bearberry (bear's ear)

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.

Толокнянка обыкновенная (медвежье ушко) Толокнянка обыкновенная (медвежье ушко)

The botanical characteristics. The family of heather. Perennial evergreen shrub. Stem branched, dense, creeping, up to 1 m. The leaves are leathery, obovate, dark-green, light green below. The flowers are small, overturned, whitish-pink, clustered at the tips in a short brush. Blossoms in May-June. Fruits - visible from afar mealy red berries. The berries are readily eaten by birds, and the seeds are not digested in the stomach of birds, spread over long distances and, once in the ground, sprout.

Spread. It is found in the north of the forest zone of the European part of Russia, in Siberia, in the Urals, the Far East and the Caucasus Mountains. It prefers pine forests with dry sandy soil.

Used parts of the plant. Leaves.
The leaves of bearberry found up to 35% tannins pirogallovoy group, acids (gallic, ellagic, quinine, formic acid and ursolic), arbutin, metilarbutin, hydroquinone, Ella gotanin, gallotanin, colorants, uvaol, giperozid, quercetin, izokvertsetrin, vitamin C and essential oil.

Application. Used in diseases of the kidneys and bladder as an effective diuretic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent. Assign with acute and chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, kidney tuberculosis, with urethritis.
Action bearberry manifested in alkaline urine. Bearberry is part of the diuretic fees number 1 and 2.
In folk medicine, it is sometimes prescribed for diarrhea (due to the binding properties), as well as cholecystitis and gout.

Contraindications. Pregnancy. If glomerulonephritis can irritate the renal parenchyma. Sometimes bearberry causes idiosyncrasy with urticaria.

Preparation. 1 tablespoon pour 200 ml of boiling water. insist (preferably in a thermos) - daily dose.
In homeopathy, Uva-ursi 3, 3, 9, is recommended for urological diseases: chronic pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis, tsistalgii, kidney stones, bladder atony and chronic prostatitis.