Rapid treatment of colds at home

Лечение простуды, в домашних условиях

Can I cure a cold at home in one day? A question that can not be answered unambiguously. If you have strong immunity, health is not undermined by harmful habits, nervous stress and lack of sleep, wrong nutrition, then, of course, you can. If your body is weakened not only by a viral infection, but also by any of the above factors, then in the literal sense of the word "sweat".

The approaching cold in the form of a runny nose, watery eyes, mild ailment and slightly fever can be drowned out very quickly, like "Flukold", but we know that this is a powerful "blow to the liver". 3-4 tablets a day - and you "like a cucumber". Happened such a method to get up on your feet, when is it really necessary? Colds never come on time, on the contrary, often and densely when you just need to be on your feet. And since my blog is about natural natural methods of maintaining good health, there is no place for such advice.

Briefly about the types of colds

Cold (colloquial) is a disease caused by the cooling of the body; The very cooling. In everyday life, colds (colds) are called infectious diseases and syndromes: Flu, Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) b Nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis Laryngitis, Herpes simplex (more precisely, the characteristic symptoms of labial herpes).

Influenza (Fr. grippe, from grippen - "grab", "sharply squeeze") is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the virus. He is a member of the group of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Periodically spreads in the form of epidemics and pandemics. Currently, more than 2,000 variants of the influenza virus are detected, differing antigenic spectrum. According to WHO estimates, from 250 to 500 thousand people die of all variants of the virus during seasonal epidemics in the world (most of them are over 65 years old), in some years the number of deaths can reach one million. Quite often the word "flu" is also used to refer to any acute respiratory disease (ARVI), which is erroneous, since in addition to influenza, more than 200 other types of respiratory viruses (adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, etc.), causing Flu-like illness in humans. For the prevention of influenza, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all people over 6 months of age (especially those at risk) be vaccinated, that they use personal protective equipment, reduce contact with the sick, and use antiviral drugs as prescribed by the doctor. In many European languages, influenza is called "influenza" (Italian influenza), a name that arose in Rome in the middle of the 18th century due to the potential virulence of infection, as if affecting a healthy population.

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) is a group of clinically and morphologically similar acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, the causative agents of which are pneumotrophic viruses. ARVI is the most common group of diseases in the world that combines influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection, rhinovirus and adenovirus infections and other catarrhal inflammations of the upper respiratory tract. In the process of development, a viral disease can be complicated by a bacterial infection.

Nasopharyngitis (rhinopharyngitis, rhinovirus infection, less often rhinonasopharyngitis, epipharyngitis, everyday life: common cold) is a catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes, accompanied by reddening, swelling, swelling, and the formation and release of a fluid (so-called exudate) that can be transparent (serous) , With an admixture of mucus (mucous) and / or pus (purulent). The most common cause of catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is a bacterial or viral infection (eg, pharyngitis, laryngitis, runny nose), thus inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, most often an infectious etiology. This disease also includes acute and infectious rhinitis, as well as rhinorrhea (acute rhinitis). ARVI is the most common infectious disease in developed countries, on average for a year the adult suffers from acute respiratory viral infection at least 2-3 times, the child 6-10 times a year.

Pharyngitis (Pharyngitis) - inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx.

Laryngitis (from other Greek - "larynx") - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx, usually associated with a cold or with such infectious diseases as measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough. The development of the disease contributes to overheating, hypothermia, breathing through the mouth, dusty air, overstrain of the larynx. Laryngotracheitis - a variant of the development of the disease, characterized by inflammation of the larynx and the initial parts of the trachea. With laryngitis and laryngotracheitis, hoarseness is observed up to a complete loss of voice, dryness, swelling in the throat, dry barking cough. There may be difficulty in breathing, a cyanotic skin tone appears, pain when swallowing.

Herpes simplex (herpes simplex, lat. , Creeping, spreading skin disease) is a viral disease with a characteristic rash of grouped vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes. It is caused by herpesviruses of two types: HSV-1 and HSV-2. The most common is the labial (labial) form of infection. Visible symptoms of the labial form are often called "colds", for example "cold on the lips" (while not being confused with the common cold - as a cold). In second place in the frequency of occurrence is genital herpes, affecting mainly the genital area. HSV-1 usually causes infections of the mouth, neck, face, eye and CNS, while HSV-2 is characterized by anogenital lesions. Nevertheless, both types of virus can cause damage to both localization, for example after infection with orogenital forms of sexual contacts. Some types of herpes viruses affect a variety of places. There are also other forms of viral lesions: herpetic panaritium, lat. Herpes gladiatorum, which occurs in wrestling athletes, ocular herpes (keratitis), forms of herpetic encephalitis, meningitis, neonatal herpes, and it is also assumed that Bell's paralysis is also caused by this virus. It should be noted that other representatives of the Herpesviridae family, Such as shingles caused by the varicella-zoster virus. In addition, differential diagnosis involves the consideration of other diseases of the hands, legs, mucous membranes of the mouth, characterized by similar damage. At the moment there is no cure for herpes. Available preparations only suppress the reproduction of the virus, but do not remove fragments of viral DNA from the neurocytes. Therefore, there is always a chance of a relapse, especially with immunodeficiency (for example, in HIV infection, tumors or after organ transplantation). After a few years, relapses begin to develop asymptomatically, although a person is contagious to others. Treatment with antiviral drugs can suppress the activity of the virus and alleviate the symptoms. Developed vaccines have not been proven effective during clinical trials.

When the first symptoms of the disease (pain in the nasopharynx, sore throat, light dizziness, lacrimation) in order to quickly cure a cold at home, you can take the following steps:

Hot mustard foot bath (mustard bath)

  • Take 1 tablespoon mustard powder for 5-7 liters of water,
  • Water should cover the ankles;
  • Water should be hot, as far as the legs can withstand;
  • Duration - 15-20 minutes, as the water cools, add boiling water;
  • At the end of the procedure, wipe your feet dry and wear warm woolen socks.

Common bath with sea salt and essential oils of sage, eucalyptus, mint, rosemary

  • For 250 grams of salt, drip 2-3 drops of oil or 12-15 drops of any one oil;
  • The water temperature should not exceed 38 ° C, the duration is 10-15 minutes;
  • After the bath dry yourself, wrap yourself under the blanket.

As much ginger tea as possible (1.5-2 liters per day)

It is always advised to drink a lot of warm drink, it helps to quickly remove the infection from the body.

Ginger tea - a very good effect has ginger tea, it warms well and speeds up the metabolism

  • Take the root of the ginger about 6-7 cm, peel, thin slices or grate on the grater;
  • Pour 2 liters. Boiling water, add 0.5 lemon, 2-3 asterisks, 1 teaspoon cardamom, cook for 15-20 minutes;
  • Fill in the thermos, let it brew for 1-2 hours;
  • To drink warm vpiskusku with honey in 1-2 hours;
  • Drink the tincture of Echinacea, it is the strongest immunostimulant, just add 1 teaspoon to the tea.

Cocoa butter from sore throat

With severe pain in the throat, cocoa butter helps, it softens and heals well.

Cocoa butter can be eaten just like this: during the day after eating and then every hour dissolve 1 teaspoon of grated oil, a sore throat will quickly pass.

  • Add 1 teaspoon grated cocoa butter to the milk and drink;

Garlic from parasites

If you have an appetite, then add 1-2 cloves of garlic to the food intake, it is a good "expulsion of parasites", and also creates a "barrier" in the body for getting a new infection

In order to hammer the smell of garlic, chop the leaves of parsley or rinse the mouth with lemon juice, if necessary.

Use essential oils to treat colds and disinfect the room

  • Aromatize the room with essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, rosemary, bergamot;
  • Drip 2-3 drops of oil in the aroma lamp or on the radiator, the room will be filled with a healing scent;
  • Breathe essential oils directly from the bottle, put an open bottle on the bedside table, you will breathe it all night.

Inhalations with herbs or essential oils

  • For warming up the upper respiratory tract, inhale with herbal decoction or essential oils;
  • 2 table. Spoons of collection of herbs: sage, chamomile, linden, mint boil;
  • Over a container with a hot broth bend over, putting a towel over your head;
  • To breathe 5-7 minutes.


  • In general, sleep has for the treatment of illnesses an important, however decisive, meaning;
  • Remember, always in the evening, when the body is weakened by relentless activity, all the symptoms intensify, and, on the contrary, when steps are taken to improve, the effect is most noticeable in the morning after the body has rested and gained new strengths to fight the virus, including;
  • Taking a wellness bath, making a mustard foot bath, having eaten garlic, drinking ginger tea, breathing in essential oils, wrapped in a blanket, you give the body the opportunity in the process of sleep, rest on your part, without distraction, effectively fight the disease.

Again, with strong immunity, it is enough to spend one day in such procedures and in the morning you will feel almost healthy, of course, if you start treatment at the initial stage of the disease. Find the opportunity to single out one day to dedicate it to fully healing. Believe me, if the disease gains strength, then you will lose much more time, visiting doctors, running around pharmacies in search of prescribed medications or just at home in bed.

If you are not a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, you have bad habits, are subject to constant stress, then your immunity is weakened and then one day can not do. Do not get your immunity "flukoldodopodnymi" means, antibiotics and other chemistry, faster all the same there will be, and harm from such methods of treatment is much more than good. Just choose not one, but 3-4 days, because you can not get back on your feet anyway, so it's better to try to prevent the further development of the disease.

Better, of course, try to adhere to a healthy diet, work on strengthening immunity, engage in energy recovery, exercise. Then no infection to you will not be terrible, you can always very quickly at an early stage cure a cold at home.