Lilac sylvestris

Syringa vulgaris L.

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Botanical characteristics. Refers to the oilseed family. Everyone knows a bush or a small tree. The dark green leaves of the lilacs bloom early in spring, than in other shrubs and remain green until the frosts, they are heart-shaped, ovate, petiolate. All parts of the plant have a bitter taste.
The fragrant purple-violet or white flowers are collected in large whisks at the ends of the branches. Blooms in late May - early June. Fruits - winged seeds, are carried by the wind.

Spread. Imported to Europe in the XVI century from Turkey. Cultivated as a beautiful ornamental plant almost throughout Russia, except the Far North and Central Asian deserts.

Used parts of the plant. Flowers, leaves and kidneys.
The chemical composition of the lilac has been studied little. In the flowers of lilac, essential oils, phenoglycoside, syringin, syringopicrin and farnesol are found; In the bark, branches and leaves - bitter glycoside of the syringin.

Application. In scientific medicine, the plant is not used. Traditional medicine recommends leaves and flowers of lilac as diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory in case of feverish diseases - flu, ARVI and malaria. It is believed that the lilac helps with epilepsy, if it is taken for several years.
Lilac buds, collected in early spring during swelling, are used in the treatment of diabetes. Lilac promotes the removal of sand and stones in urolithiasis.

Preparation. 2-3 tablespoons of flowers, leaves or kidneys insist with 0.5 liters of boiling water - a daily dose.
Ancient Russian way of treatment of malaria: took in the evening 12 fresh leaves of lilac, made a glass of steep boiling water, covered with a towel, insisted until morning. In the morning on an empty stomach the patient drank all the infusion. This was repeated several times, and after 5-7 days, malaria allegedly passed.