Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "T"



She was seventeen years old, and there was so much beauty and charm in her that, even with a fleeting meeting and said with nothing meaningless two words in her heart all day was light and festive. She even had an unearthly name, almost fairy-tale - Elia. No, I was not in love with her, just admired (I considered her older than myself, although we were peers). She lived with her father and mother in the next street. Our parents were friends. In conversations between them, I have heard so many times: "Eleczka has so much pain in her knees that she almost cries every morning until she breaks up a little. Oh, I'd get more Adam's root. They say that it is not so much tincture as the juice for grinding helps. "
Elia immediately after school married a handsome man, left with him to the Far East. She did not get better. Then they left for Leningrad. The pilot rose to the rank of general, and Elya was chained to a wheelchair. "And the root did not help Adamov," sighed her mother sorrowfully. And my heart was protesting with protest: how can nature be cruel to its own beautiful creation!
Why did I remember this long history? In memory crashed the ineradicable faith of people in the miraculous root. She, this frenetic belief in miracle medicine, and to this day confusing many people. Eli had rheumatoid polyarthritis. Yes, medicine and to this day can not cope with some forms of this disease. But there are herbalists, who for a year or two would put the girl on her feet. True, in the years of Soviet power, the "grandfather" methods of treatment were prosecuted, folk medicine was driven underground, but still there were miracles that sometimes worked for the art of healing, not profit.
Yes, the tamus is ordinary, or, as the people call it, adam root, the population of the Caucasus and Crimea uses it as a tincture and juice for rubbing with pains in the joints, sciatica, radiculitis. To cure completely this will not cure, but the pain will remove. Here I do not get tired to repeat that with chronic, the more serious, complex diseases, only one plant can not do is a competently designed complex. And it's not the same when two or three dozen types of plants are poured into one pouch, and sometimes even more, proudly pointing out: there are forty-seven different herbs here! Multicomponent collections, no doubt, have a right to exist, especially for healthy people - for the sake of prevention, maintaining the general tone of the body. And the medical complex is a completely different approach to treatment, and to a specific disease. Here, purposefully selected individual herbs and tinctures, compatible with each other and enhancing the effect of each other. And the treatment lasts a long, a year or two, and sometimes more, if you really are going to return the person health.
And when you sit and talk with a very sick person, puzzling over how to help him, I involuntarily remember the adorable young creature: but today, already having enough experience, could I help her or not? I do not know. But I would try to apply all the forces for this, especially at the beginning of the illness, not relying on the tamus alone.



Just remember the story of L. Tolstoy "After the ball." The writer gave a good portrait of this prickly plant, showed how difficult it is to tear off a flower. But he could not have imagined how much the herbalist had to mess with this plant in order to turn it into medicine. What is it worth to remove some thorns, so that they, God forbid, did not get into the dried ground grass, and even more so into a powder made from leaves.
The prickly thinner is respected among herbalists, especially in the treatment of malignant tumors and purulent wounds.
However, he finds use from other diseases. Avicenna wrote: "The decoction of his root is useful from bleeding in women, its introduction into the anus and bathing in his decoction helps from anterior tumors ..." Probably refers to cancer of the rectum. In any case, this (somewhat modified) treatment remains topical to this day. Do not deny the antitumor effect of the Tartar and the doctors. They themselves recommend it as a prophylactic agent after the removal of tumors, as well as for the treatment of skin ulcers, lupus erythematosus, scrofulous (tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, leading to the formation of abscesses and ulceration).
In folk medicine, a Tartar is used for bronchial asthma, bronchitis, cardiac neuroses, tetanus, kidney, bladder, rheumatism, edema of various origin.
For the treatment of bronchitis, kidneys or edema, for example, there are many other plants, but with malignant tumors, the Tartar is more valuable. I try to use it as much as possible. I insist on flowers on vodka: more than half a can of flowers I fill up with vodka, I insist a month. Tincture of flowers is included in some of my antitumor balsams. Yes, and do not neglect folk recipes.
STOMACH CANCER. 1 tablespoon chopped leaves on a glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1 glass 3 4 times a day after meals. In addition, the infusion cures Cystitis, has a diuretic effect.
CANCER OF VARIOUS LOCALIZATION. Leaves grind into powder and take 1 teaspoonful 3 4 times a day before meals, washing down with water.
SKIN CANCER, VOLCANKA, SCROFULL. Brew from the calculation of 1 tablespoon of grass for a glass of boiling water, insist 4 hours, drain. Drink half a glass 3 4 times a day before meals. Outer for washing and lotions - brew 3 4 tablespoons for a glass of boiling water, also insist for 4 hours.
With skin cancer, fresh juice of the plant to extinguish the affected areas.
HEMORRHOIDS. Take 1 teaspoon of powder from leaves 3 times a day until improvement.
Even with long-term use, Tatarnik does not cause side effects. Used with caution in hypertension, it may slightly increase blood pressure, although they believe that it regulates blood pressure, why they apply it safely with strokes, heart attacks, and mental illnesses.



Termopsis on the ears of many. By myself I remember: I just took a cold, breathed in cold air and started to cough - my mother immediately runs to the drugstore for powders or pills. Basically, for some reason, they were preparing thermopsis for children, and doctors at the first case discharged it. Well, where there are no pharmacies, they drank infusion of herbs. The fact is that the effect of thermopsis on the inflammatory process in the respiratory system is universal.
Biologically active substances in thermopsis increase blood pressure, increase the function of the adrenal glands.
Applied in medicine grass as an expectorant, often in the collection and therapeutic teas, with chronic tracheitis, bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, with catarrh of the upper respiratory tract with viscous, hard to separate sputum.
Collection and drying should be done with caution, remembering that the plant is highly poisonous.
In folk medicine, thermopsis is also used as an anthelmintic, with intestinal atony, headache.
Higher doses of thermopsis for adults - single 0.1 g, daily - 0.3 g, that is, one tenth of a spoonful per glass of water and drink 1 tablespoon 3 5 times a day. A powder from the grass - 0.1 g 3 times a day.
Termopsis in the people is also called "drunk grass" - when working with him, sometimes a feeling of intoxication. You can not use thermopsis in hypertension. Contraindicated in hemoptysis. When using excessive doses, you can get, instead of the expected help, severe poisoning and paralysis of vital brain centers.
Not all herbalists know about this. I had to see how some added thermopsis to the herbal collections, as they say, by the eye, by a handful. And it is possible for happiness to consider, if the patient gets off only with vomiting, so without understanding anything.



In the July heat in the open steppe, all the smells of herbage eclipses the aroma of thyme. It is the fragrance that you will not find another word for, and with it the beak of a bell is full of head and soul is open to meet all the beautiful things in the world. And always at such moments I remembered the old grandmother's chest, bound with yellow stripes of copper - when in winter it sometimes opened it, I heard exactly the same subtle scent. The grandmother for winter necessarily cleaned in a trunk some beams of the dried thyme. And this incomparable smell was imprinted in my infant memory - then I was then not taller than this village chest.
Many peoples of the world were or treat the thyme with the same tenderness as I do. A holy herb was a thyme in Kievan Rus. One thing I could not understand: why is thyme called Bogorodskaya grass? Thyme is understandable, in Greek it means "strength", "spirit". But Bogorodskaya grass is a purely Christian name. Not so long ago I learned in conversation with a clergyman that the name was given for the similarity of the flower with the iconographic image of the Virgin. He looked attentively at the flower and ... it seemed to me that he smiled at me, and the smile was purely feminine.
In Egypt, thyme was used for embalming (using essential oil thymol, which gives a bactericidal and disinfectant effect).
Greeks valued thyme for its ability to calm and strengthen the nervous system.
Medieval Armenian doctors thyme were used in geriatrics (for the elderly) with atherosclerosis of the brain, bronchitis, cataract.
Tibetan medicine used thyme in childhood infections, chronic lymphadenitis, anthrax, in skin diseases, as wound healing, anthelmintic; In Indian - in the form of a decoction is used for gastritis, liver diseases; In the Mongolian - as an expectorant for the disease of the upper respiratory tract.
In France, thyme herb is used as an antispasmodic, wound healing, restoring tissue epithelization, especially when burned with acids. In Bulgaria, the infusion of thyme is used for bronchial asthma, pneumonia, gastritis. In Germany, grass during the flowering period with respiratory diseases, especially when coughing. In Austria, thyme is used not only for gastritis and flatulence, but also as an anticonvulsant. The substance that stops seizures has not been studied yet, but Austrian researchers concluded that when dried, it is destroyed and the plant should only be used fresh. In Poland, thyme herb is used for inflammation of the kidneys, liver, neuralgia, articular rheumatism, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
In domestic folk medicine, thyme herb infusion is taken as expectorant and anti-inflammatory in case of acute colds, pulmonary tuberculosis, dyspnea, bronchial asthma, with gastrointestinal colic, headaches, childhood infection, emphysema and actinomycosis of the lungs, dysmenorrhea, otitis, anthelmintic (with a solitaire and Withered head). Thyme has a restorative effect on the body, especially with intensive mental work, insomnia (even padding the pads). From the grass it is useful to make lotions to the eyes.
With such a wide application of the plant, naturally, there are many recipes. Here are the most interesting ones.
STROKE. Put the vodka tincture from the calculation of 8 tablespoons of herb per 0.5 liter of vodka. To insist 1/4 days. Daily rub in the numb parts of the body. At the same time, you can take 30 40 drops 3 times a day.
BRAIN COLLECTION. 2 tablespoons of water put 1 tablespoon of herbs, bring to a boil, but do not cook, the fire immediately turn off. Insist 1 hour. Drink half a cup 3 times a day before meals. The work of the brain is restored, headaches disappear, sleep and memory improve, nerves become stronger. Treatment is long - from 6 months to a year.
MEMORY LOSS. If you daily lubricate the head with such a decoction of thyme, it helps with memory loss.
DISBACTERIOSIS. To make the same broth - 1 tablespoon of grass for 2 glasses of water, bring to a boil and insist 1 hour to drink half a glass 3 4 times a day. The course of 2 weeks to 2 months - restores flora of the intestine after a long reception of antibiotics. It is useful in chronic gastritis with low acidity.
CATARACT. Dry the grass to grind in powder, to sift. Take 100 g of this herbal powder and mix with 500 g of honey, insist on a water bath for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Keep refrigerated. Each evening before going to bed eat one teaspoonful - protects from the beginning cataract.
IMPOTENCY (provoked by alcohol abuse). In August or early September, pick up the flowers of the thyme pink, dry. 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water. Infuse for 15 to 30 minutes. Take 5 6 times a day, if before meals - then for half an hour. Drink for 3 to 6 months.
Women are recommended to collect violet-red flowers in June.
STOMACH CANCER. With this disease, 1 tablespoon of herb thyme is brewed in a glass of boiling water. To insist 1 hour. Take a quarter cup 3 4 times daily before meals.
Unfortunately, even with such popularity, treatment with Thyme will not benefit everyone. His contraindications are quite serious and strict.
You should not use thyme when decompensating cardiac activity, cardiosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
Thymol, which is part of the thyme, has a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys (you should carefully consider the thymol test in the assays).
In some recipes, the treatment of stomach and duodenum ulcers with thyme is indicated, but I leave it on the conscience of those who made the prescription (contraindications are particularly relevant when gastric acid is high in acidity).
Contraindicated thyme with a decreased function of the thyroid gland. Even if you do not have this disease, then prolonged use of thyme can lead to hypothyroidism. Contraindicated thyme during pregnancy.



This low-growing evergreen bushes grows in pine forests of the White Sea coasts (there are no bearberry trees either in the green marshes or on the peat bogs), except that it will still be able to get to the open sandy places. The northern plant, in the middle belt, is rare, although I encountered small thickets and we, in Bashkiria, in the mountains of Iremel, Zigalga. From a distance I saw, I was delighted: cranberries! But he came closer, saw the recumbent, strongly branched stems, tore off one red oval berry. Alas, mealy, not tasty. Grass take late, it is collected during flowering. And it was of no great value to me. If necessary, you can buy it in the pharmacy.
And it can be required as a time-tested good anti-inflammatory and disinfectant for inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract. Urinary tracts when taking bearberry are cleaned from bacterial flora and products of inflammation.
Decoction and infusion of crushed herbs are also used for cardiac edema, for pielites, for urethritis, for urinary retention and also for involuntary urination, bloody urine, and kidney stone disease. In some European countries, bearberry is used for sluggish digestion, malaria, pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic nephritis and nephrosis, metabolic disorders and nervous disorders.
There are other interesting, non-traditional ways of using bearberry.
HYPERTROPHY OF THE PROSTATE GLAND. Grind the powder into leaves, sift. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Glycoside arbutin has in this case an antiseptic, disinfectant effect.
INAPPROPRIATE SPREAD OF SPERM. 2 teaspoons of dry crushed leaves of bearberry pour 2 cups of cool boiled water, insist 3- 4 hours. Take half a cup of 2 4 times a day before meals.
DIABETES. 1 teaspoon of chopped leaves brew a glass of boiling water, insist 4 hours. Take 2 3 tablespoons 5 6 times a day.
Malignant neovascularization (especially with cancer of the bladder, prostate gland). Make a vodka tincture from the calculation of 1: 10, that is, 1 tablespoon of leaves per 10 tablespoons of vodka. Insist 21 days, drain. Take 25-30 drops 3 times daily before meals, along with other herbal infusions.
RHEUMATISM. 1 tablespoon of raw material pour 1 glass of cold water, insist 8 10 hours (usually insist night), then boil for 5 minutes and still insist 30 minutes, drain. Drink 1 tablespoon 5 6 times a day after 2 3 hours after meals. (I do not recommend drinking more than one tablespoon at a time.)
FATIGUE. 10 g of dry leaves per 1 cup of boiling water, close the lid and soak in a water bath for 5 minutes, insist 30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day for half an hour before meals no more than 2 3 weeks.
The tolerability of bearberry preparations is individual, in some cases, when ingested, there are diarrhea, nausea, even vomiting. Then you need to halve the dosage or completely cancel it.
Bearberry is contraindicated in pregnancy.
You should not prescribe a bearberry in glomerulonephritis, as it can irritate the renal parenchyma. In the broth, during boiling, tannins are extracted, which can adversely affect the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.


We owe Columbus not only tomatoes, but also pumpkin - it was upon his return that the Europeans first learned about the existence of this exotic plant.
On all botanical grounds, pumpkin is a berry (juicy pulp, and inside there are many seeds). In the wild, the pumpkin does not exist, but for three thousand years before it was introduced into the culture of the Mexicans. True, again remains a mystery: how could you know about the pumpkin back in pre-Columbian times Avicenna? Do not just know, but also describe its medicinal properties. For example: "Decoction of pumpkin is useful for coughing and chest pains arising from the heat ... Squeezed pumpkin juice, especially in a mixture with rose oil, soothes the hot pain in the ear. It helps with tumors in the brain, and is useful for sore throat ... Squeezed pumpkin juice drips into the nose from a toothache. Pumpkin is one of the medicines that produce great humidity in the stomach; It stops the thirst. The indolent pumpkin is very harmful to the stomach, even to the stomachs of adolescents and young men, and from this trouble there is no other means than vomiting. If you boil the pumpkin juice with honey and put soda in it, it softens the stomach. The same will happen if you dig a pumpkin in hot coals, bake it as it is, and then drink its juice with sugar. It is extremely harmful to the intestines and especially to the colon. " (Did Mexicans send Mexicans to oriental medics?)
Ancient authors also from the number of negative properties of pumpkin noted kulange, that is intestinal colic, and recommended to prepare a pumpkin with the addition of juice of immature grapes, garlic, pepper, cumin or mustard. Ancient physicians did not prescribe a pumpkin to persons with a cold stomach, in other words, for patients with a hypoacid form of gastritis or a peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
Pumpkin is made up of 92% of water. This curative water contains sugars, protein substances, fatty oil, pectic substances, organic acids, fiber, macro elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine; Trace elements: iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, fluorine, zinc. This is why the pumpkin is of great value for patients with iron deficiency anemia. Pumpkin flesh in boiled form is recommended for patients with tuberculosis, jaundice, hypotension, gout, neurosis, cholecystitis, constipation, and also as a diuretic in renal and hepatic edema. As a therapeutic food pumpkin is useful for obesity, as well as with senile constipation. A large amount of pectin has a particularly positive effect on inflammation of the large intestine. Pectin helps to remove cholesterol from the body, so the pumpkin is so useful in atherosclerosis. Pumpkin has a positive effect on biochemical processes in the liver. Flesh is applied to eczema and ulcers for healing, well, seeds (only not fried!) Are a known remedy for worms. Even flowers are used - they heal wounds with their decoction.
Recently, Indian scientists have established that pumpkin fruits can be used to treat tuberculosis. They managed to develop a method for obtaining from a pumpkin a special drug called peposin, which is able to suppress the reproduction of tubercle bacillus.
CANCER. Juice for 1 2 cups a day is taken orally with cancer, and orange pulp is applied to various tumors, including malignant ones. When cancer is recommended every day during the flowering of pumpkin eat up 3 4 of its flowers with pollen in one reception.
PROSTATITIS. Pumpkin juice helps a lot if you drink it 1 glass 2 times a day. In addition, it is a good remedy for metabolic disorders.
MASTOPATHY. Perfectly rubbed pumpkin, if daily apply the flesh on the chest and keep 1,5 2 hours. (Not worse than red beets, only in contrast to it it paints less.)
DARK SPOTS. Usually I do not touch cosmetology, but I remember the case with one pretty woman who suffered from pigment spots on her face. To get rid of them, it is necessary to grind with water in a mortar of syresemene in a ratio of 1: 1, the resulting milk is mixed with honey. Put the mixture on your face and hold for half an hour. Do this until the spots are gone.
BILIARY DYSKINESIA. With diseases of the biliary tract it is useful to eat pumpkin. Raw or cooked, it restores liver function after acute hepatitis, acts as a choleretic. Eat at least 0.5 kg per day. Or drink half a glass of juice 1-2 times a day. It calms the nervous system, improves sleep, so it is good to drink at night.
FATHERS. Take 20 pumpkin cuttings, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take half a cup 3 times daily before meals. Or there is a flesh pumpkin 2 times a day.
I will add that the pumpkin stops the allocation of yellow bile. It is believed that it helps with headaches, brain tumors, meningitis.
It is a pity that this seemingly innocuous product is not permissible for everyone. Pumpkin is contraindicated in severe diabetes mellitus. Raw pumpkin and juice from it can not be taken with gastritis with low acidity, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.



Where the war - there is blood. Where it is necessary to quickly stop the bleeding - there is a yarrow. How many people have been saved by this simple, omnipresent grass. And its effect is almost twice as high as that of the once popular calcium chloride medicine.
The military doctor, who worked in the field hospitals from the first months of the war with German fascists, told me how, from the lack of medicines and dressing materials, they were still quite girls at the time learning to use traditional methods of treatment, using moss instead of cotton wool, gathered right next to hospital grass tents , And first of all - yarrow. (Probably, that's why she approved of my enthusiasm for herbal medicine.)
Yarrow does not only stop the blood in the shortest time, but also heals the wounds quickly. I know this literature, I've experienced it myself many times. Once a rather deep wound from the ax in a very uncomfortable, painful place - between the thumb and forefinger - almost thwarted my outing on the nature. Tens of kilometers to the nearest habitation, and even then in that small village, the paramedic is hardly found. And the blood from the wound literally gushed, as if from a tap. I immediately made ten sharp squats (usually it stops bleeding). Under the feet grew yarrow - it was not necessary to look. Narwhal of some leaves, crushed before the appearance of the cell juice and plugged the wound with grass. The pain gradually subsided, the blood ceased to ooze. I changed the grass every two hours. The next morning the wound was tightened with a thin pink film - when washing it was still felt. And then I did not notice how I healed in a few days. So it's not for nothing that the people called the yarrow "soldier's grass". But it all began with the invulnerable Achilles, this heel - the only vulnerable place - was treated with grass, which they called - in the Latin sound - Achilles.
But it turns out, yarrow is not only "soldier", but also "female grass" - as it is called in Ukraine and Poland. The yarrow's property to increase blood clotting (without forming a thrombus) has been used by doctors for centuries to stop uterine bleeding, especially in menopause and after involuntary abortion.
Yarrow finds other uses. It is prescribed for liver diseases, hepatitis, cholecystitis, dysentery, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, inflammation of the bladder, ovaries, tuberculosis of the lymph glands, heart diseases, bronchial asthma, nervous diseases, hysteria, hypertension. Yarrow medications have a blood-purifying, antiallergic effect, increase the number of platelets, are effective when the blood rushes to the head and chest.
Decoction and infusion of herbs drink with headaches, stomach pains (pain in the stomach disappear after 15-25 minutes).
ASTMA (infectious allergic). 2 tablespoons of herbs for 1 liter of water, boil over low heat for 20 minutes, insist 40 minutes. Drink half a glass 4 times a day, regardless of food. The course is from 2 weeks to 2 4 months.
VIOLATION OF THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE. In the summer season, take 2 tablespoons of grass juice 3 times a day before meals. Normalizes the cycle, improves the heart.
HEMORRHOIDS. A tablespoon of herbs for a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, insist 45 minutes, drain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals (not possible with gastritis with high acidity).
ANEMIA. 100 g of dry grass with flowers pour 2 liters of vodka, insist 2 weeks. Drink before eating 2 tablespoons, diluting in half a glass of water.
Although it is commonly believed that yarrow does not form blood clots, it's still undesirable to use it with high blood clotting. Especially it is necessary to be afraid of a thrombus with stenocardia.
It is undesirable to take yarrow medications with hypotension. Even if the patient has normal pressure, then with prolonged use or overdose of the drug there are headaches, dizziness, skin rashes may appear. Yarrow is contraindicated in pregnancy.