Kaprene narrow-leaved (ivan-tea) - epilobium angustifolium

Кипрей узколистный (иван-чай) Кипрей узколистный (иван-чай)

Botanical characteristics. Family kiprejnye. A perennial herb, reaching a height of 1.5 m.
Stalk straight, bare. Leaves are alternate, lanceolate, short-rooted. The pinkish-red flowers are collected at the end of the stem into a large brush. Flowers bloom in the inflorescence from the bottom to the top. Blossoms in June-July.

Spread. A widespread plant on most of the European territory, Siberia, the Far East. Appears in large quantities on felling, after fires, grows on forest edges, along the banks of rivers and lakes, sometimes as a weed in gardens and orchards.

Used parts of the plant. The top part of the plant is in the flowering stage and leaves.
The plant contains a large amount of tannin (up to 10%) of the pyro-gallic group, a lot of mucus, alkaloids, ascorbic acid, sugars and pectin. The pronounced anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect of spraying is associated with a high content of tannin and mucus in it.

Application. Kiprej acts calmingly on the nervous system, in its tranquilizing properties slightly inferior to valerians.
The plant shows a strong enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect; It is used for enterocolitis accompanied by diarrhea, as well as for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis.
Kiprei is considered to be an antitumor agent in folk medicine.

Preparation. 2 tablespoons of herbs are insisted with 2 cups of boiling water (daily dose).