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CANCER (syn .: carcinoma) - a malignant tumor that develops from epithelial tissue. Depending on the tissue from which it arises tumor distinguish squamous cell carcinoma (from squamous epithelium), adenocarcinoma (of glandular epithelial cells). In contrast to the benign epithelial tumors, growing outwards or hollow organ lumen, cancer has infiltrating (invasive) with unlimited growth of the spread to the surrounding tissue ingrowth into the lymph or blood vessels. In relation to the wall of the hollow organ growth of the tumor can be endophytic (in the thickness of the wall) and exophytic (in the body lumen). When exophytic growth formed hemispherical, mushroom or villous tumor formation. Fabric tumor often necrotic, with different forms of ulcer (eg, gastric cancer saucer).

The spread of tumor cells through the lymphatic and blood vessels leading to the emergence of secondary foci of tumor - metastasis to regional lymph nodes or distant organs.

The clinical picture of various organs cancer is diverse and does not fit into a single scheme. In addition to signs of dysfunction of the affected organ, there may be symptoms of intoxication caused by the decomposition products of the tumor and the action of specific substances released by the tumor. For cancer signs include unexplained by other causes weight loss, deterioration or change in appetite, weakness, appearance of cough, a violation of the chair, the appearance of pain in the chest, abdomen, fluctuations in body temperature, anemia, belching , blood in stool, urine, sputum (especially when they occur against the background of previous chronic diseases). Such patients should be referred to a doctor for a thorough differential diagnosis, especially with an increase in symptoms, despite treatment.

It should seek to identify precancerous diseases and early stages of cancer, which guarantees a high percentage of izlechivaemosti. Preclinical forms of cancer can be detected on prophylactic examinations, as well as by self-learning techniques (eg, breast) and improve health literacy. The leading role in the diagnosis • occupy radiological and endoscopic methods. To clarify the diagnosis and selection of the appropriate type of treatment is necessary morphological study of the material of the tumor , which is obtained by biopsy. Accessory value in diagnosis can have laboratory (biochemical, immunologic, hematologic) methods. . See. Also tumors .