Directory of Diseases (letter D)


Long-sightedness (syn: hypermetropia) is an optical deficiency of the eye, in which the ability to clearly see at a close distance is impaired. In this case, the focus of the rays coming from the object under consideration, after refraction of them in ... more

DAUNA DISEASE is a chromosomal disease in which the lag in mental and physical development is combined with the peculiar external appearance of patients and the inadequacy of the functions of endocrine glands (more often thyroid ... more

Degteotech stalk - see Melena

Disorientation - violation of orientation in place, time and self, caused by a disorder of consciousness, delusional perception of reality or memory impairment. Patients look confused, noted ... more

Delirium (syn: delirious syndrome) - acute disturbance of consciousness with disorientation and fear experience, visual hallucination, marked motor excitation, often with aggressive or suicidal ... more

DEMENSION - the form of acquired dementia; Persistent decline in the level of mental, primarily intellectual, activities. Isolate alcoholic, atherosclerotic, paralytic, traumatic, ... more

DEPERSONALIZATION is a disorder of mental activity, in which there appears a feeling of change in one's thoughts, feelings, movements, own body. As a rule, these phenomena arise against the background of an undisturbed consciousness and ... more

DEPRESSION (syn: depressive syndrome) - a combination of melancholy mood with a decrease in mental and physical activity. Depressive syndrome can be observed in schizophrenia, epilepsy, reactive psychosis, ... more

DREALIZATION - a disorder of mental activity, in which the perception of the environment is changed; It seems dull, gray, "not alive", sounds are perceived muffled, are heard as "through cotton wool". With pronounced ... more

DERMATITIS - inflammatory skin diseases that result from direct exposure to it of physical or chemical factors, as well as substances of plant origin. Peculiarity of dermatitis ... more

DERMATOPOLYMIZOZIT is a systemic progressive disease with a predominant lesion of muscles and skin; Refers to diffuse connective tissue diseases. It occurs at any age, women predominate among the patients ... more

CHILD CEREBRAL PARALICH develops as a result of brain damage, in utero, during childbirth or in the early period of a child's life as a result of infections, intoxications, vascular disorders or trauma. More common ... more

DIABETES NESAKHARNY (syn: diabetes insipidus) is a disease characterized by a sharp increase in the amount of urine released, a constant thirst and dehydration of the body. It occurs with a decreased secretion and ... more

DIATESIS - a group of conditions characterized by a predisposition to certain diseases. Have a family character. Inherited is the risk of a disease that occurs only when exposed to a predisposed organism ... more

DYSENTERIA (syn: shigellosis) is an infectious disease that occurs with intoxication, predominantly affecting the distal part of the colon, which is manifested by cramping pain in the abdomen and a frequent loose stool ... more

DIPLOPIA - doubling of the image of the considered object as a result of deviation of the visual axis of one of the eyes. The causes of diplopia can be the defeat of the eye muscles, the violation of their innervation, pathological processes, ... more

DISBACTERIOSIS (syn: dysbiosis) - a change in the composition and quantitative ratios of microflora, normally colonizing the hollow organs, communicating with the environment (for example, the upper respiratory tract, intestines), and the human skin .... more

Dyspepsia - a violation of digestion. Depending on the cause of digestive disorders, dyspepsia is caused due to a violation of the function of one of the digestive system and insufficient production of those ... more

DISPERSE IN CHILDREN is a digestive disorder that occurs as a result of a mismatch in the volume or composition of food in the physiological possibilities of the child's gastrointestinal tract. It is usually observed in children of the first year of life .... more

DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR CONTAINING WITH SYNDROME (DIC-SYNDROME) is caused by intensive intake into the bloodstream of substances that cause intravascular coagulation of the crope. It develops in all types of shock, extensive injuries (prolonged squeezing syndrome, etc.), ... more

DISSIMULATION - the tendency for some types of mental disorders to hide or diminish the manifestations of their illness (for delusional reasons or for fear of recognizing them as "crazy"). In connection with ... more

DISFAGIA - a disorder of swallowing due to a violation of the passage of food through the esophagus from the pharynx to the stomach. Patients at the same time complain about the feeling of "stuck" food on the way down, often painful. The reason can be: ... more

DYSFORIA - a depressed mood with a touch of gloominess, melancholy, grim discontent with spiteful irritability; Is characteristic of patients with epilepsy, often preceding an epileptic fit, as well as patients ... more

Diphyllobothriasis are helminthoses from the group of cestodoses, the causative agents of which are tapeworms belonging to the genus Di-phyllobothrium. In Russia they occur in the basins of northern rivers and large reservoirs. Foci ... more

Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease with an airborne droplet transmission mechanism; Characterized by fibrinous inflammation in the oropharynx, respiratory tract, less often in other organs, toxic damage ... more

DURATION OF SYNDROME SURGERY (syn: prolonged crush syndrome, crash syndrome) develops as a result of prolonged crushing of the limbs (often lower ones) with earth, heavy objects, debris. It occurs in the affected ... more