Eleutherococcus senticosus (Eleutherococcus) - eleutherococcus senticosus

Other names: Siberian ginseng, wild pepper, bloody bush.

Family Araliaceae (Araliaceae).

Элеутерококк колючий (свободноягодник) Элеутерококк колючий (свободноягодник)

The botanical characteristics. Perennial shrub with erect, very spiny stems up to 5 m. Pyatipalchatorazdelnye leaves on long stalks. The flowers are dioecious, small, male - purple, female - yellowish, are collected in inflorescence - spherical umbrellas. Flowers in July. Fruit - round berry black - ripens in September. The properties of Siberian ginseng is close to ginseng, so sometimes (especially in the west) it is called "Siberian ginseng". Also known by the popular name of "wild pepper" and "bloody bush."

Spread. It occurs in the Far East and Sakhalin in the mixed and coniferous forests, forming continuous thickets. It is cultivated in gardens lovers central Russia as a medicinal and ornamental plant.

Used parts of the plant. Roots of mature plants, however, the leaves, stems and fruits also contain surfactants.

The chemical composition of plants, despite its popularity, has been little studied. The roots and stems of Eleutherococcus found eleuterozidy 7 species, coumarin derivatives, and derivatives of flavonoids.

Application. According to experimental data, Eleutherococcus stimulates the central nervous system, increases motor activity and conditioned reflex activity, enhances mental performance, increases visual acuity, increases the basal metabolic rate and adaptive capabilities of the organism, normalizes blood sugar and increases appetite.

The official drug is a liquid extract of Siberian Ginseng roots. He was appointed in the same cases as the ginseng - a tonic for fatigue, neurasthenia, patients recovering from severe disease. Dosage 10-25-30 drops to a reception for 30 minutes before eating.

Contraindications. Arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction, hypertensive crises, febrile illness, acute infectious diseases. Doses are selected individually.

Pharmacy drug "Eleutherococcus extract liquid." Prepared in 40% alcohol at a weight ratio of 1: 1. Take 25 - 30 drops in 30 minutes before meals indicated. The course of treatment - up to a month. After a break of 2 weeks course can be repeated during the testimony.