Scotch pine

Pinus sylvestris L.

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The botanical characteristics. Pine family. High (up to 35 m) evergreen tree with a rounded crown and brown-brown bark. The branches are densely covered with long, sharp green needles arranged in a two in one vagina. The plant is monoecious. Female inflorescences sit at the ends of shoots, men - at their base. Blossoms in May. Fruits - yaytsevidnoudlinennye bumps. Located in the cones seeds ripen in the second year, remain viable up to 8 years.

Spread. One of the most common trees in the northern and central part of the country, increases in the form of solid pine forests, mixed forests, as well as single copies.

Used parts of the plant. Pine buds, needles and pine sap and tar.
The kidneys contain essential oil complex structure, tannins, pinipikrin, in the needles of the tree - ascorbic acid (0.3%), essential oils and tannins, in turpentine - up to 35% essential oils and resin acids - dekstropimarovaya (18%) , levopimaric (up 36%), and abietic palustric.

Application. Used mainly pine buds as an expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic and disinfectant.
It is recommended for bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.
Turpentine is obtained from pine wood, it is an irritant and antiseptic effect and is widely used topically with radiculitis, myositis, joint disorders, broncho-ektaticheskoy disease, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis. Turpentine is added to the treatment bath Zalmanova method and used for inhalation.
Pine tar is composed of various ointments used in the treatment of skin diseases.

Contraindications. Glomerulonephritis, hepatitis, pregnancy.

Preparation. 1 tablespoon of the kidneys in the evening pour into a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist during the night, drink the whole infusion in 3-4 divided doses for 20-40 minutes before eating the next day (in the form of heat).
Pharmaceutical products: turpentine, purified (applied to 10 - 15 drops in a glass of hot water - for inhalation), turpentine liniment complex for grinding neuralgia, myositis, rheumatoid arthritis).
It is used in homeopathy Pinus 3, 3, 6, with children's dystrophy. The characteristic symptom thin weak legs diateznyh children who started late walk.