCLEROSIS. It is best to grind the bark to a powder. Take 5 tablespoons, pour 0.5 liters of raw water and cook from the beginning of boiling for 2 hours at the lowest heat - to barely boil. After cooling, drain. Take 25-30 ml (a small cognac glass) 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Course - one and a half two months.
CARDIACLEROSIS. Do the same, just boil for 30 minutes. And take 1 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
HEMORRHOIDS. This autumn treatment, when the berries ripen. Squeeze the juice and take half a cup 3 times a day, washed down with cold water (bitterness of juice can sweeten with honey or sugar). Reveals even closed hemorrhoids and comes relief.
REDUCED ACIDITY. The same autumn treatment: in September, take 1 teaspoon of juice from the berries 3 times a day for 20 30 minutes before eating.
VISION. Use the period while you can squeeze the juice and take 1 to 3 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals, and in late autumn or winter drink a decoction of fruits: 1 tablespoon of berries to brew a glass of boiling water, insist 4 hours. Drink half a glass 2 3 times a day. By the way, the medicinal properties of dried berries of mountain ash are perfectly preserved for two years.
ZOB, LIVER DISEASES, HEMORROR. 2 teaspoons of flowers brew a glass of boiling water, insist 4 6 hours, warmly wrapped, or in a thermos. Strain. Take a quarter cup (50 ml) 3 4 times a day. It also helps with women's diseases.
POWERFUL MANSTRUTIONS. Women with abundant, weakening menstruation, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and anemia, can use both fresh and dried berries: 2 tablespoons of berries per half a liter of boiling water. Infuse before cooling down. To drink during the day in fractional portions.
However, not all rowan is so gracious. Drugs from rowan are contraindicated with a tendency to thrombosis, increased blood coagulability. Fresh berries and juice is not recommended for gastritis with high acidity. Fermented juice loses its healing properties. It is undesirable to use mountain ash with hypotonic dyskinesia, as excessive intake of bile in the lack of contractility of the bladder will contribute to its stretching and strengthening of pain.
It should be remembered that mountain ash helps prevent pregnancy.
The juice of fresh mountain ash is contraindicated in case of ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.


In nature, in the dullness, on the bank of the mountain river celebrated the anniversary of a friend of mine, a master of sports in tourism. Among the shish kebabs, fish, mushrooms and other marching dishes, a salad was offered to numerous guests, which aroused enthusiastic responses. Eat it so that your ears moved. A little later he discovered his secret: a salad of lake duckweed. Say it in advance - maybe, and disdain, although tourists - people are used to everything. I myself once tasted summer soup with green cabbage soup and sour cream dressed with duckweed. Piquant taste.
And before all this duckweed served me an effective medicine for some diseases.
Most often duckweed is recommended for the treatment of vitiligo - a violation of skin pigmentation in the form of white damp spots on the body. Treatment is required for a long time, often without the expected success. But duckweed is indeed effective in allergic diseases - hives, neurodermatitis, pruritus, chronic persistent rhinitis. Tincture of duckweed I managed to remove during the day the strongest edema of Quincke, when no other means helped the child in a hospital.
In recent years, I was convinced of the necessity of tincture of duckweed in the treatment of throat and lung cancer. Ryazka, even if it grows in the purest mountain lake, must be thoroughly washed (in lakes and ponds, especially where ducks and geese splash, one can not take). Spread out in the shade, in the air, without access to the sun's rays, dries quickly. This is in case you need a powder of grass. But most of it I use for tincture: just over half a can of freshly ducked duckweed is poured over with vodka and insist for at least a month (sometimes the banks stand in an unprotected two to three months). Ordinary reception - 20 drops 3 times a day.
The duckweed sometimes shows itself quite unexpectedly.
IMPOTENCE. The perfect remedy for the treatment of impotence is a mixture of powdered duckweed with honey - 1 teaspoonful of both - eat in the morning on an empty stomach or in the morning. Results will not slow down to say about yourself.
Nephrite (sharp). It is necessary to mix in equal parts by weight powder of duckweed and burdock seeds. Take 1 teaspoon in your mouth and drink water 20 minutes before breakfast. The same thing to do before dinner and dinner. The course of treatment is 3 4 weeks.
URETHRITIS. If it is difficult to urinate painfully, take the duckwheat powder for 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for half an hour before eating with water. Already in the first days there will come relief, but treatment should be continued until complete recovery.
GLAUCOMA. Take duckweed tincture for 15-20 drops with 2 3 tablespoons of water 2 3 times daily before meals until the symptoms of intraocular pressure disappear.
PSORIASIS. Brew in a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon of dried duckweed, insist 30 40 minutes and drink in a warm form. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day.
About duckweed is very rarely mentioned in medical institutions. And about the contraindications there are no hints. What kind of contraindications are there if a tourist can eat a whole plate of salad in one sitting? However, as a snack. Nevertheless, duckweed, although it has a desensitizing effect, in some nervous disorders, on the contrary, increases the causeless irritability, sometimes to a nervous breakdown and hysteria. To refrain from its long application I would advise in case of vegeto-dystonia.