Why it is necessary to sleep at night and certainly in the dark?

Почему надо спать именно ночью и непременно в темноте?

Sleep (Latin somnus) is a natural physiological process of being in a state with a minimum level of cerebral activity and a reduced response to the surrounding world, inherent in mammals, birds, fish and some other animals, including insects (for example, fruit flies).

When we sleep, "repair and recovery work" takes place in our body. It is important that during the rest, nothing distracts: no extraneous sounds, no extra light, - because a particular hormone melatonin is produced precisely in the dark. And when he is in norm, then there are fewer diseases, and live happier. Those who do not comply with this requirement, life as a result punishes a whole bunch of diseases: from endocrine, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal to mental and oncological.

Why? The answer is simple: the body periodically needs a daily rest and "repair and preventive" work. And they, so programmed by nature, are mostly carried out in our body at night. Therefore, daytime rest can never fully replace night sleep.

We in shram.kiev.ua refused the nightlights and prepared a memo about why it is important at night to sleep without light.

22 hours. In the blood, the number of leukocytes increases twice - the immune system checks the territory entrusted to it. Body temperature drops. The biological clock signals: it's time to sleep.

23 hours. The body relaxes more and more, but in every cell the restorative processes are in full swing.

24 hours. Consciousness is more and more dominated by dreams, and the brain continues to work, laying out the information received for the day.

1 hour. Sleep is very sensitive. Untreated in time, a tooth or a knee that has been injured for a long time may differ and not be allowed to fall asleep until morning.

2 hours. All organs rest, only the liver works with might and main, cleaning the sleeping organism from accumulated slags.

3 hours. Complete physiological decline: blood pressure at the lower limit, pulse and respiration are rare.

4 hours. The brain is supplied with a minimum amount of blood and is not ready for awakening, but the hearing is exacerbated extremely - it is possible to wake up from the slightest noise.

5 o'clock. The kidneys rest, the muscles are asleep, the metabolism is slowed down, but in principle the body is already ready to wake up.

6 hours. Adrenal glands begin to throw into the blood hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, which increase blood pressure and cause the heart to beat more often. The body is already preparing for awakening, although consciousness is still slumbering.

7 hours - the star hour of the immune system. It's time to warm up and stand under a contrast shower. By the way, medications at this hour are much better absorbed than at other times of the day.

You see, what important restorative processes occur in the body, when we serenely sleep! And that all of them passed without a hitch without a hitch, sleep should be not only long enough, but also qualitative: calm, deep, without causeless awakening and snoring.

Science has several dozens of different sleep disorders, of which 20% of the population suffers. First of all, insomnia is insomnia, as doctors say. It is based most often on stresses, neuroses, mental overstrain, shift work, air travel from one time zone to another.

The situation is exacerbated by the so-called "Edison effect" - the abundance of electric lighting in our homes. The fact is that the sleep hormone melatonin, which regulates the cycles of sleep and wakefulness, our epiphysis (pineal gland) produces only in the dark. And constantly and in a certain rhythm, which provides a hypnotic effect, which no drugstore drugs will not achieve. Therefore, those who want to be healthy, doctors advise not to sleep by the light, to protect the pineal gland and to increase the content of melatonin naturally.

What is needed for this?

  1. Avoid stress and do not overwork.
  2. Do not disturb daily cycles. To go to bed it is necessary at sunset - approximately at 22 o'clock and to rise with a dawn every day, including days off.
  3. For dinner it is better to eat foods rich in serotonin: tomatoes, celery, bananas, corn cobs, oat or rice porridge, sea fish. Serotonin - one of the so-called "hormones of happiness" - is the raw material for the production of melatonin.
  4. You can pamper yourself with carbohydrates. They also increase the level of melatonin. Only eat them on an empty stomach and do not mix with fats and proteins. Eliminate alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.
  5. Make sure that the food was enough vitamins B: B3, B6 and B12, as well as calcium and magnesium.
  6. Avoid excessive electromagnetic radiation - it has a bad effect on the pineal gland. Try to sit less in front of the TV or computer, before going to bed turn off all electrical appliances in the bedroom.


To prevent sleep disorders for about 30 minutes before going to bed, it is helpful to drink a glass of soothing herbal tea .

His recipe:

  • Mix equally chamomile flowers, fennel seeds, peppermint grass and valerian root;
  • 1-2 tbsp. L. Collect a cup of boiling water and sit for half an hour in a water bath;
  • Cool, strain through several layers of gauze and squeeze out.

A well-known neurologist Konstantin Umansky advises to make a special medical pillow in cases of sleep disorders: pour hop flowers into a canvas bag and sew it to a regular pillow for several months. The volatile substances of hop have a calming effect on the nervous system. A bag can be filled with other herbs. When the aroma of mint, chamomile, sweet clover and other plants is in the air, it sleeps much better.

You can use the aroma lamp to drench the bedroom air with medicinal aromas. The smell of roses and lavender will calm the nervous system, pine needles - relieve fatigue, laurel - prevent spasms, rosemary - will ease the condition in chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

A good curative effect is possessed by ordinary houseplants. Geranium, for example, not only calms the nerves and improves sleep, but also reduces the pressure in hypertensive patients. Therefore, decorating window sills with flowers is not a whim.

Why it is necessary to sleep at night and certainly in the dark?
Why it is necessary to sleep at night and certainly in the dark?

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