Nettle - urtica dioica l.

The family of the nettle (Urticaceae).

Крапива двудомная - Urtica dioica L. Крапива двудомная - Urtica dioica L. Крапива двудомная - Urtica dioica L.

Botanical characteristics. Perennial herbaceous plant with erect tetrahedral stem, 50-150 cm high, branched, covered with stinging hairs. Leaves opposite, petiolate, cordate-ovoid, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate 5 - 14 cm long, 2-4 cm wide. Leaves pointed, edged at the margin, with curved apexes. Flowers are yellow-green, small, same-sex, in branched spicate inflorescences, somewhat longer than leaf petioles. Fruit is a seed, blooms in June - August.

Spread. Nettle is the most familiar weed and common weed. It grows among bushes, in forests and on cuttings, on wastelands and pastures, along roads, near fences, on rubbish bins, near rivers and lakes.

Chemical composition. Nettle nettle leaves contain glycoside urticin, tannins, carotenoids (carotene, xanthophyll, xanthophilepoxide, violaxanthin), chlorophyll, vitamins C, B2, B3, organic acids, micro and macro elements of minerals: silicon, iron, copper, manganese, boron, titanium , Nickel. In the roots of the plant, in addition, found tannins, alkaloid, nicotine, vitamin C. In seeds, a high percentage (up to 33%) of fatty oil, the main constituent of which is linoleic acid, which is known to have anti-sclerotic properties.

Used parts of the plant. For medicinal purposes, leaves, roots and seeds of nettle are used. Raw leaves are sold in pharmacies. They are collected during the flowering period, separated from the stems and dried in the shade. Roots and seeds are used only in folk medicine. The roots are excavated in the autumn and dried in dryers. Seeds are harvested in a period of full ripeness.

Application. Stinging nettle has hemostatic, diuretic and restorative, choleretic, sugar reducing, stimulating and activating metabolic processes of action. Preparations from the plant stimulate the activity of the respiratory and vasomotor centers, promote the healing of wounds, ulcers, and pressure sores.

In folk medicine, nettles are widely used for hypovitaminosis as a reinforcing agent after severe illnesses, with diarrhea, gout, diabetes, rheumatism, chronic skin diseases, kidney, liver, bladder, kidney stone disease, hair loss, diabetic periodontitis.

Fresh juice is treated with wounds, varicose ulcers, intertrigo, and pressure sores.

Nettle nettle is a part of the drug "Allochol", used in the disease of bile ducts. It is included in many collections and is used independently for radiation injuries.

In ancient times, the plant was used as a dietary product in the treatment of anemia.

However, it should be remembered that the nettle is contraindicated to take with increased blood clotting, atherosclerosis, hypertension, polyps, tumors of the uterus and appendages, in pregnancy, in old age, with menopausal disorders with bleeding from the uterus.


  • Broth of nettle leaves with dioecious : 1 tbsp. L. Dry or fresh leaves are flooded art. Water, bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute under the lid. Insist 30 minutes. Then filter and drink 1 tbsp. L. Thrice a day before meals with kidney, liver, diabetes mellitus.
  • Infusion of nettle leaves dioecious : 1 tbsp. L. Pour 1 tbsp. Boiling water and insist half an hour. Filter and take 3 tbsp. L. Thrice a day before meals with anemia, diarrhea, gout, diabetes, radiation damage, kidney and liver diseases.
  • Decoction of the roots of nettle with dioecious : 1 tsp. Crushed dried roots pour 1 tbsp. Water and boil for 5 minutes. Insist half an hour. Filter and take on 1/4 of st. 3 times a day before meals with rheumatism, diabetes, kidney stones, swelling, hair loss.
  • Decoction of leaves and stems of nettle, dioecious for baths : 0.5 kg of dry raw material is poured into 3 liters of water and boiled for 5 minutes. Insist 2 hours, filter. Take a bath with decoction for eczema, psoriasis, pustular skin lesions in diabetes mellitus.
  • Decoction of rhizome and seeds of nettle dioecious : 1 tbsp. L. A mixture of dry seeds and rhizomes pour 1 glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Insist 30 minutes, strain and take a quarter cup 3 times daily before meals with diabetes, anemia, swelling, liver disease, thyroid.
  • Tincture of nettle leaves dioecious : Collect the leaves in a jar and pour alcohol (40 °). Insist in a warm place for 2 weeks. Filter and, before consumption, diluted with half boiled water, make lotions on purulent ulcers and fistulous passages in purulent processes in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Oil from the roots of nettle dioecious : Crushed roots of nettle nettle pour hot sunflower or corn oil (1: 2) and insist 2 weeks. Filter and apply for rubbing with neuralgic pain.
  • Tincture of the roots of nettle dioecious : Shredded dry or fresh roots are cut and poured with alcohol (70 °). Insist 1 week at room temperature. Filter and use for grinding with joint and neuralgic pain.