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Myositis - inflammation of muscles of different etiology, manifested by pain in the muscles and muscle weakness. There are acute, subacute and chronic myositis, as well as a limited (local) and diffuse (generalized). The cause of myositis may be acute and chronic suppurative processes, chronic infectious diseases, viral diseases, autoimmune processes, parasitic infections.

Acute suppurative myositis occur more frequently as a complication of chronic purulent processes (eg, osteomyelitis). Thus develop necrotic and purulent processes in the muscle. Clinically observed local pain, aggravated by movement and muscle palpation. The affected muscles are swollen, their power is reduced. Often there are chills, fever, leukocytosis .

Contagious purulent myositis occurs in tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis, and viral infections - influenza, enterovirus diseases. It is manifested by severe pain, and general muscle weakness.

Myositis often develops in autoimmune diseases, and for some of them is the main manifestation of the disease (polymyositis, dermatopolymyositis). Polymyositis belongs to the most severe forms of myositis. It is characterized by pain in the muscles and progressive weakness. Muscle atrophy, accompanied by the disappearance of tendon reflexes are observed only in very severe disease. Polymyositis may be accompanied (especially in children) affecting the heart, lungs, blood vessels, skin (myocarditis, pneumonia , vasculitis).

In parasitic infections, myositis due to the development of reactive toxic-allergic changes in muscle in response to the introduction of various parasites. Often found at trichinosis, cysticercosis, echinococcosis, toxoplasmosis. In the clinical picture is dominated by pain, swelling, and muscle tension. Often marked malaise, chills, low-grade body temperature, blood - eosinophilic leukocytosis . The disease can occur in waves, due to the cyclical nature of life parasites.

Myositis ossificans - a special form of myositis, at which the deposition of calcium salts in the connective tissue. Muscle weakness and progressive muscle atrophy combined with mild severe pain. Muscles in this form of myositis are very dense to the touch, with their palpation revealed calcifications.

Diagnosis is based on clinical picture, characteristic changes in the blood, electromyography data.

Treatment includes specific impact on the main process (antibacterial agents, antiparasitic agents, and others.) And anti-inflammatory therapy. Mandatory symptomatic therapy - appointment of cardiovascular medications and painkillers. Important patient care, therapeutic exercises, proper nutrition of the patient with the introduction of a sufficient number of easily digestible protein.