Common hazel - corylus avellana

Family of birch (Betulaceae).

Лещина обыкновенная - Corylus avellana Лещина обыкновенная - Corylus avellana Лещина обыкновенная - Corylus avellana Лещина обыкновенная - Corylus avellana

Botanical characteristics. Monoecious bush height of 2 - 4 m. Leaves regular, rounded or obovate, with short tapering at the end. Young leaves are pubescent, from above dark green, from below it is lighter. Flowers are collected in hanging cylindrical earrings. The fruit is a nut, surrounded by leaf-shaped, on the edge of an incised wrapper. Blossoms in March - April.

Spread. Hazel is widespread in the forests and copses of Belarus, Ukraine and Siberia.

Chemical composition. Bark and leaves of the hazel contain tannins, essential oils. The leaves are also rich in flavonoids, alkaloids, palmitic acid, carotene and vitamin C. Nuts contain proteins, fat, sugars, vitamins, mineral salts.

Used parts of the plant. For medicinal purposes, fruits, bark and leaves of the plant are used. The bark is harvested in the spring during sap flow and dried in the open air. The leaves are harvested in May, and the fruits are harvested in full maturity.

Лещина обыкновенная - Corylus avellana

Application. The plant is used only in folk medicine.

Preparations from the plant act sosudosuzhivayusche and use them for varicose veins, periflebitah, ulcers on the shin, capillary bleeding, inflammation of the prostate, liver and kidney diseases. Fruits are eaten with diseases of the nervous system, anemia, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, kidney stone and cholelithiasis, asthenia, rheumatism, exhaustion.

Fruits have an active immunostimulating effect. The use of hazelnut nuts in the diet promotes the production of antibodies and quicker recovery after surgical interventions, severe infectious diseases, stimulate the growth and physical development of children.


  • Broth of bark of hazel common : 1 tbsp. L. Dry crushed raw material is poured into 2 glasses of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Insist 30 minutes, strain and use 0.5 cups 4 times daily before meals.
  • Infusion of leaves of hazelnut : 2 tbsp. L. Dry crushed leaves pour 2 cups of boiling water and insist 2 hours. Filter and drink 0.5 cups 4 times daily before meals.