Tri-divided string (scrofulous grass)

Bidens tripartita L.

Other names: scrofulous grass, a string, goat's horns, a trailer, a swamp arrow, a two-pronged dog, a dog

Череда трехраздельная Череда трехраздельная

Botanical characteristics. Family Compositae. Annual herbaceous plant with round branching stems up to 1 m in height. The roots are filiform, thin. Leaves are three- or five-parted, opposite, short-petioled. Blossoms from June to September. Nondescript brownish-yellow tubular flowers collected in baskets. Fruits - tetrahedral achenes with hooked bristles, ripen in August-September.

Spread. It is widely distributed throughout the country, except the Far North. It grows on damp places, in meadows, on the banks of reservoirs, in vegetable gardens - like a weed.

Used parts of the plant. Flowering tops of plants.
The plant contains tannins (up to 4.46%) of the condensed series, bitter, mucus, flavonoids, coumarins,? -lactones, amines, essential oil and ascorbic acid (60-70 mg%).

Application. Has a mild sedative, choleretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, wound-healing, pronounced antiallergic and hypotensive action.
As a bitter, the turn is used with reduced appetite and to improve digestion. Apply grass for colds, liver and biliary tract diseases, rickets, gout and with sluggishly healing wounds and ulcers.
In folk medicine, the turn is known as a good blood-purifying and anti-allergic remedy. It is prescribed for admission to adults and children with chronic skin diseases, eczema, diathesis, hives, etc.
Grass strings are widely used as an external means, especially in children's practice. For washings and baths, it is used for diathesis with skin manifestations, rickets, to accelerate the healing of abrasions and wounds, with scabies and eczema.
Triturated leaves of the string are applied to the wounds with the bites of poisonous insects and snakes.
"I quote one of the very good, tested by me, blood-cleansing mixtures used for skin diseases, as well as for scrofula and rickets: turns - 10.0 g, leaves of walnut - 5.0, herbs of tri-colored violets - 20.0 g, roots Burdock - 15.0 g, flowers of deaf white nettle - 10,0 g, yarrow flowers - 10,0 g, black currant leaves - 10,0 g and leaves of strawberry - 15,0. All mixed, take 20.0 g of the mixture, pour 1 liter of raw water and boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Drink hourly on a wine glass (30,0 g), and children are given 1 tablespoon each.
The same mixture with the addition of leaves of bearberry 30.0 g and birch buds 15.0 g, prepared and used in the same way, is used for chronic kidney diseases "(MA Nosal, IM Nosal).

Preparation. 2 tablespoons are insisted with 2 cups of boiling water (daily intake dose).
For outdoor use, prepare infusion and decoction based on 4-5 tablespoons of herbs 2 cups of boiling water.
In pharmacies, briquettes of grass of a mass of 75 g are divided into 10 lobules. One slice is filled with a glass of boiling water, it is insisted for 10 minutes, it is filtered, taking 1 tablespoon 3 to 4 times a day.