Centaurium erythraea raf.

Family Gentianacea - Gentianacea

Золототысячник эритрейный – Centaurium Erythraea Raf. Золототысячник эритрейный – Centaurium Erythraea Raf.

Botanical characteristics. A one-, two-year or perennial herbaceous plant 10-50 cm high. The root is small, rod-shaped, branched, weak. Stems naked, single quadrilateral, simple, sometimes upper-forked-branched, with branches pointing upward. Leaves are small thin, entire; Basal rosettes oblong-obovate, dull; Stem - set opposite, oblong-ovate or oblong-lanceolate, acute. Flowers are bright pink, with linear-subulate bracts, collected in corymbose inflorescences. The calyx is shorter than the corolla tube, divided into linear-subulate teeth. Fruit is a narrow bivalve box. Seeds are small, round, brown. Blooms from June to autumn, usually in the second year.

Spread. It grows on dry meadows, forest glades, fringes, grassy slopes, in bushes, on roadsides, in orchards. Recently, it is grown on household plots as a medicinal plant.

Used parts of the plant. Medicinal raw material is the aboveground part of the plant, collected in the usual way at the beginning of flowering, dried in dryers or outdoors in the shade.

Chemical composition. The plant contains: alkaloids: erythricin (gentianin); Xanthones, their derivatives and isomers; Glycosides: gentiopicrine, erythaurin, erythrocentaurin; Vitamins, carbohydrates: glucose, sucrose, fructose, essential oil, microelements.

Application. The aerial part of the plant is included in the domestic pharmacopoeia and pharmacopoeia of many countries of the world.

A thousand acres is used as a bitter taste to stimulate appetite and strengthen the activity of the digestive organs, is part of mouth-watering tea, gastric collections; In the composition of bitter tincture - with hypocidal and chronic atrophic gastritis, with anorexia on the soil of nervous diseases, after surgery.

In practical medicine, infusion and decoction (as part of the fees) are used for chronic enterocolitis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastroduodenitis, dyspepsia, gastric and intestinal spasms, flatulence, liver and gallbladder diseases; With gynecological diseases, for involution of the uterus after childbirth, with metrorrhagia after abortion, early toxicosis of pregnant women, algodismenorea; To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as antiseptic; In pathological climax with a tendency to hypertension and dysmenorrhea; Infusion of leaves and flowers - with chronic sinusitis; Wound healing in diseases of the oral cavity.

In the experiment, the centipose in the complex agent has a hepatoprotective effect.

In folk medicine, infusions, decoctions (alone and in collections) and tincture are used basically similarly to application in practical medicine, in addition, with diarrhea, malaria, pulmonary tuberculosis, heart diseases, edema, headache, kidney diseases, like toning, restorative, With hypertension, with flu, neuroses, diseases after physical overstrain, anemia, diabetes, cirrhosis and other disorders of the liver, jaundice, alcoholism, typhoid fever, epilepsy. Tincture in olive oil - with shin ulcers, eczema, boils, gout. With food allergies in children, the centipedes are an indispensable tool; Externally, plant juice is used for all ear ailments. The oil from the gold-bearing mill eliminates (dissolves) any tumor in the initial stage.

In Bulgaria, the infusion and powder (as a part of the charges themselves) are used for heartburn, diabetes, constipation, anemia, intestinal tuberculosis, gastrocardial syndrome, stool regulation, hepatitis, female diseases, hemorrhoids; Externally - with rashes, poorly healing wounds, ulcers of the shins.

In homeopathy juice of a fresh plant is used for diseases of the stomach, liver, gall bladder.


  • For infusion take 10 g of raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes, filter. Take in warm form 1/2 - 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • For broth 10 g of raw material is poured 200 ml of boiling water, heated in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes. Take should be 2 tbsp. Spoon for reception 3 times a day before meals.
    When allergic to children under 3 years old take 1 teaspoon; From 3 to 5 - 1 dess. Spoon; From 5 to 10 years - 1 tbsp. Spoon before each meal.
    With ear diseases, freshly digested juice in the eye with 3-5 drops of warm water.
  • To obtain the oil fill half of any glass vessel, add to the filling with olive oil and set in the sun for 15-20 days, tie with gauze in 4 layers of the neck of the vessel. After the oil is drained, the raw materials are pressed and discarded. Store the oil in the refrigerator.