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LEISHMANIASIS skin - transmissible protozoal disease with limited skin lesions, ulceration and subsequent scarring. There are later ulcerate leishmaniasis (ashhabadka, yearling) and early ulcerated skin leishmaniasis (pendinskaya ulcer).

Pathogen - Leishmania tropic.

In late ulcerate leishmaniasis source of infectious agents - people. Carriers - mosquitoes. It is found in cities. Susceptibility general. After undergoing the disease develops lifelong immunity. When pendinskoy ulcer infection source - rodents, vectors - mosquitoes. Logged only in rural areas. Susceptibility general, possible outbreaks. Seasonality summer and autumn. A common disease in Asia and Africa. In the CIS countries - the centers in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

The clinical picture. Early ulcerate type of cutaneous leishmaniasis (rural type) has a short incubation period (2 - 4 weeks). At the site of the bite of a mosquito in the skin appear bright red bump testovatoy consistencies, painful on palpation. After 1 - 2 months mound breaks, forming a deep ulcer with podrytymi edges and uneven bottom, covered with necrotic masses. The ulcer is increased to several centimeters in diameter. After 2 - 3 months of starting its scarring; rumen bottom, so that remains a deep scar uneven. Lesions occur in the open areas of the body. Late ulcerated type (urban) has a long incubation period (from 3 months to 3 years or more) and is characterized by the slow development of lesions (an average of 1 year, which was the basis "yearling" names). Ulcer and scar respectively in urban shallow type.

Diagnosis. Recognition of cutaneous leishmaniasis contribute to epidemiological data, the characteristic clinical manifestations, and to find pathogens in the lesions of the skin.

Treatment. When pendinskoy ulcer effective monomitsin who appoint 0.25 g orally 4-6 times a day or intramuscularly for 2 weeks 250 000 IU 3 times a day. Applied delagil (adults 0.25 g of 2 times daily by mouth, for children according to the age of 0,125 g of i-2 times a day) for 3-4 weeks, as well as 5% solution solyusurmina 5-10 ml per day (in the course of 20 infusions). Trichopolum used in a dose of 0.25 g of 2 times a day for 5-10 days. For the destruction of tubercles using cryotherapy, diathermocoagulation. In ulcerative lesions apply "Oksikort" ointment, "lokakortena" with neomycin or vioformom, 2% mercury ointment, 5% sulfa ointment, compresses with 0.5-1% solution of silver nitrate.

Prevention. Carry out the control of rodents treated with breeding places of mosquitoes. Personal prevention consists of using the cream "Geologist", clove oil and other repellents, in endemic areas of the canopy beds are soaked in Lysol or turpentine. Use active immunization by vaccination cultures of the pathogen.