Radish sowing

Raphanus sativus L.

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Botanical characteristics. Family cruciferous. Annual or biennial vegetable plant. In the first year a fleshy round or elongated root grows, black on top and white inside, and rosette of basal leaves. The leaves are large, lyre-shaped. On the second, and sometimes for the first year, a stalk grows. Blossoms in April-May. Flowers are small white, pink or light purple. Fruits ripen in May-June.

Spread. The homeland is the Mediterranean. It is cultivated as a garden crop.

Used parts of the plant. Root crop.
The burning taste gives the radish a very unstable glycoside on the air, which, splitting, emits essential oil. In the juice of radish, vitamin C (0.12%) with lysozyme with a strong bactericidal effect was found.

Application. Radish is a fairly popular vegetable culture. The use of radish (grated with sour cream, with vegetable oil, sliced, with eggs and vegetables) before dinner increases the secretion of digestive glands, improves appetite.
In folk medicine radish juice is recommended for metabolic arthritis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, as a "stone-crushing" and diuretic. Fiber and juice of root crops remove from the body not only salt, but also excess cholesterol, which is important for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.
Radish juice with honey is an effective soothing and expectorant for ARVI, whooping cough and bronchitis.
Locally fresh juice is used for neuralgia, sciatica and radiculitis: it is rubbed into the skin along the course of the affected nerve. The therapeutic effect begins quickly and in character is similar to the action of mustard plasters.

Contraindications. Radish should be taken with caution in heart disease, hepatitis and gastroduodenitis. The dose is set individually.

Preparation. Fresh juice take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day for 20-40 minutes before meals.
Fresh radish juice mixed with honey (1: 1 or 1: 2) take 1 dessert spoon or 1 tablespoon 3 times a day in 20-40 minutes after eating.

The homeopathic remedy Raphanus 3x, 3 is used in colitis with the primary lesion of the colon. Characteristic symptom: constipation, the accumulation of gases in the intestine, gases for a long time, sometimes for several days, do not depart.