Buckthorn crushed (alder)

Frangula alnus Mill. (Rhamnus frangula L.)

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Botanical characteristics. Family buckthorn. Shrub or small tree in height from 2 to 7 m, with a dark brown or red-brown bark, with whitish transverse lenticles. Leaves are regular, oval, entire, shiny. Small light green flowers are located in small piles in the axils of the leaves. Blossoms in May-July. Fruits - small stems, because of the extended maturation period (from June to September) have different colors: green, red, black. The taste of the fruit is sweetish-bitter.

Spread. It grows in damp places, along the banks of rivers, lakes of swamps, on the fringes of forests, in thickets of bushes. It occurs in the forest zone of the European part of the country, in Siberia, the Urals, and Central Asia.

Used parts of the plant. Bark.
In the bark of the buckthorn, triterpene glycosides, anthranols, resins, tannins, chryphonic acid, essential oil, as well as anthraquinones (up to 8%) were found; In the immature fruits of buckthorn there are many coloring substances.

Application. It is based on the laxative action of the buckthorn bark, similar to the action of the Alexandrian leaf and rhubarb. The buckthorn enhances the peristalsis of the colon, without irritating the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the action occurs 8-12 hours after ingestion.
It is used with the usual constipation, with spastic colitis, with hemorrhoids and cracks in the rectum, with constipation in pregnant women. It is believed that the buckthorn bark has some anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effect.

Contraindications. With prolonged use, it becomes habitual and the laxative has to be changed. Large doses with prolonged use can lead to hyperemia of the pelvic organs and cause miscarriage in pregnant women.

Preparation. 1 tablespoon of bark boil with 1 glass of water for 15-20 minutes over low heat, add boiled water to the original volume. Decoction drink for 2 times half a cup in the morning and at night.
Pharmaceutical preparations: buckthorn liquid extract (take 20-40 drops according to indications), buckthorn extract dry in tablets of 0.2 g (taken at night, individually - 1-4 tablets).