Directory of diseases (letter H)


IMPOSSIBLE STATES (syn: obsessive syndrome) - psychopathological conditions in which feelings, thoughts, fears, drives, actions arise in addition to will and desire, but in the consciousness of their morbidity and critical attitude towards ... more

NARCOLEPTION is a disease manifested by bouts of uncontrollable drowsiness. Attacks occur suddenly, last from 1 to 10 minutes and also stop suddenly. They can appear on the street while walking, eating, ... more

NARKOMANIYA is a common name for a number of serious diseases characterized by an irresistible attraction to drug use with the development of mental and physical dependence. The types of drug addiction are different ... more

INDEPENDENCE - a legal concept meaning a mental state in which a person due to a mental disorder is not able to realize his or her actions or be guided by them ... more

NEURALGIA is the pain of a shooting, piercing, burning nature that occurs paroxysmally, spreading along the nerve trunk or its branches and localized in the zone of innervation of certain nerves or roots .... more

LACKS - a combination of psychopathological symptoms, in the emergence of which, along with trauma, a certain role is played by systematic overwork, overstrain of the nervous system. In the clinical picture ... more

NEURITE - lesion of the trunk of the peripheral nerve. Etiological factors are diverse: bacterial and viral infections (diphtheria, brucellosis, malaria, typhus, herpes, measles, influenza), intoxication (exogenous ... more

NEUROSES - functional (psychogenic) disorders of mental activity, caused by psychotraumatic factors and having multiple clinical manifestations, which are largely determined ... more

INCIDENCE OF PREGNANCY - spontaneous termination of pregnancy in terms of up to 37 full weeks, counting from the first day of the last menstruation. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy in terms of up to 28 weeks is called spontaneous ... more

KALA NON-DISEASE (syn: enkoprez) - a violation of the function of the rectum and sphincters of the anus, manifested by involuntary defecation. Retention of the contents of the rectum is associated with the function of the external sphincter of the posterior ... more

URINE IMPAIRMENT - involuntary discharge of urine from the urethra (true incontinence) or from unnatural openings in the urinary tract (false incontinence). Night incontinence, involuntary ... more

Insufficiency of the adrenal glands. Chronic primary insufficiency of the adrenal cortex (addison's disease, bronze disease) is a disease caused by bilateral defeat of the adrenal cortex. The disease is based on ... more

Neuroleptic SYNDROME develops in mentally ill patients receiving neuroleptic drugs (mazheptil, haloperidol, trifazin, trisedil, etc.). It is characterized by disorders of coordinated motor acts (local or ... more

NEUROSIFILIS - various in the clinical picture of neuropsychiatric disorders, caused by syphilitic damage to the vessels of the brain, its membranes or brain tissue. Syphilis of the brain is not very frequent yet ... more

NONPRODUCTABILITY intestinal - a violation of the passage of intestinal contents - food masses and intestinal juices. There are complete and partial obstruction; With the flow - acute, with a sudden violation of patency of the intestine, and chronic, ... more

Nonsugaric urinary output - see Diabetes insipidus

NEFRIT - see Glomerulonephritis

PREGNANCY OF PREGNANCY - see Toxicosis of Pregnant Women

NEPHROPTOZ (syn: wandering kidney, moving kidney) - a pathological condition characterized by excessive mobility of the kidney with its displacement downward in the vertical position of the body. It occurs mainly in women ... more

NEPHROTICAL SYNDROME develops as a result of a massive loss of protein in the urine (large proteinuria) caused by the defeat of various parts of the nephron. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this syndrome occurs with glomerulonephritis ... more

NICTURIA - a stable predominance of the night part of diuresis over the daytime (in the norm the amount of urine excreted per night does not exceed 40% of daily diuresis), a sign of impaired blood supply to the kidneys, with diseases ... more

NOSOCOMIAL INFECTIONS - see Intra-hospital infections

HUMILARY BLEEDING - bleeding, the source of which is in the nasal cavity. It arises with arterial hypertension (hypertension, etc.), violations of the blood coagulation system and increased vascular permeability ... more

NIGHT BLIND - see Hemeralopia