What can urine tell?

О чем говорит цвет мочи?

Urine can tell a lot about the health of the body, if only you pay attention to its color and consistency.

Urine consists of toxins, waste and excess fluid, filtered by the kidneys. And for hundreds of years this liquid has been studied and used as a key to understanding what is happening in the body.

And all because almost all the substances that enter the body, in the end, are excreted by urine.

Colorless and transparent (ultrapure)

You drink too much fluids and, probably, you have hyperhydration. It's time to reduce the amount of liquid drunk.

Straw Colors

Everything is normal!

Dark yellow
It is necessary to drink some liquid. You are dehydrated.
Bright yellow

Possible overdose of water-soluble vitamins.


This color is possible after taking some medicines or when dehydrating.

Muddy or whitish

It can be both a manifestation of the norm, and, if it hurts, the first symptom of a urinary tract infection or kidney stones. Consult a doctor.

Dark brown, but transparent

Most likely, it is a sign of liver disease (especially in combination with such symptoms as pale light stools and icteric complexion). Consult a doctor.

Pink or reddish

This color can give the blood present in the urine. But it may not mean anything (you just ate a lot of beets, blueberries or rhubarb the day before) or be a symptom of kidney stones or even cancer. In any case, consult a doctor.

Color of Coke

A similar color can produce blood that is released from the tumor or because of kidney stones, as well as a frozen clot of blood in the kidneys.

Blue or Green

Some drugs and food colors can stain urine in such a color. Another cause may be a urinary tract infection. Consult a doctor.

Dark purple
Such an eerie color can be a sign of kidney failure (unless, of course, you did not eat anything purple). Seek medical advice immediately.

When you urgently need a doctor

  • If the discoloration lasts longer than a couple of days;
  • If the uncharacteristic color of urine remains unchanged;
  • If you see blood in the urine.

Questions your doctor will ask

  • When did it start?
  • What color does urine have? (This article may come in handy)
  • Did the same color persist throughout the day?
  • Have you started taking any new medicines?
  • What other symptoms do you have?

Although the unusual color of urine may be the first anxious bell, it does not always mean that you have a serious illness. There are many reasons for changing the color of urine, and most often the "culprit" is something harmless - food or medicine. Do not panic if you have seen all the colors of the rainbow in the urine. Consult your doctor before fainting.

Via healthworks.my