Oak ordinary - quercus robur l.

Quercus robur L.

Дуб обыкновенный Дуб обыкновенный

Botanical characteristics. The family is beech. A tall tree (up to 50 m) with a wide-spread crown. Cora with deep cracks, dark gray and dark brown in color. Leaves alternate, peristolopastnye, short-petioled, dark green. Small single flowers are collected in earrings. Blossoms in April-May. Fruit - brownish acorn, ripens in September.

Spread. Common oak grows in the forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia, in mixed forests or solid massifs.

Used parts of the plant. Bark of young trunks and branches.
The oak bark contains many tannins, flavonoids, pentosans, pectin, gallic and ellagic acids, sugars, mucus, protein compounds.
The acorns contain starch (up to 40%), tannins (up to 8%), proteins, fats, sugars; In leaves - quercetin, quercitrin, tannins and pentosans.

Application. Due to the large content of tannins. Oak bark has a strong anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. Assign for acute and chronic enterocolitis, accompanied by diarrhea, as well as with various bleeding.
Decoction of the bark is recommended for rinsing the mouth and throat during inflammatory processes, hoarseness, periodontal disease, with a bad smell from the mouth. Oak broth is used for burns, for the treatment of bedsores and eczema. With erosions of the cervix and colpitis make irrigation from the decoction of the bark of oak. Oak bark is included in the rinse of throat.
Pulverized (or crushed) oak bark is a good remedy for excessive sweating of feet. In the morning, abundantly sprinkle stockings or socks on the inside with oak powder and walk in them all day. In the evening, wash your feet with cool water. So do or make until excessive sweating of legs or foots does not stop.

Contraindications. With prolonged rinsing of the mouth with a decoction of the bark, in some cases, a decrease in the sense of smell is observed.

Preparation. For internal use, 1 tablespoon of bark pour 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes, add to the original volume. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for 20-40 minutes before eating.
Outer use a stronger decoction, which is prepared from the calculation of 4-5 spoons of bark for 0.5 liters of water.