Calanchoe pinnate - kalanchoe pinnata

The family of crassaceae (Crassulaceae)

Каланхоэ перистое - Kalanchoe pinnata Каланхоэ перистое - Kalanchoe pinnata Каланхоэ перистое - Kalanchoe pinnata Каланхоэ перистое - Kalanchoe pinnata

Botanical characteristics. Grassy perennial, evergreen, reaching under favorable conditions a height of up to 1 m or more. At the base the stem can become woody. Leaves opposite, short-petioled, juicy, thick, bright green with a reddish tinge. The lower leaves are ovate or elliptical, with 3 to 5 leaves. Flowers are bisexual, tubular, greenish-pale pink, erect, collected in the apical inflorescence. Fruit is a leaflet.

Spread. The native land of the plant is the tropical countries of Africa, the islands of Madagascar, Cape Verde, Comoros, Reunion. In our country, the plant is grown as a room, and in the Caucasus it is cultivated in farms for cultivating medicinal plants for technical purposes.

Chemical composition. In the above part of the Kalanchoe, polysaccharides, flavonoids, catechins, tannins, organic acids (malic, oxalic, citric, isomorphic, acetic), enzymes, vitamin C, macro- and microelements (magnesium, aluminum, copper, calcium, silicon, manganese, iron).

Application. The plant juice is known as a wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent that facilitates the rapid purification of wounds and ulcers from necrotic masses. Pharmaceutical preparations Kalanchoe (juice and ointment) are widely used in surgical, dental, ophthalmic practice. Kashitsu from leaves of a fresh plant in folk medicine is applied to burns.

Application . Kalanchoe pinnate juice : Fresh leaves and young shoots are washed in running water, kept in a dark place at a temperature of 7 - 10 ° C for a week, then passed through a meat grinder, sterilized by boiling. The juice is squeezed through a thick cloth or through 4 layers of gauze. It is left in the refrigerator for 3 days, then filtered, chloroform is added for preservation (0.5%).

Use in nutrition

Kalanchoe leaves are put in salads, mashed potatoes, sauces, especially for patients with diabetes mellitus, toxicoses, peptic ulcer disease, etc.

  • Salad from leaves : Leaves of Kalanchoe are washed, finely chopped, mixed with parsley and dill greens, salt and sprinkled with grated boiled egg.
    • The leaves of the Kalanchoe are 30 g,
    • Greens of dill and parsley - for 5 - 7 grams,
    • Egg - 1 pc.,
    • Salt to taste.
  • Puree from leaves : Kalanchoe leaves are washed, blanched in salted water for 1 min. Wipe through a strainer. Stew mass with green onions, grated carrots, greens of dill and parsley until cooked, watering sour cream.