Rose Crimean

Rosa damascena Mill.

Роза крымская Роза крымская

Botanical characteristics. Family rose-colored. Perennial shrub up to 100 cm high. Leaves are regular, odd-pinnate, with long petioles, bright green in color. Each leaf consists of 5-7 rounded or ovoid leaves. Scented purple-red or pink flowers are large, located on long pedicels at the ends of branches. Blossoms in May-June.

Spread. Cultivated in the southern and south-western regions of Russia as an essential oil medicinal and ornamental plant. Decorative species grow in gardens and parks in the central strip of the country, in Siberia and the Far East.
Sometimes found in the wild in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Moldavia, grows on the slopes of mountains and hills, on the sunny edges of forests, among low bushes.

Used parts of the plant. Rose petals collected in the morning during full flowering.
The fragrant smell of rose is mainly caused by geraniol (up to 50%), nerol, citronemol and phenylethylene alcohol (1%). In addition, vitamins, sugars, quercetins, bitterness, anthocyanins, waxes, fatty oils and organic acids are distinguished from the petals.

Application. The petals contain a large amount of vitamins, they act as a toning and restorative. Roses are characterized by anti-inflammatory, emollient, antihelminthic, antiseptic, wound-healing and astringent action.
Traditional medicine recommends white rose petals for hypertension, atherosclerosis and heart diseases, red rose petals - with liver diseases and diarrhea; With gastritis and peptic ulcer - red, pink and white roses.
Rose oil is used externally as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. In Bulgarian medicine, in the form of injections, oil is prescribed for bronchial asthma.
As an external agent in the treatment of conjunctivitis, stomatitis and angina, pink water is used.
Powder from the crushed pink petals is prescribed for sore ulcers and long-healing wounds, as well as for the treatment of erysipelas.

Preparation. 2-3 tablespoons of petals insist with 2 glasses of boiling water (in a thermos). The next day, drink 3 times for 20-40 minutes before meals (daily dose).