Directory of diseases (letter D)


HAIMORIT - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. Acute antritis often develops as a complication of acute rhinitis, influenza, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases, and also ... more

HALLUCINATIONS - perceptions that arise without a real object, deceptions of the senses; The patient sees or hears what in reality at the moment does not exist. Hallucinations are subdivided by analyzers (visual, ... more

Ganglion - cystic formation in the tissue surrounding the joint bag or the tendon sheaths. It is located more often on the back surface, less often on the palmar surface of the hand, in the wrist area, on the back surface ... more

HANGREN - one of the forms of necrosis (necrosis) of tissues. The cause of gangrene is more often damage to large arterial vessels, blockage of their thrombus or embolus, vascular lesions in atherosclerosis, obliterating ... more

GASTRITIS - inflammation of the mucous membrane (sometimes even deeper layers) of the stomach wall. Acute gastritis develops as a result of the influence of the following factors: bacterial infection - food-borne diseases ... more

Helminthoses - diseases of man, animals and plants caused by parasitic worms, or helminths. Among the helminths there are trematodes, cestodoses, nematodes. There are cases of parasitism in humans ... more

Hemangioma is a benign tumor that develops from the blood vessels, usually due to the defect of their development. Hemangiomas can be detected on the mucous membranes, for example, the oral cavity, in the parenchymal organs, ... more

Hemarthrosis - hemorrhage into the joint cavity. It occurs mainly as a result of trauma, less often with certain diseases, for example hemophilia, scurvy. With hemarthrosis there are swelling, smoothness of the contours and ... more

Hematoma is a limited accumulation of blood in tissues due to bleeding. In this case, a cavity filled with blood is formed in them. Hematomas occur when the vessels are ruptured as a result of a stroke or bruise, or in violation ... more

GEMATURIA - allocation of blood in the urine. If the presence of blood in the urine is determined by the naked eye, they speak of macrohematuria; If the red blood cells are found only when examined under a microscope - they say ... more

Hemeralopia (syn: night blindness , night blindness) - sharp deterioration of vision in conditions of low illumination, at dusk and at night. At the basis of the mechanisms of development of hemorrhagia lie violations of education and decay in ... more

Hemianopia - loss of half (or quarter) of the field of vision. It is usually observed with organic lesions of the visual pathway (for brain tumors, craniocerebral trauma, etc.). Distinguish the same name and ... more

Hemoblastosis - tumor diseases of the blood system. Hemoblastosis includes leukemia, myeloma, polycythemia, etc. Their characteristic features are the systemic damage of the organs of the hemopoiesis, oppression ... more

Hemolysis - the destruction of red blood cells, accompanied by the release of hemoglobin. In this case, blood or a suspension of red blood cells turns into a transparent red liquid (lacquer blood). The causes of hemolysis can be anomalies ... more

Hemolytic disease of the fetus and the newborn is an immune conflict between the mother and the fetus. The mother's body synthesizes antibodies in response to alien to it erythrocyte antigens of the fetus. The most frequent type of immunological incompatibility of organisms ... more

DEGREE OF HEMOLITICAL DISEASE Light form - anemia without jaundice and edema. Characterized by the pallor of the skin, a slight increase in the liver and spleen. Children often recover without treatment ... read more

HEMOPERICARD - a collection of blood in the pericardial cavity. Depending on the causes that caused the appearance of blood in the pericardium, distinguish traumatic and non-traumatic hemopericardium. Traumatic hemopericardia occurs when ... more

HEMOPERITONEUM is a collection of blood in the abdominal cavity. It develops more often as a result of damage to the organs of the abdominal cavity and certain diseases (apoplexy of the ovary, ectopic pregnancy) ... more

Hemorrhagic fever with a kidney syndrome (syn: hemorrhagic nephrozonephritis) is an infectious disease characterized by fever, kidney damage and, in some cases, the development of hemorrhagic syndrome. The causative agent is a virus. Source of the pathogen ... more

Hemorrhagic diathesis is a group of diseases characterized by increased hemorrhage, which arises spontaneously or happens to be caused by an injury, including surgery. Distinguish between hereditary and acquired ... more

Hemorrhagic Vasculitis (syn: Shenlaine -Henoch disease, capillarotoxicosis, anaphylactoid purpura) is a form of systemic vasculitis with a predominant lesion of small vessels of the skin, abdominal cavity and kidneys. Etiology and pathogenesis ... more

Hemorrhoids are a disease that is based on the pathological state of the cavernous plexus of the rectum, accompanied by the stagnation of blood in them. The development of hemorrhoids contributes to the violation of outflow of blood from cavernous ... more

Hemotorax - a collection of blood in the pleural cavity. It develops more often due to internal bleeding with closed or open chest trauma, after operations on the thoracic cavity organs, less often with malignant ... more

Hemophilia is a hereditary disease characterized by increased hemorrhage. In hemophilia, the internal mechanism of blood clotting is broken as a result of deficiency of VIII, IX and XI factors of blood coagulation. Allocate ... more

HEPATITIS is a common name for acute and chronic diffuse inflammatory diseases of the liver of various etiologies. Hepatitis can be primary, and in this case it is an independent disease, or secondary, ... more

HEPATITIS VIRUS - infectious diseases, characterized by a predominant liver damage, occurring with intoxication and in some cases with jaundice. There are viral hepatitis with a fecal-oral transmission mechanism -... more

HERPETHIC INFECTION is a viral infectious disease of the person, characterized by a variety of ways of transmission of the pathogen, skin, mucous membranes and nervous system damage, often with a chronic recurrent course .... more

HERPES BENDER (syn: shingles, herpes zoster) is an acute viral disease characterized by segmental inflammation of the posterior roots of the spinal cord and intervertebral ganglia; Is manifested by rashes and pains ... more

Gestures - see Toxicosis of pregnant women

Gialinosis is a kind of protein dystrophy, in which homogeneous semitransparent dense masses (hyaline) resembling hyaline cartilage are formed in tissues. The composition of hyaline includes blood plasma proteins, lipids, ... more

HYGROM - a congestion of serous-mucous or (more rarely) serous-fibrinous fluid in the cavity of the periarticular synovial sac or tendon sheath. A predisposing factor is chronic trauma ... more

HYDRADENITE - purulent inflammation of sweat glands, more often axillary. The first sign of the disease is a small dense, painful, gradually increasing nodule in the thickness of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. In the beginning this ... more

HYDRONEPHROSIS is a persistent enlargement of the renal pelvis and calyces of the kidney with atrophy of the renal parenchyma caused by a violation of the outflow of urine. It develops with urolithiasis, tumors of the urinary tract, tumors and ... more

HYDROSALPINX - see Adnexitis

HYDROTORAX is an accumulation of non -inflammatory fluid (transudate) in the pleural cavity. It arises in patients with heart failure in the stage of decompensation, with kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, ... more

HYDROCELE (syn: edema of the testicles) is a disease characterized by the accumulation of serous fluid between the testis shells ... more

HYDROCEPHALIA (syn: a dropsy of the brain) is characterized by the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity. It occurs due to a violation of its outflow or absorption, rarely as a result of increased secretion. As ... more

HIMENOLEPIDOZ - helminthiasis from the group of cestodoses, caused by banded helminths Hymenolepis nana (dwarf tapeworm) and N. diminuta (Rathen rat). It is widespread everywhere, mainly in the south. Children are more often ill .... more

Gingivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums. It can occur with bacterial and viral infection, non-observance of personal hygiene rules, as a result of permanent injuries to the gums with the sharp edge of the destroyed tooth, ... more

Gynecomastia - an increase in mammary glands in men. True gynecomastia occurs as a result of the growth of the glandular tissue of the breast, false - due to excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the milk ... more

Hypermetropia - see Farsightedness

HYPERTENSION Intracranial - increased intracranial pressure. It manifests itself as headache, nausea, vomiting, persistent hiccups, drowsiness, oppression of consciousness, double vision (due to unilateral or bilateral compression of the diverting ... more

HYPERTHERMIC SYNDROME - an increase in body temperature to 40 ° C and above, accompanied by violations of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and metabolism of varying severity. The syndrome develops against a background of various ... more

Hypertrichosis (syn: hairiness) - excessive hair growth, not characteristic of this area of ​​the skin, not corresponding to sex and age. Clinically distinguish congenital (general and limited) and acquired forms ... more

HYPERTROPHY - increase in the volume and weight of the organ. There are true and false hypertrophy. With false hypertrophy, the increase in the organ occurs as a result of increased development, for example adipose tissue, which is combined ... more

HYPERTENSIONAL DISEASE - see Arterial hypertension , Hypertensive crisis

HYPERTENIC CRISIS with a sharp increase in blood pressure (diastolic, as a rule, exceeds 120 mm Hg) is an exacerbation of the symptoms inherent in hypertension. For her, as well as for many other diseases, are characteristic ... more

HYPOXIA FRUIT is a pathological condition that occurs when the oxygen supply to the tissues and organs of the fetus is insufficient. Acute hypoxia occurs in childbirth (with abnormalities of labor, prolapse or clamping of the umbilical cord, ... more

HYPOSPADIA (syn: lower cleft of the urethra) is a congenital malformation of the urethra, in which its outer opening opens in the region of the coronary sulcus, trunk ... more

Hypothyroidism is a clinical syndrome caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormones of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Characterized by neuropsychic disorders, metabolic disorders, facial swelling, ... more

GIRSUTISM - excess hair in women, expressed in the appearance of mustaches, beards, as well as abundant hair growth on the limbs and trunk. The emergence of hirsutism is due to the influence of many neurohumoral ... more

GLAUCOMA is an eye disease, the main symptom of which is an increase in intraocular pressure. Allocate primary and secondary glaucoma. Primary glaucoma is associated with impaired regulation of the intraocular ... more

Glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the renal glomeruli, to a lesser extent tubules, accompanied by secondary circulatory disturbances in the kidneys with a delay in the body of water and salt, often with the development of severe overload ... more

GULL - see Abscess

HEADING is a distorted perception of the position of one's body in space with a sense of imaginary movement of one's own body or environment. It can occur with various neurological and somatic ... more

HEADACHE is one of the most common complaints, often reflecting ill-being in the body as a whole. Headaches can be divided into primary and secondary. With primary headaches, the most thorough examination ... more

GONIT - inflammation of the knee joint. Infectious agents enter the joint cavity if it is damaged, hematogenous or lymphogenous. Acute perspiration is manifested by an increase in the joint in the volume, local ... more

Gonorrhea is a venereal disease caused by gonococcus. The mucous membranes of the urino-genital organs are affected mainly. It is also possible to damage the conjunctiva, mucous membranes of the pharynx, rectum. Gonococcus ... more

MOUNTAIN DISEASE is a pathological condition that develops as a result of low partial pressure of atmospheric gases, mainly oxygen, in high altitude conditions. There are acute, subacute and chronic forms of mountain ... more

FLU is an acute infectious disease that occurs with a predominant lesion of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and the phenomena of intoxication - chills, fever, shattering, headache, ... more

HIREN - see Mastitis

ANIMAL CROPS - protrusion from the abdominal cavity of the viscera along with the peritoneal membrane covering the peritoneum through the "weak" places of the abdominal wall under the skin (external hernia) or in various pockets and peritoneal bags ... more

Spongiform encephalopathy of large horned cattle is a zoonotic slow infection characterized by damage to cells of the gray matter of the brain. Refers to prion diseases. Prion is a low-molecular protein with infectious properties ... more