
Avena sativa L.

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Botanical characteristics. The family is cereal. Annual herbaceous plant 60-100 cm high. The stem is straight, bushy. Leaves linearly pointed, long, scabrous. Flowers - dangling spikelets, collected in a sprawling panicle. Blossoms in May-June. Fruit is a seed.
The Latin name means literally "to be healthy".

Spread. An agricultural plant is cultivated in many regions of the country.

Used parts of the plant. The whole aboveground part, the seeds.
Oat seeds contain starch (up to 60%), protein substances (up to 16%), fats (up to 9%), choline, trigonellin, tyrosine, enzymes and B vitamins.

Application. Kashi and oat flakes soups are dietary dishes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Infusions of straw oats have a toning, restorative and appetite-enhancing effect. Similarly, oat straw baths work, they are also recommended for joints, radiculitis, rickets and diathesis.
Infusion and decoction of oat straw in folk medicine is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, antipyretic and carminative.
"From the strong broth of oat straw make poultices in diseases of bones. With kidney stones from a strong broth of oat straw hot wraps (compresses) and poultices on the kidneys ... facilitate the passage of stones, "- recommend MA. Nosal and I.M. Nosal.

Preparation. Infusion for ingestion is prepared from the calculation of 3 tablespoons of straw sticks for 2 cups of boiling water (daily dose).
For a bath of 0.5 kg of oat straw, boil in 2 liters of water for 30 minutes over low heat, the broth is added to the bath water. The bath temperature is 36-37 ° C, duration is 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment - 15-20 procedures (2-3 baths per week).

In homeopathy prescribe Avena sativa 3x, 3 after severe illnesses, with asthenia and anemia, as a restorative.