ordinary corn (maize)

Zea mays L.

Кукуруза обыкновенная (маис) Кукуруза обыкновенная (маис)

The botanical characteristics. The family of cereals. An annual herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 3 m. The roots of filamentous, strongly developed, deeply penetrating into the ground. Stem powerful, usually single, large shirokolentovidnymi leaves. It blooms in August and September. The flowers are male and female, monoecious. Of the female flowers located in the axils of the leaves are formed after pollination of corn on the cob. Ears covered with a sheet wrapper from which hang bunches of "corn columns." Corn cobs ripen in September-October.

Spread. In the wild it does not occur in Russia. It is grown on fertile soils in the forest-steppe and steppe regions of our country as an agricultural crop.

Used parts of the plant. The columns with stigmas, corn oil.
In corn stigmas contains carotenoids, vitamin K, pantothenic acid, and ascorbic, gums, bitter glycosides, fatty acids and oils, saponins, stigmasterol and sitosterol, alkaloids, gums and sugar.

Application. As choleretic, diuretic, accelerating the process of blood clotting, and normalizes metabolism means. It is recommended for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Used in conjunction with other herbs with nephrolithiasis, with nephritis, diabetes, as well as edema of various origins.
As a styptic corn silk effective in gipotrombinemii at various bleeding, including uterine.
Corn silk calming effect on the nervous system; recommended, especially in the elderly, in obesity as an appetite suppressant and a metabolism activating agent.
Corn oil lowers cholesterol in the blood and is recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis (50-70 g - daily dose).

Contraindications. Poor appetite and reduced body weight of the patient.

Preparation. 2 or 3 tablespoons of stigmas insist with 2 cups boiling water. Take as usual (daily dose).