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Rhinitis (syn .: runny nose) - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Acute rhinitis can be an independent disease (predisposing factor is mainly hypothermia), or a symptom of acute infectious diseases (influenza, measles, diphtheria, and others.). Acute rhinitis is always two-way. First, there is a slight malaise, a feeling of dryness in the nose and throat, itchy nose. Nasal breathing is difficult, there are sneezing, tearing, decreased sense of smell, changes tone of voice, there are abundant liquid discharge from the nose. Subsequently, the discharge becomes mucopurulent, in violation of the integrity of the small blood vessels - bloody. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa may also apply to other respiratory tract as well as the paranasal sinuses, nasolacrimal duct, auditory tube, the tympanic cavity. When rhinoscopy marked redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

With increased body temperature is shown to bed. The good effect is warm to the feet (mustard foot baths), diaphoretic, ultraviolet irradiation in erythema doses plantar foot surface. Topically to eliminate edema of the nasal mucosa administered vasoconstrictors (0.1% Naphazoline solution, 0.1% solution galazolin et al.), Which after instillation administered peach oil or vaseline. You can assign inhalation aerosol antibiotics. At congenial 12-14 days nasal congestion disappears, the smell is reduced.

Acute rhinitis in infants always occurs as an acute nasopharyngitis. Often, the process extends to the mucosa of the larynx, trachea, bronchus; possible pneumonia . the child's nose is stuffed up so that he could not breathe and suckle. Often there are vomiting , diarrhea and flatulence . The child becomes restless, lose weight, sleep is disturbed, the body temperature is often increased.

Assign each half instillation in nose epinephrine solution 1: 10000 4 drops before feeding, followed by a 1% solution protargola 4 drops of 2 times a day. Preparations with menthol and cocaine for children up to 3 years not prescribed.

Chronic catarrhal (simple) rhinitis develops with prolonged or repeated acute rhinitis, prolonged exposure to a variety of stimuli (chemical, thermal, mechanical), irritation of the nasal mucosa purulent secret in diseases of the paranasal sinuses, prolonged frustration of blood circulation in the nasal mucosa (heart disease, myocarditis, nephritis, pulmonary emphysema, bronchiectasis , endocrine diseases). There have been periodic nasal congestion and profuse discharge from it. Patients indicate that the left half of the nose is laid down in a prone position on the left side, the right - on the right, nasal breathing is difficult in the supine position (explained by the tide, and a stagnation of blood in the lower part of the nose). Overall condition is usually not affected. Complete disappearance of the nasal mucosa swelling after instillation of 2 - 3% solution of cocaine with adrenaline or 2 - 3% solution of ephedrine indicates chronic (simple) rhinitis. With the purpose of treatment is prescribed nasal drops (Sanorin, galazolin et al.). Applied also means having an astringent or cauterizing action: 2 - 3% solution of colloid silver or protargola, lubricate the nasal mucosa 2 - 5% solution of silver nitrate. With the ineffectiveness of this treatment, the doctor may carry out moxibustion inferior turbinates with trichloroacetic or chromic acid, or spend a shallow galvanokaustiku.

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis - a consequence of chronic catarrhal (simple) rhinitis. Usually it develops as a result of prolonged exposure to adverse environmental factors. The cause of diseases are often chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or adenoids . Characterized by the growth of connective tissues, mostly in the front and rear ends of the lower and middle turbinates. There have been persistent nasal discharge and laying, heaviness in the head and a headache , decreased sense of smell.

Treatment is carried out by the doctor. In moderate hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate sear TCA or chromic acid. In the absence of effective recourse to galvanokaustike. Very exaggerated portions of the mucous membrane are removed with scissors or a loop.

. Chronic atrophic rhinitis can be caused by adverse climatic conditions, occupational hazards, often repeated coryza, infectious diseases, and others observed the feeling of dryness in the nose, shortness of blowing the nose, decreased sense of smell; frequent nosebleeds. Rinoskopicheski defined wide nasal cavity due to atrophy mainly inferior turbinates, accumulation of thick secretion, which places zasyhaya forms a crust.

Treatment is symptomatic. The thick mucus and crust liquefied alkaline solution. Applied also alkaline oil inhalation (through the nose).

Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis are characterized by sudden attacks of nasal congestion, profuse watery mucous discharge, sneezing. Vasomotor rhinitis is observed mainly in patients with autonomic disorders common. The slightest irritation of the nerve endings of the nasal cavity or remote reflex zones (cooling, etc. pungent smell.) Leads to a violent reaction of the nasal mucosa. Allergic rhinitis is treated as a local anaphylactic reaction to any allergen. In the form of seasonal rhinitis such stimulus can be the pollen grains (hay fever). With year-round form of stimuli are the so-called household allergens (cosmetics, household dust, hair and pet dander, etc.). These forms of rhinitis called rinopatiyami, because when they are usually no inflammatory changes. Diagnosis is based on history, laboratory data and rhinoscopy. When rhinoscopy define a sharp swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal turbinates, which, unlike the banal inflammation has a pale bluish color. At an allergy to discover a lot of mucus eosinophils, frequent edematous polyps. Skin tests with allergens in allergic rhinitis are often positive.

When vasomotor rhinitis focuses on hardening of the body. Locally applied intranasal novocaine blockade, if necessary - galvanokaustiku lower shells. When allergic rhinitis is carried out specific desensitization. If the allergen is not detected, the prescribed calcium supplements, antihistamines (diphenhydramine, pipolfen, Promethazine, suprastin, pernovin et al.). Locally applied Hydrocortisone by injection into the inferior turbinate. With the success of using cryotherapy and ultrasound impact on the inferior turbinate.