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Chorea - hyperkinetic form; It characterized by involuntary, rapid, irregular movements, arising in various muscle groups. The term "chorea" is used to refer to both independent diseases in which the leading choreic hyperkinesia manifestation (e.g., chorea, Huntington's chorea), and a number of syndromes emerging in various diseases.

Trochaic hyperkinesis character may be a manifestation of many pathological conditions and diseases: focal cerebral circulatory disorders in the basal ganglia, viral encephalitis, lupus erythematosus, polycythemia; may occur in cases of poisoning by carbon monoxide, manganese, carbon disulfide, when taking certain drugs - amphetamine, levodopa derivatives chlorpromazine. Any external stimuli, emotional arousal increase the severity of trochaic hyperkinesis, it decreases at rest during sleep disappears. In marked hyperkinesis become impossible eating, walking, stay in a standing position, and others. The involuntary movements, usually develop on the background of muscular hypotonia.

Low (or rheumatic) chorea - acute toxic-infectious disease caused by rheumatic process. Arises in childhood or young age develops gradually. The child becomes awkward, changes his handwriting, appear restlessness, generalized anxiety, blurred speech, restless sleep. Against this background, visible involuntary movements with a sufficiently large amplitude and a certain lack of expediency, there is grimacing. In the advanced stage of the disease are observed chaotic spreading arms and legs, head twitching, grimacing amplified appear jerky body movements. The development of hyperkinesis as a rule, combined with general fatigue, irritability, emotional instability. On average, chorea occurs 2 - 4 months. Protracted and erased forms sometimes extend to one year, and are prone to relapse.

Chorea may develop during pregnancy in young women who have had childhood small chorea.

Huntington's chorea - a hereditary disease. Its first symptoms appear between the ages of 25 - 50 years, at least in children. Men suffer more than women. The main symptoms of the disease are the chorea hyperkinesis and gradually increasing dementia . Hyperkinetic syndrome manifested by involuntary grimacing, enhanced gestures, intention tremor, staggering when walking. During a call, there are grimaces, sighs and smacking lips, tongue, sniff, impeding speech. Each step is accompanied by additional movements in the form of waving hands priplyasyvaniya, squats, nodding his head, and others. The severity and prevalence of hyperkinetic over time increases. Mental Disorders first expressed in hyperexcitability, impairment of memory, attention, and only later developing dementia .

According to clinical manifestations of Huntington's chorea close the so-called senile chorea, in which the trochaic hyperkinesis develops in old age and is accompanied by a progressive dementia.

If you suspect a patient's chorea should be sent for consultation to a neurologist. The most effective treatment for trochaic hyperkinesis is the administration of drugs that reduce the activity of the dopaminergic systems of the brain, - haloperidol, phenothiazine derivatives, reserpine, and others.