bloodroot goose

Potentilla anserina L.

Лапчатка гусиная Лапчатка гусиная

The botanical characteristics. The family Rosaceae. Perennial herb with a thin short-haired stems. Preryvchatoperistye leaves, green above, bottom belovatoshelkovistye. The flowers are golden yellow, quite large (up to 2 cm), single with five petals. It blooms from May to September. The fruit consists of a number of achenes, matures in July-September.

Spread. It grows everywhere in the yards, on the roads, in the village streets, meadows and forest clearings. It occurs in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia.

Used parts of the plant. Grass seeds and plants.
The chemical composition of the plant has hardly been studied. It is known that the plant contains a lot of tannins, and tormentol tormentillin.

Application. It is considered analgesic, tonic, astringent and cleansing the blood agent.
Apply in asthenic condition, the treatment of gastrointestinal ailments: spastic pains, while enterocolitis and diarrhea; diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
Bloodroot - a good diuretic, recommended for nephritis, kidney stones, cystitis, and inflammation of the prostate gland.
Topical use fresh juice and infusion of Potentilla for washing wounds, compresses and lotions.
In folk medicine, bloodroot goose is considered a good remedy for painful menstruation in young women.

Preparation. The infusion is prepared at the rate of 2 table spoons of herbs in 2 cups boiling water (daily dose).
"When painful menstruation is considered to be more efficient in milk broth 1 teaspoon of seeds per cup of goose cinquefoil, boil for 5 minutes and drink in 2 hours - morning and evening.
The juice of the fresh plant, mixed in equal parts with juice of green rye plants, take 3 tablespoons per day as a remedy for gallstones and kidney stones "(MA. Nosal and IM Nosal).