White nettle (blank nettle)

Lamium album L.

Яснотка белая (глухая крапива) Яснотка белая (глухая крапива)

Botanical characteristics. The family is labial. Annual or perennial herbaceous plant with an erect, covered with hairs stem 30-60 cm high. Leaves are cordate-oval in shape, petiolate, serrate. Flowers are white, collected whorls in the axils of the leaves. Blooms from May to September. Fruits decay into 4 nuts, ripen from July to October.

Spread. It occurs everywhere in all regions of Russia. Grows near housing, near fences, on vacant lots, likes shady places.

Used parts of the plant. The above-ground part of the flowering plant and the corolla of the flowers.
The flowers and leaves of the cloudberry contain a lot of tannins (up to 10%), mucus, saponins, essential oil, alkaloids, flavonoids (isocrewcitrine, quercetin, kaempferol, astragaline, quercimeritrin), chlorogenic and gallic acid, ascorbic acid, choline, histamine And tyramine, coffee, p-coumaric and ferulic acids.

Application. The plant is used for chronic diseases of the bladder and kidneys (including glomerulonephritis), anemia, in gynecological practice, with various skin diseases and allergic reactions. Especially effective is helping to clear the net, being a completely harmless plant, with diathesis in children.
Clearweed is taken either inside or outside - in the form of baths and topically - for douching.

Preparation. Infusion for internal use: 2-3 tablespoons of herbs are insisted with 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos - a daily dose.
In the infusion for external use, the dose of the herb is doubled.