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Alopecia (syn .: hair loss , baldness) - diffuse (widespread) or limited hair loss.

There are innate, alopecia, premature, or presenile, alopecia and symptomatic. Congenital alopecia - congenital absence of hair or thinning them. Sometimes it is combined with nail changes, teeth and skin. It occurs rarely and may carry the family character.

Alopecia areata - a complete loss of hair on the sharply limited areas of the skin, usually in the area of the scalp, beard, mustache, at least on the eyelashes and eyebrows, in the armpits. It is noted mainly in young and middle-aged persons. It may be due to past infectious diseases, endocrine and neuro-psychiatric disorders, exposure to X-rays, etc. Lots of baldness are round or oval in shape, different values, their number ranges from 1 to 3 -. 5 or more. Merging, balding areas often form large lesions with irregular contours. The skin in the foci of alopecia areata is shiny, smooth. At the beginning of the disease are seen opening the mouths of hair follicles, and later they are smoothed out. In the early stages of the disease hair, next to the border of alopecia, can be easily removed. The disease duration from 2 months to 1.5 -2 years or more. Varieties of alopecia areata are malignant, or total, alopecia, in which hair falls out completely, and marginal alopecia, in which hair loss occurs at the edge of the scalp (usually symmetrical in the neck); During these types of alopecia long.

Premature, or presenile alopecia - loss of hair on the head in men, usually young and middle age, often occurring on the background of seborrhea and the associated features of hereditary hair growth and development. Hair loss usually begins with the frontal or parietal region gradually progresses. In different terms (usually a few years) comes complete baldness , or hair are only at the edges of the scalp. On the ground, the skin becomes shiny baldness, thinning. In women, premature alopecia, normally expressed only more or less thinning hair.

Symptomatic alopecia develops as a result of various pathological processes, such as syphilis, lupus erythematosus, lupus, and as a result of fungal infection of hair (mikrosporiya, trihofitia, crusted ringworm, etc..) And is temporary or permanent, depending on the changes in the skin caused by the underlying disease .

Treatment. In alopecia areata used corticosteroids, drugs that improve the microcirculation (komplamin et al.), Vasodilators (eg, no-spa, nikoshpan), vitamins, sedatives, and others. Externally prescribed ointments with corticosteroids, such as prednisolone ointment Oksikort, used as ultraviolet irradiation in combination with a photosensitizing medication (psoralen, etc.), reflex sympathetic physiotherapy on the neck nodes. When premature alopecia in the scalp rubbing irritants, such as an alcoholic solution of salicylic acid, a massage is carried out, ultraviolet irradiation, prescribe vitamins. When symptomatic alopecia treatment is directed at the underlying disease.

The prognosis depends on the form of alopecia. In congenital and in some cases to achieve hair growth can not at total alopecia. When premature alopecia can stop the progression of the process.