Directory of Diseases (letter K)


Candidaosis - a fungal disease of the skin, mucous membranes, nails and internal organs, caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Its development is promoted by hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, violation of carbohydrate ... more

KARBUNKUL - acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of several hair follicles and sebaceous glands with extensive necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Carbuncle can form as a result of spreading ... more

Cardiosclerosis is a partial replacement of myocardial tissue with a connective tissue. Occurs in the areas of death of myocardial fibers in the outcome of myocarditis, severe myocardial dystrophy, in the necrosis zone with myocardial infarction .... more

CARDIOSPASM (syn: achalasia cardia) - absence of reflex relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter during swallowing, accompanied by partial obstruction of food and expansion of the overlying esophagus .... more

KARIES ZUBOV is a pathological process manifested by demineralization and subsequent destruction of hard tooth tissues with the formation of a cavity defect. Demineralization of enamel occurs as a result of action on it ... more

CASTRATION is a condition that arises from the complete and irreversible cessation of the function of the sexual glands. May occur as a result of trauma or infection, accompanied by complete destruction of the tissue of the sexual glands. In a number of ... more

Cataract is an eye disease characterized by clouding of the lens. Congenital cataracts can be hereditary or occur during the intrauterine period as a result of exposure to the fetus of various infectious ... more

CATHATONIA (syn: catatonic syndrome) manifests itself in the following states: 1) catatonic stupor - complete indifference and inhibition, the patient for months or years lies in the "embryo position" (danger ... more

CAUSALGIA is an intense burning pain in the innervation zone of a partially damaged peripheral nerve containing a large number of sympathetic vegetative fibers. Develops in 3 - 5% of cases of partial damage ... more

KAHEXSIYA - the extreme degree of exhaustion of the body, characterized by a sharp thinning, general weakness, a decrease in the activity of physiological processes, changes in the psyche. The causes of cachexia may be fasting or ... more

Cough - an arbitrary or involuntary (reflex) jerky like forced exhalation. The physiological role of the cough is to cleanse the respiratory tract from secretion and from substances that have got into them from the outside. As ... more

KERATITI - inflammation of the cornea, accompanied by its clouding and decreased vision. In the etiology of keratitis, infection is most important, the pathogens of which penetrate into the corneal tissue endogenously or exogenously ... more

KISTA - a pathological cavity in organs and tissues, having a wall and contents. The size of such cavities, the structure of their walls and the nature of the contents vary depending on the origin of the cysts, their prescription ... more

KIFOS - curvature of the spine, inverted posterior bulge. Normally, adults have physiological thoracic and sacral kyphosis, the children of the first months of life have a total curvature of the spine ... more

Intestinal Yersinosis - see Yersiniosis

CLIMACTERIC PERIOD (syn: climax) in women is caused by functional changes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary system and is expressed in the gradual cessation of menstruation with the subsequent almost complete extinction of the hormonal ... more

Koklyush is an acute infectious disease characterized by a paroxysmal spasmodic cough. The causative agent is Gram-negative bacillus Bordetella pertussis. Causative agent of pertussis ... more

COCSITE - inflammation of the hip joint. Depending on the etymology, the nonspecific (acute purulent) and specific (more often tubercular, less often brucellosis, syphilitic, etc.) coke are distinguished. Sharp ... more

Colic is a sudden attack of sharp cramping pains arising from diseases of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, caused by a prolonged convulsive spasm of the muscles of these organs. Distinguish ... more

KOLIT - a disease characterized by inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the colon. The cause of colitis can be infection (bacterial, viral, fungal), allergy, moon therapy, reception ... more

COLLAPS - acute vascular insufficiency, characterized by a sharp decrease in blood pressure due to a fall in vascular tone, a decrease in cardiac output, or as a result of an acute decrease in the volume of circulating blood .... more

COLPHIT (syn: vaginitis) - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. The most common gynecological disease. There are nonspecific colpites, caused by microorganisms, vegetating in the vagina (intestinal ... more

KOMA is a state of deep depression of the central nervous system, characterized by a loss of consciousness and reactions to external stimuli, a disturbance in the regulation of vital body functions. Is formidable ... read more

CONTAGIOUS MOLLYUSK (syn: infectious molluscum) is a viral contagious skin disease. Infection occurs by direct contact with the patient or through infected items of common use (towels, sponges, toys) .... more

CONTRACT - limiting the normal amplitude of movements in the joint. Reduction of mobility is usually due to shortening of extraarticular soft tissues as a result of damage or disease. Congenital contractures ... more

DYUPYUTREN CONTRACT - degeneration of the palmar aponeurosis in the fibrous tissue with the formation of the contracture of the fingers. Etiology is not clear. Hereditary inferiority of connective tissue, single and chronic ...

CONTRACEPTION - protection from conception. It is used as a means of family planning, and is also indicated in cases where the prognosis of a possible pregnancy is unfavorable for a woman or a future child .... more

CONFUSION - see Amnesia

KONYUNKTIVITI - inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva) of the eye. It is one of the most common eye diseases. This is due to the high reactivity of the conjunctiva, which reacts easily to various ... more


ROAD is an acute infectious disease of the viral etiology with an airborne droplet transmission mechanism, characterized by fever, catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract ... more

BARREL - a complex combined deformity of the foot, in which the foot is tucked in, is in the plantar flexion position, the forefoot of the foot is shown and the support is carried to its outer edge. Leather ... more

KRAPIVNITSA - a disease characterized by a rapid appearance on the skin more or less common itchy rashes, usually blisters. Quite often combined with allergic edema Quincke. Hives most ... more

RED SYSTEM WOLF SYSTEM (SLE) is a disease related to diffuse connective tissue diseases, which were previously called collagen diseases, or collagenoses. The provoking factors are infections, insolation, vaccination, ... more

RED PLANE Lisha is a skin disease characterized by itchy nodular (papular) eruptions, damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth and external genital organs, and nails. Most often sick adults. Etiology ... more

KRASNUKHA - acute disease characterized by a small spotted rash, hyperplasia of the occipital and lateral cervical lymph nodes, moderate general intoxication, hematological reaction. The causative agent is a virus, ... more

CRASH-SYNDROME - see Prolonged Squeezing Syndrome

CURVISH - neck deformation, in which the leading symptom is the wrong position of the head (tilt it in one direction with the turn of the face in the other direction and up). Can be congenital (shortening ... more

CRYPTORCHISM is an anomaly of intrauterine development, in which, at the time of the birth of the fetus, one or both testicles do not descend from the retroperitoneal space through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. Distinguish true cryptorchidism ... more

External bleeding is the flow of blood from blood vessels when the integrity or permeability of their walls directly to the surface of the body is disturbed. By origin, bleeding is divided into traumatic (mechanical damage ... more

BLEEDING IN GENUS. At physiological births, the blood loss in the consecutive and early postpartum period does not exceed 0.5% of the body weight (physiological blood loss). The blood loss, corresponding to 0.6% of body weight and more, ... more

Croup - acute laryngotracheitis, leading to a narrowing of the lumen (stenosis) of the larynx; Characterized by the appearance of a hoarse or hoarse voice, a rough "barking" cough and difficulty breathing. It is observed mainly in ... more

CU-FEVER - an infectious disease characterized by polymorphic clinical picture, frequent lung damage. Cases of illness are recorded in rural areas. The causative agent of Ku fever is the rickettsia of Burnet. In ... read more

SMOKING is one of the forms of substance abuse that has a negative impact on the health of the smoker and the surrounding people ("passive smoking"). As you become accustomed to smoking, the stimulating effect of nicotine on ... more

CHICKEN BLIND - see Hemeralopia