Directory of diseases (letter L)


LABYRINITI - inflammation, purulent or non-swollen, of the inner ear (ear maze) with diffuse or limited lesion of the peripheral parts of the sound and vestibular analyzers. The etiology is distinguished ... more

Lyme disease (syn: lime-borreliosis, tick-borne borreliosis) is an infectious transmissible natural focal disease that occurs with the defeat of the skin, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and heart. The causative agent is ... more

LACTATION - the secretion of milk by the mammary gland. Beginning from the 2nd -3rd month of pregnancy, hyperplasia of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland begins and secrets are secreted; There is an expansion and proliferation of dairy ... more

Laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Acute laryngitis can be a manifestation of acute respiratory disease, influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough, etc., and also arises as an independent disease when ... more

LARYNGOSPASM - a sudden seizure-like convulsive spasm of the larynx musculature, causing a narrowing or complete closure of the glottis. At the heart of laryngospasm lies the increase in the excitability of the neuromuscular ... more

Laryngostenosis - obstruction or persistent narrowing of the larynx lumen, leading to difficulty or complete loss of its patency for air. Congenital laryngostenosis can be caused by an enlarged thymus gland, ... more

LEGIONELLOSE (syn: Legionnaires' disease) is an acute infectious disease characterized by the development of pneumonia, the defeat of the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the kidneys. The causative agent is gram-negative ... more

PULMONARY BLEEDING - allocation of blood into the lumen of the bronchi with its subsequent coughing ... more

Leukemia is a tumor from the blood-forming cells that affects the bone marrow with the displacement of normal hematopoietic germs, as well as other organs and tissues. Acute leukemias are characterized by an increase in the number of blast, or ... more

Leucoma - see Belmo

LYKOPENIA - a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood (less than 4000 in 1 μl, or 4,0-109 / l). It is observed in typhoid, brucellosis, influenza, poliomyelitis, viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, malaria, leishmaniasis, ... more

LEUKOPLAKIA - defeat of mucous membranes, characterized by cornification of the integumentary epithelium. It is more often localized on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, vagina, urinary bladder, as well as on the cervix and penis .... more

Leukocytosis - an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood of more than 10 000 in 1 μl, or 10 • 109 / l. It occurs as a result of increased leukocytopoiesis or in the redistribution of leukocytes in the body. Distinguish the physiological and ... more

LYSHMANIOSIS VISCERAL - a transmissible parasitic disease characterized by chronic course, wave-like fever, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia. Allocate indian kala-azar, Mediterranean visceral ... more

LEISHEMANOSIS SKIN - a transmissible protozoal disease with limited skin lesion, ulceration and subsequent scarring. Distinguish late ulcerative leishmaniasis (Ashkhabad, yearlik) and early ulcerative leishmaniasis ... more

Lepra (syn: leprosy) - malokontagioznaya chronic infectious disease, characterized by damage to the skin, visible mucous membranes, peripheral nervous system and internal organs. The causative agent is ... more

Lepthosporiosis is an acute infectious disease characterized by fever, renal, hepatic, and nervous system damage. Pathogen - Leptospira - have the appearance of thin moving spirals; For a long time, they are stored in water and ... more

LETARGIA - the state of pathological sleep, accompanied by a weakening of the physiological manifestations of life, a significant decrease in metabolism, oppression or complete absence of reaction to irritations. In the lungs ... more

LIQUOREYA - the discharge of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the nose, ear, wound holes and other defects of the skull or spine, associated with damage to the dura mater. The flowing liquid, like ... more

LYMPHADENITE - inflammation of the lymph nodes. Acute lymphadenitis almost always occurs as a complication of the local foci of infection - a furuncle, an infected wound or abrasion, etc. Infectious agents (more often staphylococci) ... more

Lymphangitis - inflammation of the lymphatic vessels. Acute lymphangitis often occurs as a complication of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the extremities (infected wounds and abrasions, furuncles, panaricium, phlegmon, etc.) .... more

LYMPHORETHICULOSIS BENEFITS (syn: cat scratch disease, felinosis) - an infectious disease that occurs in persons scratched or bitten by a cat, and manifests itself most often as a fever and inflammation of the regional lymph nodes .... more

LIPOMA is a benign tumor originating from adipose tissue. It is more often located in the subcutaneous tissue of the back, neck, proximal parts of the limb. Often observed multiple lipomas. Usually this ... more

FEVER - elevated body temperature (above 37 ° C), which appears as a protective-adaptive reaction in infectious and many other diseases or as a manifestation of thermoregulatory disorders in the pathology of the nervous ... more

FACIAL PAIN. Frequent causes of facial pain are neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, temporomandibular joint syndrome, dental diseases, paranasal sinuses, glaucoma. Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve is characterized by ... more

FALSE PREGNANCY (syn: imaginary pregnancy) is a pathological condition that can develop as a result of auto-suggestion in women who are eager to become pregnant or who are experiencing excessive fear of possible ... more

False joint (syn: pseudoarthrosis) - persistent violation of bone continuity, causing pathological mobility of its segments. It is usually a complication of fracture of the bone (more often - open or gunshot). At the heart of ... more

LORDOSE - the bend of the spine, directed by convexity anteriorly. Moderately pronounced lordosis of the cervical and lumbar spine is physiological and is formed during the 1st year of the child's life in ... more

RAY DISEASE occurs as a result of exposure to the human body of ionizing radiation. Clinical manifestations of the disease depend on the total radiation dose, as well as on its distribution in time and in the human body .... more

LUMBAGO (syn: lumbago) - a sudden sharp pain in the lumbar region and tonic tension of the lumbar muscles, caused most often by osteochondrosis of the lumbar intervertebral discs. With dystrophic ... more

LAMBLIOZ is a protozoal invasion characterized by impaired function of the small intestine or (more often) asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen. It occurs everywhere. The causative agent is lamblia (Lamblia intestinalis); Exists in ... more