Clutch european

Asarum europaeum L.

Копытень европейский Копытень европейский

Botanical characteristics. Family kirkazone. Perennial herbaceous plant with creeping rhizome and stem, height up to 10 cm. Leaves are dark green, long-petiolate, kidney-shaped, entire. The shape of the sheet is specific - reminiscent of the impression of horsehair. Flowers unpleasant red-brown color, single, low-lying. Blooms in May. Fruit - a six-cavity box - ripens in June.

Spread. Occurs in the middle belt of the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, prefers spruce and spruce-deciduous forests.

Used parts of the plant. Leaves collected during flowering, and rhizomes with roots, excavated in early spring.
The composition of the plant is not fully understood. It is extracted from the essential oil containing the substance azaron, pinene, eugenol and bornilacetate, as well as resins, tannins, mucus and glycosides.

Application. It is based on the expectorant, vomiting, choleretic, analgesic and diuretic action of the claw. Assign with bronchitis, gastritis with a decreased secretory function, with hepatocholecystitis and pyelonephritis. The intestine acts as a mild laxative. The hoof helps with painful menstruation in young women. It is believed that a prolonged reception of the hoof inside causes an aversion to alcohol.
Outwardly, the decoction of the clef is used for headaches; Leaves are fresh and crushed - with abscesses; Juice rubbed places affected by scabies.

Contraindications. Kopyten is a weakly poisonous plant, taken under medical supervision.

Preparation. 2 teaspoons of hoof insist with a glass of boiling water (preferably in a thermos) - a daily dose.

Homeopathic Asarum europaeum 3x, 3 is shown with neuroses and hysteria. Characteristic symptoms: intolerance of noise, any excitement causes a shiver and a feeling of cold, at times - a feeling of weightlessness of one's own body.